A Spy and His SEAL

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A Spy and His SEAL Page 1

by Kaydee Robins

  A Spy and his SEAL

  Eclipse series, Book 1

  Kaydee Robins

  A Spy and his SEAL

  Copyright © 2019 by Kaydee Robins

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  All names, characters, and references to the real world are written in a fictitious manner. Any use of trademarks has not been authorized and is used strictly for fictitious purposes and are in no way associated with the owners of said trademarks.


  To: My kids, they are the light of my life. I know my nose is either always stuck in a book or writing a book, but you give me the strength to do what I’ve always wanted to do and become an Author.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 19

  Chapter 215

  Chapter 321

  Chapter 427

  Chapter 532

  Chapter 636

  Chapter 740

  Chapter 845

  Chapter 949

  Chapter 1053

  Chapter 1160

  Chapter 1266

  Chapter 1376

  Chapter 1484

  Chapter 1589

  Chapter 1695

  Chapter 17100

  Chapter 18107

  Chapter 19113

  Chapter 20122

  Chapter 21129

  Chapter 22138


  Other books by Kaydee Robins147

  About the Author148



  6 Years Ago...

  “L iam!”

  I knew that voice anywhere, granted I hadn't heard it in two years but there was no mistaking his voice. I paused, not sure if I should turn around after all he broke my heart.

  Steeling my resolve, I forced myself to start walking again. I didn't have time for this shit!

  “Liam!” The voice called out closer than it was before. Sighing I stopped but didn't turn around. If he wanted to talk to me he would have to walk around me. I knew I was being petty but I couldn't help it, not after everything.

  A huff came out from behind me, I steeled my features knowing that I would see him in two seconds. “Liam,” he said quietly as he brushed past me and turned to face me.

  “Don't,” I said through gritted teeth. I couldn't help but look over my one time love, my everything, my Danny. But he wasn't mine anymore.

  His hair was a little longer than the last time I saw him, buzzed on the sides styled into a trendy style on top. He always kept it long enough for me to run my fingers through whenever we kissed. Gawd I need to stop thinking about THAT. His scent drifted through my nose and almost made me moan; the mix of sandalwood, pine, and something all his own. His blue eyes hid nicely under his signature square frames, green this month.

  His 5'10” frame was built to perfection more toned than the last time I saw him. He carried a nice tan that was darker, probably because it was late May when he broke my heart 2 years ago and now it was the end of August.

  “Please,” he begged using those big blue eyes of his. “I just... I'm...” whatever he was trying to say he obviously couldn't get out which frustrated me to no end. Overhead I heard the announcement that my flight had started boarding.

  “I have to go,” I muttered as I started to walk around him.

  He grabbed my arm and spun me back towards him though, “wait, please.”

  “What Danny?” I said exasperated. “I'm going to be late, that was my flight they just called.” His mouth opened and closed a few times trying to think of the right words, his eyes screamed what he couldn't say though. I relaxed a little and let out a sigh, “I know you are, sorry I mean, but what could you possibly say today that you couldn't say in the past 2 years.”

  He smiled just a little, but it was there, “you always could read what I was thinking.”

  “Not always,” I said looking into his eyes. “If I knew what you were thinking, I would know what happened that night at prom.”

  I clenched my hands to my sides to stop from reaching out and touching him. It was as if the last 2 years hadn't happened with him standing here.

  He had the courtesy to blush and look down at the ground, “I don't want to talk about THAT. I just... god, I didn't think it would be this hard.” He twisted his hands together in front of him like he always did when he was nervous.

  I couldn't take it anymore, I placed one hand over his to stop him from fidgeting. With the other I lifted his chin to look into his eyes, “just spit it out Danny, whatever it is, you used to be able to tell me anything.”

  He smiled a bit at that and I felt his tension start to dissipate. “I know you have to go, so for now, I'm really am sorry. But when you get back, can we talk? I know I have no right to ask with all that happened but...”

  I wish I knew what happened, “I don't know when I'll be back if I'll ever be back.”

  “Last call for flight 97,” the overhead announcement stated.

  “That's me. I really have to go,” before I could talk myself out of it, I leaned over and gave him a kiss. He let out a soft moan and parted his lips, but I pulled away. “Bye Danny,” I said releasing his hands and walking past him for what was most likely the last time.

  “I love you, I never stopped,” he called after me, but I didn't turn around I couldn't. Instead, I squeezed my hands into a fist and continued walking towards my future.

  Chapter 1


  Present Day

  I was a nervous wreck. Dad said that Liam was coming home for the holidays, he had come home to visit the past 6 years but has always avoided me. That kiss the night at the airport before he left had given me hope that things could mend between us.

  After a month of him not returning I went to his parents' house. Chad and Dylan were always nice to me even after the breakup. I know they told Liam to give me time over and over but I guess he couldn't keep waiting. His dads told me that he joined the military. Was going to go to be a SEAL.

  He always talked about wanting to be a SEAL, so I was proud of him following his dreams. That was just one of many reasons I broke up with him at prom. Well, I guess we didn't really break up but we might as well had, that was the last night we were together. I couldn't stand it that he would give up his dreams for me. Of course, there were other more personal reasons that I ran that night, but I won't... can't get into right now.

  His dads gave me his APO so I could write to him. I wrote him monthly and would send him care packages. But after a year and I didn't get anything back. I stopped writing. Well, at least I stopped sending the letters that I wrote. I still sent the care packages but they were less personal and more for his whole team wherever he was.

  Chad told me one day that Liam told him to pass on his thanks. I would have preferred to hear it from Liam himself but at least he was opening the packages, right?

  But this year he was coming to Uncle Trey's Thanksgiving dinner. Well, Trey wasn't really my uncle nor was he Danny's but both of our parents were good friends with Trey and his husband Darius.

  “Danny, earth to Danny-boy.”

  I snapped my head at the voice that broke through my revive, “I told you not to call me that Jenny,” I said huffing as I went back to wiping the tables down in the small coffee shop.

  “Well you were staring off into space, I called you 3 times. But you ignored me.”

  I turned around and looked at t
he small pixie of a girl. She kept her hair short and bleached. Sometimes she had colored highlights but today it was just blond. Her tanned skin proved that she spent her off-hours outside. I had been working for her at the coffee shop since high school. She sold me the shop 2 years ago when she decided to retire, but she still worked a few hours a day on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday more if I was out of town. Her perky attitude always made me smile. I used to be like that before prom, “I'm sorry just a lot on my mind.”

  “Like a particular boy? Are you finally dating someone?”

  “Yes and no, it's complicated. I don't want to talk about it.”

  “Oh, this is about Liam coming home then,” she said sitting down in a booth. She patted the chair next to her. “Come sit.”

  I sighed, I did NOT want to talk about this, “I've gotta get this done. I have to get home to help dad.”

  “Come on sit, your father can wait.” Jenny was like my second mom. Don't get me wrong I love both of my parents they took me in at the worst time of my life. But Jenny was always sweet and understanding, she never judged me or Liam. We hung out at this shop a lot in high school. This was our judge free zone.

  Seeing that look in her eye, you know the one, your-going-to-do-what-I-say-now look. I sighed in defeat and sat down. I dropped my hands in my lap and hung my head.

  She gently patted my leg, “tell me what's going on, honey.”

  “I don't know, not really, I mean... God, I don't know what I mean. I just screwed everything up at prom.” Before I knew it, I told her everything that had happened at prom and then what happened the day he left and I was weeping by the time I got to that sweet kiss he gave me before he left.

  “So you haven't heard or talked to him in the last 6 years? What happens when he comes home?”

  “He avoids me like I'm the plague or something. I guess it's not that hard. He's only here for a day or two. But I guess his dad talked him into coming to Trey's dinner. Chad also told me he was going to be here for at least a month. I just don't know, I mean if he brings a date I don't think I would be able to handle it. Neither one of us dated anyone else after we broke up at least while he was here and I still haven't dated anyone else.”

  Jenny and I sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes it was always like that with us we didn't have to talk. That's probably why we work so well together. “Danny, I...” before she could continue there was a knock on the door. I looked over my shoulder to see who it was and let out a big sigh before I got up to open it.

  “Hi, Dylan come in,” I said holding the door opened for Liam's dad. After he walked through, I closed the door and locked it.

  “Hi Danny, I wanted to talk to you.” Dylan stood an inch or so taller than me and reminded me so much of my Liam. Unlike Liam's short hair he had long auburn-brown hair that was usually pulled up into a man bun. It had a tint of red in it that showed their Irish roots. He was pudgy but not really fat, more like he ate too much of his own creations at Staked Steaks, the steak house he owned. His creamy brown eyes sparked with mischief most of the time just like Liam's but today they were solemn.

  “About Liam?”


  “Please sit, would you like a cup of coffee, we haven't shut down the machines yet?” I asked.

  “That would be great.”

  I started to the back but Jenny stopped me, “I'll get it, go and talk.”

  I grabbed my water off the counter and sat down across from Liam's dad. “So, I heard that Liam is coming to Thanksgiving dinner.”

  With a sad look, Dylan reached across the table and took my hand. “Yeah, about that. I wanted to apologize to you if that's going to make you uncomfortable, but he hasn't been home for the holidays for 6 years. Every year he made an excuse not to come.”

  I squirmed in my chair, I knew I didn't have a right to ask but I had to prepare myself for tomorrow night. I just had to know, “Um, does, um.” I released his hand and pulled mine into my lap looking down at it. I guess I couldn't ask the question after all.

  But Dylan was having none of that, he reached across and grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him, “he doesn't, he hasn't not since he left.” Then he smiled, “I don't know what happened between you 2 but I hope you figure it out. The 2 of you are sole mates. I saw it when you were kids, I felt it every time Liam cried after you broke up.”

  I wiped the tears that formed in the corner of my eyes. “He cried?”


  OMG, I had never known that it made me feel worse than ever. “I'm so so sorry, it was all my fault.”

  He smiled at me, “you can fix it.”

  “It's been 8 years, I think it might be too late.”

  Dylan squeezed my hand, “It's not over until the fat lady sings and you know that. He loves you, you know that? He always asks about you. I tell him to call or write to you, but he never does, does he?”

  “No.” Ugh, this is the first time that either Dylan or Chad had ever mentioned that he asked about me. Which kind of made me antsier. What did they say to him? Did they tell him I finished college and bought the coffee shop?


  T he beat in the bar thumped loudly as I made my way through the dancing crowd. Bumped was Neal City's local gay club. I didn't come here often but tonight I needed it. I needed to get a release before I saw him tomorrow. If I was going to have to endure being that close to him without jumping his bones then I needed it. I could already feel the sexual energy in the room. Men grinding on other men as I passed. Some rogue hands touching my ass in a caress that I really wasn't feeling.

  The air already smelled like sweat and sex in the small dank club. Previous night’s here had my erection hard and ready to pound someone into the wall in the backroom, but tonight I hadn't seen anything that I wanted, I was as limp as a soggy wet noodle.

  “What can I get ya,” the bartender asked when I leaned against the old polished bar. It was dark and worn but you could tell the owner took good care of this place. Everything about it was kept nice for customers to feel comfortable with the environment around them.

  “A blow job and a Corona!” I yelled over the music. The bartender immediately placed a shot glass on the counter and went about making the creamy shot. Afterward, he slid it over to me. I grabbed the shot and threw it back quickly, then immediately grabbing for the beer he placed there afterward.

  I tossed him a 20, “keep the change,” I said as I turned to look at the crowd. I stood there looking around a few minutes until I found the perfect target for the night. Tall, dark red hair and handsome from what I could tell, yeah he would do perfectly.

  Pushing off the bar I made my way to him, I didn't want to see his front though. No, I didn't need to look into his eyes to fuck him. I only needed to have a nice warm agreeable hole that was it. I pushed up to the back of him and matched his tempo with ease. “Hi handsome,” I said. “You up for some action tonight?”

  The unknown man smelled like cheap cologne and musk but that didn't really matter to me at all. He turned his head to look down at me out of the corner of his eye, “that depends, you into fucking or being fucked?”

  “Oh I only fuck and you look like a man ready to take a pounding from this,” I said as my semi pushed up against his ass. He let out a moan and pushed his ass back against me. I could feel myself getting harder just from the thought of being inside this man.

  “Good,” he said.

  We ground together for a few songs getting hot and worked up, he tried turning towards me but I just pushed him back around. “I like it better like this,” I whispered against his ear. He was taller than me but I still made it work.

  I reached around his front and felt his own erection was just as hard as mine. He groaned when I pushed on it before fondling his balls through his jeans. “Now,” he demanded.

  Before I could react he was guiding me off the dance floor towards the back rooms. They weren't private but they would do, everyone knew what happened back here. “Bossy bot
tom,” I mumbled as he tugged me into a corner.

  I slammed my weight into him pushing him against the wall, knowing that he would get friction from the move. He was bigger than me, but I worked out and was used to handling bigger men. I loved when a large man bottomed. I wasted no time snapping the buttons of his jeans opened and shoving them and his boxers down to his knees.

  I reached inside my back pocket and grabbed a packet of lube. “This is going to hurt,” I whispered against his back, “but don't move.” I was not gentle or slow as I pushed a lubed finger inside his tight entrance.

  “God,” he moaned but didn't move which was good, I hated when they squirmed like they didn't really want it. But this one took everything. Soon I was finger fucking him with three fingers, his breathless moans made my cock harder than hell. “More,” he demanded.

  I removed my fingers and snapped open my jeans. In no time I had my cock covered and slick with the second packet of lube. “You want this?” I asked. Before he could respond with anything other than another husky groan I slammed into him all the way to the hilt.

  “Fuck!” He yelled. I gave him a minute to adjust before I started pounding into his tight dark hole. Even though it was dark, I could see his knuckles on the wall turning white from his grip.

  “Jack yourself,” I whispered into his ear.

  This one made many groans and moans as I fucked him hard. I closed my eyes just listening to the sex sounds he was releasing. “I'm gonna cum, can't stop it,” He said bring me out of my head.

  A few more thrusts and he squeezed around me as white ropes of his jiz hit the wall. I pumped into him harder chasing my own release. Just as it hit I screamed out, “Liam.”

  I slumped against his shoulder while I came down from my high, “my name's not Liam, dude,” he said with disgust.

  I knew it was time to leave then. I pulled out and slipped the condom off, “I know,” I said with no remorse to the nameless man. “Thanks for the fuck.” I walked off buttoning up my pants before he could say anything else.


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