Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 32

by D E Boske

  “You know me Tynuviel. I would never lie to you, you know that. I love you and although I know you have not those feelings for me, I want you to be happy.”

  She had much to think on. For Killini to stand up for Darian, it must be true. What she’d seen were lies, painful images meant to destroy her. She couldn’t allow that to happen. She was an elf, she was stronger than that. They should not be allowed to win. After everything her and Darian had been through, they could not give up now. She was tired. How was that even possible? She’d been out for two weeks already. She lay her head on her pillow and before she knew it, she slid deep into Ru Nay’ Sha.


  When Darian left her room, he retrieved Raschel and they went for a walk. He needed to clear his head and he suspected that his old friend would want some fresh air too.

  “Darian what’s going on? How long have I been dead?” he asked, emphasizing the word dead with finger quotes.

  “For too long my friend, for too long,” Darian responded.

  “You’re a Mage now? Wow Darian, you passed us all by, didn’t you?”

  the Master said with great respect.

  “There is much that you do not know Raschel. As you are already aware, I am greatly despised. They would attempt to kill me if they thought they could get away with it.

  “Someone is after me, Raschel, a Dark Mage and I was his prisoner for weeks. Now I have Dark Magic inside me and it’s killing me. If I cannot find a way to control it, it will consume me. I still have much to do, I cannot give in just yet.”

  “What do you mean, yet? I just found you again, I’m not gonna’ lose you, Darian. You are my only friend; the only one I trust. I will do whatever you need me to do.”

  “Thank you. The first thing is to begin your training once more. I need you to be a full Mage. I need all the help I can get.”

  “For what?” asked the Master.

  “Delvishan, it seems, has chosen me to be Shangmarrum.”

  “What?! Darian, what will you do?” asked Raschel in a state of shock.

  “I must accept, of course. And I need as many loyal Mages as I can find. The trouble with that is they all hate me. Will they back me?”

  “They have no choice, Darian. They’re fools all, but even they would not dare to go against Delvishan. You know you have my full support.”

  “That means a lot to me. I will be making some serious changes in the days to come. I have already chosen a consort.”

  “Who?” asked his friend.

  “Tynuviel,” Darian replied.

  At the mention of the beautiful elf’s name, Raschel blanched. She was the one whom he did those unspeakable things to. Now he understood why Darian had wanted to kill him.

  “Has she woken yet?” he asked, afraid to look at the Mage.

  “Yes. When she saw me, she just kept screaming. I left so I wouldn’t cause her any more pain. I just hope that in time she will be able to forget. If I lose her…”

  “Darian, I’m sorry. I had no idea. Maybe it would have been better if you’d killed me like you wanted to. I don’t know that I can live with what I’ve done.”

  “Raschel, you must understand the Dark Mage is responsible, not you. How can I blame you when you were not in control of your body? I must look past this as you must also do. You have to forgive yourself. Now let’s go back to my chambers so that I may begin teaching you.”

  In the morning, Darian returned to Tynuviel’s room with a red rose. She did not look at him as he entered, nor when he sat down. He knew it would be rough and should not expect positive results overnight, but he couldn’t help it.

  More than anything, he wanted to hold her and tell her how much he loved her. Looking at her now though, he recognized that this was not a good idea. So he sat silently by her bedside, waiting for her to initiate conversation. He remained by her side all day, but she never said a word. Kyler had come in with Darian, but still she remained quiet.

  Two more weeks slipped past in much the same manner. Darian came every day to sit with Tynuviel. At night he was kept very busy. He worked Raschel hard; pushing him relentlessly. He needed him to improve; he needed him to become a Mage.

  Darian did not believe that they must utilize the Testing Chamber for a Master to become a Mage. He believed the Test came from within. So he spent long hours training and teaching Raschel, who eagerly sat and listened, scribbling notes in his leather bound tome.

  When Darian was in his chambers, he’d taken to blocking the demon so that Sigorna could neither see nor hear. He took every precaution so the demon would not learn any Order secrets.

  Darian began teaching Raschel the elven tongue as well. The Master never balked. He was true to his word; he did whatever Darian asked of him without complaint.

  “So Darian, do we have any privileges?” asked Raschel anxiously.

  “There are no whores here if that’s what you are referring to. You are not yet a Mage so you cannot choose a consort.” At his friends words, the Master’s face fell. “However, should you be lucky to find an elf willing or desperate enough to fill your needs, I will not be angry so long as the rules are followed.” Darian’s pointed look told Raschel exactly what he meant.

  “Thank you, Darian.”

  “In addition, I demand that you do not force yourself on anyone here and that you do not hit them or abuse them in any way. If you are caught, your privileges will be revoked indefinitely.”

  “You know I am not like that, Darian.”

  “Do I make myself clear?” demanded the Mage.

  “Yes, I understand. You have my word, Darian,” replied the Master.

  “Tonight, we will have dinner with Kyler and Nephraete. Are you up for it?”

  “Absolutely. I’ve been looking forward to this.”

  “Raschel, I’m proud of you and your progress. You’re doing well. Take the rest of the night off.”

  “But there’s only ten minutes left, Darian.”

  “So use them wisely. Don’t ever say I never did anything for you.” Raschel laughed and Darian realized just how much he’d missed him. At last, he could lay the guilt to rest. He could scarcely believe that Raschel was standing here in his room. He hadn’t changed a bit. The Mage felt a surge of euphoria from Nephraete and knew they’d be late.

  “Darian, are you alright? You look… troubled I guess.”

  “I’m fine, not to worry,” he replied.

  Kyler and Nephraete arrived exactly thirty minutes later. Darian asked Raschel to answer the door as he finished changing and washing up. When Raschel opened the door, his eyes went directly to the seer. She was more beautiful than he’d imagined. Her silver hair glowed and her violet eyes shone with pure delight.

  “Please, come in,” he said politely.

  “Raschel,” greeted Kyler. He was getting kind of used to him now.

  “Kyler,” responded the Master. “Darian will be out in a moment. Have a seat, please. Would you both like something to drink?” he asked with a smile.

  Nephraete liked him instantly. He had a ready smile and was cute to boot. He was not devilishly handsome like Darian, but he was a looker. He appeared relaxed and was a vivacious host while Darian remained absent.

  He poured Nykessa for them all as they seated themselves at the table. Ten minutes later, the Mage strolled in looking so damn good Nephraete forgot to breathe.

  “Nephraete, Kyler. How are you?” he asked with a knowing smile and the seer blushed. “I see Raschel got the wine, thank you.”

  Jarlin knocked on the door to alert them that dinner had arrived. Raschel answered the door, taking Jarlin by surprise. They enjoyed fresh fish, fruit, bread and vegetables.

  During the meal they talked and joked like old friends. There were no uncomfortable silences, just easy conversation.

  “Darian tells me that I have you to thank for saving my life. I don’t know how to repay you. I owe you everything, Nephraete. If ever you need anything, I will do what I can.”

��Thank you, Raschel, but there is no need for that. I am T Ama’ Ro, a seer; it is what I do. I’m glad I finally got to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, lady,” said Raschel with a smile.

  Kyler watched Raschel closely during their meal, but saw nothing out of place. He seemed to be sincere and for Darian’s sake, he hoped he was. He had charmed his way into Nephraete’s good graces.

  In the morning, Kyler and Darian went to see Tynuviel. She was up and about already. When she opened the door, she smiled at her brother and made eye contact with the Mage.

  Darian’s heart soared as her eyes met his. He smiled at her, but she did not respond. Her eyes remained empty. It was a start; at least she was able to look at him. She would only let the Mage in her room if Kyler was there as well. Darian took what he could get.

  They sat around her table with freshly squeezed juice. Darian was mostly quiet; letting them do the talking. He wanted to take it slowly with her; afraid that if he made a sudden move she would be frightened off for good. He

  never laid a hand on her, knowing the reaction he would get.

  “Darian, Kyler tells me that you saved my life. He said you worked on me for over three hours. I owe you my thanks.”

  Her words startled him; he wasn’t expecting her to speak to him. It had been over a month and these were the first words that she’d spoken to him. He must be cautious now and choose his words carefully.

  “You’re welcome, Tynuviel. I’m glad I was able to help,” he replied.

  “I would like to go for a walk. I tire of seeing these walls.” She looked to Kyler and Darian stood.

  “I will leave you now. I will return tomorrow.” He walked toward the door, but she stopped him.

  “Darian, you don’t have to go. You… could come with us if you like,” she offered, rushing before she lost her nerve.

  “I’d like that. Thank you Tynuviel,” he said, sincerely grateful that she would allow him to come. He saw exactly how much the invitation cost her.

  Kyler squeezed his sister’s hand in silent support. He knew how hard it had been for her to speak those words, but Kyler intended to take her to a place that would remind her of the Mage in better times.

  Kyler carried a basket full of food and drinks for their picnic, casting a quick glance at Darian to see if the Mage knew what he was up to. It appeared he did, but did not look too happy about it. The elf shot him a reassuring look, nodding in his direction.

  Darian smiled at his friend. He knew exactly what the elf was up to, he just wasn’t sure it would turn out favorably. Tynuviel was in a delicate position right now. The last thing she needed was to be pushed by well-meaning siblings. More than anything, Darian wanted to hold her close, to whisper in her ear how much he loved her.

  He yearned for the feel of her lips on his again. He missed the feel of her pressed closely against him as they tried so hard to see how far his resolve could be pushed. He missed how good she felt as she sat in his lap where she fit so well. Intense longing filled him and he lost control of his body momentarily. He was intensely aroused, remembering all those stolen kisses and how good her hands felt in his breeches.

  Tynuviel spread out the blanket as Kyler laid out the food. Darian stayed close to Kyler so as not to startle Tynuviel, but she seemed to fade out, her thoughts drifting into the past just as Kyler had planned.

  She listened to their chatter as it faded into the background. She was remembering a time in the not too distant past when Darian brought her here. She thought back to their conversation, smiling to herself. Darian had given her flowers; her favorite kind, lilacs. The kiss he’d given her had melted her knees. Recalling their stolen kisses and near misses made her heady.

  Looking up, she saw that he was smiling as he told Kyler something. He really had a gorgeous smile. Then the past weeks came barreling back, crushing her chest with their intensity. She could barely breathe. The memory of the happiness and love she’d felt for the Mage deteriorated into fear and loathing. Nearly vomiting, she choked back the bile rising in her throat, gagging on the taste.

  “Are you okay?” asked Kyler, looking worried.

  “I want to go back now, please,” she said without looking up.

  They walked back in silence, nobody quite sure what to say. Kyler was upset with himself for choosing that place. He was just trying to help. He hated to see them apart.

  The next day, they went to the market. Tynuviel was feeling malicious. She was not doing well today, the memories flooding her were not happy ones. Darian thought of going to the elven market and Kyler thought it was a good idea.

  Tynuviel could not stand to be so near the Mage; his very presence grated on her nerves. She tried not to

  listen to what was said, preferring to stay inside her head where she felt safe.

  She noticed a necklace that she thought might look nice with one of her dresses. She ran her fingertips over its smooth surface. It was made of silver and turquoise, each stone growing larger until reaching the center stone which was an inch in diameter.

  Darian saw how she admired it, so he bought it for her. She did not even thank him for the gift. It cost him seven gold. He didn’t even bat an eye at the cost. Treated better than kings indeed! she thought. Apparently, paid better too.

  Upon her return to her room, she excused herself, went into her bedroom and threw the necklace on her dresser. Why should she feel bad that he spent seven gold on her? He should pay more, after everything he’d put her through.

  Later, as Kyler walked with his friend, he apologized. “Darian, I’m sorry about the way Tynuviel acted today. She didn’t even thank you for the necklace.”

  “Don’t worry about it. She’s gonna’ have good days and bad days. It’s just going to take time for her to adjust, that’s all.”

  “That’s not an excuse to be so rude, Darian. She knows better than that. How can you be so calm about it?”

  “Because I understand that she is not herself. She cannot help it, Kyler. In her mind, I am responsible for her pain and she very well may never forgive me. A part of her will always be trapped in the lair. She will never leave that place.”

  “Forgive you for what? You’ve done nothing wrong, Darian. I talked to her, you know.”

  “I know. Thank you, Kyler.”

  “It was the least I could do. I told her the truth about everything, but I’m not sure whether she believed me or not.”

  “It will just take time, Kyler. It’s not going to happen overnight. She’s been through hell in a very short time. In fact, I’m quite surprised she invited me today. I never expected that.”

  “I asked her to,” the elf admitted.

  “I know you did. Let’s get a drink,” the Mage replied. Once in the Mage’s chambers, Darian poured Nykessa for them both.

  “I can’t imagine how hard this is for you, Darian. You know I’m here for you whenever you need me, right?”

  “Yeah, thanks my friend. I think the location is what spooked her today. Probably too many memories…”

  “I was just trying to help, but I think I just made it worse. I’m sorry.”

  “You meant well, Kyler and I appreciate it. Right now though, she doesn’t need to feel pushed into anything. It will only get her back up and we’ll never get anywhere. She just needs time to heal and forget.”

  “Darian, how long do you plan to sit here and do nothing? Aren’t there things that you must do?”

  “Yes, but I cannot leave her while she’s so vulnerable. It’ll wait,” the Mage replied.

  “For how long, Darian? What about Delvishan? Won’t he make you leave sooner or later?”

  “Make me? No. Not unless he comes down here himself and carries me away. I will not leave her, Kyler.”

  Much later, after Kyler left, Darian called the demon to his side. He hadn’t seen Sigorna in a while now.

  “So tell me, did you hit that shit yet?” asked the demon the moment he materialized. “You’ve been blocking me man.
That ain’t right.”

  Darian laughed out loud, he couldn’t help it. For some reason, he found it very funny. He sobered up quickly, though.

  “No, I did not. She is in a delicate position right now, you know that. She does not even want me near her,

  just as I predicted.”

  “Relax, Mage. It will not last. The way she felt about you before, that kind of love don’t happen often. Just give her time, Darian, it will all work out, you’ll see.”

  “For some reason I cannot fathom, your reassurances are deeply disturbing,” the Mage replied, not quite joking.

  The demon actually had the gall to look hurt. “So why did you summon me anyway?”

  “Oh you know, the usual,” the Mage replied.

  “The elf’s busy banging the seer again, huh?” laughed Sigorna, knowing the reaction he would get.

  “You’re foul,” grinned Darian, sincerely amused and not knowing why.

  “It’s just one of the many things you love about me.” Darian looked like he would vomit. Sigorna laughed harder. “Really Darian, let’s be serious for a moment. Aren’t there things you have to do? Why do you continue to sit here wasting time? Did you forget about the Dark Mage? Darian? Heeellloooo!” the demon raised his voice when it looked as if the Mage had not heard him.

  “I haven’t forgotten anything, Falahari. I know what I must do, I just don’t want to do it, that’s all,” said Darian quietly.

  “Oh, that’s rich! You don’t want to! Uh-huh, and what will you do when Delvishan sticks his foot up your ass?”

  “I welcome the challenge!” A dark gleam lit the Mage’s eyes, and the demon’s stomach twisted sickeningly. The Dark Magic was beginning to take him over once more.

  “Ah shit, Darian. What the hell’s wrong with you, man? That Dark shit is taking you over again, isn’t it?”

  “What?” asked the Mage, clearly distracted.

  “You can’t keep sitting around doing nothing, Mage! You must act and quickly. The Magic is hampering your senses, can’t you see that? This has gone on long enough, it is time to take action. Tynuviel will wait until you return. For if you do nothing, you seal your own fate… And you will drag me down with you.”


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