A Third of the Moon and the Stars Struck

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A Third of the Moon and the Stars Struck Page 59

by Jade Brieanne

  The physical pain, however, was much worse. He felt as if whatever she did to him burned through his skin, through muscle and bone, down to his soul. He felt his body flying through the air, colliding with drywall and glass, the hard concrete below. The air left his lungs, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and the world go black.

  When he woke up, he gasped, amazed that he actually woke up. He thought she’d finally got her wish and killed him.

  Shen chuckled inwardly through the pain. I’m resilient if nothing else. Jin would probably call him a virus.

  Amazed he had the strength, he dragged himself through the streets. As he rounded a corner, he saw one of the angels that Lucan had warned him about. Tahir. He slinked back, dragging his battered and bruised body into the shadows as she ran down the street back towards Jin’s apartment.

  Feilong’s probably dead, he thought, his body delirious with pain. He laughed. I’m probably next.

  It was Yemzi who found him. He couldn’t follow much of what she did, but he did know she made a phone call and that phone call resulted in a car picking them up some time later.

  Shen attempted to speak but he fell into a coughing fit instead. Yemzi seemed to know what he wanted. “We are headed to Central Park. Lucan is there. Pythia Del is there. They said they know how to help you.”

  The car arrived at Central Park and Yemzi helped him from it. The entirety of The Eleven were waiting for him. Yemzi deposited him in the waiting arms of Solar and Kevin.

  “Where is Feilong?” Kevin asked.

  Yemzi shook her head. “I don’t know but I am heading back to check on him.”

  “Don’t, Yemzi,” Sheeda said. “He’s probably dead. Gather everyone here and be ready. Your timing has to be perfect. ”

  Yemzi nodded, saluted, a quick touch to the forehead, while dipping to one knee, before she ran back to the car and left.

  The Eleven traveled silently traveled through Central Park until they came to a terrace made of red brick. Even in his pain, Shen could tell the mood of The Eleven was different. They were reverent, somber, but anticipation and tension seemed to be thick in the air. They traveled down the steps towards a large fountain, two by two, except for Solar and Kevin, who lagged behind with assisting him.

  He wanted to stop, he didn’t want to walk anymore and he didn’t understand how dragging him around Central Park would help make the pain go away.

  The Eleven reached the fountain and slowly began to surround it. The fountain center was of an angel, which made sense to Shen. Angels were heaven’s salvation sent to humans, right? He needed salvation. He wanted to be saved.

  As they approached the pool, he looked up at the angel. She had a serene, yet knowing face, as if she knew he was coming to see her. She looked down on Shen and something in his chest clicked. There was a peace, a warmth that radiated through the pain and soothed some of the hurt. Her hand reached down to him and Shen wanted to reach out and grab it.

  “Bring Shen to me,” Lucan said as he took a step to the lip of the pool. Kevin and Solar did as they were told, lifting him up to join their leader. Solar looked at him and Shen couldn’t place the look but it made him uneasy. They ended up right at the center of the fountain with the angel hovering over them and water spraying on them from above.

  “The time has come,” Lucan began, his voice deep. “Khavah’s spirit is recycling, her vessels have been destroyed and it is up to us to provide her a new one. With our offering, the Blood Border will dissipate, if only for a moment, and our realm will welcome us home.” Lucan turned and looked at the angel at the center of the fountain. “It is time,” he whispered.

  Pythia Del climbed into the fountain pool and gracefully waded through the water. She touched Shen’s shoulder and leaned over. “I’m going to make the pain go away,” she said softly in his ear.

  Thank God, he thought.

  The ends of her hands glowed a faint greyish color as she stood in front of him. She softly kissed him. “I’m sorry, Shen,” she said against his lips.

  Shen frowned and his face scrunched up. “Huh?” he said as she gently placed her hand against his chest. Then he felt it. A twisting pain inside of his chest, like something was ripping everything apart. His heartbeat slowed until it sounded like drips from a leaking faucet.

  “You and Jin are soulmates, you see. You two are cosmically connected and I thank you for that, Shen,” Lucan said as he stared down at him. “You saved us from starting our war before we were ready and now you will serve a purpose greater than you’ve ever served before. The new vessel for Khavah Dantò’s body.”

  Shen didn’t hear him. He was frantically searching for the next heartbeat in his ears. Light bloomed from his body and shot towards the sky as his breathing slowed. Tears collected in his eyes, crested and fell down his face.

  The pain ebbed, flowed, and then became shallow. The world went grey, the color drained from it, it became muted and lifeless. Sounds mellowed out. Disappeared.

  He closed his eyes. His heart stopped. He felt nothing at all.

  He became nothing.



  Lucan looked at his followers, the one who had trusted him to lead them home. He stared as light poured from Shen’s body until it fell apart into pieces of pure energy.

  He turned to Sheeda. “Tell Glut to come.”

  Pythia Del came to his side and he slid his hand into hers, intertwining them. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

  “You did it, Lucan,” she said softly, only loud enough for the two of them to hear it. He let his head fall against hers, his lips against her forehead.

  The light began to grow, reaching past the fountain and creeping up the stairs until the entire terrace was glowing.

  “We can go home now, love,” he said against her skin. He looked up into the light and let its warmth wash over him.

  “We are going home.”

  REALMS: the subrealms of pure



  oti /

  onyu del tanzanique


  Kowloon pod city

  faux praesidium

  silent temple






  praesidium below

  ilareen lake

  leone crypt & mausoleum




  Kano Dantò –The Griffith

  Penume Labbim–The Dialect



  aeon terra

  later uwa

  Elysian territory

  leading officials

  the above; the fallen


  au courant, elysian-city proper, Awọn Idajọ

  aeon terra territory

  Leading Officials

  Mosi Neith - Madina Minister

  Babu Tito - Pwoteksyon Commander


  Vox Populi, as-Sūriyā and Bayt Lāhiyyaḧ

  Later Uwa Territory

  Leading Officials

  Serka Linka; missing


  Thousands of small providences







  ANGELS: a spiritual category under the major three taxonomy of spiritual beings. Angels operate under a genetic hierarchy from which they govern themselves: Seraphim, Cherubim, Throne, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels.

  THE GLORY BEYOND ANGELS: Angels who have always officially resided in The Glory Beyond (Heaven). Some have post on earth as guardians, in Caeli as facilitators, and other realms such as Discord, as Spiritualist.

  FALLEN: expelled angels, from those who fought in the War in Heaven, an
gels accepted into Satan’s legion, and angelic parents and their Nephilim offspring.

  NEPHILIM: The Nephilim are the offspring of the "sons of God" (angels) and the "daughters of men" (humans) according to Genesis 6:4; and giants who inhabited Canaan according to Numbers 13:33. Being born of one angelic parent, half-angelic parent, and a human.

  Angelic Parents x Human Parent= Nephilim | Half-Angelic Parent x Human Parent = Nephilim

  Half-Angelic Parent x Half-Angelic Parent = Nephilim | Angelic Parent x Half-Angelic Parent = Nephilim

  MUTARE: Latin word for change. Mutare are especially skilled Nephelim angels. Once they exhibit a naturally high ability in mathematics and science as well as other physical pre-requisites, their name is submitted to the Academy for consideration.


  A lineal gift is an ability that is passed down either through the maternal side or through mating.

  • Healing - Key (Kithlish), his father, Team Gazelle and Junta Gazelle all have known ability for healing. This is outside of path powers.

  • Foresight – Tambour’s maidens have the gift of prophecy as well as foresight interpretation.

  • Gift of Tongue - This is one talent all candidates for The Academy must have, the ability to interpret every language, from general syntactic languages to the supernatural. It is a learned skill but can be a lineal.

  • Empath - Those who have a highly developed sense of empathy. It manifests itself through the ability to feel others emotions and /or reacts as they would. They can project their emotions but it is rare. Sariel of the Fallen has the ability.

  • Telepathy - Lucan, Pythia Del, Pythia Phi. Lucan's use is temporary and conditional, where knowing his name or any personal deep rooted fact about him disrupts the frequency to communicate mentally. Pythia Del, however, is a high leveled telepath only trumped by one other person.

  • Synesthesia - Defined as a neurological condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. RARE. Aria Jinni is the only known possessor of the power.

  SPIRIT ESSENCE: the scent of a soul, can sometimes be blocked by a clog–an olfactory disrupter that disguises the scent.

  SPIRIT MASS: The amount of power contained in a soul.

  SPIRIT PRESSURE: using the power (spirit mass) contained in a soul in a tangible, metaphysical sense. The more powerful the person, the heavier the pressure feels.

  RUAH: the force that feeds the spirit.

  NEPHESH: the force that feels the body.

  KUFSAH: a soul container.

  KEYSTONE: a specially modified kufsah stone that “contains” the soul of someone who has died.

  SIGILLUM DEI AEMAETH: The seal of God, or signum dei vivi, symbol of the living God, called by John Dee the Sigillum Dei Aemaeth) - A late Middle Ages magical diagram, composed of two circles, a pentagram, and three heptagons, and is labeled with the name of God and his angels. It was an amulet (amuletum) with the magical function that, according to one of the oldest sources (Liber iuratus), allowed the initiated magician to have power over all creatures except Archangels, but usually only reserved for those who can achieve the blessed vision of God and angels (beatific visionary).


  Angel Ruler







  Lunar: Restriction-Hold





  Zachariel and Raphael

  Air; Yin and Yang manipulation

  Gemini, Virgo



  Anahel (chief)

  Subordinate princes:

  Jabniel, Rabacyel,


  Earth: Power, Strength, the path one would use to ask for permission for a tier release

  Taurus, Libra



  Sandalphon or Sammael

  Fire: Healing

  Virgo, Aries



  Zachiel (chief)

  subordinate princes:

  Zebul (day)

  Sabath (night)

  Ocean: Enhanced Vision

  Pisces, Sag




  Water: Draw energy from the earth

  Aquarius, Capricorn




  Fire/Solar: Power;


  Contains pieces of

  all Paths;

  highest tier

  path imaginable.




  They have unlimited access to their core power, except for when in the realm of Caeli, where all angelic power is capped. This cap can be lifted through divine incantation.


  They have restricted to half power in every realm. This cap can be lifted through divine incantation, or calling on a Path and the power allotted is dependent on the realm, and if any additional restrictors have been put in place.


  They have 100% restricted power in every realm. This cap can be lifted through divine incantation, but divine permission must be asked for the breach a power level above 50% for six of the seven paths. Araboth is not granted inside of Caeli without expressed permission from the Above.


  Have limited access to lineal gifts powers from their angelic parent. Can be lifted through divine incantation, but the level of power accessed is lower than 15%.


  Severely limited access to lineal gift. Permanent status, yet still powerful enough to seem Godlike to ungifted humans, however.

  And now a chapter exerpt from…


  will fly but they don’t soar

  Summer 2019


  Nineteen years ago…

  “Hello. This is Fascist Fonsworth and thank you for tuning into Eden Nova AM. Today, I am here with a huge announcement for all of my loyal listeners. Through my connections and intricate web of anonymous sources, including those very close to the Dynast, I have learned that a new law was passed on the floor of the Ministries of Conduction last night.

  It is as I feared.

  A new class based draft called SGSSA, or Societal Group Selective Service Amendment, is going to go in effect in six months’ time. You, the weary and downtrodden, the angry and the righteous, you, the great silent majority of my fellow Augustans, will be forced to participate in the Northern Expeditions.

  This cannot be. This cannot be. This…cannot…be!

  We will resist. This cannot and will not be the future of this country.


  I will always be with you. I will always stand with you. Fight with me.

  Standby. More news of our resistance is coming.

  Signing off,

  Fascist Fonsworth.”


  The Dynast

  Once upon a time there was a King and there was a Queen.

  In another land, a land called Augusta, there was a Dynast and there was a Dynasta...

  It was just after dawn. The air was cool and crisp and the ground was still wet with dew. The rays of the sun peaked throughout the city, highlighting everything it touched. The hustle and bustle of the morning filled the air with the disjointed harmony life in the city provided. Ten dark beacons rose out in the distance and a tall crane crept along, shifting its cargo from right to left over the shipping yard. Closer, there was a robin perched on the golden door of Dragon, the main gates of the Outer Court, its red chest puffed out as it sang its song, a faithful hymn dedicated to wha
t was natural to a bird–freedom.

  Onho, the capital of Augusta, was awake.

  Had this morning been a normal morning, Eifion Black-Augustine would have ordered an entire carafe of coffee brought to his room, heavy on the cream and sugar, just the way he loved it. His wife, Thesdi, hated it, claimed it was the unhealthiest thing she’d ever seen. She would always tell him, “It’s crazy to me that a man with the name Black-Augustine can’t enjoy a nice hot cup of black coffee without all that sugar and cream. You have a future to think about, Eifion!”

  Thesdi was right, she was always right, but sometimes he would sneak a cup or two and indulge in its sweetness anyways. Yes, he had a future to think about but life was short.

  Had this morning been a normal morning, he would phone his daughter’s quarters in the East Wing, hoping not to wake her fiancé, and goad Jay’lis into sneaking into the kitchens for ice cream before her mother and brother woke. It was a father-daughter tradition, something they both enjoyed the morning before a big lavish feast.

  On his way there, he would stop by his son’s quarters and watch as he slept. Ahni looked so much like his grandmother that it surprised Eifion sometimes. He would tiptoe in, ruffle his hair a bit before laying a kiss on his forehead.

  Had this morning been a normal morning, he would tell Thesdi how much he loved her. Tell her that he would go to the ends of the world for her. Tell her that he still remembered the dress she wore on their first date. Tell her that he still remembered the taste of her lips when they shared their first kiss. He would teach Jay’lis more and more and more until she couldn’t fit any more knowledge in her head. He would teach Ahni how to perfect the famous Black-Augustine double scissor move on the soccer field, the same one his father taught him as a boy.


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