The Elusive Earl

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The Elusive Earl Page 26

by Eva Andrews

  Taking a calming breath he barked orders, “Jasper, tell the guns to aim low on the port side, inform them of my future wife’s location please, on my order, fire.”

  Nodding and running down the deck, Jasper took off to deliver the news to the men below. Everyone of Luke’s crew members was aware of the situation, they knew this would be one of their final missions for the Crown, the entire crew sought justice for their fellow countrymen who lost their lives due to Jade and Rossdale’s treacherous activities. They also knew their captain’s fiancée was aboard the ship they were to attack; all minds were focused on her safety.

  Luke stood on the deck of his ship, with his brother and Alastair beside him, watching The Sea Witch slowly creeping towards them. Jasper would stay down with the men below and oversee the gunners, delivering Luke’s command. Luke felt his brother’s strong hand rest on his shoulder, looking over at Gideon; he saw his only brother nod that it was indeed time.

  “We will save her Luke, I give you my word brother,” Gideon offered as he squeezed his shoulder.

  Attempting to keep his emotions in check, Luke nodded to his brother as he stepped forward and ordered his crew into battle positions, calling to Jasper, “Fire when ready!” into the thin night air.

  Seconds later the familiar sound of four cannons firing below their feet echoed loudly, the men watched as all four screaming cannonballs landed in one precise location, The Sea Witch’s lower front hull. The ship lurched to the side immediately; the sound of men’s shouts aboard the ship could be heard across the water.

  Now well aware of Luke’s ship, they could hear the call to arms on The Sea Witch’s deck floating across the water.

  “Again!” Luke ordered, no mercy would be shown.

  The cadence of another four cannons lit up the night, hitting the ship feet from the first hole. His eyes never left Genevieve; the impact had jarred the ship considerably, yet she was firmly secured to the massive main mast. He watched her search for his ship on the water, as the crew aboard the ship ran into place.

  The Sea Witch had yet to fire on them, with most of their guns on the side, they could hear the crew firing their pistols toward their ship. They were still too far away for their bullets to reach them.

  The second attack on the ship had completely stopped it in the water, pulling anchor, Luke ordered his crew to bring The Interceptor deck side so they could board the ship. The deck of The Sea Witch looked like mass chaos, obviously not prepared for an attack so close to the city, the crew looked unorganized and scrambled to positions.

  Alastair prepped his guns again as he stated, “I count twenty men above deck, our numbers easily triple that.”

  When Genevieve heard the rip of cannons in the cold night air, the sound frightened her awake, instantly alert, her eyes searched the water for the cause. The impact of the cannonballs shook the ship, squinting she saw a ship broadside in the middle of the river, smiling as she read the name of the ship in the bright moonlight, she knew who owned and captained that ship.

  Looking around the deck, she searched for Jade and Rossdale to appear above deck. Surely, the sound of being fired upon would wake them from their bed. The second assault on the ship lurched the ship to the side and brought it to a slow halt in the middle of the river.

  Watching silently on the deck, she witnessed the crew unprepared for the attack, moments later, Jade appeared wrapped in a silk wrapper, the look of shock upon her face. Rossdale was right behind her, running on the deck he began to order the crew into positions, sending men to load their cannons.

  Feeling a tugging on her hands, Genevieve looked around her shoulder to see Jade cutting her loose from her bindings.

  “Hiding behind my skirts again?” Genevieve asked a newfound sense of strength surrounded her. The thought that Luke was moments away gave her courage to ruffle Jade’s feathers one last time.

  “A lady will do, what a lady has to do,” Jade snipped, aiming her gun directly at Genevieve’s head, “Come with me fair Genevieve, we have your fiancé to kill.”

  Grabbing Genevieve’s hair, Jade pulled her over to the bow of the slowly sinking ship and wrapped her arm around Genevieve’s neck pointing the gun directly at Genevieve’s temple.

  Luke had witnessed Jade and Rossdale’s appearance on the deck, he saw Jade untie Genevieve and use her like a shield. As his shipped approached, The Sea Witch still hadn’t fired a cannon on them as The Interceptor drew flush with the deck of The Sea Witch.

  With hooks and ropes, Luke’s crew tied up to The Sea Witch and boarded with well-trained precision, the four men swung over firing upon Jade’s crew with vengeance.

  Alastair and Jasper took the back half of the ship; they searched for Rossdale among the fighting masses on the deck. Gideon and Luke fought off countless men as they made their way towards Jade’s hiding spot. Covering each other they slowly drew closer to Jade. Luke’s expertly trained crew had little trouble handling The Sea Witch’s men, severely outnumbering Jade’s crew.

  Luke saw Alastair and Jasper disappear below the deck in pursuit of Rossdale.

  He turned around to see Jade standing right before him with Genevieve secured in her arms. She had one arm wrapped tightly around Genevieve’s neck while her other hand pointed a loaded pistol directly at Genevieve’s head.

  Fighting ensued around them, yet the moment he saw Genevieve’s green eyes, the world stopped. It was his first chance to see her, to really see her since Jade had kidnapped her days ago. He locked eyes with Genevieve, as Jade held a gun to her head.

  “Lower your weapon Luke, or I’ll shoot her right now!” Jade demanded, her frustration apparent in her tone. The fight on the deck was clearly not in her favor; even now her men were slowly being taken down one at a time.

  Watching him begin to lower his weapon, Genevieve yelled, “Luke, no!”

  Smiling at his beautiful fiancée, he replied, “It’ll be okay love.”

  Setting his guns down at his feet, he kicked them over to Jade, right at Genevieve’s feet.

  All around them fighting and shots ran out into the night, Jade cast her gaze over her deck, taking in her odds as she pulled Genevieve closer to her, using her as a shield.

  Watching her, Luke spoke, “There is no way out of this Jade, you can’t escape this time.”

  Clenching her jaw, Jade cocked her pistol and backed up towards the side of the sinking ship with Genevieve. “For years I’ve played you like a puppet Luke, you were a fool then, and you are a fool now. Do you really think I’ll let you defeat me now?” She barked with an icy tone.

  “I don’t think you have a choice woman, you are outnumbered, your ship is sinking and your right hand man is nowhere to be found, what is your plan now oh great one?” He asked with a sarcastic tone.

  Jade looked around the deck searching for Rossdale, Luke watched as her face changed, smiling she removed her pistol from Genevieve’s head and took aim behind Luke, farther back on the deck, pulling her trigger before he could react, Jade shot directly at his brother Gideon.

  Genevieve’s scream pierced through the battle raging around them as they watched Gideon crumble, the men he was fighting ran over to surround Jade. Luke stood stone silent as he watched his brother shot down in front of his own eyes, looking back to the Irish bitch, his jaw clenched in infernal hate.

  Genevieve was sobbing as she still looked at Gideon’s body; Jade struggled with keeping the taller woman hostage as she cried over the fallen duke.

  With guards now surrounding her, Jade’s arrogance flared after gunning down Luke’s brother, smiling wickedly at Luke, “My plan is to take everything you love away dear boy, you will learn not to toy with me.”

  Moving her gun back towards the crying Genevieve, Jade moved with confidence closer to Luke, dragging Genevieve with her. From below, the screams of a man could be heard. Recognizing Rossdale’s voice, Jade ordered the men below to find him.

  Refocusing on Luke, “We could have had it all Luke, if you would have
only switched sides, I could be sharing all these riches with you instead of Rossdale.”

  “Never. I would never dishonor my country for anything in this world Jade.”

  Shaking her head, smiling, she leaned forward and kissed Genevieve’s tearful face, “He’s so proud, isn’t he?”

  Seeing Genevieve stiffen as Jade’s lips touched the side of her face; he felt helpless.

  “Say goodbye to your love Luke, I told you I would kill everyone dear to you. I will not rest until I have murdered every single person you hold dear, one by one.”

  Standing before Jade, weaponless, on the deck of a sinking ship, he looked into Genevieve’s tearful eyes, ready to tackle the both of them. He heard something behind him, standing perfectly still he prayed he was right.

  “I love you Genevieve Elizabeth,” he vowed as he felt someone move with lighting like precision behind him.

  One shot rang out in the dead of the night. From behind him Gideon stood with a smoking pistol as the men watched Jade crumble to the deck. A single bullet wound directly between her eyes, delivered by none other than a wounded Gideon.

  Chapter 20

  “Vieve, please wake up,” the familiar voice whispered in her ear. Coming out of her fog, she flickered her eyelids open to see Luke’s handsome smiling face. Holding her in a darkened rumbling carriage, he brushed her face with his warm hand as he pulled her closer and squeezed her tight.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she buried her face into his chest; the tears couldn’t be stopped, so thankful to be back in his arms. Over the past days, she dreamt about this moment, she let the thought bring her through the darkest moments of being held captive.

  Hearing the rustling beside her, she looked up to see Gideon sitting beside them in the carriage, holding his bloody shoulder. Across from them was Jasper and Alastair; Jasper was holding a large cloth to Alastair’s shoulder.

  Immediately concerned, she sat up and eyed the injured dukes, “How bad are your wounds?” She asked with all the power of a queen. Immediately forgetting her pain, she snapped into attention at the two wounded men.

  Smiling at her question, Alastair who sat directly across from her was the first to reply, “We will live Vieve, both Gideon and I were hit in the shoulder, a few stitches and we’ll be right as rain. After what you went through, you do not need to worry about us.”

  Looking over to Gideon for assurance, she saw her best friend’s husband nod in agreement with Alastair’s assessment.

  Scowling at the unmarried duke, “Alastair, don’t lie to me. Your wound is severe if it requires Jasper to push that cloth so hard to stop the bleeding! Where are we headed first?” She looked back at Luke, clearly worried.

  “We were going to take you home first, your parents deserve to see you kitten, and we need to call a doctor for you.” Luke answered.

  “My home is with you Luke, from now on. Period. You will take us all directly to Gideon and Helena’s home, I will see to Alastair and Gideon’s injuries personally.”

  “Genevieve, you’ve been through so much, a doctor can see to our wounds,” Gideon stated, gently smiling at her.

  Shaking her head, “No, you wouldn’t have been shot if it wasn’t for me, please let me. You know my work is outstanding, please Gideon?”

  Swinging her head over to look at Alastair as tears formed in her eyes, “I know I look like hell, but I can still sew better than any doctor you boys know. Alastair, please let me help.”

  Tucking her in close, Luke made the call, “Jasper, please redirect our driver to Gideon’s home, our lovely field doctor wishes to work through the night.”

  Knocking on the roof, Jasper redirected the driver to the Montrose townhouse.

  “I swear if we find Helena waiting for us, telling us she knew we’d be arriving due to another vision it’ll be too much!” Jasper half joked as the carriage changed directions towards their new destination.

  Not understanding, Genevieve asked, “What visions?”

  Clearing his throat, Gideon answered her; “Apparently my wife has been dreaming of events, seeing them before they’ve happened. It is a recent occurrence, yet her predictions have been completely accurate lately.”

  Smiling, Genevieve rested against Luke’s chest as she replied; “I always knew she’d figure them out eventually.”

  The four men, all looked at each other before Luke questioned his future wife, “What do you mean Vieve?”

  Yawning, she explained, “Helena has always seen things, she just couldn’t decipher the meanings, or see through the fog. They used to come to her in nightmares, something must have changed for her, it sounds like she’s finally able to focus her visions, as she calls it.”

  Gideon smiled as he leaned his head back against the rumbling carriage, “It appears carrying my child has honed her skills, interesting.” Arriving back at Gideon and Helena’s home, they were pleased to find Helena wasn’t waiting for them at the door.

  She was in the library.

  The five walked into the library and stopped dead in their tracks, Helena was sitting at Gideon’s desk, before her, were bandages, and needles and thread, salves and hot water. She had turned her husband’s library into a temporary infirmary.

  Standing up she eyed all five of them before she rushed across the room to Genevieve, throwing her arms around her long lost friend, Helena burst into tears.

  Behind them, they heard Jasper, “See! I knew it!”

  Wrapping her arm around Genevieve, Helena smiled as Luke helped Gideon sit down by the fire; Alastair joined him while Jasper walked over to pour them all stout drinks.

  “I woke up an hour ago, I knew you two had been shot,” Helena looked at Alastair and Gideon, “I knew you were coming here with Genevieve. I have everything ready, somehow I felt I shouldn’t call the doctor, why?” She asked the room, looking around to the men, and even Genevieve.

  Genevieve kissed her pregnant friend on the cheek, and walked over to the supplies and selected the items she needed, “Because my dear, I’m going to fix them both, with your help of course,” looking up, she called over to Gideon and Alastair, “off with your shirts, I need to see how bad your wounds are.”

  Helena crossed the room to help her husband pull his bloodied shirt off and fussed over him quietly. Jasper handed both gentlemen a drink, “You’ll want to dull the pain gents, drink up!”

  Doing as told, Gideon and Alastair drank their glasses, and asked for another. They had been through this many times before; they were in for merciless torture as their shoulders were put back together.

  Alastair’s wound had been far worse, while below the deck of The Sea Witch, Rossdale fired upon him within arms reach. It was the last thing Rossdale would ever do, delivering an accurate shot; Jasper fired the deadly bullet that struck Rossdale directly in his coal black heart.

  Setting in for a long night of sewing the men’s chests closed, Genevieve went to work on the most critical patient, Alastair.

  Many hours later, the ladies had fallen asleep against each other on the couch as Jasper and Luke inspected Genevieve’s work. Her skill was flawless; she had worked her magic on each man’s shoulder with such talent it was awe-inspiring. She had worked tirelessly to pull the bullets out of both men’s shoulders.

  Alastair’s wound refused to stop bleeding.

  His wound caused Genevieve the most grief; the men watched while she cursed under her breath throughout the night and eventually pulled Alastair’s wound closed with her meticulous precision stitches. She and Helena bandaged Alastair’s shoulder up, and turned their attention on Gideon’s shoulder. His wound, although great, was much easier for the ladies to close and bandage.

  The men finished their drinks as they reminisced over the night before the fireplace as the ladies slept blissfully.

  They talked about the treasure, currently under guard by Luke’s men. Jasper and Alastair shared what happened below the deck.

  Luke joked, “Jasper, you’re the only one left w
ithout a wound stitched by the famous Genevieve!”

  Chuckling at his friend, he raised his glass, “I’m sure my day is coming, we are fortunate to have such a skilled medic in our midst! Who knew she could be that bossy, she ordered us all about like a damn general!”

  The morning light was breaking the buildings as Alastair slowly stood up, “Aye, I’ve never seen such fine work, or heard her curse so much in my life! Goodnight gentlemen, I’ll see you tomorrow, my bed is calling my name,” whispered quietly as to not wake the sleeping ladies across the room.

  “I’m heading home too, goodnight!” Jasper stood up and joined Alastair as they exited the library quietly, leaving the two brothers alone with their sleeping women.

  Sitting together, Luke reflected over the night, “The shot you took,” shaking his head, “I owe you my life for saving her Gideon.”

  Gideon leaned forward and looked his brother in the eyes, “Do you remember telling me how you saved my wife’s life when I was at war? You saved her life Luke; don’t you think I would do the same for you? My title doesn’t matter, my family does, I will do anything for my family, just like you did while I was away.”

  Gideon of course was talking about when Luke had saved Helena’s life years ago while Gideon and Jasper were fighting the Napoleonic war. He had found her sleepwalking at Salthill mansion at their annual family gathering, in which her family had always attended. Catching her as she walked over the edge, Luke and Helena had never told anyone until recently of the event.

  “Talk to Genevieve in the morning, let’s get out of this blasted city and to Salthill, the ladies need a break from the city, and it’d be a perfect place for you to finally marry her.”

  Nodding, Luke agreed, “Brother, there is nothing I’d rather do. I’m going to take her home, I’ll not let go of her again.”

  Genevieve awoke to being laid down in a soft bed, familiar smells surrounded her waking her from her sleepy haze. Opening her eyes, she saw Luke prepping a hot bath. She was at his house, in his bed. She was pleasantly surprised at being taken to his home; there is nowhere else she’d rather be. The morning light was beginning to pour into his room as she watched him across the bedroom. Smiling at the thought of a bath, she was dirty and had dried blood all over her, her hair was a mess and her muscles ached. It had been days since she bathed, she wanted to wash everything away.


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