A Spy and His SEAL

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A Spy and His SEAL Page 4

by Kaydee Robins

  “Danny?” he said in confusion. “I didn't know you were dating anyone let alone engaged.”

  “Oh, that.”

  “Yeah,” he said, apparently forgetting that Liam was there. “I would think you would tell your best friend.”

  “Brian. I'm... we're not... Liam just said...”

  That seemed to remind Brian that Liam was in fact in the room, “Liam wait. THAT Liam?”

  “Yes, Brian, this is THAT Liam,” I said defensively. “Liam this is my friend, Doctor Brian O'Connor.” And yes, Brian was very aware of the fact that he shared a name with the infamous character from the Fast and Furious series. Unfortunately, he looked nothing like Paul Walker otherwise I might have tapped that ass a long time ago.

  Liam seemed to relax a little when I empathized that Brian was only a friend. Was he jealous?

  “Sorry,” Brian said. He turned to shake Liam's hand, “I'm Doctor O'Connor. I understand you have a gunshot?”

  Liam rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. He let Brian look at the wound. “Well let's get you some pain medicine, some local anesthetic, and antibiotics and then I'll come back and get the bullet out. I'm going to have to call the police, we have to report all gunshots.”

  “No meds,” Liam started. “You can give me a prescription for antibiotics, but I need to be alert. We've already given the cops statements, you can go ask Danny's dad.”

  Brian frowned. “I highly recommend pain medicine and starting an IV antibiotic now. Bullet wounds can be very painful.”

  Liam looked at Brian with a grin, “I'm a SEAL, I've been through this before, so trust me I know how painful it is. If I didn't have to stay alert I would totally take the meds. Now please get this thing out, doc.”

  “Fine,” Brian said through gritted teeth.

  Brian left and a few minutes later came back with a nurse and all the stuff to extract a bullet. After what seemed like forever, and Liam cursing like the sailor he was Brian had pulled out a huge ass bullet and had Liam's arm stitched closed.

  “Well I have to give you credit,” Brian said. “I thought for sure you would pass out from the pain.”

  “This isn't my first rodeo. I need the bullet doc,” Liam said gritting his teeth. I could tell he was in a lot of pain but he didn't say anything. I wanted to make him take the pain meds but I knew he wouldn't until we were someplace safe.

  “I'm sorry but its evidence I have to give this to Captain Murphy. The nurse will be back in with your discharge paperwork and your prescriptions.”

  Chapter 6


  A s soon as I saw the bullet I knew it was him. I was hoping my gut was wrong, but as always it's never wrong. Ugh I was gonna have to call the CO and I did NOT want to do that. I sighed in defeat as we pulled up to the pharmacy. Danny's dad had not said anything but I knew it was only a matter of time. He got out to go get the prescriptions.

  “It's him isn't it?” Danny asked leaning his head on my shoulder.

  “Yeah babe it's him.”

  “It will be alright, maybe now that he is coming after you can nail him once and for all.” Danny smiled like all was well with the world. God, I wish I was that optimistic still.

  Andre returned to the car and handed me a package with 2 prescriptions in it. Within a few minutes, we were back at Trey's house.

  “Stay in the car until we clear the area, babe,” I said to Danny before getting out of the car with my gun drawn. Andre had stopped by my parents’ house so I could grab mine and Rebecca's handguns not that it would do a lot of good against a long-range sniper rifle but still.

  I heard the car door slam behind me and knew Danny didn't listen to me, “what the hell?!” he whisper yelled. “You can't treat me like a kid.”

  After I figured it was relatively safe I turned to grab him and give him a piece of my mind but he somehow had moved across the yard and was clearing the area? WTF? He had Rebecca's gun and was holding it like a pro. Someone had some explaining to do. “Clear,” I yelled because clearly he knew what he was doing.

  I heard Andre yell clear from the other side as Danny yelled clear from where he was at and then turned around and looked at me. He tapped the safety on the gun but kept it ready to shoot pointing towards the ground as we all made our way to the door. Once inside I turned around and threw him against the door. “What the fuck?! I told you to stay in the car.”

  He squirmed against me, “fuck you. You know nothing about me anymore Liam. I can handle my own.” The next thing I knew I was face first in the door where Danny had just been and he had my arm twisted to my mid-back. He whispered in my ear, “you've been gone 6 years, sweetheart don't assume I'm the same skinning kid that you knew in high school.”

  Fuck if that didn't turn me on more. But I wasn't about to let him get the upper hand over a freaking SEAL. That was some serious ass crap for him to do that to me, even if I wasn't expecting it. Well, 2 could play that game.

  Within seconds I had him on the floor and I was on top of his chest looking into his eyes. “That was so fucking hot,” I whispered before I crashed my mouth to his. I felt the tension seep out of him and he started to return my kiss. God, I missed him. How did I go 8 years without these sweet lips touching mine I'll never know.

  We kissed for what felt like forever, I could feel his thick cock full and rubbing up against mine. God that felt good. “Want you,” he whispered against my lips.

  Before I could respond a voice cleared behind us. I looked up and Rebecca was standing next to Andre and Darius with the bullet evidence in her hand. “Have you called the CO yet?” She asked.

  I pushed off the ground and held my hand for Danny so he could get up too. “No, I was waiting until we got back.” I turned to Darius, “do you have a private room where I can make a phone call.”

  “Yeah come with me.” I followed Darius, Andre, and Rebecca through the house to the back area that I don't ever remember visiting. Danny never let go of my hand. We walked into a large office that had several computers and a safe. “Welcome to my home office. We'll wait outside the room is soundproof.”

  Everyone but Rebecca left the room. After the door was closed, I dropped down into the office chair that was probably Darius' and I dial our CO with it on speakerphone and sat the phone on the desk, “Gunner.” Yes, our CO's name was Gunnar and boy did he get hell from time to time.

  “Lieutenant Commander. It's O'Neal. We have a problem.”

  “What type of problem Lieutenant?”

  “Eclipse. He's here.”

  “WHAT?! In Chicago?”

  If he wasn't so pissed I would have made a joke but I didn't “yes.”

  “Fuck. How do you know?”

  “He fucking shot me that's how. He's going after our families. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the one he was aiming at. If I wouldn't have reacted as quickly Danny might be dead.”

  “Danny?” he asked.

  Fuck. I dropped my head into my hands.

  “Lieutenant. Who is Danny?” Gunner asked again when I didn't respond.

  Rebecca looked at me and then sighed. “Danny's a friend of Liam's from high school boss.”

  I mouthed thank you to her.

  “We need the rest of the team and Clint's team, sir.”

  “Does the LEOs know or were you able to keep them out of it.”

  “Sir, my family has Thanksgiving dinner with the county sheriff and the city police captain at the sheriff's house. So they were the first on the scene there was no way to NOT involve them. They want to know what is going on, sir. I told them that it was job-related.”

  “Do they have clearance?”

  “I think so.”

  “Well Jackson is here plus Client and two of his team members are here. I'll work on getting ahold of Claymore and Smith. I'll send who I have with everyone's gear they should be able to get there within 24 hours. I'll give you a better time once we have it organized. Read the sheriff and the captain in so you have a backup, but that's it. No more LEOs. Do yo
u need a safe house?”

  “No sir, we sitting here until we have a backup. Rebecca and I have nothing but our standard-issue handhelds and the sheriff and captain agree that we don't involve anymore LEOs. The sheriff is a retired green beret sir.”

  “Good. Keep me updated,” he said. “Oh and nail that bastard once and for all.”

  “Sir, one more thing, we should probably get everyone's immediate families in protective custody. We don't know who he's working with and we are assuming at this point that he personally shot at me based on the bullet.”

  “Already working on it, son. Stay safe and keep that man of yours safe.”

  I hung up the phone and stared at it. “Am I that obvious?”

  Rebecca patted me on the shoulder, “sometimes. I don't think the rest of the guys know, but Fitz is more observant than most.”

  “I just hope if it ever comes out they won't get all weird on me.”

  “It's frickin 2019, if they have problems with it then that's their problem. But I don't think anyone on our team would mind. You'd be surprised, I'm pretty sure you're not the only one on the team.”

  “Really? Apparently my gaydar is off because I would have thought they were all straight.”

  Rebecca laughed and patted me on the shoulder. “You're pretty oblivious to a lot of that stuff. I have seen both women and men flirt with you and you completely ignore it.”

  I shook my head because she was right. I couldn't think of anyone that I ever flirted with except for Danny. We had been together since middle school and the only people the last 8 years were one-nighters to relieve me when needed.

  “Well let's get this out of the way so we can get some rest before the rest of the guys get here,” I said heading to the door to open it.

  Chapter 7


  L iam opened the door to Darius' office with a scowl on his face, I wanted to rub my fingers over the wrinkle lines and make him smile but that was neither here nor there. By the look on his face, I knew this was bad though. He looked at me like he wanted to hug me and never let me go, which was perfectly fine by me. I was 90% sure that one of my secrets were about to be revealed so they didn't leave me in the dark and I wasn't sure how I left about that. My dad was probably going to flip.

  “Darius and Andre I was given permission to read you in. Come in and I'll tell you what's going on,” Liam said.

  My dad and Darius walked in the room as I went to follow Liam stopped me like I figured he would, “I'm sorry babe, but you don't have the clearance you have to stay out here until I'm done.”

  I just smiled at him, “oh but I do have clearance.”

  I tried to pass him but he grabbed my arm and spun me back towards him. I could see my dad out of the corner of my eye his jaw had dropped but Darius I was surprised that he just had a smirk on his face.

  “What do you mean you have clearance? Why does a coffee shop owner need security clearance,” he said.

  “I never said the coffee shop was the only job I had. You just assumed that. Trust me I have clearance to hear this.”

  Liam sighed, “I trust you but I have to clear it with my CO,” he picked up the phone and called his boss back. He turned around and looked at the wall while he was talking. I heard him give my name and date of birth. After a few minutes, he turned around his jaw was dropped. His CO must have told him who I was.

  He quickly hung up the phone and wrapped me in his arms, “CIA? Really babe?”

  “Yeah let's leave it at that for everyone else, please.

  He kissed me then, passionately. I was vaguely aware of my father's shocked voice saying what the fuck. After what seemed like forever but was probably only a minute or two. “That is so fucking sexy to know that babe,” he whispered so the others wouldn't hear.

  He looked up and saw the others staring at us, “sorry,” he mumbled. “So I guess you all want to know what is going on? Well,” he sighed. “Eclipse is a target that my team and I have been tracking and going after for close to 3 years now. Every time we get a lead he disappears or leaves us down a person or two.” Liam rubbed the bridge of his nose and dropped down into Darius' chair before continuing.

  “We have lost several men to this asshole. He has also been responsible for thousands of deaths in the Middle East both civilian and military. He uses these signature bullets,” he said holding up the bullet the doctors removed from his arm. “It's a custom hollow point.

  “He has a habit of going after families of his enemies, but until now he has never been stateside, that we know of anyway. He has been very lucky to get out of his hidey holes when we get close to finding him. We haven't had any new leads for over 6 months.

  “Obviously the government has kept it under wraps since we can't get an ID and we have negated to link all of his attacks to a single person publicly.” Liam ran his hand over his face and sighed. “Up until now, we didn't think that he knew the identity of the SEAL team that was chasing him. Obviously that is no longer the case.”

  “Actually,” I cut in, “he may still not know that you're a SEAL. He may be here because of me.”

  “WHAT?!” my father said cutting me off.

  I sighed I knew my handler was going to throw a fit if he knew what I was about to tell them. But it was too important not to now that my family was at stake.

  “Calm down dad its fine, I've been in the CIA for 6 years I know what I'm doing.”

  “What the hell? Why didn't you ever tell me?” I rolled my eyes and gave him a really look.

  “Anyway,” I looked at Liam, “the SEALs have been getting their intel from me. I have been tracking him and a few other high-value targets so he may have found my identity and not yours. But either way, he will know who we are by the end of the day. This is not good.”

  My father seemed to be as pale as a ghost. I guess that's what I would look like if I ever found out my kid was CIA. Darius didn't seem shocked though he must have suspected it. I wonder if my dad would have suspected it if I wasn't his kid. Either way, he knew now and I would have to report that in eventually. I did need to call my handler and update him, but I hadn't had the chance.

  “So is your CO sending a team?” I asked Liam.

  “Yes, most of my team will be here within 24 hours the ones that are on vacation are being called back and they are getting the Marshals to protect our families while this guy is stateside. But I have a feeling, especially after I know about you that he isn't leaving here until 1 or both of us are dead or we get him.”

  I turned to leave, “come on then, let’s go to my house and get some gear to cover us until you guys get here.”


  D ad, Liam, Rebecca, and I arrived at my small 2 bedroom house a few minutes later. It was a blue craftsman's style house that I bought 4 years ago. It wasn't really that big from the outside but it had a great basement where I could hide all my gadgets. My father was still looking at me funny but he kept his mouth shut. I knew he wouldn't like not being able to talk to my mom about this, but he knew the rules of classified information and my job, my real job, not my coffee house, was highly classified no one was supposed to know I was CIA unless they were supposed to know.

  My cover for leaving town as often as I did was a travel blog I did for National Geographic magazine, but really I only took photos of places I went and the ones that didn't have classified information in them went to the guys back at Langley and they wrote my blog for me.

  “So do you really write a blog?” my dad asked breaking the silence in my house as I lead them down the skinny hallway to the basement door.

  “No, I take the pictures though.”

  My dad shook his head in understanding. I opened the door to the basement with the key on my keychain. When we reached the bottom of the stairs there was another door but this one had a high tech security lock on it. I placed my palm on the lock after a minute the lock clicked allowing me to open the door.

  “Wow, babe,” Liam said stepping inside. He looked like a
kid in a candy store and I smiled. because to a SEAL like him and an undercover CIA operative like me, this was a candy store, of guns and shit anyway. There were handguns, rifles, C-4 and all kinds of other stuff that one might need to defend themselves or blow shit up. Fortunately for me, this was the first time I ever had to actually use the stuff in this room other than for target practice. I normally only needed this stuff when I was on the job and even then my role was to obverse not kill so I usually only had it in case.

  “Take whatever you want,” I said to the general room before I proceeded to the corner and grabbed a couple of duffle bags. I tossed one to Liam and my dad and kept the third one. “Sorry I don't have more.”

  “That's okay,” Rebecca said. “I can carry my stuff.”

  I filled up my duffle bag with my goodies making sure to stock extra ammo. I grabbed my bulletproof vests and handed one to Liam and one to Rebecca. My dad already had one on. “Where's yours?” Liam asked me.

  “I only have 2. When you get your gear tomorrow I'll take mine back.”

  Liam tried to hand the one I gave him back but I wouldn't take it, “no way am I taking this and leaving you without,” he said sternly while he tried to empathize his concern with his eyes.

  I almost gave in but there was no way I was going to let him go without since he would be the most likely to go all crazy stupid idea on me. “You were the one who was shot,” I pointed out.

  Liam opened his mouth to argue while still shoving the vest at me but my dad put a hand on his shoulder, “we can stop by the station and grab another on the way back to Darius' house. As much as I hate that Danny won't have one on, on the way there, he's right you're shot which means you’re more of a liability you should have the vest.”

  Liam sighed and started putting the vest on clearly pissed that he had been talked down. He never liked not getting his way.


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