Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 17

by D E Boske

  “That flask empty or what?” asked Darian and the elf laughed. He could see the silvery grey of Darian’s eyes once more, the black slowly receding as he kept his friend talking. He handed over his flask and the Mage took a deep draw, handing it back when it was nearly empty.

  He realized that Kyler was right. The longer the elf sat by his side, the more he felt himself. He was horrified by what he was becoming. Though he did not comprehend what that something even was. He was a Mage of The Order. If he didn’t know, who would? He smiled reassuringly to the elf, but it was apparent that Kyler wasn’t buying it.

  “Darian, what’s going on with you? What’s happening to you?”

  “I wish I knew my friend. I wish I knew.” The Mage’s soft admission that something was indeed wrong scared the hell out of the elf, but he couldn’t show it. For the Mage’s sake he couldn’t show it. He needed to be strong for him, to ground him and keep him sane, if such a thing could be done.

  “Your eyes were black. When I came to sit with you, your eyes were black Darian,” Kyler told him softly.

  “What? How can that be? My eyes are grey.”

  “I know. The longer I sit with you, the black recedes and the grey returns. Darian, I know you are upset about the situation. But all our lives depend on you. If you lose yourself and fail, we will all die. You will take us all with you. Please don’t let that happen. You must rescue my sister. Don’t give up. You must fight whatever is happening to you. Don’t let it take you over. Fight it ‘til your last breath. I will be here fighting by your side.”

  The elf’s words were sobering. Indeed, he was right. If he failed, he would get them all killed. And that was something he would not let happen. He must get Tynuviel to safety. If he did nothing else, he must do this. Even if she ended up hating him forever, he could not let her remain in Morphindinaetlus’ clutches.

  Nephraete sensed the Mage’s dismay, his inner turmoil quickly swallowing him like a black wave of death. She knew she must do something to help and she believed she could. She had a calming touch, a soothing manner about her. It had always been so. She approached them quickly, seating herself beside Darian.

  “Kyler, please give us some time alone,” she pleaded quietly, looking directly into Darian’s troubled eyes. She hated to see him like this. He was always so strong and sure of himself. Now, he was just a shell of the once powerful Mage. If she didn’t get him under control soon…

  “Darian,” she whispered softly. Putting her small hands to either side of his face, she looked deep into his eyes. “Darian, you must come back to us. You cannot allow this thing to devour your spirit. It is not the demon as Kyler suspects. It is something older, blacker, fouler. Tynuviel needs you, I need you. We all need you.”

  “Nephraete, you are so beautiful and those breeches fit you well darlin’. They hug your curves in a way that would make a devout man sin.” In spite of herself, she blushed.

  “Darian, do you think you could be serious for a few moments please? I’m trying to help you.”

  “I am being serious. Kyler is one lucky son of a bitch.” He reached out to stroke her face. She smiled, leaning into his touch. It was far worse than she believed. She must do something, else it would be over very soon. For them all.

  She hated that Kyler had to see this. She hoped he would forgive her once he understood her reasons and motives. But there was no time to think on it anymore.

  She climbed into Darian’s lap, encircling her arms around his neck. She could feel his arousal and it excited her. He looked at her and smiled as he put his hands on her slender waist.

  He brushed his lips on hers and she kissed him back feverishly. His tongue brushed her lips and she let him in. A tingle raced down her spine. He was a damn good kisser and she grew aroused at his touch. She ground her hips into his and he moaned. She held him tightly not letting him go. She kissed him passionately, letting him touch her wherever he may.

  She wasn’t sure how long it lasted, but she knew many minutes slipped past them. It went by so fast. She kissed him deeply, locking her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist. Against his will, he began fighting for release, but the tiny seer was stronger than she looked.

  Kyler could not believe his eyes. Nephraete climbed into his best friend’s lap and they were kissing! Right in front of him. He moved to break them up, but Calisha intervened.

  “Kyler, I know how this must look, but it is not what you think. She is helping the Mage. You cannot interrupt them. For the sake of us all, do not stop her. He needs her now, more than you know.”

  Kyler fought to remain still, he wasn’t sure he would be able to. This was what he’d been afraid of all along. Losing her to the Mage, his best friend. It pained him to watch, but he would not look away. The others stood by in shocked silence, watching the seer and the Mage.

  Nephraete broke off the kiss abruptly, but the Mage was not yet through with her. He pulled her into another kiss twining his long fingers in her hair. She let him because she needed him to.

  Abruptly, she broke away from him, standing weakly. Calisha was by her side, helping her to stand. Immediately, she doubled over in severe pain that drove her to her knees. She gently pushed Calisha away, crawling as far away from them all as she could.

  Her back arched and she screamed in terrible pain, her eyes rolling back in her head. She began to cough, her body shaking from something fighting its way out. Calisha was at her side holding her hair out of the way.

  She began to retch violently. Thick, black fluid similar to the consistency of tar oozed from between her lips. Once it hit the floor, Calisha got rid of it. He somehow absorbed it into himself then released it into the air as dust that blew away. Once she was finished, Nephraete collapsed into blackness. Calisha held her in his arms, singing to her softly in an ancient elven dialect.

  Kyler went to the Mage as he was getting to his feet. Kyler could not restrain himself anymore. His right fist connected solidly with the left side of Darian’s face, a punishing blow. The Mage’s head flew back and blood sprayed out of the corner of his mouth. But to the elf’s surprise, he did not fight back. He put his hands up, palms out, forestalling Kyler’s anger.

  “Damn Kyler, you’ve got a wicked right hook! I know I deserved that, but I didn’t mean for it to happen. Nephraete jumped in my lap and… I don’t really remember what happened afterwards. What happened?”

  “Come on Darian. Do you think I’ll fall for that?” the elf said acidly.

  “Kyler, what happened? I honestly don’t remember. After she sat in my lap… my mind is foggy. Where is she?”

  “You’re serious aren’t you? You really have no idea then?”

  “No, I don’t. The last thing I remember clearly is… is… asking Galavad for Tynuviel’s hand.”

  “Darian, that was weeks ago. What the hell are you saying? All this time… Where have you been?”

  “I don’t know. I… Dark Magic. It must be… When I was held captive, the Dark Mage beat me with rods of Dark Magic. He forced them down my throat trying to choke me with it. My body must have somehow absorbed it. No wonder why I haven’t been feeling myself. I’m not.”

  The others stood by, quietly listening to everything that was said. For once, the elf and the Mage did not try to hide their words behind a shield of silence. Tansher was shocked to his core. The Dark Mage beat Darian with rods of Dark Magic and he survived? What had he endured in his captivity? Wait, he’d been held captive? If the Mage had not been with them fully, then who had been? What did it mean?

  Shaz was aghast at their words. He knew Darian had been beaten, but with rods of Dark Magic? Damn it! He missed it. What he wouldn’t have given to see that. Then, right in front of Kyler, he made out with the seer. And she seemed to be enjoying it. She hadn’t stopped his hands that were all over her body. In fact, she seemed to be egging him on. He had a better angle and had seen everything. Her back had been to Kyler so he doubted the elf had seen what he had. Her hands stroking th
e Mage urgently and his quick response. Holy crap! Thought Shaz. He saw how she pressed her hot little ass into the swell in Darian’s breeches. Darian nearly took her right in front of them all.

  Tireniel and Kiel talked softly about what had been going on. Soon the other elves joined them.

  “Kiel, have you ever seen anything like this before?” asked Lorin.

  “No. I don’t know what that was, but my guess is the Mage knows. At least he suspects. With his vow of secrecy, we might never know. Wait… Dark Magic! He just admitted it was Dark Magic. They speak and do not guard their words. What can this mean?” No elf had an answer for that.

  “Darian, let’s talk.” He handed the Mage his full flask, but he hesitated in taking it.

  “Kyler… Are we okay? I do not want to ruin our friendship. Please, tell me what happened after…” the Mage was quietly pleading.

  “She crawled off retching before collapsing into Calisha’s arms.”

  “What? What did she vomit out?” asked Darian intently. He needed to be sure.

  “Some thick, black fluid. It was disgusting. She was screaming and arching her back. She was in terrible pain.”

  “You didn’t even go to her to make sure she was alright. Why?”

  “I… can’t,” said Kyler.

  “You two have a good thing going, don’t screw it up. She did what she had to. She saved me Kyler. She wasn’t coming on to me. Though I know that’s how it must have looked. She isn’t like that and you know it. Besides, I told you once before that I would never throw away our friendship. I would never do that to you. She had to get the beast inside of me to believe she wanted me, to distract me so she could pull it out. But she loves you. You and me, are we okay?”

  “Yeah, of course. I could never find another friend like you, Darian.”

  “You can never find another girl like her either. Go see her. Comfort her, let her know you’re there for her.”

  Kyler looked as if he would hesitate. “Go,” said the Mage more forcefully.

  “How is she?” Kyler asked Calisha, feeling awkward.

  “She will be fine Kyler. She saved the Mage, but I do not know for how long. He is filled with it and she can only do so much. We will know more once she wakes. I know I don’t need to say it, but I’m going to. She loves you, Kyler. She only did what she had to in order to save Darian. Don’t throw it all away because of your insecurity with the Mage.”

  “Let me know when she’s awake.” Kyler bristled at the Crebellan’s words. Who was he kidding? He knew Calisha was right, but couldn’t she have touched his arm or something? Did she have to kiss him like that?

  He returned to the Mage’s side, still feeling uneasy about the whole thing.


  When Nephraete awoke, Calisha was there as always. But Kyler was not and this troubled her.

  “Cal, where is Kyler?” she asked softly.

  “He came by earlier to see if you were okay. He is bothered by what happened, though he would not admit it to me. He is having trouble reconciling what he saw. I explained to him that you love him and only did what was necessary.”

  “Thank you, Calisha. I owe you so much.” She leaned into him, holding his hand.

  “You owe me nothing, Nephraete. I would do anything for you, you know this.”

  “I know Cal. What will I do if he cannot see past this?”

  “Then you will have me. I will never leave you. I understand you better than anyone else alive. Though Kyler has known you in ways that I do not, so do I know you in ways that he does not. And if he cannot come to terms with what you had to do, then I pray you take me as I wish you would have so long ago,” he whispered.

  “Oh Calisha…” she began, but he cut her off.

  “Shhh, my love. No words are needed between us.” He wanted to kiss her like he had once before, but he held himself in check. That would only make matters worse between her and Kyler. No matter how he felt about her, he would not ruin her relationship with the elf prince.

  “Kyler, I am not the one you should be worried about. I’m telling you, if you do not reconcile with her, you will lose her. Not to me as you fear, but to Calisha. He loves her and will not give you a second chance. He will take her and once he does, there will be no going back for you and her. A Crebellan is a fierce protector to their seer, but once they are lovers they are linked ever deeper. He will never let her go. Go to her and set things right. You cannot tell me you no longer love her.”

  “Of course I do or I wouldn’t care. It’s just that… When I look at her, I see her kissing you. Why couldn’t she take your hand or touch your arm and do what she did. Why’d she have to kiss you like that?”

  “Those are questions you’ll have to ask her. I do not know, but I’m guessing it’s because it didn’t work. I’m sure she would have tried before resorting to this. You have to know it’s killing her. She’s terrified she’s lost you. Has she?” asked the Mage.

  “No. I don’t know. I’m hurt, confused…”

  “Remember what I said. Calisha will not hesitate. He will step in and if he does, you will have lost her for good. There will be nothing you can do. Now stop being so damn childish and go to her,” Darian said, pushing him away.

  “May I sit with you?” Kyler asked the seer. She nodded, looking to Calisha and he gave them their privacy.

  “Kyler, I am so sorry you had to see that. It’s not what I had planned. I’ve tried many times to do it any number of different ways, but to no avail. I tried touching his arm, holding his hand, putting my hand on his forehead. Countless other ways as well, but nothing ever worked. I felt the darkness inside of him growing rapidly and knew we were out of time. I had no time to warn you or explain what I was doing. And I know I hurt you. I love you Kyler. Please believe me, it was the only way. I would never have done it otherwise.”

  His eyes were unrelenting, empty of any emotion. This frightened her more than anything ever could. She wanted him to say something, anything, even if he was angry. But the silence… it was too much for her. She began to cry, putting her face in her hands. Her shoulders shook from the force of it. Still, he sat there unmoving. He knew he should take her in his arms and comfort her, but he was still too upset.

  Until he saw Calisha moving in the shadows. He was coming toward Nephraete, a look in his eyes that Kyler had never seen before. All at once, the Mage’s words came back to him and he drew her close, hugging her tight. He stroked her hair, soothing her. He looked up, but the Crebellan was nowhere to be seen.

  He touched her mind to see if she spoke the truth. He saw the realization in her eyes and knew she felt his deft touch. Yet she was not angry, if anything, he’d say she was relieved. He saw she spoke the truth and all the anger and hurt drained away.

  “I’m sorry, Nephraete. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I was angry. I didn’t understand what was going on. You should have told me that you tried before. I might have been better prepared for what happened. Please, don’t leave me in the dark anymore.”

  He tilted her head so he could look into her eyes. His lips found hers in a tender kiss, but she wanted more than that. She climbed into his lap, kissing him with soft, sweet kisses, but they became more urgent.

  “I thought I’d lost you,” she whispered as he encircled her waist.

  “Never, my love,” he whispered as he kissed her again. His kisses were honest and filled with emotion.

  Darian approached them, handing Kyler a small, red stone. “Here, I will send you to my tower. When you are done, hold the stone and call me. I will bring you back.” The elf gripped his friend’s hand in thanks, then they were gone.

  As soon as Kyler was gone, the Gor Li’ Khan surrounded Darian, not letting anyone close to him.

  “You okay Darian?” asked Kryndale. “I’m afraid to ask, but what happened to you?”

  “I’m fine, Kryndale. Nothing to worry about,” Darian replied, not answering him.

  “But what happened?” the elf persisted.<
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  Darian blew an exasperated breath. “It was Dark Magic. I must have absorbed it when I was held prisoner. Nephraete got it out of me.”

  “But why that way. I mean, why not take your hand or touch your arm or something else… less sensual.”

  “Jealous?” asked the Mage.

  “Extremely,” replied the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  “My guess is, she’s tried before and was unable to do it. She’s touched me several times with no luck. For I do not believe she just wanted to lay her hands on me.”

  “You think yourself undesirable?” joked the elf.

  “Nay, too many women say otherwise,” the Mage said, matter of factly. “She is not like that and I know you already know that else you’d be furious.”

  “Very perceptive, Mage,” admitted Kryndale.

  “I am no idiot Kryndale. Stop treating me like one.”

  “I wasn’t trying to.”

  “What do you want?” asked Darian.

  “Nothing. Just guarding you while Kyler’s away.”

  “You think I need guarding, elf?” asked the Mage, a bit amused.

  “I do not take chances where you and Kyler are concerned.”

  “You think me incapable of protecting myself?”

  “Of course not,” the Gor Li’ Khan responded.

  “I am not your problem, I’m no elf,” said the Mage.

  “You are as close to one as any outsider has ever been Darian. I’m surprised you’re even speaking to me to be honest.”

  “And why would that be Kryndale?”

  “Just that most times, you’re not very nice. You can be quite uncouth.”

  “What do you want, an apology?” asked the Mage snidely.

  “That’s what I’m talking about. You work hard at pushing people away. Why?”

  “I don’t push everyone away, Kryndale. I’m not pushing you, am I?”

  “No and I’m quite perplexed as to why. You’re actually being civil. I feel so lucky,” the Gor Li’ Khan replied glibly.


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