A Spy and His SEAL

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A Spy and His SEAL Page 8

by Kaydee Robins

  “Ouch, burn.” Cal said, “But it's no more than I deserve. Even if you never trust me personally, please trust me professionally, I've got this for you.”

  Neither Danny nor I said anything we didn't have too I could tell when I meet Danny's eyes. Cal was right, Andre trusted him as a cop and we needed to do the same. Cal sat down and started running the picture through databases.

  I wrote down the number for the burner phone, “keep this on your person and don't give it to anyone else.”

  Cal took the number and placed it in his pocket. “You got it.”

  I turned to Danny, “you want to slip next door and get some lunch?”

  “Sure, how long are we staying before we head out?”

  “I don't know we gotta see what Cal can find right away if he can't find anything we might stop and pick up a computer so we can do our own research at the house.”

  Danny sighed, “I hate this. Not being able to dig into this stuff myself. I feel useless.”

  “Babe, you are anything but useless. Come on,” I grabbed his hand and lead him towards the entrance. We stopped in his dad's office to let him know we were running next door. Andre asked us to grab him something.

  We walked the short distance from the precinct to the sub shop. The first thing I noticed when I opened the door it was exactly the same as I remember it. I could smell the freshly baked bread as soon as we walked in. It reminded me of all the weekends Danny and I spent waiting for his dad to finish up for the night.

  “Liam is that you?” the man behind the counter asked as we walked up.

  “Yes sir, how are you, Mr. Walsh.” Joe Walsh was a bubbly old man he has owned this sub shop since I could remember. He also was the city's Santa Clause. The kids loved him and Danny and I were no exception. His wife Jody used to make cookies for all the kids in town before she passed away when we were in high school. Poor Mr. Walsh was beside himself. The shop actually closed down for almost 2 months before Trey stepped in and got Mr. Walsh back on his feet. Trey had the whole town help clean up the store and get it ready for reopening. Trey even lent Mr. Walsh one of his pastry chefs for a whole 2 months until he could find a new baker. It was a humbling experience for sure and one I won't forget any time soon.

  “I'm good, I'm good. I haven't seen you in what 5 or 6 years?”

  “8 sir,” I replied.

  “Well, welcome home son.” He turned to Danny, “good afternoon Danny. I haven't seen you in a while either.”

  “Sorry, Mr. Walsh I've been busy.”

  “No need to apologize, you've got that coffee shop to run. I haven't had time to stop by there either. You boys want your usual?”

  “Yes please, and can you make my dad's usual as well. We're taking it back to him,” Danny said.

  “Can you add olives to mine, but everything else the same.” Both Mr. Walsh and Danny looked at me like I had grown 2 heads. Well, I guess when it came to olives I would have. I used to hate them with a passion. Rebecca forced them on me until I actually started liking them.

  Danny looked over at me, “really? Since when?”

  “Bec forced them on me.”

  “Alright boys, give me a few minutes,” he said and handed me 3 cups.

  I handed Danny one of the cups. After filling our drinks we sat down in the corner, away from the windows. Instead of sitting across from each other we both sat with our backs to the wall so we could see everything. I laughed.

  “What's so funny?”

  “The way we're sitting. We used to sit by the window so we could both people watch remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember. Remember when Mr. Watson's dog got away from him and his wife was running around frantic only to find the dog digging through the dumpster. Man, Mr. Watson was in the dog house that day.”

  We both laughed at the memory. I took Danny's hand and threaded my fingers through his. I brought his hand up to my mouth and kissed it. “Promise me you'll never run off without talking to me again. Even if you're mad at me? I don't ever want to lose this again.”

  He looked at me for a minute and then looked down, but he didn't attempt to pull his hand back. He squeezed my hand and then looked me in the eyes, “I promise Liam, I'm not going anywhere. I wouldn't survive losing you again, I barely did the first time.”

  I leaned over and brushed my lips against his, “good,” I mumbled against his lips. While we waited for our sandwiches, Danny caught me up with the happenings around town. Apparently, Mr. Walsh started dating Mrs. Wilson about a year after her husband passed. As always my dad was always in the middle of gossip with his hair salon being the epic center for all rumors and events. I didn't even know what this was going to do for the salon, with him and Danny's mom having to cancel appointments for the foreseeable future. I knew pops would be fine with his restaurant since he could just hand it off to another chef.

  Mr. Walsh sat our sandwiches down in front of us with Andre's in a bag. My turkey and provolone sandwich was piled high with all the goodies on a cheese sub roll. I had curly fries with a side of Mr. Walsh's special ketchup sauce he made. Danny always got the BLT with onion rings with ranch sauce. We immediately dug into our food and ate silently while watching out the window.

  When we were done we refilled our drinks along with Andre's and walked back to the precinct. We dropped Andre's food off with him and made our way back over to Cal's desk.

  “I've got something for you guys,” he said as we walked up. He turned the screen so we could all see it. “It looks like he came into O'Hare 6 days ago. I traced his movements to the rental car company. I put in a call to the rental car company to see if we can get their security and information but that's going to take some time, especially since I can't tell them the real reason we are looking.

  “I picked him up again here in town a couple of times, the first was 2 days ago, but I can't find out where he is staying yet. I haven't seen a car on any of the cameras either. Hopefully, when I hear back from the rental car company I can get more cameras.

  “I reached out to a trusted friend in the FBI and she has his picture going through all her databases.”

  “This is good Cal, I'm impressed,” I said. “What'd you tell your friend?”

  “I didn't tell her anything, just that I needed a favor. I figured it was better that way. I promise even if she figured out who he is she would at least let me know first before going to her superiors.”

  “Thank you, Cal, for doing this,” Danny said.

  Cal's phone rang before he could respond.


  We could tell that Cain was talking to the rental car company just by his side of the conversation. He wrote down a license plate and the name that was used. Cal gave them the fax number to the police station and disconnected the phone.

  “We got plates, a make and model give me a bit to run it. Do you want a BOLO on the car?”

  “No, he will kill anyone unlucky enough to pull him over.”

  I looked at my watch we had to head to the airport to get the rest of the team. “Call or message us once you have more information. I want to know where he is staying if possible but I'm guessing he is not using that ID he's too smart for that. The best guess would be to track the car, but everyone and their mother drive a frickin gray Toyota Camry.”

  “I'll keep digging I have a name now, do you know any of his other aliases?” Cal asked.

  “I have a whole list but you can't run them through the databases it will flag the CIA.”

  “I can do things the old fashion way. I know all the local AirBnB houses and hotels. Nothing like a little leg work. I can also go in person if needed.”

  “Be careful Cal, don't try to be a hero. Go in plain clothes. Make sure you ask discreetly. He may have bugs set up.”

  Cal rolled his eyes, “I know this guy is a big deal, but this isn't my first rodeo. I can do this and I'll be careful.”

  “Danny, Liam?! You guys ready to go, we got to get to the airport.”

Be there in a sec dad,” Danny called. He turned back to Cal, “I would suggest changing into plain clothes before you leave the station. Since we're here he might be watching. Also, don't drive your cruiser. I've seen him rape and killed innocent children Cal. He wouldn't even blink to kill you.”

  “Got it, I'll call you as soon as I have something more.”

  “Oh and here,” Danny said. He handed Cal a handful of bugs. “If you can get these anywhere plant them and let me know. These babies are less likely to be detected over the ones you guys have.”

  “Will do.”

  Chapter 13


  A fter we left the precinct we drove the 2 hours to O’Hare to pick up Liam's teammates. Since Rebecca and Jack were at one safe house and Darius at another we split with my dad at the airport. Dad took Clint and his team members while Liam and I grabbed Dante and the 3 of us headed to meet up with Rebecca, Jack, and Liam's family. It made sense to split the SEALs into equal halves. Apparently, each 8 man SEAL team was split into 2 fire teams anyway. Clint was the leader of fire team 2 and Liam the leader of fire team 1 as well as the overall team leader.

  I went with Liam because well, I wasn't leaving his side anytime soon. Liam drove and I sat in the front seat with my SIG resting in my right hand while I held Liam's hand with my left.

  Dante sat in the back of the small car. “Well now I know why we've never seen you with any girls,” he said.

  Liam looked up at him in the rear-view mirror, “you got a problem with that Jackson?”

  “No, I'm bi dude. I have no problem with it at all.”

  Liam looked questioningly at the huge bald-headed ebony-skinned guy in the back of the car before looking back at the road, “good.”

  “So what's with all the secrecy?” Dante asked.

  “Either Langley or the Navy have been compromised. We don't know yet, because we can't figure out if he was after Liam or me first but he now knows that I'm CIA and Rebecca was with us this morning. He also got to Jack's family as well. Thankfully we were able to save his family and Jack before anything happened but Liam's gotten shot twice already.”

  “Fuck man! And your family was around when you got shot?”


  We kept updating Dante all the way to the safe house. Halfway there we stopped and switched out cars with someone from Andre's team. This car was a bit bigger which I was glad for. I was the smallest of the 3 of us and I was cramped. Dante walked around for a good 5 minutes before he got back in the car. We waited 20 minutes after the other guys left in the rental before we got back on the road.

  I took over the driving. I drove around the small city in circles a couple of times to make sure we weren't being followed before we continued on to the safe house. The drive took another 40 minutes but we finally arrived at a small house about 15 minutes past the Wisconsin border.

  The house was secluded in trees backed up on the lake. It didn't give the greatest view of seeing people coming but it had a good security system and 2 sides were on the water. The driveway was long so we could see maybe a half-mile without an obstructive view. Rebecca and Jack both sat out on the porch with their guns handy. They both had the ill-fitting vests and helmets on.

  I opened the trunk and grabbed a couple of bags. Liam grabbed 2 and Dante grabbed his bag along with another bag. I wasn't sure what was in it.

  Liam handed Rebecca her bag and I handed Jack his. Dante came up and dropped both bags he was carrying down. “Bec, Jack, I heard you guys had a rough day.” He nodded towards the bags. “I packed all the stuff you guys normally like when we don't know what the fuck we are going into.” He picked up one of the bags at his feet. “And I packed some extra firepower too,” he said with a smile. He grabbed the second bag then and walked inside.

  We all did the same. Jack locked the door behind us. “Bec and I have been making rounds every hour on the hour. There are no footprints anywhere so it looks like this place hasn't been used for a long time. Bec and Dylan went to the store earlier and stocked up a weeks’ worth of food. We saved you guys’ dinner,” Jack reported to Liam.

  “Good, good,” Liam said. “Pop, I know you haven't been in the military for a while, but will you take a shift on a watch?”

  “Of course,” Dylan said.

  “Great. Pop this is Dante, Dante this is my pop, Dylan, that's my dad, Chad, and my sister Roxie,” he said pointing and his dad and his sister. “Okay, I want 2-hour shifts, Bec 0000 and 1200, Jack 0200 and 1400, Dante, 0400 and 1600, I'll take 0600 and 1800, Danny 0800 and 2000, Pop 1000 and 2200. I want a perimeter check done at the start of everyone's shift.”

  Everyone mumbled their agreement, Rebecca and Jack pulled off their borrowed vests and handed them to me. I looked at the vests and handed my extra one to Liam's dad. I handed my extra helmet to him as well. Dante dropped the extra bag of gear on the floor. “Pop or Dylan?” Dante smiled at Liam's father.

  “You're Liam's brother in arms right?”

  “Yes sir!”

  “Then you can call me Pop.”

  “Well Pop, take your pick, everything in this bag is extra. If you have any questions ask,” he patted Dylan on the back and grabbed the other bag. “Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go find a place to crash I've been up for over 24 hours straight.” The big man said and then headed down the hall.

  “Well I'm going to go take a nap since I have to be up in 2 hours,” Rebecca said. Jack followed her out of the room.

  Liam and I sank down onto the ill colored couch. His dad grabbed a SIG and a rifle of some sort before heading outside.

  Liam's phone started ringing as he pulled me into his lap.

  He placed it on speaker, “hello?”

  “Liam? It's Cal. I just wanted to check-in. I haven't had much luck tracking the car. Like you said it's popular. I did get a couple of hits from traffic cameras but there was no good shot of the driver and they weren't going anyplace specific that I could tell.

  “I checked with the people who have AirBnBs around here and they don't have anyone staying this week at all. I wasn't able to get to the hotels tonight. But I showed the picture to Jenny at Danny's shop and she said he was in there once, 2 days ago. She hasn't seen him since.”

  “You didn't tell her why did you?” Liam asked.

  “No, I just said that we had some questions but if she sees him to wait until he leaves before calling me. I told her not to call anyone else if she did. I adjusted the security cameras for the coffee shop so we can see the sidewalks in either direction. I'm going to head to the hotels in the morning and check with the managers.

  “I was able to get over to the grocery store and go through their security footage but we didn't find anything. One of their cameras was broke I went and got it fixed for them. I'll check their cameras in a few days if we still need it.”

  “That's great Cal thanks!”

  “No problem, stay safe.”

  Liam hung up the phone. “What a fucking day,” he said pulling me into his lap. I didn't He ran his fingers along my sides and kissed me everywhere. He paused on my neck and suck on a spot long enough to leave a mark. Our shafts rubbed together deliciously. I couldn't get enough of this man.

  “Need you,” I whispered.

  Liam didn't hesitate, “wrap your legs around me.” When I did as he asked, he grabbed my ass and stood up.

  I honed in on his Adam's apple. I circled it with my tongue a few times before closing my mouth over it, sucking. “God, Danny.”

  I smiled against his neck as he walked. I continued to trail my tongue over his skin. My mouth found its way to his ear. I flicked the outer edge with my tongue and felt him shiver. I nipped and licked his ear as his breaths got heavier. Suddenly, I was being tossed in the air.

  I let out a squeak before landing on the soft bed. Liam stood at the end of it with his hands on his belt. With his eyes locked on mine, he pulled his shirt off. I was memorized by his body and locked in his gaze. After what seemed forever his b
elt and zipper were undone and he was shoving his pants and underwear down. His huge cock bounced against his stomach.

  I quickly realized I was still dressed so I reached for my shirt, but Liam climbed on the bed and slapped my hand away. “I'm going to undress you,” he said huskily. God that had my already hard cock go harder.

  “Fuck,” I whispered. He pulled my shirt up over my head but instead of pulling it all the way off he twisted the material around my wrists. His eyes were blown and he looked hungrily at my chest.

  “Danny, you're so fucking beautiful.” Before I could respond he was pushing me back down on the bed and sucking a nipple into his mouth. He had released my hands but they were still tied into the shirt above my head so all I could do was hump up into him and moaned my approval.

  He explored my chest for what seemed like forever, not once touching anything in the southern region. “Liam, please. I need. God I need.”

  “I know, baby, I got you. Just feel.”

  So I did. I felt everything as he pulled my pants down my legs and then settled over my cock. I felt when he sucked my cock into his mouth so he could distract me while he prepared me for his cock.

  I felt when he flicked his finger over my prostate for the first time and I bucked off the bed. “Feels, good, so good.”

  I definitely felt when he removed his fingers. I was empty too empty. I whimpered but then his cock head was at my entrance.

  “Babe, relax and let me in,” he said skimming a finger over my cheek lovingly. So I did, I bore down and relaxed.

  Liam drove in me over and over bringing me higher and higher. I reached down to grab my dick, but Liam slapped my hand away, “no. I'll do it.” But he didn't.

  Instead, he bent over and took my mouth in an all-consuming kiss that took me higher and higher. The change in angle also had him pegging my special spot over and over. “Liam!”

  “That's it baby just feel.” I climbed the precipice and kept climbing. Liam not touching my cock was its own form of torture but I didn't grab for my cock again. I trusted Liam to know what I needed. He fucked my mouth with his.


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