Demon Stone

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by D E Boske

  The Dregian Chronicles

  Book Two: Demon Stone

  D. E. Boske

  Copyright © D. E. Boske, 2016

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents described herein are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, or are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, events, or locals is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, except by obtaining written permission from the author. Any inquiries may be addressed via email to: [email protected]

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  This book is dedicated to my mom. I love you and will miss you always. Thank you to my family for your unfailing love and support. A big thanks to my daughter for the artwork on the cover. You’re signed for life!


  Asa and Gayla lay in bed, their limbs entwined, when the alarm sounded. Asa flew out of bed and dressed in less than a minute.

  “Asa, what is it? What’s happening?” she asked, scared.

  “I don’t know. Something has breached our magical wards. I must go, I’m sorry.” He kissed her lips softly and then he was gone.

  “Be careful,” she whispered to the empty room. She could hear the commotion around her. Every elf was running to their posts, preparing for battle. If something happened to Asa, what would she do then?

  She looked out the window. It was utter chaos. Elves ran to and fro, a jumble of bodies too dense to make out any faces. Something was seriously wrong. She could feel it.

  She thought of Darian, touching the moonstone necklace around her neck. She hoped he was alright. She missed him so much! She missed his touch, his lips…

  She got dressed because she didn’t think Asa would be back any time soon. He was very good to her. He took her into his life, knowing what she’d done… It was hard to believe. He made her feel special, loved. When they made love it was wonderful. So different than Darian. Although Asa could never measure up to Darian, he was a talented lover, a caring lover in his own right. He filled her with pleasure. Pleasure she never had to fake.

  A tear traced its way down her cheek. Her life had changed drastically in such a short time. She could scarcely believe it. Everything she knew was gone. Here she was in the elven forest, a place that was completely foreign to her. Now if Asa… she could not bear to finish the thought.

  She dare not go out without Asa. She would get lost again she was sure. Besides, with whatever was going on it would not be wise.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Kryndale and Tryndil knew instinctively that something was not right. They could feel it even as the Mage started shouting. They freed their weapons, scanning the sky as the elves tumbled out of the trees, shouting a warning.

  Morphindinaetlus! That he dared come here did not bode well. What could be his design? They were close to the seer and the Mage, but were concerned about the elven prince and Tynuviel. They could not see them and this was not good.

  Then they heard Tynuviel cry out that she was caught. They saw Kyler’s desperate leap and held their breath. He began to climb his way up to her. Then the Mage shouted, a touch of magic to his voice. The Magical Weave vibrated with its raw power. They heard Tynuviel’s panicked screams. They felt helpless, there was nothing they could do. They were forced to watch it unfold in horror.

  When the Mage cast the first spell, they all hoped Tynuviel would make it. But the dragon was determined with his prize so near. Darian cast spell after spell in rapid succession, all to no avail.

  Heedless of his own safety, the Mage continued to cast spell after spell until he was well past exhaustion. How he remained standing was a marvel to the Gor Li’ Khan. He just refused to give in and let the darkness enfold him.

  The wyrm was not to be deterred. He had some kind of bracers on his forelegs. They were all aghast as Morphindinaetlus penetrated the magical barrier that had protected Kiri A’ Nouell for so long. He seemed to hesitate for a moment. Then he grabbed Tynuviel in his clawed appendages, puncturing her tender skin and slicing right through her. Her final screams turned them to ice as her blood rained down on them all. So much blood. Could anyone survive such blood loss? The Mage screamed until he was hoarse, casting spell after spell, until he collapsed on the ground. The Gor Li’ Khan were speechless. Darian was strong and powerful, to see him like this frightened them. He lay there motionless, barely breathing.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Shaz heard the high keening sound that could only be the alarm for the elves. What was happening? What could be powerful enough to try an attack on the elven homeland? He ran outside into the corridor and ran right into Asa.

  “Asa, what’s going on?” asked the bounty hunter.

  “I do not know yet. I’m on my way.”

  “May I accompany you?”

  “Alright, but be on your best behavior. I don’t know what to expect and we need no more trouble now.”

  “I just want to help however I may,” responded the bounty hunter, sounding uncharacteristically sincere. “How do you know where to go?”

  “The alarm tells me what I need to know. It’s coming from deeper in the forest. Feel like running?” Asa did not wait to find out and sprinted off at a brisk pace.

  Shaz did not complain. The only thing he thought of was getting there in time to be of help. What they found when they arrived was more than he bargained for.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The scene was utter chaos. Shaz became immediately concerned. He knew something was deathly wrong. He could feel it, see it in the elves gathered ‘round. He felt their silent desperation and helplessness.

  Then he saw it. Blood. So much blood. It was splattered everywhere. Droplets covered the ground, the leaves on the trees, and the elves. That’s when he noticed the figure.

  Someone was on the ground, lying very still. Asa pushed his way through the throng to find Darian sprawled on the ground, his staff still in his tight grip. Kyler was on his knees, pounding the ground relentlessly. He began to fear for the Mage. He could not tell if he breathed.

  “Kyler, what’s happened? Where is Tynuviel?” Asa asked, bile rising in his throat.

  “Morphindinaetlus! He came, but we were too preoccupied to notice. We were racing each other. This is all my fault! Takasha! What will father do? What will mother…?”

  “How did Morphindinaetlus breach our security?” Asa asked, trying to maintain control over his emotions.

  “I… I don’t know. Of a sudden, he was just there and… She was caught. She could not get free. I tried Asa… I did, but… Oh Shenna! I was not fast enough. This is all my fault.” Kyler was falling apart. Asa had never seen his little brother so distraught.

  “How can you think this is your fault? Kyler, tell me everything,” his older brother commanded. So Kyler did. He left nothing out. Although Kyler was chosen to succeed their father as Monarch, Asa was Captain of the Guard and it was his duty to get to the bottom of this.

  “We will get through this. We will go after the dragon and our sister. She may yet live.”

  “You did not hear her screams! Look at all the blood. Can she survive that?” He did not mean to be gruff with his brother. He was just upset. Tynuviel was more than just his sister, she was his friend. They confided in each other; told each other things they told no one else. And now she was gone. Just gone… He could not come to terms with such a horrifying thought.

  “Kyler,” said Asa with infinite patience. “Have faith, it’s all we have now. Shenna will watch over
her and keep her safe. You are the Monarch’s chosen. Stand up and act like it!” He did not feel as sure as he sounded, but he must give these elves hope, for they had none now. How could they when they’d been witness to such a brutal attack. He hated having to order Kyler to put aside his feelings, but there was no hope for it. Those under him needed him to lead and Asa gave him something to focus on.

  Kryndale and Tryndil stood close to Kyler, Darian and Nephraete. They looked as dejected as he felt. But Asa must be the strong one now. Let them feel his strength and sureness.

  Without being asked, Shaz helped Asa and the Gor Li’ Khan lift Darian gently as they began the long walk back. Nephraete was worried about Kyler. She’d never seen him so upset. She walked beside him silently, for she knew not what to say. Before long, he took her hand in his, stroking her hand with his thumb. His touch ignited the fires deep inside her and she yearned for him and felt guilty. Tynuviel was gravely injured, if not dead, and here she was wanting him, needing him. She blushed with embarrassment.

  “Nephraete, what will we do? I fear for Darian. They were finally getting what they’ve both wanted for so long. I’m not sure how he’ll react now that she’s gone.”

  “Kyler, Asa is right. We must have faith. We must be here for Darian. He will need us now, more than ever. There will be dark times ahead. Do not let him lose his way, Kyler. Be there for him whenever he needs you.

  “We must trust in Shenna. She will see us through this tough time. Takana, Kyler! I am here with you now. You will never be alone again.” She gripped his hand tightly.

  Without warning, he kissed her lips; coaxing her with his tongue. He was warm and inviting. He made her

  feel so much! She just wished she could make him feel better. The pain he and Darian were in was palpable. She

  hurt too. She and Tynuviel were close friends.

  Kryndale watched as Kyler kissed Nephraete. He only wished it was him instead. His feelings had not diminished at all. However, she was good for the elf prince. After the kiss, he seemed to be more himself.

  He was ready to accept the punishment that was surely waiting for them when they returned. They had not been successful in keeping the elves safe. They’d lost the Monarch’s daughter for Shenna’s sake! There was nothing they could do, it had happened so fast. They did not expect the wyrm to make it through the barrier. It must’ve been the bracers on its forelegs, that was the only explanation.

  Upon their return, Kyler, Kryndale, Nephraete and Tryndil went directly to Galavad.

  “How is this possible! How can this be? Tynuviel is gone?” The pain in his eyes was visible. “How can I tell Tiriel? What will this news do to her pregnancy? Where is Darian?” asked the Monarch, suddenly realizing the Mage was not there.

  “He collapsed from exhaustion. He is resting in his room now. He pushed himself too far trying to save her. He drew too much power… and... I do not know if he will ever be alright again.” Kyler sounded dejected and lost.

  Kryndale came forward. “I am sorry. We should have been able to keep them safe, but we failed. We will accept our punishment.” Kryndale and Tryndil bent their heads in shame. They removed their weapons, holding them hilt out to the Monarch.

  “What is this foolishness?” snapped the Monarch.

  “We would accept our punishment. We brought shame upon the Gor Li’ Khan. What ‘ere you decide, we will abide by it.”

  “Kryndale, Tryndil, there was nothing you could do. From my son’s words you all did what you could. This was a tragedy, but none of you are responsible. Take your weapons back, for you will need them when you avenge my daughter.” Galavad’s tone was steely.

  “Father, I think she may yet live,” Kyler said quietly. He’d given it much thought on their long walk back. He discarded his first opinion as the seeds of doubt began to creep in.

  “What? You think she lives? How is that possible?"

  “What better way to get Darian to come to his death than to take what he treasures most? Darian will want to avenge her. That will be all that’s on his mind. I cannot let him go alone. He will be reckless, fearless, and will not care if he lives or dies.”

  “Indeed, I believe you are right. For who knows him better than you do?” asked the Monarch worriedly.

  “How did the wyrm breech our barrier?” asked Kinistaya concernedly.

  “I believe the bracers. It is the only answer that makes any sense,” answered Kyler.

  “Where did he come by them, I wonder?” asked Galavad.

  “My guess is the Dark Mage, though I cannot be sure until Darian wakes.”

  “Is Darian injured in any way?” asked Galavad.

  “Not outwardly, no. Tynuviel’s abduction… It wasn’t until then… He… I’ve never seen him like that before and it frightens me. He was so angry, upset with himself, I think. When he wakes I fear he will blame himself. He will not be thinking clearly. All he will want is revenge. And I’m afraid he will walk willingly into the wyrm’s trap,” the elf prince replied.

  “We cannot let that happen. We will stand by him through this. After all, she is a daughter of Kiri A’ Nouell. Kyler, you need rest.”

  “I cannot. Not yet.”

  “Go, son of Shenna and rest. I will watch over the Mage. Should he awaken, I will send for you,” said


  “When he is awake, I would like to speak to him,” said the Monarch.

  They took their leave soon after. Kryndale and Tryndil remained outside Kyler’s chambers, though Kyler tried persuading them to rest as well, but they actively refused. It was their duty to watch over the elf prince and the seer and keep them safe. However, they had a hard time ignoring the sounds coming from within.

  Kyler understood that they felt guilty about what happened. They did not see that there was nothing they could have done. Kyler wondered briefly what would have happened if it were Thelarki and not Galavad. What would he have done to them? They were ready to be killed because of their failure! A chill raced up his spine at this stark realization.

  Once inside, he bolted the door. He went right to Nephraete, taking her in his arms. He kissed her urgently, caressing her tongue with his. He slid his hand up her inner thigh and she squealed in delight.

  Minutes later, he had her on the bed, running his tongue along her body. She moaned softly, his lips exciting her. For the first time as they made love, she felt pleasure. True pleasure, unmarred by any pain.

  He could feel her relax, sensed her pleasure and it excited him more. He wanted to make her happy. He was glad she was not in any more pain. She felt good to him, like a wild, untamed experience. Moments later, she could not contain the ecstasy she was feeling. He covered her mouth with his, groaning in pleasure.

  They lay in each other’s arms for long moments, not saying a word. “Nephraete, do you think she’ll be alright?” he asked, fearing the answer.

  “I don’t know, Kyler. I hope so. This is all so unreal. When I had the vision, I didn’t expect it to happen so suddenly. I am worried about Darian, though. He will travel a dark road now, you must be there for him. It is you that he listens to. If he strays too far, he will be lost to us and we cannot let that happen.”

  He could feel the urgency in her voice. She had an intimate bond with his best friend. Of course he was jealous but there was nothing for it.

  Takasha! He was worn out now. She felt so good that he’d barely maintained control. They drifted into Ru Nay’ Sha in each other’s arms.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Shaz and Asa carried Darian back to his chambers and laid him gently on the bed. Kinistaya watched over him through the night. The Mage called many times for Tynuviel and the ancient elf felt sorry for him. Her loss was too much to bear for Darian. Especially after he finally got some sense and asked for her hand. This was a tragedy and the elves would make the wyrm pay. Hopefully with no more elven blood spilled.

  He was always wary of the Mage, but now… Everyone would be wise to give him a wid
e berth. His temperament would be horrific. He moaned softly in his reverie. Kinistaya checked to make sure he was not injured, though he’d already been told that he was not. Can’t be too careful, now can you? But there was nothing. He must be thinking of her.

  Galavad had asked him about the first Shivvendar-elf union. This was going back thousands of years. He thought he remembered their child’s name to be… Trembliss, yes that was it. No one had seen her… ever.

  That was the last time a Mage of The Order had visited Kiri A’ Nouell. They came for counsel as they used to in those days. But much has changed since then, the ancient mused darkly. Now they keep their own counsel.

  His name was Falcose Dordinon. He was tall and lean. Dark of hair, his eyes the color of… Come to think of it, he looked remarkably like Darian. Falcose Dordinon was Head of The Order or Shangmarrum as they called him.

  While he was here, he courted an elf named Tymuriel. He took her for his consort, bringing her back to Mogan Dar with him. The elves never saw her again.

  Now Darian had chosen Tynuviel. If she were still here, would he take her back to Mogan Dar as well? Would they ever see her again? He desperately hoped she was still alive; though the odds were not in her favor.

  Darian tossed and turned, deeply troubled. There was nothing Kinistaya could do for him. Nothing could ease the Mage’s pain but Tynuviel. He would very much like to be present at the meeting when the Mage awoke. He wanted to hear Darian’s take on what had happened.

  He noticed a chain with a small stone around his neck. Somehow, it felt… wrong. Not quite right. He went closer to inspect it and a chill raced up his spine. He recoiled at the wrongness of it. He doubted Darian would ever tell them what it was. Kinistaya stayed away from it. He did not like what it exuded.


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