Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2) Page 2

by L. A TehPeaceMaker


  The next morning, I went to the usual headquarters where our meetings were held. About twenty soldiers, Enrico-the man that reported the murder of Rico Rossi last night, and other officials and members of the pride were here to review the report. Enrico also texted me last night that new information about the murder was obtained.

  I sat there while Enrico was informing everyone about what he told me already. I kept trying to see this murder of Rico Rossi from multiple angles but the only conclusion I could come to was that this was an attack and the murder wasn't just random. The killer had a main objective and that was for certain.

  "No one should have been able to get into his house without getting through security. He was in charge of all our secret files and records, our main source of information about other gangs, he was smarter than that." I said once Enrico finished talking. Everyone looked in my direction.

  "We ran back some tapes from his cameras and saw that his guards were positioned in their rightful places the time of the attack. This gives me room to believe the killer came from a different route."

  "Were the blind spots with cameras checked?" I asked.

  One of the newest members of the investigative team spoke up. "Sir, we checked those too and the cameras were all tampered with as we couldn't see anything watching the tapes." He said as I nodded.

  Another member sitting next to him, one with lighter hair in comparison spoke up. "We've come to the theory that these cameras were damaged before the killing. Perhaps days in advance."

  "As I thought..." I muttered.

  "That's not even the worst of things. This morning I went into his house and looked to see if any of the files or reports in his computer were deleted in case of emergency. It seems we have some problems. A mission that occurred under your Father, the one where he sent soldiers to kill a high ranking official from the Brotherhood, was sent to the current reigning Don, Waldo Tinuccio." Enrico added.

  I tightened my jaw and squeezed my fists. We were in imminent trouble now. "Are you sure it was sent to Tinuccio?" I asked. He nodded his head and flicked the paper. "Yes, Tinuccio was addressed under the anonymous report."

  I narrowed my eyes at him. "Anonymous. The bastard that killed Rossi looked through old reports and sent that to a family we don't get along with. Did he tamper with any other information?" I asked him.

  "Not that we could find."

  Raelyn’s POV

  I gave Romano's small hand a squeeze as we walked into the backyard of my parents house. Father was out somewhere managing business while mother was planting vegetables in the backyard. Apparently she needed my help but I knew she just wanted to spend time with Romano and I.

  "Grandma!" Romano opened his arms and hugged Mother. She was already on her knees working on the ground so they were leveled in height.

  "Ohh Romano, my sweet boy!" She held his face and kissed his face repeatedly as he giggled. I smiled and put on the set of gloves that were lying on the floor.

  "You've been a good boy for your mother?" She asked him. Romano nodded his head and crossed his arms. Hah, he probably didn't even know what being a good boy meant. "Help me dig these holes." She said passing him a small shovel and he quickly went to work.

  Mother turned to me and nudged me. "How are you and your husband?" She asked. Husband. Even though I've been married to Stefano for almost four years, I still got butterflies in my stomach whenever he was addressed as my husband and I addressed as his wife.

  I had to admit that everything Caterina told me about Stefano was true. I remember her telling me that he's such a loving and affectionate man and it just took getting to know him for me to understand him.

  "We're doing fine mother, please don't worry." I let her know.

  "I'm glad." She responded, a genuine smile on her face. It wasn't until I became pregnant with Romano, that we had began rekindling our relationship a few years ago. I remember the hostility and distrust I had towards my parents and even though I'm older now, I still don't shake my head for how I felt back then.

  Any girl would have felt how I felt, being thrusted into the unknown. That unknown is now known to me and I couldn't be happier with the man I married.

  After helping Mother plant the tomatoes and grapes, she cooked Romano and I dinner and we ate before going home. Stefano told me in the morning to not wait up on him for dinner anyway.

  Romano's feet took off as he ran to his Father. Stefano high fived him and they began their own little conversation as I hung my coat and reflected on my day. Romano plopped on the couch and started rolling around as I met Stefano half way into the living room. He pulled me closer by my waist and kissed me.

  The giggling coming from Romano in the corner made the both of us grin as we pulled away. Stefano and I gave each other a stare that I couldn't quite name yet. We always looked at each other this way after kissing. He pulled my bottom lip down with his thumb. "I'd ask how your day went but Mr.Man over there told me all about it. How's your mom?" He asked me.

  I smiled and held his hand. "Same old. She's been very crazy about her garden lately though." I said humorously. "Hm, that's good." He said with a smile. He let me go and returned to sit on the couch, his arms crossed behind his head as he closed his eyes.

  I knew that posture anywhere. He was stressed and I knew it had to do with that phone call he got last night.

  "Come on, Romano. Bath time then bed." I said waving Romano to come over. He pouted his lips. "But mama, I wanna stay here with daddy." Romano whined. "Daddy's going to come up with us soon." I told him. "B-" he started but Stefano opened his eyes and turned to look at Romano, shutting him up.

  Romano raised his chin up at Stefano in defiance. "I don't want to punish you, but I will if I have to." Stefano threatened him.

  Romano quickly hopped off and came to me.

  Stefano's POV

  I just sat there thinking about the fresh murder of Mark Vitale, the casino manager who's been working long for the family and even under my father's time. There was still no clue found about the murderer and I knew these murders were anything but a coincidence at this point.

  First, our best tracker. Then, our casino manager, a family friend. This evening it was known that Mark Vitale didn't show up for a big meeting today and was found dead in his vehicle soon after.

  If whoever was behind this wanted to get my attention, they now had it.

  All I could do now was wait in the morning for more details following Vitale's death.

  Chapter 3

  The Next Day

  The sound of my phone ringing woke me up. I opened my eyes and looked down to see Raelyn's head laying on my chest and her arm was around me. I tried taking her arm and gently moving it to the side to not wake her up but she tightened her hold on me and snuggled in closer to my side. I shook my head and grinned.

  I used my right arm to reach and grab my phone. I answered it, putting it up to my ear.

  "You have more news for me, Enrico?" I asked him. "Yes. I was able to come into contact with Mark Vitale's body where our team was investigating. I've just sent you images of his wounds. He was choked by a rope. I'm assuming the killer was in the back passenger seat and waited for him to enter his car before he threw the rope over his head." He started. I opened the images he sent and saw the purplish bruises going around his neck.

  "He was then stabbed repeatedly in his side and stomach area. There's also another detail you might find interesting. There was the letter, W, carved into his side. I assume the killer was able to turn him over and remove his clothing before carving a knife into his side."

  "Just like Rico Rossi." I stated. I clenched my jaw then nodded. "They're making their move now. Round up some soldiers at the usual place. Contact Waldo Tinuccio and request a meeting on my behalf." I told Enrico. Everything was pointing towards Tinuccio and his organization.

  "Everything's alright?" I heard Rae's tired voice. Her eyes fluttered open and she used her hand to caress the side of my fac

  "I have to go now. I won't be gone for long." I told her. I didn't want to discuss business with her and I had to be on my way to discuss the new plan with my soldiers.

  She gave me a curious look and I took her hand, lifting her off the bed. She quickly covered her chest with the sheets and chuckled. "What are you doing?"

  "Get ready with me." I pulled Raelyn up until she was standing up fully exposed to my eyes. "Mm, I think I like you better like this." I said bringing Raelyn closer to my body and squeezing her butt, a stupid grin on my face.

  Raelyn playfully shoved me but I came back closer and picked her up bridal style, leading her into the bathroom.


  "I have reason to believe that the W being carved into the sides of said victims stand for, Waldo. Waldo Tinuccio." I said watching the facial expressions of my men grow into slight shock. "Waldo Tinuccio. I can see that as well." Enrico said and tightened his jaw.

  "Enrico, you said that the information of my father killing one of the members of The Brotherhood had gotten leaked to Tinuccio. That is trouble for us."

  "More than likely they want revenge. We Italians don't let news like that fly over our heads. But, if I may, Ricco Rossi was the first victim." Enrico started. I narrowed my eyes. "Continue."

  "The report was sent to Tinuccio after the killer murdered Ricco Rossi."

  "You're saying the killer had to have information about the report before killing Rossi." I finished his speculation. The main objective was to send the report and the enemy could only do that buy getting rid of the obstacle.

  "We're in a dangerous situation. Either the killer is amongst us, or we have someone leaking information to outsiders and enemies." Enrico said again.

  I nodded my head and began to give out directions. "I need three elite soldiers to come with me to Providence, Tinuccio's area of control. Everyone else, I want you to stay behind and protect the town. That's your mission in case of another murder or an attack on civilians while I'm gone."


  Being escorted into the back of the casino owned by Tinuccio, I made eye contact with the suspicious eyes of made men. They noticed I was a foreigner in their turf and I knew if I made any sharp movements, they would take that as a chance to jump. I could kill them with my bare hands if I wanted.

  The curtains were pulled back to reveal the aging Waldo Tinuccio, smoking a fat cigar as his two guards stood behind him. He looked us up and down before waving one of his men behind us to close the curtains again for privacy.

  "A pleasure it is to be receiving a visit from the famous Vanzetti. To what do I owe this..." He said waving his hand around trying to find a word to finish his sentence. I tightened my jaw as I looked him squarely in the eyes. "Business. I have reason to suspect that you are behind the recent murders of our members." I interrupted.

  His men frowned at me, probably thinking of the large balls I have to be able to speak to their leader how I am.. Tinuccio released the smoke from his lungs and leaned back into his chair, a grin tugging on his chapped lips. "What makes you think I have any hand in this?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

  Enrico handed me the folder with images of the carved, W, on the dead victims' bodies and the email sent to Tinuccio's address. I took it and handed it to Tinuccio. He glanced at me before flipping through. He looked at me a few more times before coughing and releasing smoke from his lungs again.

  "Hm, this is why you suspect me? I have to say, I would be pointing fingers at me too as, it's only logical." He started. I narrowed my eyes at him, urging him to continue. He then smirked. "I did receive the report about your father murdering a very good friend of mine. However, I, myself, didn't kill your dear men in this manner. This is just not my style." He said nonchalantly.

  Tinuccio and I held each other's stares for a minute or so before I gave him a firm nod. "Thank you for your time. We should be going now." I gave my men a nod before turning around, them following close behind.

  "Oh and Vanzetti, were those really W's that were carved into your men?" He asked me. I ignored him and continued walking. As we walked out of the casino, Enrico walked up to me. "I know exactly what you're about to say." I interrupted him.

  "It appears that I just let him go, but I'm keeping a close eye on him. I don't trust him for a second. Now that I've made an appearance, he's going to have to tread lightly. One little slip and it's war." I said.

  Raelyn's POV

  I was in the living room looking at the family pictures on display behind one of the couches. It was around midnight and I couldn't sleep. Stefano still hadn't arrived and I had put Romano to bed hours ago.

  The loneliness was creeping in. I reached and grabbed the picture frame with Romano at two years old, sitting on Stefano's shoulders when we went sightseeing in Rome a few years back.

  I chuckled at the expression Stefano wore on his face. He was pretending like he didn't want to be there and had much better things to do. There was another picture I picked up. I was holding Romano in my arms as Stefano held me, his arms around my waist. There was one I thought was really cute. Stefano and Romano were dressed up in tuxes, both their hands in their pockets as they looked at each other, firm expressions on their faces.

  Romano's effort of trying to be like his father was always humorous. Stefano was a source for Romano's masculinity. I knew it was important for him to seek validation from his father. I understood, but sometimes it'd break my heart. I knew sooner or later, Stefano was going to start training our little boy.

  I couldn't forget the large family photo that took place on Romano's third birthday. Marcelo and him had cake all around their mouths. I tried to get Romano to stop eating before the picture could be taken. Gigi was on my right, scolding her son as well. Caterina stared in awe, pointing to us as Stefano had his eyebrows raised. My parents were in the process of chuckling.

  I spotted one in the back. I was in a long red dress with a slit and Stefano wore a black tux with a red bow tie. His arms were around my waist like they always were. We took this picture on the stairs of Adriano's mansion, the day of his celebration of becoming the consigliere.

  I frowned at the thought of him, but went back to the look on me and Stefano's faces. He looked down at me in almost a trance and I looked up at him with a shy smile.

  Me and Stefano's wedding picture was also begging for attention. The uncertainty on my face and the fake smile that painted my lips was enough for me to remember all the emotions I had that day. I looked at my face in the picture once again. "If only I knew how that smile would be genuine later on."

  I picked up the picture of another family photo. This was taken a few years back when we were all in Rome having a cookout. I had my lipstick smeared and Stefano had a stupid grin on his face. We had just been fooling around before this photo was taken and I remember

  ed the moment clearly.

  My eyes danced to the gleam from a photo in front of me I hadn't noticed until now. This family photo was just of Romano, Stefano, and I. There was a long crack in the glass, separating Stefano from Romano and I. "When did this crack get here?" I asked to no one in particular.

  The longer I stared at the photo, the more uneasy I became. I didn't like the idea of Stefano not being around with Romano and I. The crack insinuating a separation, disturbed me. I didn't realize I slit my thumb while dragging it on the glass until I felt a sharp pain and blood began to ooze out the cut.

  "Raelyn, why are you still up?" The deep voice made me jump and gasp. I turned around to see Stefano walking towards me, his coat draped over his arm as he came closer. The sight of him caused a smile to grow on my lips.

  I could say I'm in love with him without grimacing. I realized this was the reason I always felt lonely when he wasn’t around.

  "I didn't know I had a bed time." I said circling my arms around his neck and leaning in to kiss him. Stefano met me halfway and deepened our kiss. After I pulled away, Stefano took my hand. I bit my hand as I realized it was the one where I ha
d the bleeding thumb.

  He examined my hand and when he saw the blood, he looked at my face. Before I could say something, he raised my hand to his lips and turned it so he could suck the blood from my small wound.

  I was surprised by his observation but yet again, nothing ever got past him. He had noticed immediately how I hid my hand and that was enough cause for suspicion. "Why would you hide something so small from me?" He asked, knitting his eyebrows together.

  "I know how you get sometimes." I replied.

  He chuckled. "Hm, you're right." He placed a firm kiss on my hand and let me go.

  I took his hand and began leading him upstairs. "Something tells me you've missed me." He teased. I rolled my eyes before replying. "You have no idea. I'm in the mood for cuddling." I told him, playfully.

  Stefano frowned as he looked at me. "Just cuddling?" He asked.

  "Yes. Next time, come home early." I said pretending to hit him. Stefano cracked a smile as he followed me up the stairs. "Made men don't cuddle."

  "I guess you aren't a made man, then." I said back.

  Chapter 4

  Stefano’s POV,

  Two weeks later

  “Frank Santora. Shot in the head in his backyard while playing with his 3-year old son.” Enrico said walking into the room, a fresh new report in his hands as he joined us. We were currently at Enrico’s condo to discuss the murder of one of our middle men.

  He took out three photographs and placed them down on the coffee table. All of our eyes soaked in the images of the large gash on the side of his face. I wouldn’t have been able to tell that was Frank Santora if I’d never done business with him before.

  Louise Accardi was the first to speak. “There’s no letter engraved into Santora, anywhere. I don’t think this is the same killer.”

  I glanced at Enrico, agreeing with Accardi. Enrico took a seat next to me. “No, it is. I’ve been keeping track of the patterns of his murders. Without fail, since our meeting with Tinuccio, the enemy has killed a member of The Pride every third day. ” He said as a matter of fact.


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