Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 11

by D E Boske

  “Would you like some tea Darian?” asked Nephraete, holding a steaming pot.

  “Yes please,” he remarked, handing her a hand carved wooden cup. “Thank you.” He watched as she walked away, her breeches like a second skin hugging her curves.

  “Tsk tsk,” the demon chastised. “I don’t think your friend would like you undressing his girl in your mind.”

  “What he doesn’t know…” Darian trailed off as he went back to writing.

  Tansher watched the Mage and demon carefully. Darian did not seem to be paying much attention to him at all. He was writing in a leather bound book. He would pay handsomely to see what the Mage wrote.

  He saw the way he looked at the seer as she walked away. He could not fault him there, he looked too. He wondered if she felt uncomfortable around all these men. She didn’t seem so, even though there was only one other elf female with them. He kept his face blank as the seer approached him. Shenna, she was beautiful!

  “Would you like some tea, Tansher?” she asked with a smile.

  “That sounds lovely. Does it include your company for a while?” he asked.

  “Sure,” she answered, sitting beside the handsome Knight. “What would you like to talk about?” she asked knowingly.

  “The Mage lets nothing past him, does he?” he began.

  “I’m sure I do not know. Darian is a complicated man. A very intelligent man. I am but T Ama’ Ro.”

  “Nephraete, you see much more than you let on, do you not?” he said softly.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Do you see the way others look at you? Do you not feel uncomfortable here with all these men?”

  “No, should I? I have Kyler, Darian and Calisha to protect me. No harm will come to me.”

  “Worry not, I mean you no harm. But the Gor Li’ Khan watches you always,” Tansher warned.

  “I know of his feelings for me. We grew up together. My father promised him my hand without even asking me,” she explained.

  “Is he loyal to Kiri A’ Nouell?” Tansher asked.

  “Yes, he is. Why all the questions Tansher?”

  “Just curious Nephraete. What about the Mage’s stability? Is it wise to bring a demon along on this journey?”

  “If Darian thinks so, then I trust in him completely. Besides, the dragon will not be easy to kill. He will probably try to kill Tynuviel if we get too close to him. He will likely try distracting us by putting her in danger.” She wrung her hands in frustration. “She is my friend, how could he know about her? I don’t understand.”

  “I don’t know Nephraete. So you believe that her abduction was not coincidence?”

  “Oh no. He knew exactly who he was after. I saw it in a vision. I saw your coming as well.”

  “Oh? Interesting. I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting a real seer before,” he said.

  “I’m not surprised, we rarely leave Kaleika Bay.”

  “And yet you have done exactly that,” Tansher prompted.

  “Good-night Tansher.” Nephraete rose smoothly and returned to Kyler’s side.

  “She is a rare find indeed,” said Firehawk.

  “Yes.” Tansher nodded in agreement. “I cannot believe she is Rohn’s sister. All this time and we never knew.”

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The Gor Li’ Khan approached Kiri A’ Nouell cautiously. They knew their presence was most likely known by now. The elves were not stupid, weak or trusting.

  They used the magic inherent to them and disappeared, passing through the barrier as one, quickly and silently. Kelindril itched with anticipation, wondering if they knew how many Gor Li’ Khan there were.

  Kelindril ordered them to enter the barrier at once. He felt sure this would limit the elves knowledge of the Gor Li’ Khan. He believed they were already aware of their approach. The seer would have told them, he was sure.

  A group of elves appeared out of the trees, casting about for the intruders. Kelindril wanted to laugh aloud. They could not see the Gor Li’ Khan. This would be much easier than he’d previously thought. Their steps were light and went unheard by the forest elves.

  The Gor Li’ Khan made their way to the center of the forest. Kelindril was sure this was where the palace would be. Passing silently beyond the palace guard, they looked for the best way to get to their goal. Kelindril looked around in silent awe. Their forest kin were amazingly talented builders. There must be a way up somewhere.

  Then he saw them. The ladders had been pulled up to hinder their approach. It will not stop us for long, Kelindril thought. One by one, they scaled the trees. Once on the upper floor, they stood, quietly admiring their surroundings. Their forest kin spared no expense. The floor was opaque, yet durable and strong. Beautiful, flowing elven script bordered the edges in gold. They had no idea where the Monarch’s chambers lay. They would have to search thoroughly.

  Guards were everywhere in the palace. It appeared their long lost family were skittish about their reunion. They knew they’d found the right room when they spotted Gor Li’ Khan outside the door. Malchyr and Kralkor. Two of Kryndale’s best. So, they switched allegiance, turned their back on Kaleika Bay. Interesting.

  Kelindril led them back the way they’d come. The other Gor Li’ Khan would sense them so they had to find another way inside. The walkway was the perfect path. The windows to the Monarch’s chambers stood open and they slipped inside.

  The Monarch was tall and lean. Imposing, yet not severe. Long blonde hair fell free, interspersed with several intricate plaits. Piercing green eyes seemed to pin them to the wall.

  “Kelindril, I presume. I am Galavad. Please, let us sit and talk. Only, for my sake, let me see you, else rumors will abound that I talk to myself. And that is not becoming of a leader.” Kelindril smiled to himself. Letting go of his magic, he became visible.

  “Ah, you have heard of me then?” asked the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  “Yes,” remarked Galavad.

  “Then you know what I am capable of,” he said with a sneer.

  “I am not your enemy,” said Galavad.

  “That has yet to be decided Gal,” Kelindril retorted disrespectfully.

  “Yes, well, care for a drink?” As he poured drinks for the two of them, he carefully touched Kelindril’s mind. He could see the pitiless, ruthless nature of the elf laid bare.

  “I need to speak to Nephraete. You will tell me where she is,” he responded threateningly.

  “I will tell you nothing until I know why you are here,” said the Monarch. The niceties were past. They did not work on this one. Well, if the assassin thought he was afraid, he was dead wrong.

  “I will tell you nothing! I would speak to Nephraete. She is here against Thelarki’s will. I have a message for her from her father.”

  “Please, sit. Have a drink. Do the others wish a drink as well?” inquired Galavad.

  Kelindril glared in response, then waved angrily at the Gor Li’ Khan. How did the Monarch know? It should

  not be possible for him to sense them. Galavad was more cunning than they were led to believe.

  Galavad hid his surprise when he saw how many Gor Li’ Khan had come this time. They could kill him easily. They were fourteen. He was one. But he was not a weak man. Nor was he afraid. If they’d come to kill him, he’d already be dead. No. There was a reason why they were here and he meant to find out.

  “Please, sit and be comfortable. You’ve had a long road. Rest a bit and drink with me.” They could ill afford to openly offend the Monarch. So they sat and drank with him.

  Galavad poured generous amounts of Nykessa for them all. After they finished the first glass, he poured more and got down to business.

  “So what is the nature of your visit? You ask after Nephraete. What are your intentions then?”

  “I was ordered to come to her bearing a message from Thelarki. Unless I miss my guess, you are not Nephraete,” he said glibly.

  “True enough. She is under my personal
protection. If you have come to harm her or my people you shall bring down the full wrath of Kiri A’ Nouell. Until I know why you are here I will tell you nothing else,” Galavad said seriously.

  “Dear king, if we meant you any harm, you’d already be dead. Thelarki worries for his only daughter. He wants to know if she is happy here. He would like for her to send a letter back to him. She is all he has left. If she wishes to return to Kaleika Bay, then I am to escort her safely,” Kelindril replied in a brusque tone.

  “And if she wants to remain here?” Galavad prompted.

  “Then I am to stay with her and guard her. I am ordered to let no harm befall her.”

  This one was as hard as Kryndale believed. He never took his eyes off the Monarch’s. He never flinched. He didn’t even blink. He was sure of himself and his abilities. And why wouldn’t he be?

  Galavad could see the animosity in their eyes. It lay close to the surface. It would take very little for it to come out. Galavad did not want that to happen. He wanted the Gor Li’ Khan to trust him. He wanted their loyalty. With this bunch, it would not be easy. It would take time.

  Galavad took a chance. As they sat and talked, he touched Kelindril’s mind. He pushed aside the hatred, anger and bloodlust. He saw that what the elf said was true. He was not here to harm anyone, though the idea did not displease the assassin. Galavad was torn. He didn’t know if he should tell them where she was or make them wait for her return.

  He reached out to several of the others. They were as bad as Kelindril. They reveled in killing. It didn’t seem to matter who or what they killed. He needed to reign them in and turn them around. If he could have them fighting for Kiri A’ Nouell, they would be a great asset.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Darian lay awake for a long time before finally slipping into Ru Nay’ Sha. When he did, he had vivid dreams.

  Tynuviel brushed her fingers on his cheek. Her soft, cool hands felt good on his bare chest. She pulled him close, brushing her lips on his. His tongue brushed her lips, parting them soft as silk.

  He ran his hands down her back to her perfect ass. He pulled her close as she gasped at the pressure building between them. He deftly undid her dress, letting it fall off her shoulders. He wound his fingers in her hair, gently tugging down to expose her bare neck. His lips kissed her silky skin and she moaned softly.

  His hands roamed over her body as his tongue caressed her nipples. His fingers ran up her inner thighs and she quivered in delight as he gently probed her until she cried out at his touch. He would need to be gentle with her. He did not want to hurt her.

  She put her cool hands on his hot flesh and he groaned. She undid his breeches, stroking him urgently. He knew what she wanted. He had what she needed. Her lips made him forget everything else. Her tongue brought him to a fever pitch. Every muscle in his body tensed in anticipation.

  She stopped at the critical time, shattering his concentration. It was like getting thrown into a tub of ice water. Backing her to the bed, he laid her down. His lips owned hers as he touched her intimately, his thumb stroking her softly.

  He put his knee between her legs, putting the tip of his shaft against her lips. She moaned, begging him to make love to her. She wanted him inside her right now damn it!

  They both had waited so long for this and he wanted to take his time. He penetrated her slowly, gently. Giving her a little at a time. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he nearly lost his control. He could feel her close tightly around him, pulling him deeper.

  She wasn’t waiting anymore. She thrust her hips against his, driving him deep. She moaned softly as she felt him moving inside her. His thrusts were deep and controlled. Tears fell from her eyes because she couldn’t believe it was finally happening.

  He kissed her tears away as he filled her need. Time was lost to them. It could have been minutes or hours. Neither knew nor cared. He knew she was close, he could feel it blossoming. When he felt her body begin to stiffen and tense, he increased the speed and depth of his thrusts. She cried out, digging her fingers into his bare back. He could feel his own muscles tightening. He drove himself into her, careful not to hurt her. Each thrust brought him closer to an erotic explosion. He felt himself spinning out of control, losing himself in her sweetness. His muscles tensed as he gave one final thrust, groaning in pleasure.

  He awoke to a raging hard-on. He groaned inwardly to himself. His body was slicked in sweat and he felt feverish and hot. Trying to take control over his body and failing, he sat up, wiping his face with his sleeve.

  “Is that thing real and do you know how to use it?” asked Tryllia, flirting with him. He smiled at her and her heart fluttered. She felt a warm gush between her thighs.

  “Must have been some dream, huh?” she asked, sitting next to him.

  “You have no idea,” he whispered.

  “I heard from some elves in the forest that you were well endowed, but I had no idea how true… You want some help with that?” she asked, sitting in his lap, stroking him and kissing his neck.

  He pushed her off as the fabric of his breeches scraped painfully against him. Her offer was truly tempting at this crucial time, but he would not betray Tynuviel. As sweet as the release would be, he would not give in. He’d made a promise to Tynuviel and he intended to keep it. No matter how hard it was. He smiled inwardly at his choice of words.

  He stood and stripped his shirt off. He cast a minor cantrip to clean himself and dug out a clean shirt from his haversack.

  Tryllia admired Darian’s body. He was finely chiseled and toned without an ounce of fat to be seen. His arms were strong and she could see the muscles rippling as he moved. She felt drawn to him in a way she never had before.

  He did not even flinch. He certainly wasn’t embarrassed. Why would he be? Looking like that… Takasha!

  “Darian, you really should not hide your ass under your cloak. You’ve a very fine ass,” she remarked, cocking her head sideways.

  He smiled at her and her heart jumped through her ribs. He pulled a grey long-sleeved shirt over his head and ran his long fingers through his hair, fixing it with practiced ease.

  “Don’t you want to change your breeches?” she asked hopefully and he laughed aloud.

  “Aren’t you a horny little thing,” he remarked, finally gaining some semblance of control over his body. “I doubt Tryndil would appreciate you coming on to me.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. This isn’t like me, but I feel the pull so strongly towards you. Being near you arouses me and I want to…” she whispered in his ear and his eyebrows climbed into his hairline.

  “If I did not love Tynuviel I would take you up on that luscious offer. As it is I am sorely tempted. But I made a promise and I intend to keep it if it kills me. And it probably will.” Before she could say anything more, he began chanting softly and the camp came quickly to life.

  It was then that she realized he must have cast some sort of spell over them to keep them asleep. She wondered how close he’d been to giving in to her.

  They ate a hastily prepared breakfast and were on their way again. The demon materialized at Darian’s side soon after.

  “Why didn’t you take what she offered, Darian?” asked Sigorna. “I know you wanted to. I don’t know how you resisted her charms. But she certainly has a thing for you.” The demon was amused. “You’re one lucky bastard, Mage. Never seen so many women fawning over one man before.”

  “I’m not interested in any of them but one. At one time I would have taken advantage of them. All of them. Not anymore. I only want her.”

  “What if you get bored with her after a while? Let’s face it Darian, your track record sucks. I’ve known you for a long time and I’ve never known you to stay with one for too long.”

  “There’s a first time for everything. Besides, I’ve never been in love before. I love her and I mean to get her back. So much time wasted and lost. Morphindinaetlus will pay for that,” the Mage said venomously.

p; They walked for a time in silence before Kyler and Nephraete joined them. At once, Sigorna could feel the Mage’s mood change. Nephraete slid her hand into Darian’s. He looked down at her and squeezed her hand reassuringly. She smiled up at him and he smiled back.

  “You have a great smile when you use it Darian,” the seer commented.

  “Oh yeah?” he asked, amused.

  “Yes. With your good looks and a smile like that, you’ll bring women to their knees.”

  “I already have, but I no longer have the desire for it. I only want Tynuviel.”

  “Whether you want it or not, you have it. I can feel you trying to pull me in.” At this announcement, Kyler looked worried. He did not want to lose Nephraete. And there was only one man he was afraid of losing her to.

  “But I’m not doing anything,” the Mage insisted. “I’m not trying to entice anyone.”

  “You may not realize it, but you are. It’s your charisma. It is strong with you. It is one reason why so many follow you into peril.”

  “How about my ass?”

  “Excuse me?” she said, startled.

  “Do you think I have a nice ass? I’ve been told I have a very fine ass. Just wanted another woman’s opinion is all,” he said with a grin.

  To his surprise, Nephraete swept aside his cloak, watching him walk.

  “Oh yes. You should not hide it behind that cloak of yours.” Though they all laughed, Kyler’s was strained with worry. Worry that he would lose Nephraete to the Mage. If Darian wanted her, he could take her with little to no effort, the elf was sure.

  Darian let go of her hand, sensing his friend’s dismay. He would never betray their trust, Kyler must know this. But with a beauty like Nephraete, he could understand why he worried. Especially with a friend like himself. He’d consistently nailed every pretty girl he could find. And he’d done it for years.

  Darian had always known he had a way with the ladies. And he took advantage of it every chance he got. Hundreds of women had fallen prey to him. But now there was Tynuviel. He hoped she still loved him. He did not know what he would do if she did not. And there was a very real possibility she would never love again, or even survive this.


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