Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2) Page 23

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  He threw his head back as he laughed. “You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me!”

  He brought his other hand up perhaps to choke me with both of his hands but I quickly kneed him in his gut, making him double over.

  “Bitch!” He yelled as I quickly maneuvered around him to run but he grabbed my thigh, almost making me fall over. I turned and elbowed his face, releasing myself in the process. I kicked his chest and his face before as hard as I could before grabbing the crowbar behind the fridge.

  Hearing his ragged breath and heavy footsteps signal that he was up and ready for me, I held the crowbar behind me. I walked backwards and when my back was against the wall again and he was close enough, I swung the bar with so much force he stumbled back in shock. The crowbar was cold in my hand and I prayed my fear wouldn’t let me tremble and drop to my knees. I hit him again and once more before he was down on the ground. He held the side of his face, his fingers shaking as he endured pain.

  I saw his gun strapped to his waist as he rolled left and right on the floor. I needed to get it somehow. I didn’t know how to shoot a gun, in fact, I’ve only ever held a gun once.

  If I was going to be able to reach for his gun, I needed to make sure this poor excuse for a man was down for the count. “Hah! Ah!” I collided the bar with his body multiple times. I made sure to hit his arm, shoulder, thigh, and his head. He begged for mercy but I had none in me.

  He was bleeding out the side of his head and was completely out cold, still on the ground. Now I just needed to get his gun. There was this rush of Adrenalin inside me that made me go on. Firmly I held the crowbar in my right hand just in case he tried to attack me again. With my left hand, I slowly lowered my hand to his waist and lifted the strap holding his gun in place. Carefully and quickly, I pulled the gun out.

  My heart thudded against my chest, frantically as I drew the gun to my chest. My fingers trembled as I felt the warm weapon. Realization came over me that Vincent could be coming back here anytime soon. His friend was knocked out cold and blood trickled from the side of his head, bruises everywhere on his skin was showing.

  I had to find a place to hide him.


  I wiped the spots of blood off the kitchen floor with a napkin and threw it in the empty trash can.

  Now would be a good time to make a run for it.

  Immediately after I closed the lid, I heard a key opening the door. I jumped and accidentally bit my tongue, grimacing as I sat back down at the table.

  The door opened and I crossed my arms on the table and laid my head down as if I were taking a nap. I tried to calm my nerves by not thinking of the worst Vincent could do to me if he found out what I did to that man.

  His footsteps neared and then stopped once he made it inside the tiny kitchen. “You’re still in that spot?” He asked.

  I slowly sat up and uncrossed my arms, blinking twice. “Sorry to mess up your nap. Where’s Eric? I’ve been calling and he hasn’t answered his phone.” He also asked.

  I froze by regained my composure. “I wouldn’t know.” I lied. My eyes lowered to see he was holding a bag of food from McDonald’s.

  Before locking Eric from the inside out of one of his storage rooms, I took his phone from his pocket and put it on silent. Just In case Vincent were to somehow track his phone, I placed it on Eric’s bed just to make him more frustrated.

  “Did he go somewhere?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

  “I fell asleep as soon as you left. I don’t know.” I lied again. I was such a horrible liar sometimes but I hoped he he’d buy it. Vincent cursed.

  “We have to get moving in half an hour. Here I brought McDonald’s.” Vincent walked over to me and sat the bag of food in front of me.

  “Where is this motherfucker? Eric!” Vincent said, storming out the kitchen and down the corner. He knocked on the bathroom door and Eric’s bedroom door. He even opened both yet no response. I quickly prayed that he wouldn’t find out his storage door was locked.

  Vincent cursed again. I bit my lip and opened my bag to see a sandwich and fries.

  “He left her here without-” I heard Vincent whisper to himself. I heard his footsteps approaching me again as he entered the kitchen. That cold and sinister look in his eyes was back. Did he find out? I averted my attention down to the single fry I held in between my thumb and index finger.

  “We have no time to waste, Rae.”

  Shakily, I put the fry into my mouth and began to chew. Vincent was unpredictable and I didn’t know whether he was going to hurt me or gently caress my cheek. I was always scared whether he was around or not. I felt the tears brimming my eyes but I had to keep them in.

  He leaned against the fridge and folded his arms, a humorous chuckle erupting from his throat.

  “Our fates are sealed, Rae.” He said again. I closed my eyes. I hated whenever he started to talk like this.

  “What do you mean?” I asked him. I already knew though.

  “You’ll find out soon my dear.” He answered.

  I wanted to pull out the gun I took from Eric and threaten him, but I had a feeling now wasn’t the right time. I was in the middle of nowhere and probably not a gas station for miles. I’d die in the cold. The gun was strapped in the inside of my pocket so he couldn’t see.

  When the time is right...

  I made the mistake of looking into Vincent’s eyes again. I wished he’d stop looking at me like that.

  When he observed me so still, I never knew what he was thinking. His eyes were devouring me up, as if he hadn’t done so already.

  “This will all be over soon. Once I deal with a certain someone personally, we’ll both be free. We’ll be free from the life he’s bound us to. You, an arranged marriage, and me, forced to hide in the shadows. It’s almost like it was fate that brought us together again. Don’t you think so?” He asked me.

  I had lost the little appetite I had left.

  “Isn’t that my choice to make?” I asked, my voice decreasing with each filling word.

  “Let me ask you something Rae. If that bastard hadn’t interfered with our plans, where would’ve we been today?” He asked, walking towards me.

  “No matter how many times you bring that up, I can’t love you the same way I did before. Especially now that I’ve seen what y-you’ve become.” I said as boldly as I could.

  “You don’t mean that.” He laughed, tilting his head back.

  “You’re insane.” I whispered.

  “Hm. We can do this your way then, Rae.” He paused, folding his arms on the table and leaning in to face me. “In the end, I’ll allow you to make your decision. Just know I’ll never give up on you until you accept me.”

  What does that even mean?


  Stefano’s POV

  “Forgive me for stepping out of line boss, but on the behalf of myself and the others, we don’t agree on your decision of self-sacrifice.” Angelo said, his arms wide as he tried to change my mind about how to face Vandal.

  My men and I were parked half a mile away from the address Vandal had given me. He said there to be no one but me in the vicinity of the area and that I should come alone to meet him. There was no other way.

  “I mean, how are you sure this mothafucka’ will honor the compromise? Judging by his track record, none of us would put it past him on killing you and keeping your wife.” Angelo pressed again.

  I held his stare, silencing him. “He’s not going to give up my wife without a fight and neither will I. If I don’t have to give up my life, I won’t.” I said firmly.

  “Stef-” he continued. I turned around to face the other men.

  “This looks like a great area for you all to stop. I’ll be going now.” I told everyone. Angelo sighed in defeat. I made sure to make all necessary phone calls to Raelyn’s parents and Alessio as well, going over arrangements if I were to not return. I spoke to my son as well, having a normal conversation with him as if nothing were at stake.

Ricardo, Enrico, Thomas, and Angelo were all against my decision to go into the enemy’s trap but knew that I wasn’t going back on my word. I turned to Angelo again and took out my guns and knives, giving them all to him.

  I was now on this mission alone.

  It’s me that he wants. Vandal was seeking something to fill his heart and the fool thought that by killing me, Rae would fill the void. He’ll just end up with an even bigger hole.

  This is going to be it.

  “What are we gonna’ do? We can’t just-” I heard Enrico say to the others.

  “Do not leave this spot until you see my wife. If you see my wife, that means I’m probably dead. If neither of us come out by nightfall, rush in.” I ordered them.


  Nearing the warehouse, I counted two men guarding it. It was dark and the outline of their bodies were no mistake. I saw them move their arms and I brought my hands up in the air to show I wasn’t carrying any weapons.

  They lowered their arms almost simultaneously. I took careful and predictable steps as I walked closer to the two large men. I could tell by their casual dressing they weren’t official soldiers, but men Vandal had paid to just watch this warehouse.

  “Are you Vanzetti?” The one on the left asked, gruffness in his voice. He had a goatee and smelled of gasoline. “That's him alright.” The one on the right said with smugness. This one was bald and had no facial hair.

  They both chuckled and the bald one spit on the ground. I was punched in the jaw and kicked in the gut, calling to my knees as I doubled over. Their hits and kicks were predictable and I refused to fight back. I was trying to enter this warehouse in one piece. I didn’t care if I was black and blue as long as I completed this mission.

  I swung at the one with a goatee and purposely missed by a couple centimeters. “That’s all you got? Don’t make us laugh.”

  I was kicked in the side and I groaned in pain, falling to the ground. While I was down on the ground, the bald man patted me for weapons. “He’s clean.”

  “Well that’s not fun.” The other said.

  “Hey get up, fool. We’re not done with you.” The bald man picked me up by my shirt, and punched me square in the nose, causing blood to flow out soon after.

  I lowered my head, getting angrier yet I kept my composure. I was punched once more before dropping back down on the dirt.

  Chapter 27

  Stefano’s POV

  The side of my ribs pulsed with teeth-grinding pain. I had spit out blood four times and blood still ran from my nose. My head hung and I was too sore to stand up. “Get up you, we’re taking you in.” One of the men yanked me up by my shirt and the other grabbed my arms and tied my hands behind my back with a rough rope. The spikes were digging into my flesh already.

  I was dragged by my shirt as I was led to the doors. A key was turned to open the double doors and when we stepped in, I had to squint my eyes to protect them from the brightness of the lights. I was nudged forward to keep walking.

  As we walked further down the hallway, the light became minuscule and the walls were getting more narrow. My wrists were rubbing raw and felt like they were about to break as well. I couldn’t remember the last time I had my hands tied behind my back.

  I kept my eyes moving on all points and dimensions of the dim-lighted hallway. I need to memorize the layout in case I do get out of here alive.

  “Keep looking forward.” I was nudged at my lower back with an elbow, making me step forward. Forgetting my hands were tied, I tried to move my hands to strangle the bastard but failed to.

  Laughing erupted from the two gentleman escorting me through another door.

  I clenched my jaw and looked downward as a drop of my blood hit the ground.

  The light was even dimmer now as we entered a larger room within the warehouse. There was a staircase leading all the way up to the second floor. The space in this room was immense and it would probably take fifteen ladders to get to the ceiling.

  “Now sit tight.” The bald man said this time, pushing me with so much force I smacked down onto the floor. The two left abruptly and locked the door behind them.


  I laid on my side, my cheek touching the cold hard floor as I tried to regain my strength and get used to the pain those two bastards inflicted on me. They beat me up real good, but not good enough.

  I was almost glad they weren’t made men.

  It wasn’t soon when I heard the door open again. Before I could turn to see who was coming in, I heard a scoff followed by loud laughter erupting from a single individual.

  My eyes landed on a tall, young male with tousled dark hair, wearing all black and sporting a lean-muscular build. Getting a good look at him I knew Vincent Vandal had entered the room.

  He stood up straight and rolled his shoulders back to front, cracking them. He then sneered at me. “I’d say good morning but I can see the evening hasn’t been good to you.”

  I didn’t know what was worse: getting beaten up or hearing this asshole speak.

  My body was feeling the soreness deeply now and just moving side to side was already a bargain. I clenched my jaw as Vandal took strides towards me. He was now towering over my body, looking down at me with a cocky smirk.

  “They told me you are stubborn.” He chuckled. He kicked me in my side and I winced, doubling over again. If my hands weren’t tied behind my back, he’d be dead.

  “Why...why don’t you unwrap this rope from my hands and fight me like a real man?” I asked him, looking up at him, my eyebrows furrowed.

  He smirked again. “Hm. Whether I do or I don’t, I’ll still have your blood under my shoes.” He twirled the keys around his finger before putting them in his front left pocket. My eyes narrowed at where he placed them.

  Vandal spun around on his heels before walking a few feet in front of me. I could feel the arrogance radiating off of him. He really thought he bested me.

  “A snake crawling on the dirt ground hoping to one day glide in the sky nurtured a little bird in its nest.” He started, pacing around my body. “Now the reptile has fallen prey because the bird has now become a hawk, taking the reptile to the sky.” He said stopping right in front of me. “It’s funny how things turn around. You were that snake and there was once a little boy named Vincent that was a little bird.”

  He also believes himself to be wise.

  “You can’t fool me. You haven’t changed at all. All this talk and all this pretense. If you are as intelligent as you claim to be, you would have stayed in the shadows..or perhaps followed a new path with the life that I didn’t taken from you.” I spat. I didn’t come here to hear his philosophy.

  His eyebrows furrowed. “You should be the last one to talk about pretenses.” He then raises his pointer finger to his forehead.

  Vincent chuckled and raised a finger to his forehead. “You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t finish the job. Some Don you are.” He scoffed and closed his eyes.

  “Still, you parade around as if you’re some badass, a heartless machine. Spare me. You're weak and that’s why you’re in this position today.” He said laughing at the last part. His head tilted back at what he thought to be so funny.

  I chuckled myself and grinned. “How am I the weak one when you’re enslaved by your own emotions?”

  He then began laughing like a mad man. “Is it slavery when you get what you want?”

  My grin faltered as I observed him. “Let my wife go. I’m here now, with my arms tied behind me and my knees to the damn floor. Do what you must, but don’t harm her anymore.” I said, cutting to the matter.

  I was ready to die and he was wasting precious time.

  “I’m not letting you die that fast.” He whispered, sinisterly. We held each other’s hateful stares. He then sneered at me again and smirked.

  “How did you like my complementary video? I was being considerate of the fact you hadn’t seen your wife in a while...”

  I thought I was scum of the earth and nee
ded deliverance, but he needed it more. I was grinding my teeth together at this point and my wrists were probably bleeding from the war it was having with the rope.

  He chuckled. “Oh, don’t look at me like that.” Vincent said teasing me, tilting his head to the side. He narrowed his eyes at me and crossed his arms. “Where did all the fight go? I heard you made quite the destruction at The prince’s Haven. I’m sure you even managed to capture my cousin and finish him off.”

  “I did absolutely that.”

  I watched this bastard clench his jaw and spit on the floor next to me.

  “I’m going to have a lot of fun with you. You’ve no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this day. I could almost sing.” He said regaining his composure. His voice had definitely deepened over the years. It was also annoying to hear.

  “Where’s Rae?” I asked again.

  He grinned. “Doesn’t matter. After I’m finished with you, I might even just kill both her and myself.” He said dragging his index finger across his neck as if to symbolize slicing Raelyn’s head off.

  He’s bluffing.

  “You might kill yourself but you’re only fooling yourself if you think I believe you’d kill her.”

  In the end it will be rare decision whether she wants to be with you or not. If you wanted to kill her, you would have long ago.”

  “Why wouldn’t I? You have no idea what kind of man I’ve become.” He replied back in a calm manner.

  I rolled back to my side. Trying to get comfortable. “If you kill Rae, there would be no one left to cherish your memory. There would be no one else to remember you. You’ll be all alone again. That, is your fear.”

  “You don’t know shit about me.” He seethed.

  “I can read faces pretty well. I saw your face when I confirmed killing your cousin. It was of pain and malice. That was a person that knew you, now dead.” I took another jab at him.

  “I know what you really want.” I said again.

  “And what is that?” He raised an eyebrow at me. I could see the hunger in his eyes. My words were just feeding his sick appetite.


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