Lion of Midnight

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Lion of Midnight Page 6

by Aliyah Burke

  Cleo whimpered as his hands moved down her sides and back up under her sweater. His calluses sent shockwaves through her body as he caressed her bare skin. She moaned into his mouth as he continued to drive her to distraction. The thrust of his tongue against hers matched the rocking of her hips against his hard body. She could feel her orgasm rushing down upon her, and her hands tightened in his hair as the kiss became even more primal, hungrier.

  Everything within her called out for this man to lower her to the floor and finish what he’d started. When one hand left her side and reached up to tangle in her hair, she shuddered with longing. She growled when he drew away from her mouth. Watching him, Cleo was lost in his fathomless eyes; there was so much passion and desire in them it humbled her. Blatant yearning and want for her blazed in the chocolate depths.

  “Cleo,” he rumbled in a low timbre that skated along her already tight nerves.

  Chest heaving with the air she ingested, all she could do was behold him. When he merely returned her look, she began to chew on the side of her bottom lip. Heat flared in his gaze as he dropped it to her teeth and back up to her eyes.

  “We have to stop,” he rasped. “Or I won’t be able to.”

  I don’t want you to stop. I’ve never felt like this before. Dropping her forehead to his, she tried to calm her rapidly beating heart. Taking several deep breaths, she licked her lips and climbed off his lap, turning her attention to fixing her clothing, even though it didn’t need it. And not looking at him.

  “Look at me.” His low order flowed to her ears.

  Swallowing, she did as he commanded. He’d gotten off the bench and stood in front of her. His gaze was gentle, although still filled with barely restrained desire.

  “I’m so sorry. I don’t act like that,” she babbled.

  “Don’t,” he barked. “Don’t apologize. I don’t want our first time to be on the floor of a museum, Cleo.”

  Her body shuddered again as another flood swept through her. “Our first time?” she mumbled, not even registering that she was repeating his words right back to him.

  An arrogant smile filled his features. “Yes. Besides, the guards are due to be through here soon, and I’ll be damned if I let them look upon your naked body.” He stepped up flush to her, allowing his masculine scent to flow over her along with the heat he exuded. “You should be loved on a huge bed…the first time. After that, everywhere. And by a man who will make you feel things you’d never thought you ever would. Let me rephrase…by me.”

  This time, the moan did escape as her mind vividly painted the picture his words created. The urge to cross her legs to stop the flow of moisture was extremely prevalent. Instead, she shoved her hands into her pants pockets and turned her back to him. “I see,” she said as her feet moved her toward a bust of Nicholas the Second. He was right; the museum wasn’t any place for them to indulge in one another.

  Nik watched her as she tried to appear unaffected by him. Even with her back to him, he could see the tiny tremors that surged through her body. He allowed his gaze to trail over her as he imagined what she was going to look like naked in his bed.

  His heart accelerated as all the blood rushed headlong to his lower extremities. Out of the corner of his eye he, saw one of the night guards approach. The closer the uniformed man came, the easier it was for Nik to make out the barefaced appreciation he had while staring at Cleo. Oh, hell no!

  A low rumble grew deep in Nik’s chest. Like in the bakery, he wanted to snap the smaller man in half for daring to look at his woman. Instead, he shoved down his jealousy and walked up behind Cleo as she took in the exhibit. The guard stopped and met his gaze before sending him a nod and moving silently on. Nik knew he was being arrogant, but if he didn’t have to share her, he sure as hell wasn’t going to.

  “You must command a lot of respect around here, Nikolas,” she said without turning toward him.

  Dropping his gaze to the top of her head, he smiled. “Why do you say that?”

  “Sending the guard along without a word spoken.”

  “You noticed?”

  She chuckled. “Yes. Sorry if I wasn’t supposed to.”

  It seemed the natural thing for him to do, sliding his arms around her slender body. He noticed she stiffened slightly before her body relaxed into his. Lowering his head by her ear, he whispered, “Does my holding you bother you?”

  “No,” she responded in the same low tone. “I’m not used to public displays of affection. My ex wouldn’t even hold my hand.”

  “He is a stupid man; don’t think of him.”

  “Right,” she said. “Sometimes, it’s just easier said than done.”

  “Get used to these displays, Cleo. I plan on touching you all the time.” Her quiver shot right through to his soul.

  “Planning on coming back to the States with me?” she asked in a tone he knew was forced joviality.

  “If that’s what it takes,” he answered honestly.

  For a moment, she sank against him completely. Then, she pulled away, and Nik hated the feeling of loss that resonated through him. He wanted to haul her against him and never let her go. There was disbelief in her gaze when she looked over her shoulder at him.

  “Right.” Her eyebrows lifted before she turned her attention back to the exhibit.

  “You don’t believe me,” he stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Not for a second.” Cleo never looked at him. “But it’s a very sweet, albeit kinda freaky, thing for you to say.”

  “I don’t say things just to hear myself talk, Cleo,” he promised her as he shoved his hands in his pockets so he didn’t grab her, again.

  “Never said you did. Just said I didn’t believe you.” She moved on to another picture on the wall.

  He narrowed his eyes as he recognized himself in it standing near the Tsar. There were differences, but there were also many similarities. Nikolas watched her cock her head to the side and look harder. She never said a word, just mumbled a bit under her breath. Took a step away and retreated back before totally heading on to another picture.

  Nikolas was content to watch her enjoy Russian history. He stood back and observed as she continued to the end of the section. When she walked by the last bust of Tsar Nicholas the Second, she glanced over at him. He could see she longed to look back at the photo and do another visual comparison. Instead, she looked directly at him, and he was immediately lost in the depths of her eyes.

  “Are you sure I’m not keeping you from something? I feel bad you’re staying here with me after the museum closed.”

  “Not keeping me from anything. I would be here for a while. I usually come in closer to closing and stay late.”

  “Well, I truly appreciate it. This is…more than I could have dreamed of.” She spun in a circle, looking around.

  More than I could have dreamed of, as well. I’d move the heavens if it put that smile on your face. “It’s truly my pleasure.”

  “How can I repay you?” she asked as her eyes met his.

  He shook his head. Marry me. “You don’t need to. It was my pleasure to be able to do this for you.” Shut up, man, see what she’d do for you. No, he couldn’t do that. That was behavior that no longer belonged in this world.

  “Can I buy you dinner?”

  Nik smiled. For all her knowledge of Russian history, she didn’t understand that no self-respecting Russian male would allow a woman to buy him dinner. Even if he were broke, he’d find a way to pay. “I would be honored if you’d accompany me to dinner.”

  That brow arched, again. “Is that your way of saying I’m not paying?”

  He flashed a grin. “Beautiful and smart.”

  She snorted and walked away from him. Nik didn’t have to be told twice to follow her. He’d pursue her through the pits of hell if he got to be near her. Lengthening his stride so he was beside her, instead of behind her where he was hypnotized by the seductive motion of her hips, he stayed with her as they headed down the
stairs. When they reached the bottom, he took the lead and walked to his office where their coats were.

  Cleo waited in the doorway, a gentle smile on her face as she took in the décor of his office. Moving toward her, he held her coat for her and was pleased when she allowed him to help her on with it. Nik couldn’t resist taking another whiff of her hair as he allowed the leather to settle across her shoulders.

  “I know just the place for dinner,” he remarked as he shrugged into his pea coat.

  “Really?” She pulled on her gloves.

  “Yes. And, afterward, you can look at some more things from Russian history.”

  Her hands paused in the action of buttoning up her coat. “Where might this place be?”

  “My home,” he said, meeting and holding her gaze.

  “Your home?”

  “I live just a bit outside of Novgorod. I promise you’ll be perfectly safe.”

  She chewed on her lower lip as she peeked at him. He could see the indecision roaring within her. While he was glad she was cautious, he would really hate for her to decide he wasn’t safe to be with. That would leave one option, taking her with him to his house against her will and letting her learn that they were meant to be together.

  “Okay, I’ll go with you.”

  Relief filled him. He truly wanted her to be a most willing participant in everything they did together. “Wonderful.” Holding out his arm to her, he asked, “Shall we?”

  She nodded, and together, they began to walk to the door. “Dobroi nochi, Maxim,” he said to the guard who appeared to lock the door behind them.

  “Dobroi nochi, Nikolas,” the guard responded. “Ma’am.”

  Nik’s heart was light when Cleo answered in near perfect Russian, “Dobroi nochi.” With a smile to Maxim, Nikolas led Cleo out the door into the dark, snowy night. It didn’t take long before the thick snowflakes had given her black hair a mottled appearance in the parking lot lights.

  “You speak very good Russian,” he commented as he steered her away from the right side of his Defender to the left and unlocked the door for her.

  “Thank you. Oh, sorry. I’m so used to being a passenger on the right side.”

  “No problem,” he whispered in her ear, pleased with her sharp intake of breath. “You can drive if you wish.” Nikolas acknowledged to himself he’d never offered to let any other woman drive any of his cars.

  “No. I don’t know where you live, and I’d feel horrible if I wrecked your vehicle.”

  He lifted one shoulder lazily. “As you prefer.” Shutting the door, he walked quickly to the driver’s side and got in. Starting the engine, he made sure to buckle his seatbelt as they waited for the vehicle to warm up. Once he could see, he shifted into gear and began the drive through the snow-filled streets toward his home.

  Chapter Six

  Cleo was nervous. She’d admit it. Going to a strange man’s house wasn’t something she did. But then, to be fair, this trip wasn’t something she’d normally do, either. Without conscious thought, she reached for her necklace and held the pendant in her gloved hand. Even through the leather, she felt the familiar comfort it brought her.

  Slanting her gaze to the right, she took stock of the man driving her through the darkness. The only lights visible were those from the dash and of the headlights as they splintered through the increasing fury of the falling snow. His newsboy cap was on backward, allowing her an unobstructed view of his face, and while he seemed totally focused on the road before him, she was totally confident he was well aware of her sitting there.

  She licked her lips as the memory of his taste made an appearance. Her belly flipped as she let her mind run wild for a moment and envision what a night with him would be like. The touch of his callused hands, his stubble abrading the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs, the heavy weight of his body pressing against hers as he slipped in and out. The whimper was barely contained as moisture flooded her. Tightening her legs together, she fought the urge to squirm.

  Focus on something else, Cleo, she admonished herself. She took in the interior of his vehicle. It fit him, rugged, not extravagant. “Nice SUV,” she commented.

  “Thank you.” His gaze didn’t leave the near non-existent road.

  When he turned off the main path, she gasped as her eyes landed upon a large house. Mansion, really. “Oh, my,” she said on a sigh. “That’s absolutely beautiful.”

  Before her stood a smaller version of the Livadia Palace. If she weren’t staring at it, there wouldn’t be any way she would begin to believe it.

  “Thank you,” he murmured as he pulled up along the circular drive and stopped before the main entrance. “Welcome to my home, Cleopatra Laurens.”

  His words rolled off her back as she opened the door and stepped out into the night. Her gaze still lingered upon the lavish building, outlined by the falling snow and outside lighting. The front looked like an Italian patio complete with the pillars and large archways. Lining the curved drive were low-sitting, amber-hued lights, which only added mystery and allure to the image.

  On each side of the double doors sat a beautiful wall sconce with the same tempered amber light gently illuminating the dark wood. A warm, inviting feeling washed over her.

  “This place is amazing. I’d love to look at it all in the daylight.”

  “Feel free to stay the night and do just that.”

  Her heart tripled in speed as she jerked her head to the side to see him intently watching her. He flashed a bone-melting grin.

  “I have plenty of rooms; although, if you long to stay with me…” He let the offer hang in the air.

  Biting her lower lip, Cleo took the required steps leading to the door. There was a bench off to her far left, and she could see identical statues on pedestals on each side of the tall double doors. All black. Upon closer inspection, she could see it was a sword shoved into a rock and the figure of a male lion with a full-bodied mane prowling around it.

  “Damn!” she gasped. Stopping before the display, Cleo reached out with one hand before drawing it back at the last second. “I’m speechless.”

  “Not yet, but you will be.” His promise was a low timbre of seduction. One hand rested against her back as one of the doors swung open on silent hinges. “Good evening, Vassi,” Nikolas said before she had a chance to blink over the door opening.

  “Good evening, sir.” A man spoke, but she couldn’t see anyone.

  With a gentle pressure on the small of her back, Nikolas guided her inside. If her mouth had dropped open at the outside, it surely must be dragging on the floor as she took in the appearance of the interior.

  Six white double pillars seemed to hold up the entrance. There were long hallways down each side of the house, and before her was wide open. All of it, amazing. She stood on a plush runner that led to more large area rugs. Off to the right side sat a large round table with a huge floral arrangement in the middle, its colors blending perfectly with the rest of the room. Muted golds, blues, and reds. Beautiful art scrolling traveled along the top of the walls as the molding. It was so open and breathtaking. Interspaced along the molding sat golden colored reliefs made with swirling strokes.

  Straight ahead of her was a fireplace—complete with a roaring fire—of which on either side sat a gentle spiraling staircase, which led to the second floor. The stairs looked like the same material that made up the rest of the building, granite or something like it. The railings seemed to be etched, as well.

  The urge to go touch and explore swamped her. Never in her life had she imagined being this close to something so incredible. And, it wasn’t gaudy or pretentious, just absolutely amazing.

  “I don’t know what to say, except you have an astounding home.”

  “I’ll show you to your room then feel free to explore while dinner is being prepared.”

  Cleo didn’t even think of arguing with him. Who in their right mind would insist on staying in a hotel when this was an option?

  “Eating in
the family room tonight, sir?”

  Cleo smiled as a white haired gentleman became visible as he shut the door, closing out the night chill.

  “Yes, Vassi. And, then, that will be all for the night, thank you.”

  The man nodded slightly before slipping off without a sound. In that instant, Cleo realized just how alone she was with Nikolas in this huge sprawling home.

  “Come, Cleo. You can put your coat in your room.”

  She realized she didn’t have anything else with her. All her luggage was at the hotel. No clothes, toiletries, nothing. Worrying her lower lip, Cleo took a deep breath. “After you,” she said softly.

  When he moved past her, she was faced with his cargo pants and what they contained. His coat had disappeared somewhere along the line. Closing her eyes, she sent up a prayer for some control before she began to walk up behind him. As attractive as his ass was, the intricate design in the banister caught her attention. Hand-carved, delicate swirls wrapped all the way around, and she could feel it on the underside when her fingers skated across it.

  At the top of the stairs, there was a tiled landing covered by area rugs, followed by thick carpeting leading down the hallways. It was a royal blue and blood red color with some black swishes in it.

  “This way,” Nikolas said in a low voice.

  She followed the direction of his hand, and soon, they were walking down the hallway. Her gaze took in the paintings along the wall. His house was like a museum itself. The lighting was dim, giving off a very intimate and romantic feel. The longing to take off her shoes and let her bare feet feel the softness of the carpeting flowed over her.

  He stopped before a dark oak door. This surprisingly was simple in appearance, no ornate carvings or depictions on it. Just a nice, solid door. With a turn of his wrist, he opened it, swinging it inward.


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