The Elusive Earl

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The Elusive Earl Page 22

by Eva Andrews

  “What are you doing, let me read it!” Standing up again, she went for the letter only to have her hand blocked.

  “No. I love you too much to let you read that, please trust me Vieve. Time is of the essence now, I need you to promise me a few things before I leave.”

  Crossing her arms “Let me read it Luke, now!”

  “Absolutely not.” His voice left little doubt he would change his mind.

  “Then tell me what it says at least!” She damn near screamed.

  Sighing, he closed his eyes and admitted, “You were to be kidnapped last night, from your bed. Instead of you, they took someone else.”

  “Who, who did they take Luke?” Her throat was closing, her heart was pounding so loudly it was the only thing she could hear. In her heart, she already knew the answer.

  “Michael, they took your little brother Vieve.”

  “No, no, no, no…Luke, tell me this is a joke, please…” she begged, waving her hand in front of her face, she tried to get air.

  Taking her face into his hands, he looked her dead in the eyes, “Breathe Vieve, breathe love, just focus on me, in and out, don’t you shut down on me now old girl, I need you!”

  Grabbing his wrists, she looked into his blue eyes and focused on her pounding heart and breathing, willing herself to calm down. Luke needed her, she wouldn’t, couldn’t fail him.

  “I will get him back Vieve, I promise on my life that I will return Michael to you safe and sound. Please kitten, just calm down, I can’t focus if I’m worried about you.”

  Wrapped in his strong arms, she felt herself regain control of her heartbeat and breathing, leaning her forehead against his. She forced herself to bring her rambling emotions under control so she could help.

  “I need you to take me to Michael’s room, I need to look for any clue possible, also, we need to let your parents know without raising alarm, I want as few people to know about this as possible, okay?”

  Nodding in agreement, she took his hand and led him out of her bedroom door and down the dark corridor, his door was still ajar, “This is his room,” she whispered in the dark.

  Luke nodded and held out a hand preventing her from entering the room, “Please stay here until I say it is safe to come in.” Walking into Michael’s room he disappeared from view for several minutes before she heard his voice.

  From inside the room, she heard him quietly bid her entrance, “You can come in Vieve.”

  Quietly slipping into her brother’s room, she saw the room was askew, the bed covers were half way across the room, and the window was still ajar. Covering her mouth with her hand, she scanned the room in search of anything that might help Luke recover her little brother.

  “He put up a fight, it looks like they took him out the window, there is nothing here that will help me. We need to wake your parents sweetheart, we need to let them know,” holding out his hand.

  Taking his hand, she squeezed as she asked, “Is he okay? They won’t harm him, will they? I should have been here; I should have been the one they took. Poor Michael, I’ll never forgive myself if anything happens to him Luke, never.”

  “He has a far better chance than you Vieve, he’s a small boy who is a pawn in their game. I seriously doubt they’ll harm him; they need him in order to secure their safety. Now you, I don’t think they’d be as easy on. Since you are to be my wife, what better way to harm me than though you?”

  “Get him back Luke, whatever it takes, bring him home.” She requested, reaching up to rub a falling tear off her cheek, pulling him down the hall she marched towards her parents’ room.

  Stopping in the middle of the hallway, she felt Luke pull her into a hug and promise, “I would give my life for you Vieve, and I’ll protect you and your family until my dying day. I will get Michael back, I promise you. I can also imagine, your little brother is tougher than you think. Yes, he’s only ten, however, I think given a choice, he would have taken your place a million times over in order to protect you. He’s a rascal, they’ll have their hands full. To him, he’ll look back at this as a daring adventure, a story he’ll tell proudly at Eton, trust me.”

  “I cannot live without you Luke, if you die, so do I. Please remember that, I want both you, and Michael alive,” tipping her head in the direction of a door down the end of the corridor, she took his hand and led him to her parent’s bedchamber door.

  Knocking on Genevieve’s parents’ door, Luke followed with, “Phillip and Selina, we need to talk to you right away,” in a bold smooth voice that demanded attention.

  Within moments, the door flew open and her father stepped out into the hallway, clearly concerned. Already dressed for the day, he saw both Genevieve and Luke, and looked back and forth between them, “What is wrong? What happened?”

  Lady Selina emerged from behind her husband, already dressed in a beautiful yellow day dress; she waited for Luke to speak.

  “We need to go somewhere private, now.” Luke suggested quickly.

  Nodding, “To my library,” Phillip ordered. The four of them walked quickly to the library until all were safely behind the closed door. The look her mother gave her told her she could see right through her.

  Looking at Luke the moment the door closed, her mother demanded, “Tell me what is going on Luke!”

  “Last night, someone broke into your house to kidnap Genevieve. She was with me at my house safe from their clutches. However, in her place, they took Michael. They left this letter on Genevieve’s bed, which I did not let her read.” Handing the letter directly to her father.

  “Oh my God, Michael!” Selina put her hand over her heart and watched her husband read the letter that was left in Genevieve’s room.

  Quickly reading through the letter, Phillip’s face turned bright red. Slamming his fist on his wood desk, “They will die, no one comes into my home and touches my family!”

  Tears began to pour from Selina’s face; Genevieve rubbed her mother’s back and watched her father. She had never seen him so angry.

  “Aye, they will die Phillip, I guarantee that. I will get Michael back; I think they took him as a safety net. The missive regarding the shipment is due in town within the next few days; they must know that I’m aware of that. They were probably hoping to use Genevieve as ransom in the event I overtook the shipment, leaving them without the stolen war treasure.”

  Selina questioned, “What will they do with Michael?”

  “Ransom him back to us for the shipment that is all they really care about. They won’t hurt a child, as long as they get their treasure, and we will let them, for a little bit.” Luke replied, the hate was apparent in his tone.

  They hurt him by hurting her and her family, Michael would someday be his brother too, and he loved the little scamp. He had always wanted a little brother, and with Michael, he’d finally have that chance.

  Phillip let out a frustrated sigh, “What can we do? Anything I have, my money, our ships, anything you need is at your disposal, just bring my son home safe!”

  “I need you to not let anyone know of his disappearance, even to Annabelle, make up a story, but do not tell a soul. I will let Gideon and Alastair know of course, you’re safe to talk to only them about it, I trust no others. Phillip, if you’d like to join me, I’ll be going directly to them after I leave here to inform them of the development” Luke offered.

  “We will say he went to stay with his cousin George in Brighton,” her mother offered quickly. Genevieve sat and watched the discussion flow around her, her head was spinning, looking back and forth between her parents and Luke; she tried to remain calm as chaos ensued around her.

  “Of course I will go with you, anything I can do to help son,” standing up from behind his desk, her father walked over and kissed her mom, “We will get him back safe love, trust Luke, Michael will return to your arms once again.”

  Luke walked up beside Genevieve’s side and whispered into her ear, “Genevieve, you are to not leave this house unless it is with
your father, myself, Alastair or Gideon, understood?” He gently demanded.

  Nodding to him was the best she could do, biting her lip so she wouldn’t burst into hysterics.

  “I love you Genevieve Elizabeth, I love you more than anything I’ve ever known. I will move a mountain for you, I would walk to the ends of this world for you, I will conquer our foes, I will bring him back, and I will marry you. Stay inside, I’ll be back this afternoon, I promise.” Kissing her temple, he joined her father as they strode out of the library with intense purpose.

  Genevieve watched as they disappeared out of the library door before she completely fell apart. Cradling her head with her hands she doubled over and began sobbing.

  “Shhhh, my child, all will be well sweeting,” her mother whispered as she slid next to her and rubbed her back.

  Through choked sobs, Genevieve asked, “How can you be so calm? Michael is gone!”

  “Look at me Genevieve,” she requested gently, waiting until Genevieve had lifted her head, she locked eyes with her and took her hands, “I have faith my love, I have courage, and I have trust.”

  Raising a hand to dry a rolling tear off Genevieve’s face, she further explained, “I have faith in God Genevieve, I have courage to brave out the darkest days in the hope that there will be a brighter tomorrow, and I trust, without a shadow of a doubt that your future husband will return my son to me, alive.”

  “I am so sorry I wasn’t here, it should have been me they took.” She confessed.

  Smiling, “He’s a child Vieve, they won’t harm him. You, however would have been an entirely different story, they very well could have been planning to murder you in order to hurt Luke or worse. Michael will be fine, I just know it, a mother knows these things child, one day, you’ll understand. We’ll never hear the end of his stories after he gets home, mark my words sweeting.”

  Selina stood, and beckoned her to rise as well, “Now my dear, go take a nice hot bath, change and I’ll go see that your sister believes Michael left for cousin George’s this morning at first light. When your hungry come down, I’ll have cook prepare you something, off with you now,” smiling, she gently nudged Genevieve in the direction of the door.

  Walking towards the door, Genevieve looked over her shoulder, “I love you mother. I hope someday I’m half the mother you are. You’ll make a wonderful grandmother someday,” blowing her beautiful mother a kiss; she exited the door quietly shutting it behind her.

  Rubbing her face she walked up the stairs back to her empty room, her maid had already laid out a fresh dress and drawn a steamy bath, the scent of rose floated through the room as she started to undress. Reaching behind her, she plucked at her laces as she wiggled out of her gown; tossing it aside she sunk into the bubbly bath with an appreciative sigh.

  Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back against the rim of the copper tub and pondered Luke’s next move. Hearing a quiet knock she answered, “Yes?”

  Hearing a swishing of skirts, she opened her eyes as a distinct perfume ensnared her senses; opening her eyes she looked up at the woman that was at the whorehouse in Ireland, Lady Jade.

  Crossing into the room, Jade smiled at her as she sat defenseless in the tub.

  “Ah, my dear Genevieve, we finally meet,” sitting down beside the tub, she arranged her skirts like she was an invited guest and raked her eyes over Genevieve’s naked skin.

  “What are you doing here?” She demanded, trying to remain in control of her torrid emotions.

  Taking off her gloves, and checking her reflection in Genevieve’s mirror, she answered her sweetly, “He’s losing his touch. He really should have searched your room before he left. I’ve been hiding here all night.” Puckering her lips she blew herself a kiss in the mirror and refocused her attention on her.

  Choosing to remain silent, she waited for the redhead to continue talking.

  “You my dear, are much harder to get a hold of than I originally anticipated, I won’t underestimate you again,” Jade said as she pointed her finger at her.

  “Where is my brother?” She asked, hoping to get some shred of hope he was still alive.

  Clapping her hands in delight, a wicked smile crept upon her lips, “Oh little Michael, such a handful he was! We have him tucked away somewhere, you’ll never find him unless you come with me, I’ll release him in exchange for you,” pointing at her, “You my dear are much more powerful bait, and leverage if need be.”

  Testing Jades boundaries, Genevieve countered, “and if I don’t go with you?”

  Leaning down towards the tub, Jade swirled her hand in the warm water and all the light went out of her eyes, “I’ll send you his head in a parcel within the hour.”

  Closing her eyes, praying Luke would understand she had no choice, “I’ll get dressed.”

  Once again, clapping her hands, “See my dear, that wasn’t so hard now was it? You have five minutes to get dressed Genevieve, I suggest you hurry up.”

  It was obvious that Jade wasn’t going to leave the room, or give her any privacy. Standing up from the bath without shame; she snatched the towel and quickly dried off her body as the whore watched her.

  Jade’s eyes never left her body; Genevieve felt a sense of nausea starting to rise, her emotions were getting the best of her. Quickly focusing on her brother’s safety, she pulled a dark purple gown out of her closet and dressed herself in seconds. Quickly pinning her hair in a crown, she nodded to Jade once she was finished.

  “Out the backdoor, talk to no one, walk through the gardens and take a left down the alley. If you fight at all, if you indicate to anyone, I will murder your brother in front of you, and make Luke watch.”

  Choosing to forgo talking to the vile woman, she nodded and exited her bedroom and walked in the exact direction she was requested, she refused to gamble with Michael’s life. Still early in the morning, the back of the house was deserted, they didn’t pass a soul as they cleared the garden exit and turned left into the damp back alley.

  Once in the street, Jade linked arms with Genevieve to ensure she didn’t run, “There is a carriage waiting for us up ahead darling, you’ll be reunited with your charming brother soon enough dear.”

  Genevieve’s senses screamed the moment Jade touched her arm, refusing to allow to show her symptoms, she bit the inside of her cheek and prayed to God. She had no weapon; she had no way to communicate to anyone where she went.

  Remembering her mother’s worlds earlier, Faith, Courage, Trust, she straightened her shoulders back and focused on saving Michael first, and herself next. She had faith in Luke, she had the courage to survive this, and she trusted, that without a doubt, Luke would save her.

  Hours later, Luke returned to the St. George house with Genevieve’s father, walking in Luke inquired about his fiancée almost immediately, “How is Vieve?” He asked her mother who sat with Annabelle in the morning room.

  Smiling at him sweetly, “Poor thing never came down after her bath, I’m sure she’s sleeping dear, I was just about to check on her myself.”

  Raising a hand to prevent her from rising, “Sit, I’ll go check on her, I have a few things to tell her,” nodding to the ladies, he exited the brightly lit room, and proceeded up the staircase.

  Forgoing a knock, Luke entered the room without a sound, quickly shutting the door behind him. If she was sleeping, he didn’t want to wake her. Walking over to her bed, it was clear no one had slept in it recently, spinning around the room he saw no sign of his future bride.

  Panic ripped through him as he remembered she had planned to take a bath, had she fallen asleep and drowned? Running into her bath chamber, he forced himself to look at the tub, quickly relieved to find it full of water only. After the relief dissipated, concern flooded him immediately.

  Standing perfectly still, his eyes raked over the room before him. A linger scent nagged at the back of his mind, looking around he saw a stool pulled close to the still full tub. On the floor, next to the stool laid a strand of brig
ht red coppery hair. Instantly Luke knew exactly what had happened.

  Plucking the shiny red strand up off the carpet, “Jasmine, I smell her perfume in here still. That fucking bitch, I’ll slit her throat myself!”

  A barrage of puzzle pieces began to soar through his head as he realized that Jade was indeed a double agent, or she was The Jackal? It could have been her this entire time. Was she a paid henchwoman, or was she the master? Livid that she had gotten her tainted hands on his future wife, Luke punched the wall.

  Hours, he’d been gone only hours, she couldn’t be too far away. Knowing that the Jackal needed to stay in London to receive the secret location of the shipment, his lair would be close. Praying Michael and Genevieve were together, and alive, he stormed out of her room and went in search of Genevieve’s father for the second time today.

  Rambling in the carriage during the bright morning, even with the curtain closed, she could tell their general direction. The salt air seeped into the cabin of the carriage, along with the call of the seagulls flying over the nearby wharf.

  Pulling the curtain aside to see where they where, Lady Jade spoke while she watched the passing buildings, “You didn’t seemed surprised to see me in your room, nor were you shocked into tears at being found naked and alone in your own home,” turning her head to look at her, “maybe there is something special about you after all.” Letting go of the curtain, Jade crossed her leg under her blue dress, “I have been trying to tempt Luke for years, bah, every woman at that whorehouse and London has been throwing themselves at the elusive earl, but you, with your green eyes and black hair, you captured a legend,” raising her hands to slowly clap, “and you’ll be the death of him.”

  Genevieve willed herself to keep eye contact with the viper, focusing on her breathing she refused to be baited by the whore, if she verbally fought with her, her emotions couldn’t be contained. Choosing her words carefully, “We shall see.”


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