A Spy and His SEAL

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A Spy and His SEAL Page 14

by Kaydee Robins

  Danny drove back towards Paris, but he turned towards the opposite side of town. ZZ had gotten a hit that morning on an ATM camera and was even able to trace the name from the ATM to an alias. He was able to find a hotel reservation, so we headed over to check it out.

  We pulled up to a parking lot outside of town and then rode the Metro into the city to our final destination. We slipped hats and sunglasses on as soon as we got out of the car. Across the street from the hotel was an office building we had to find a way to access it so we could stake the place out.

  I looked around me to take everything in, “stop it,” Danny said.


  “Stop looking around, just relax. You look out of place. Just pretend you’re walking to the store or something. You know.”

  “How can I watch out for things if I’m not looking around?”

  “Let me worry about it, just blend in.”

  So I did, we walked to the building across from the hotel and saw someone coming out. I quickly jogged to grab the door before it shut in case there was a lock. When I looked there was none. Danny caught up to me and we walked inside. There was a desk but it looked abandoned and there was a list on the wall, I’m assuming was a directory.

  We waited a few minutes and when no one came we walked up the stairs and explored each floor. All of the offices except for one on the second floor were being used. The second-floor office didn’t have a sign on it so we hoped that it was not being used.

  Danny tried the handle and it didn’t open, “watch out for me.” He said after looking around. He dropped to the floor and pulled out a lock pick. Once we got inside we did see that the office was indeed empty. There were marks on the carpet were desks used to sit but that was it.

  I looked around and I dropped my bag next to a window. I pulled out my sniper rifle and a window cutter so I could cut a hole into the window. The idea was I would watch and Danny would do what he does best get close and follow the guy. I didn’t like it but we needed the recon and obviously I didn’t blend very well in the city crowd. Go figure I never have.

  Danny handed me an earpiece, we tested it then we waited.

  Chapter 21


  W e had 4 days to track this bastard and kill him. Hopefully after we found out as much as we could about why the guy was working with the Russians. ZZ’s intel was good. Liam spotted Eclipse within a few hours of us setting up in the room. We camped out in the office taking turns watching during the night. In the day I would watch in a car and Liam would monitor from his sniper perch.

  The first day we watched him leave and then I stuck into his room. I placed a bug and checked out his stuff but couldn't find anything before Liam told me to get out he was coming back. The bug ended up being useless anyway.

  The second and third days we followed him when he left. Both days he went to the warehouse district. I did as much sneaking around as I could to see what I could see but we couldn't get close enough. At least we determined how many people were in the warehouse daily.

  He went to the warehouse twice a day once in the morning and once at night. We decided that we were going to go after him at the warehouse tonight since there was only a handful of other people around. Between the two of us we could take those people out of commission without him knowing there was an issue.

  We took our bags over to the warehouse across from the one that Eclipse used and changed into all black, we smeared face paint on our skin again. Liam strapped all his gear on and looked everything like the SEAL he was. I looked like I was pretending that I was, I didn’t do this part of the job. But Liam stuck to the recon part even though he was antsy so I could do this.

  I “accidentally” broke the street light between the two warehouses yesterday when I was here so that we would have the cover we needed to sneak in. Eclipse was due to the warehouse in 30 minutes we just had to wait until he showed. Liam was looking through the window with his sniper rifle, he had already wiped any prints from it since we were leaving it behind. “He’s here and he has a friend.”

  “What?” I said when Liam’s voice pulled me out of my head.

  “He has a friend who looks Russian.”

  “They alone?”


  I took a breath and opened and closed my fists a few times, “then we do this.”

  Liam looked me over a min and then agreed with a nod of his head.

  “Alright, we go in exactly 5 minutes, ready?”

  As ready as I’ll ever be, “Yes.”

  Liam tucked the sniper rifle behind a table where hopefully wouldn’t be found for a while. After all, was said and done and we were back in the states. We would let Langley know where we left it and someone would retrieve it if it was still around.

  We walked silently to the door. Liam pulled me into a hug. “I love you, baby,” he said then kissed me. The kiss was filled with emotion. Telling me everything that his words couldn't. I filled my kiss with the same emotion. Yes, we had the upper hand here since Eclipse didn’t know we were coming but we had been here before. I was worried about Liam and he was worried about me.

  We pulled apart when Liam’s watch vibrated signaling it was time to go. Liam pulled out his K-Bar and opened the door. I did the same. The goal was to catch him and get info out of him before killing him so we weren't going in guns a blazing.

  That worked for all of 5 minutes.

  Liam and I snuck across the alley between the warehouses. We opened the door and silently took down the first two people in a chokehold. We zipped their hands behind them. Neither one had a gun or a knife. We did the same for the next two. There should be two more people and Eclipse and whoever his friend was.

  I had just finished tying up the second guy and checking for weapons. I turned around to see a guy sneaking up behind Liam. I didn’t have time to do anything but warn Liam, “Twitch,” I whisper yelled. I started toward Liam to help him with the guy.

  Liam turned in time for his eyes to widen when all hell broke loose. Apparently there was two guys. One guy tackled me while Liam went to disarm the other guy. I let myself fall backward.

  The guy fell on top of me but I was ready for it. I immediately jammed him in the ribs causing him to grunt. I was able to roll over on top of him and had my kbar out in an instant. I didn't know where everyone was so I didn't want to fire my gun in the off chance that we still hadn't alerted Eclipse we were there.

  My current opponent was dead in seconds when I jammed my k-bar through his neck. Unfortunately, it was messy and his blood got all over me. I quickly wiped it off on the dead dude’s pants.

  Standing up I look around to find that Liam was in a death dance with the other guy. That guy was bigger than Liam, damn he was huge. He was trying to jam his knife into Liam and Liam was holding him off. If we had time I would let Liam take care of the guy by himself but we didn't have time. I silently came up behind him and cut his throat.

  Again it was messing but quick. Liam pushed the guy to the floor, “you okay?” he asked me.

  “Yeah,” I said taking a moment to squat and check the guy for additional weapons. He had a gun that I tucked in my pants. Liam did the same to the first guy I killed. It did seem like anyone had been alerted to the noise so we dragged the dead guys off to wear we had duck taped the other 2.

  They were awake when we got there. One guy’s eyes went wide when he saw us dragging the 2 bodies. “You behave and you'll live. We're just here for Eclipse.”

  Of course the guy couldn't answer me since he had duct tape on his mouth but he shook his head in agreement. I didn't think these goons were terrorists they probably weren't even unlawful citizens. I wouldn't put it past Eclipse to use unsuspecting people to do his bidding.

  After we got the dead guys settled we went back to the job at hand, we now only had Eclipse and maybe one or two people left to deal with. We made our way to the main office without incident. When I peeked in the window I could see our target. This was the closest th
at I have ever been to him.

  He looked a lot better in person. He was a fucking wet dream on a stick. If he wasn't a terrorist I would fuck him in a heartbeat, of course that would have been before Liam and I got back together. I was just about to hit open the door when everything went black.


  F uck. I had a headache it felt like someone hit me with a 2x4 in the back of the head. It was throbbing. What the fuck happened, I thought. My hands were tied behind my back with something. And I could feel the blood running down my neck. I opened my eyes.

  “Well look who's awake,” a voice snarled.

  I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Eclipse sitting on a desk with a smile on his face, a god damn smile. I looked around the room to see what else I could see and saw Liam sitting next to me with what looked like an identical knot on the back of his head.

  “If it isn't the faggot CIA and SEAL. You really thought you could pull a fast one on me?” Eclipse said with a laugh.

  I didn't respond there was no reason too.

  I heard Liam groan next to me. I looked over and sure enough, he was waking up as well. Great how were we going to get out of this one?

  “Oh look lover boy is awake,” Eclipse sing-songed. “You should have just let me leave after you killed those idiots in the states. You would have lived to see tomorrow. But now you're going to die. But not until after you've given me all your secrets and you beg me a thousand times over and over.”

  Liam spat towards him, “you might as well kill us now, we will never handover anything you can use.”

  I pulled on my wrists to see what I was working with. Either he hadn't found our zip ties or he didn't search out vests, I'm thinking the latter. We couldn't have been out long.

  I kept quiet and let Liam talk to the guy.

  “You know, you two started this. This one,” he said pointing at me. “Was just too good and tracking me down. He was the only one the CIA had that could do it. No one else ever found me. Fortunately, my contact in the agency was able to give me a heads up when you,” he pointed to Liam, “were going to show up.”

  He shook his head and crouched down in front of Liam, “if you would have just let me kill the spy, you and the rest of your SEAL team would have been fine. Without twinky over here,” he casually waved to me, “I wouldn't have had to worry about your team.”

  Liam gritted his teeth and looked over at me before looking back at Eclipse, “then why the bomb?”

  “That was backup. My contact said that you two knew each other, although I didn't know about the fucking but still. If my guy had taken out your fuck buddy then I would have left your team alone.”

  The duct tape on my hands stung as I twisted them back and forth. I couldn't tell if it was doing anything at the moment. But Liam was glaring at Eclipse keeping his attention. There was no one else in the room. I guess Eclipse thought he was safe with us duck taped to the chair and for now he was.

  With his voice hard as steal Liam said, “If Danny hadn't survived I would have tracked you down myself and I promise you that I wouldn't have stopped until you or I were dead.”

  God if we weren't in this predicament that bossy growly voice would have made me hard in a heartbeat. Who am I kidding it was making me hard now.

  “It doesn't matter, now I have both of you. We are going somewhere special and then I will have my way with you. But for now,” he bent over and cut the duct tape from Liam's ankles and tried to drag Liam, but the instant his foot was free Liam kicked out aiming for the guy's balls.

  Eclipse shook his head as he stepped back, “Un, un, un,” he punched me in the stomach. If I wasn't taped to the chair I would have doubled over. “Next time you won't get a warning. You do what I tell you or I am going to start cutting off things on your boy toy over here.”

  He walked over to the door and stuck his head out for a minute. Then 2 guys we hadn't seen before came in. Eclipse came over to me and yanked my head backwards. He put a knife so close to my throat he nicked me.

  “Tape that one up how I like um,” he said motioning to Liam. “I prefer cuffs, but I don't have any here so duct tape will have to do.”

  The two meathead Russians manhandled Liam, throwing him over a table. They taped both legs to the legs of the table making his stance so wide it looked like it would hurt if he held it too long. They yanked his arms above his head and taped them as best as they could to the opposite side of the table. Liam was splayed out when they were through he couldn't move if he wanted to. It had to be painful. After they were done they left the same way they came in.

  With his head against the table, Liam said, “Danny whatever he does to me don't tell him what he wants. I can take it.” I knew in my head that Liam was right, but seeing Liam hurt, I wasn't sure if I could take it.

  I didn't say anything but I continued to twist my wrists back and forth as best as I could when Eclipse wasn't looking at me.

  “So the first question Danny, I can call you Danny right?”

  I didn't say anything I wasn't going to let this bastard have anything. After a few minutes he continued. “Okay fine, where is Grigoriy Privalova?” he asked mentioning a former Russian cabinet ministry member that was currently in the states as a political refugee.

  I was surprised to say the least about who he was looking for. And he was barking up the wrong tree. I had no idea where he was. I wasn't privileged to that information. I met the guy once when I stayed in the same safe house as him while they were getting him out of Russia after an attempt on his life.

  When Eclipse realized I wasn't going to say anything he took out a knife and went over to Liam. Before I could react Liam screamed out in pain.

  Eclipse stepped back and was holding, a finger, he fucking cut off one of Liam's fingers and he was smiling about it. He set it on another table.

  “Baby, I'm fine okay,” Liam said with a pained voice. He must have known what I was thinking.

  “Let's try that again, shall we,” Eclipse said with a grin. “Where is Grigoriy Privalova?”

  “I don't know, I don't fucking know,” I said shaking my head vigorously.

  He tsked at me, “too bad.”

  This time he pulled his gun out and put it right up against Liam's knee and pulled the trigger. Liam screamed again in pain and I started crying.

  He wouldn't have to take us anywhere. It would just be me after he killed Liam because I couldn't answer his question even he if wanted me too.

  Liam lost two more fingers and was shot in the hand we were both crying, Liam in pain and I was crying in grief. I was watching the man I loved get tortured to death.

  After cutting off the fourth finger Eclipse pulled Liam's pants down then walked around the desk. He pulled out a large rod, my head dropped I already knew what he was going to do. “No please,” I cried. “I swear I don't know where he is.”

  Eclipse looked at me and chuckled, “I know,” he said with an evil smile. “I realized you were telling the truth two fingers ago, but I'm still going to have some fun.”

  He turned towards Liam and bent down and whispered in his ear. I had finally worked the duct tape loose enough I should be able to get free. Since his back was turned, I jerked my hands apart with a fast and hard pull. Fuck!!! That hurt. I got my hands back in place before Eclipse turned back to me.

  “Should I call someone in here to hold your face so you're forced to watch this?”

  “No,” I said quietly. Liam didn't need more people seeing this, I would do whatever I could to ease the pain he was going through.

  “No what?”

  “I'll watch, you asshole.” I could hear Liam's crying, he couldn't see me though. Fuck the guy needed to turn around.

  I got my wish a minute later. He turned and jammed the rod into Liam. When he screamed in pain I discreetly grabbed the hidden knife from my belt.

  Eclipse looked at me a second later grinning from ear to ear. He laughed when he saw my I'm-going-to-kill-you look. I waited until he turned
back to Liam and got into his torture. Thankfully the knife was sharp and cut through my bindings like they were butter. As soon as I was free I didn't hesitate.

  I lunged at Eclipse, I went straight for his neck and didn't even give him a chance to fight back or surrender he gasped and then collapsed on the floor. I quickly checked to make sure Eclipse had no pulse.

  I gently pulled the rod out of Liam and tossed it on the floor. Blood trickled down Liam's leg. “Baby,” I whispered. He whimpered.

  I placed a kiss on his forehead. My heart was breaking for him. I grabbed a chair and put it behind Liam. I went to his hands and gently released both hands. I pulled his pants back up and helped him sit gently in the chair. Then I released his ankles.

  I smoothed back his hair that had flopped in his face, “baby look at me.”

  He looked up and me but didn't say anything. “He's dead, okay? I'm so so sorry, baby.” I said with tears in my eyes.

  “I know baby, I know.”

  I didn't want to leave him. Now that I could see his hands he was missing both pinkies and his ring finger on his right hand as well as the forefinger on his left. He also had a whole in his right hand. Fuck. I looked around quickly. I found Eclipse's gun.

  I gently took Liam's left hand and wrapped his fingers around the handle with the safety off.

  I put both hands on his face and looked at him, “I know you’re in a lot of pain, but there's still bad guys out there. Shoot anything that comes through that do you hear me?”

  He shook his head. “I'll call out when I come back, I'm going to clear the building.”

  I gave him a kiss, my tough SEAL was reduced to a whimpering mess. I would have been better if it was me that was tortured. Even if Liam got past this his career was probably over. Ugh.

  It took me about 20 minutes to clear the building, I killed everyone on-site. I didn't care who they were or why they were there.

  “Baby,” I called. “I'm coming in don't shoot.” I peeked my head around the corner. I knew in his right mind Liam would never shoot me, but with all the pain he was in, I wanted to make sure. He dropped the gun in his lap so I let out a breath and hurried over to him.


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