Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 35

by D E Boske

  She loved when he called her that. He’d only recently started and she didn’t want him to stop. She nodded up at him, gripping him tightly. He didn’t seem to mind. He began to chant softly and before she knew it, they were spinning rapidly in circles. It felt as if they rose ever higher in the air and yet, she had the distinct impression they still stood in her room. As his chant hit the climax, a dark portal opened and she panicked, breathing heavily. He whispered soothingly to her, calming her, even as he drew her close without embracing her. He guided her to the opening, gently pushing her through, following close behind her.

  She felt light headed, but she wasn’t sure if it was the teleportation or her nerves. He’s not going to hurt me. He’s not going to hurt me. She repeated the litany, her eyes tightly shut until they’d arrived.

  “Shazzi? Are you okay? We’re here, you can open your eyes now.” A hint of amusement touched his sexy voice.

  She opened her eyes one at a time and found herself in a humongous room. It was made of a superior black stone and she could not see the ceiling or if there even was one. The room was definitely masculine with tiny feminine touches. Beautiful, dark purple drapes covered the high windows that spanned the length of the wall opposite them.

  A black leather sofa sat in the middle of the floor, facing the biggest fireplace she’d ever seen. The fireplace was hand crafted from river rock that was polished ‘til it practically glowed. To the left of the sofa was a large, overstuffed black leather chair. A soft blanket in the same purple color was draped tastefully across the back of the sofa.

  “Oh Darian, it’s beautiful!” she exclaimed in child-like joy.

  “This is just the sitting room,” he told her with a smile. It was bigger than her whole suite at home.

  He held out his hand for her and she slipped her hand in his. He took her around so she could see everything.

  “What is this room, Darian?” she asked, looking around in fascination.

  “My study,” he explained.

  “What is all this stuff?” she asked, picking up a bottle of something off his desk. She saw how he’d carefully labeled everything for their content. A leather bound tome lay open on his desk and she saw his fine hand on the pages. She boldly walked into the room, having no idea how guarded Darian kept this room. He merely smiled at

  her. Never once did he tell her not to touch anything.

  “Those are spell components. And that book holds all my notes on successes and failures of spells. It is written in the tongue of Mage’s so you will not be able to read it.”

  “What are these?” she asked, touching one of his crystals.

  “Each one of these is tuned to a specific person or place. I can see what is happening at any given moment.”

  “Do you have one for me?” she asked, glancing at him in delight.

  “Of course I do, Shazzi. It is this one,” he showed her the crystal that was hers and hers alone. It was also

  the prettiest one.

  “How does it work?” she asked curiously.

  “Each one has a word or phrase that activates it.”

  “Do you have one for Gayla?” she hadn’t meant to ask that aloud and once the words left her mouth, she regretted them instantly. To her amazement, he laughed. A deep, rich sound that made her warm and tingly inside.

  “Not anymore,” he said truthfully. “Once I released her, I deactivated the enchantment. Why would I want to watch her when I can watch you?” The way he said it made her certain he watched her when she was not aware. For some odd reason, she wasn’t the least bit mad.

  From his study, he led her to the bathroom. “Darian! This is beautiful. What kind of stone is this?” she asked, as her eyes drank in the sight.

  “Lapis lazuli. I’m glad that you like it.” As she walked around looking at everything, she put her hand in his. Her soft touch aroused the beast in him. He closed his eyes, taking control once more, though that was the last thing he wanted. What he wanted was…

  “Darian, what’s next?” she asked. The sound of her voice turned him on and he imagined how she would sound when he was deep inside her.

  He took her to the kitchen which was bigger than the sitting room. Long, grey marble countertops lined the room. In the middle was the largest island she ever saw. On one wall was another large fireplace.

  She noticed how meticulously organized he was. Everything was in its place. Pots hung above the island, largest to smallest. She opened a few cabinets which were made from heavy oak. He kept everything well stocked with fresh ingredients.

  She was so preoccupied as she walked around, she wasn’t paying attention to where she was walking. She came too close to him, brushing against him lightly. He breathed in her scent and it drove him wild.

  “I’m sorry, Darian. I guess I should watch where I’m going,” she said, a bit embarrassed. As her hip grazed him, she felt the hardness of him. A shock of fear and excitement raged through her at her discovery.

  “Are you okay, Shazzi?” he asked blithely.

  “I… I’m fine.” But her rapid exit told him she was well aware of the situation.

  Damn it! He thought. I have to be more careful. I don’t want to spook her. Not now. Not when we’re so close to a breakthrough. Which was why her next words caught him completely by surprise.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” she asked huskily.


  “C’mon Darian, what are you afraid of? I know you’re not afraid of what you have to offer me. Takasha!” And in that instant she knew one thing… It could not have been Darian who had done all those terrible things to her. Now she had her proof. She felt like such a fool! She should have remembered. She’d seen him before. The one that had raped her had not the gifts of Darian Brade. Her captor could not measure up to the man she loved. How could she have let herself believe those lies? They would have effectively destroyed their last chance. She was not

  about to let that happen. They were alone now. No one could interrupt them.

  She took him by the hand and he followed her, unable to stop himself. He knew he should put a stop to this right here and now. He was not completely sure that she was ready for lovemaking. But damn it, he wanted her. It had been so long… Months had slipped past them. She was right, he was not afraid of anything, except her stopping it once they got started.

  At some point, she wasn’t even aware of when it happened exactly, he was in front of her, leading the way. He held her hand lightly so as not to make her feel like he was forcing the issue. He stopped in front of his bedroom door, unsure of what to do.

  “Shazzi, maybe we should wait a while. I don’t want to frighten you. Once we begin… I won’t want to stop. I will not take you by force, but it will be hard to stop myself. I…” but he never got to finish as she closed the distance to him.

  She opened the door and went inside, pulling him with her. She pushed him gently down on the bed and climbed into his lap. For long moments, they just looked into each other’s eyes.

  She tilted her head to the left as she moved closer to him. Their lips met, hesitantly at first, almost as if she were afraid of being burned. The first kisses were quick, sharp and not passion filled. He did not complain though. He hadn’t been sure he’d ever get this close again.

  As she gained confidence, the kisses became tender, longer. Darian had always been a damn good kisser, his lips leaving her weak and wanting. And it was no different now. He had a pattern that he followed. His lips were soft and warm and he made her feel again.

  Slowly, so as not to alarm her, he parted his lips. He kissed her again, a more sensual experience. He did not do anything else. He kept his tongue to himself for now. He preferred to let her lead. He wanted her to trust him, to know that he would never hurt her or force her to do anything that she didn’t want to do.

  He felt her tongue on his lips and he held back no longer. He kept his hands to himself though and it was one of the most difficult things he had ever done. As her
tongue met his, he felt her hands slide lower and he groaned. She had her hands inside his breeches in short order as his breath came quick and hard. She took his hands and laid them on her breasts and that was all the invitation he needed.

  He ran his hands over her breasts as she moaned softly, tossing her head back. He kissed her exposed neck, pushing her dress down off her shoulders. His lips on her bare skin sent electrifying pleasure through her.

  She leaned into him, gripping him firmly, but gently with her right hand. He moaned at her touch, his lips returning to hers. His kisses were urgent and demanded her attention. If she was unsure before, she was positive now. Her captor was nothing like Darian. His kisses were nothing like Darian’s. They had not made her feel aroused at all. Instead, she’d felt dirty and violated.

  “Shazzi,” he whispered breathlessly. She pulled the sweater over his head, running her hands over his chest. His body was hard, he kept in shape and she was so grateful because of it. Her lips on his skin drove him wild and he wanted more. Before he knew what was happening, she jumped to her feet and ran out of the room.

  He sighed in deep regret. It had been so close once more. He was not sure how long he could keep this up. A few more close calls like that and he was going to have to do something about it. It was just too soon for her. He knew they should have waited. Though in truth, he did not want to wait any longer.

  He put himself back together as best he could, though his pants did not fit him right at the moment. He went in search of the lovely elf and found her outside on the hilltop, overlooking the lake. She did not turn at his approach, but he knew she heard him because he wasn’t trying to be quiet. The last thing he wanted right now was to startle her.

  “I’m sorry, Darian. Really I am. I thought I could do it. I wanted to.”

  “Yeah, me too.” His voice was gentle. He wasn’t angry at all. She could sense his dismay at her abrupt departure, but not anger. “I told you before, I will wait for you Shazzi. Regardless of what you fear, I will be here when you are ready.

  “Darian, I know you will want to… but I know you won’t. I know what you need, what you want and I am not able to give it to you now. Maybe not ever.” She began to cry, hiding her face in her hands.

  “Shhh Shazzi. Please don’t cry.” He took her in his arms and she did not fight him. “It’s going to take some time for you to overcome this. You are strong. I know we can make it through this. I will always be here for you. I will never leave you. And when the time is right, we will make love. There is no need to rush things,” he told her gently, his voice washing over her and calming her.

  Her eyes were troubled. She didn’t understand what was happening to her. She really had wanted him and intended to go through with it. But once more, as soon as she’d completed the thought, she became overwhelmed with fear and despair. She couldn’t get away from him fast enough. She knew she hurt him and she hated it, but she didn’t know what else to do. Maybe she should tell him how she was feeling. Maybe he would know what to do. She quickly decided against it. If she told him her feelings, he wouldn’t want her anymore. They sat there for some time, not saying a word. They didn’t really need words.

  After his body returned to normal, he was actually glad they… Now that’s a dirty lie. He admitted to himself. He did not want to begin a sexual relationship with her until he was able to tell her the truth. You’re still lying to yourself… I wanted her to give herself to me. But I don’t want to take this to another level until I’ve had the chance to tell her the truth. She will hate me for sure then. She will no longer want me. What will I do? His nasty side told him to seek out Renlyss. She would never refuse him. She never had.

  He was so frustrated, he needed release. He wasn’t used to this, he was used to getting his way. Always. He’d never been in love before either. He must learn to put the past in the past.

  He needed to understand what was happening with Tynuviel. She was wet and willing one minute and the next, cold as ice. He felt ashamed the minute he’d completed the thought. He of all people knew what she’d been subjected to. Of course she wouldn’t spread her legs so easily. He didn’t want her to. Not really. He wanted to be sure she was fully ready to receive him. He loved her and wanted her to be better. He needed her and she needed him right now. And he was being an ass. At least she can’t hear my thoughts.

  He took her back to her room as the sun set, painting the sky with a warm pink and gold light. As he approached his room, Renlyss was coming down the walkway from the left.

  “Darian,” she greeted him.

  He looked at her and smiled, commanding his inner beast not to take this too far. He didn’t love Renlyss. He loved Tynuviel, but damn it, Renlyss was here and he was… so in need.

  “You look tired Mage. Hard day?”

  “If you only knew,” he replied softly.

  “You okay?” she asked, looking into his eyes.

  “Fine. Just fine.”

  “You want to get a drink?” she asked.

  “No thank you, Renlyss. Not tonight.” He went into his room closing the door, effectively blocking out everything and everyone.

  She did not let it bother her, the Mage was ever moody. She went on her way and ended up bumping into Kelindril.

  “Oh, it’s you,” he said with a frown.

  “Imagine my surprise,” she retorted, continuing on her way.

  Kelindril just shook his head. He did not understand women. Of course, he didn’t really want to. He remained where he was, staring out at the forest as the sun sank below the trees.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” asked a female voice. He turned to see the speaker and was stunned into silence. She was perhaps the most exquisite creature he’d ever laid eyes on. Her hair was kissed by the sun, her eyes… they held him captive in their green depths. She was undeniably sexy, her curves…

  “Yes, it is very beautiful,” he replied, never taking his eyes off her.

  “I’m Kylee,” she introduced herself, holding out her hand.

  “Kelindril,” he said, taking her hand in his. Somehow it felt right, it felt like they’d known each other always.

  “Mind if I stand here with you, Kelindril?” she asked, in her musical voice.

  “Of course not, I’d like that very much.” He couldn’t believe the words as they left his mouth. What was wrong with him?

  “Well Kelindril, I would like that too,” she said, giving him a dazzling smile.

  He loved the way she smelled… intoxicating. “This is one of my favorite places to watch the sun set. How do you like your stay so far?”

  “I must admit, in the beginning it felt odd. I’m still not sure how I feel about the old forest. I… can feel that it is ancient. I feel the weight of the years it has seen.”

  She looked pleased with his admission. “Do you miss your home?” she asked, looking out over the darkening forest.

  “Yes and no.” At his words, she laughed. A delightful sound that he would never tire of hearing.

  “How can it be both? It must be one or the other Kelindril.” He decided he liked the way she said his name. She spoke to him in elvish. Maybe she thought he didn’t know the common tongue, but no. He knew she was aware that he was Gor Li’ Khan.

  “I miss the Bay, but I do not have anyone waiting for me there.” He did not know why he told her these things. He felt at ease for the first time in his life.

  “You do not have anyone waiting for you? What a shame. I would wait for you Kelindril.” Was she flirting with him?

  He smiled at her, a genuine smile and she smiled back. He felt giddy, unable to think straight. He hadn’t felt this way in a long, long time and he wasn’t entirely sure he liked it.

  “You would? Well, you don’t know me. You may change your mind.”

  “Oh I doubt that, Kel. I want to get to know the real you.”

  “Let’s get a drink,” he offered, unable to believe himself. It was as if he was not in control of his own tongue.
/>   “I would like that very much,” she replied as she held out her hand for him. He took it without hesitation. She led him to her room and he almost went in, but he waited for her as she retrieved a few things. He took them from her when she emerged with a smile and a wave of her hand.

  She led him to the waterfall, and he poured the wine she’d brought. For long moments, they sat without words passing between them. The breeze from the water was cool, but felt good on his warm skin. What am I doing here with her? He thought. This will not end favorably, it never does.

  Kelindril had not been with a woman in a very long time. He did not miss it. He deemed it as weakness of flesh. The last time he’d given in was over a decade ago. Has it been so long already? He thought with a tiredness he’d not felt moments before.

  “Is something wrong, Kelindril?” she asked, as she leaned back on her elbows.

  She was flirting with him! Her breasts were large and full and… Takasha what was he going to do? He looked at her, really looked at her. She was incredibly beautiful and so sexy. He found it hard to take his eyes off of her. He took a swallow of his wine and looked her in the eye.

  “Everything is fine, Kylee, why do you ask?” he replied smoothly.

  “It’s just that I get the feeling that you would rather be anywhere but here with me.” She looked at him, her long lashes flashing seductively as she winked at him.

  He laughed at her perceptiveness. “Trust me, there is nowhere I’d rather be.”

  “You said you have no one waiting for you, why is that Kelindril? You are… an exquisite specimen to say the least.” She whispered as she moved closer to him.

  “It’s been a long time for me, Kylee. I guess I just do better on my own.”

  “Yeah, I can see how that’s working for you. I think maybe that’s just what you want others to think. Isn’t it Kel?”

  He felt her breath on his ear and he felt… excited and aroused. He looked at her and she laughed. He liked the sound of her voice.

  “So, what do you do for fun, Kelindril?”


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