Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 37

by D E Boske

  His hands slid up her thighs and she quivered in delight. His touch was silky soft and she craved it like a dying man craves life. She did not stop any of his advances though she knew she should. It just wasn’t an option anymore.

  Her hands deftly undid the buttons on his shirt and she pushed it off his shoulders. She kissed his chest, running her tongue over his hot skin. When she undid his breeches, he practically leaped into her hands. Her lips enveloped him and he sighed in pleasure and need. He ran his fingers through her long hair as her lips danced over his skin, her tongue gently teasing and coaxing.

  When she withdrew, he opened his eyes and she held out her hand for him. He took it, letting her lead him to the bed. He took her in his arms, kissing her deeply as he pushed her dress off her shoulders, past her hips and to the floor.

  He ran his hands over her body, enjoying the way she felt. He kissed her again, sliding his fingers up her thighs. She sighed at his touch and relaxed into him. He slid two fingers under her panties to explore her. She was ready and willing, but still he took his time. Gently, he eased her down to the bed. There was no rush, they had all night.

  Soft kisses began on her belly and she opened herself to him, wanting him, needing him. His tongue touched her skin and she moaned softly as he delved deep inside her. Darian was a talented lover and she loved him. As much as she hated to admit that, it was the truth. She hadn’t been with anyone since he broke off their affair three years ago.

  She relaxed her thighs, pressing herself closer to his lips with gentle thrusts of her hips. His long, slender fingers moved within her, stroking softly as his tongue continued its dance. She moaned loudly now, definitely ready and he did not disappoint her. Her back arched, forcing her hips into him, but he didn’t seem to mind. He held onto her as his lips tasted her pleasure.

  She pulled him to her, kissing him and rolling on top of him. He laid her down, kissing her softly as he took control. He penetrated her easily, groaning in pleasure as he did so. His thrusts were measured and even, making her bite her lip to keep from screaming. She matched his thrusts with her own, their hips meeting in explosive pleasure for them both.

  “Mmmm, Reny, you feel so good,” he whispered in her ear. Renlyss loved his pillow talk, it always drove her crazy. He always knew what to say and how to say it. His breath was coming in quick, sharp gasps. She wrapped her legs around his waist, raising her hips slightly, driving him ever deeper. He moaned in unison with her. She steadied his movements, guiding him to do what she wanted. She kissed him, licking his lips as he picked up the pace, running for the finish line.

  She dug her fingertips into his back, careful not to use her nails. She didn’t want to hurt him. She could feel him moving inside her and he was barely breathing. He moaned in pleasure, his thrusts urgent and needful. She braced herself, meeting his hips with hers and she lost all control. She clung to him as she kissed him, moaning against his lips.

  Afterwards, she lay in his arms as he ran his fingertips over her bare shoulders. He drifted off soon after, with Renlyss curled against him. His dreams were dark, but he could make no sense of them. They tried to communicate something to him, but it continued to elude him.


  Sometime in the middle of the night, he felt Renlyss leave the bed. He rolled over, watching her. The moonlight coming in through the window shone with a silvery light on her skin, and made her hair glow.

  “What’s wrong, Ren? Did I do something wrong?” he asked quietly.

  She laughed at that. “As if that’s even possible, Darian. No, I just wanted some water. Believe it or not, I’m rather thirsty after that.”

  “Me too,” he whispered, getting up. He poured some water for them both, drinking his down quickly. “I thought you were going to leave.”

  “No. Why would I?”

  “You were being so quiet.”

  “I didn’t want to wake you. You need rest, Darian. I’m sorry,” she said, not making eye contact with him.

  “Sorry for what?” he asked her innocently, though he had a good idea.

  “For making love to you. I wanted to, don’t get me wrong. But I shouldn’t be here with you, Darian. What about Tynuviel?”

  “What she doesn’t know… I told you this was a bad idea, Reny. I knew this would happen. She must never find out.”

  “Darian, I should go. I feel so guilty. I…”

  “Shh, Reny. I’m responsible too. It’s not your fault. I could’ve put a stop to it at any time and I didn’t.” He kissed her softly, holding her close, then picked her up bringing her back to the bed.

  She let him because she did not notice the subtle changes in him. Like his eyes shifting from grey to black. He made love to her again, in the darkness long before the dawn.

  In the morning, he rose early, making tea for them both as he prepared breakfast. He brought both to her in the bed as he gently woke her with soft kisses.

  “Mmmm is it morning already?”

  “Yes, Reny. I know I don’t have to say this, but no one may know about last night.”

  “No one knows about us at all. I’ve kept our relationship secret as you asked me to.”

  “Thank you, Reny. You know, if things were different, I think I could fall for you.” The way he spoke to her so softly, his voice alone aroused her in ways she’d never thought possible before she met him.

  She laughed, “Yeah right, Darian. Now you’re just being cruel.”

  “I’m serious, Ren. We have so much in common. Our conversations are stimulating. I like that because there are so few who understand me. I mean really understand me the way you do. You don’t think I could fall for you?”

  “I don’t know, Darian, but I don’t want to talk about it because it will never happen. It pains me to admit that to you.”

  “Why Reny? You can tell me anything. We’re friends you and I, are we not?”

  “Exactly, we are friends. I want so much more from you. I want what you can never give to me, Darian.”

  “What’s that, Renlyss?” His voice was smoky with unspent passion.

  “Your love. I love you, Mage and I hate myself for it.” He kissed her tenderly, putting the breakfast tray aside for now. Breakfast could wait.

  She slid on top of him, taking control. Bracing herself with her hands on his chest, she took what he offered, tossing her hair out of her fair face. Leaning forward, she kissed his lips as she continued her dance.

  He closed his eyes, putting his hands on her hips. After long moments, he sat up, taking her in his arms and laying her down. He put her legs on his shoulders as he gave her what she wanted until she cried out.

  He went to run a bath for them both soon after. She rolled onto her side to watch him walk away from her. His body was incredibly perfect. Hard muscle and smooth, tan skin.

  After breakfast, he took her to her room by way of teleportation. There must be no witnesses. Tynuviel must never find out. He hadn’t meant to take it so far, but once he’d started, he found he couldn’t stop himself. She would be waiting for him, he mustn’t be late.

  Jarlin greeted him when he opened his door. “Morning Darian, rest well?” asked the elf knowingly.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I did.”

  When Ty opened the door, her face lit up. “Darian! I’m so glad to see you,” she hugged him close. “I’m so sorry about yesterday.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for Shazzi. You look beautiful as always,” he told her, his face betraying nothing.

  She pulled him to her, brushing her lips on his. He kissed her back, forgoing his earlier caution. He held her, putting his hands on her bottom, pulling her near. She could feel his arousal and it excited her, but it also made her afraid.

  “I was hoping you would take me back to your tower. I really like it there.”

  “Of course,” he breathed, steadying his heart. “Whatever you wish, my lady,” he said in his sexy voice.

  “Take my hand, Shazzi,” he requested. She slid her tiny h
and in his and he bent to kiss her. The whole room disappeared as everything faded into the background. Before she could catch her breath, they had arrived.

  He was so good to her, so patient. He took good care of her. She was beginning to trust him and feel totally comfortable around him as she once did.

  “I’ll go get a few things and we can go out by the water okay?”

  “That sounds lovely, Darian,” she said with a smile.

  She waited for him by the large windows. It was so beautiful here. She couldn’t wait to be with him. She thought of him all night, and as she slept, he was in her dreams.

  He returned in a few minutes with a basket packed with food and drinks for them. He gave her his best

  smile. She felt her heart flutter as he took her hand. It seemed after yesterday, he no longer felt it necessary to keep his distance. He touched her often, even kissed her without waiting to see if she’d mind.

  She felt like something was not quite right. It wasn’t like Darian to go back on his word. She wasn’t exactly upset and she didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt his feelings. So she let him, as long as he didn’t take it too far.

  They talked for a long time before eating or drinking anything. She was hesitant to break the spell of the day. He poured fresh lemonade for them and produced fresh fruit, bread and cheese. They were silent for a time as they ate. She felt relaxed and at ease with him for the first time in a long time. Although she knew that would change if she were to think anything inappropriate.

  She wondered why that was. How could she sit here with him and not feel scared or sick to her stomach? But the moment she wanted to make love to him, she became overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. What was going on?

  She looked over at him, he was so mmmm perfect, she thought. His hair was getting longer. Long, dark strands covered his eyes so she could not see them clearly. Which was a shame because he had beautiful eyes. His lips were so…

  She leaned over, brushing her lips on his. He kissed her back, hungrily. It frightened her at first, until she realized he hadn’t tried to do anything more. She tried to understand how hard this must be for him. It had been a long time for him, she knew. He wasn’t used to such treatment. She felt his tongue seeking hers. Without fully comprehending what she was doing, she climbed into his lap, kissing him deeply.

  She pressed herself into him and he held her tightly, running his fingers through her hair. His kisses were tender at first, gentle and loving. But as he grew more aroused, they became fevered and hungry. He laid her down, kissing her softly once more. As if he realized he was scaring her. He gently pressed against her and she moaned at the feel of him.

  “Darian, I can’t do this, I’m sorry,” she said quietly, afraid of his reaction.

  “I’m sorry, Ty. I was getting a bit out of control. When I’m with you, I just can’t restrain myself. I’m sorry,” he replied, kissing her again.

  “Can we just talk for now?” she pleaded.

  “Of course. What do you want to talk about?” he asked, showing no signs that he was upset.

  “Tell me about your time in Piri-Tuma. What was it like? I want to get to know you, Darian Brade.” He smiled that smile that made her heart beat faster.

  “That could take a really long time. Is there something more specific you’d like to know?”

  “No, anything you want to tell me is fine.”

  “Mmm, alright.”

  “Oh, I know, how did you learn about herbs and plants?” she asked.

  “Well, that was Master Donovan’s class. You see, he was a Master in herb lore. He had a passion for it like no other Mage I’ve seen. Anyway, I began in that class when I was around fifteen, I think. Everyone already hated me because I was the youngest student to ever be granted admittance to his class.”

  “What was the normal age?” she asked, interestedly.

  “Usually, the normal age to enter any class is late twenties or thirties. But definitely before fifty.”

  “Why don’t you begin right away?” she asked.

  “Because, it takes a while for the magic to manifest itself in us. Each Shivvendar is unique and different in their own way. Some begin at twenty-two, some thirty-two, some forty-two. But none before have been taught from

  birth as I have been. And they hate me for it.”

  “Well that’s stupid. It’s not your fault. You had no say in it, how can they blame you?”

  “You must understand, Shazzi, Shivvendar are very jealous, spiteful and mean. They could not take their anger out on the Masters and Mages, so they took it out on what they could. Me, other students, and the girls.”

  “How long did it take you to become a Master?” she said, absolutely fascinated.

  “I did not really keep tabs on that sort of thing. I was too busy learning and trying to stay alive,” he lied to her because he must. He could not tell her much about Piri-Tuma.

  “What do you mean, Darian?”

  “In order to become a Mage, you must undergo strict training. It is not easy. Most don’t make it, Tynuviel,” he said quietly.

  “What are you saying, Darian, they try to kill you?”

  “Yes, but only after we have reached a certain level. Once a student becomes a journeyman, The Order believes you are good enough for accelerated learning. They begin to hamper our spellcasting. It only grows worse as we progress. By the time you are a Master, when you train, there is more than one Mage against you.”

  “What do they do, Darian? How did you survive?” she asked in a small voice. She was having a hard time with what he was telling her.

  “I survived by being the best they’ve ever seen. Yes, I was ruthless, I had to be! They would never show me mercy, could I do any less? I remember a time when I was a Master, I was approaching The Test of Power. I witnessed another Master get filleted and gutted like a pig. The blood, his blood was everywhere.

  “He was trying to cast a protective shield, but he just wasn’t fast enough. As he was casting, he became agitated, losing his concentration. The Mages stood before him with throwing axes, machetes, daggers, you name it. He was nervous, he let the pressure get to him and he got cut to pieces before my very eyes for his trouble.”

  “Oh Darian, I’m so sorry,” she gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

  “Don’t be, Shazzi, it made me the man I am today. I do not regret the harsh treatment, I relish it. You must understand, in a battle, there is no time for nervousness and uncertainty. The enemy will give you no time to collect your thoughts.”

  “That’s true, Darian, but… did you have any friends?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “When I was around seventeen, I think, I met this girl. Her name was Janessa. I had just left my math class and was taking a walk to kill some time. My next class wasn’t for at least an hour. I came upon her on my way to the gardens. She was sitting on a bench in the gazebo, looking out over the flowers. She had a pad of paper and pencils. She was sketching something, I couldn’t see what it was.

  “I introduced myself and sat next to her to see what it was she drew. She was very good, her pictures had a life all their own. She made them come alive. Anyway, we talked the whole time. Before I knew it, my next class was about to begin. I bade her farewell. I thought it odd, a young girl by herself. I’d never seen one besides the cleaning staff and kitchen staff. She was my age and… well, I was curious.”

  “Who was she, Darian? What happened to her?”

  “Well, I saw her every day after that. I looked for her. She even drew a picture of me. I still have it.” By the way he spoke, the girl meant something to him and she felt a stab of jealousy.

  “Anyway, we started spending more and more time together. We became good friends and told each other lots of things about our daily lives. She was shocked at the way we were treated, angry even. It was about six months or so when I began looking at her differently. I noticed her curves, saw how pretty she was.

bsp; “So one day my class was canceled due to an explosion in the prior class. The mess was extensive and more

  than one student had been injured. I had the rest of the day off. She took me back to her room where we made love. I remember thinking that it was odd that she had a room to herself. That was a luxury reserved for Masters and Mages alone.

  “We became lovers. We were together as often as we could be. Months drifted by as we enjoyed each other’s company. One day many months later, she was terrified. She took my hand and dragged me to her room. She was shaking from fear… When she spoke, I shared her fear.”

  “What was it, Darian? What did she say?” asked Tynuviel, caught up in the story.

  “She was pregnant. She missed her moon cycle and she knew we were in trouble. We tried to hide it, but as you know you cannot hide it for long. I tried to protect her, but I was only a novice. I couldn’t protect her from The Order and she knew it.

  “One day four months later, I went to her room because she wasn’t waiting for me by the gazebo like she usually did. I couldn’t find her anywhere. Cold dread filled me with a certainty that I would never see her again. I returned to my room where a host of Mages were waiting for me.

  “Darian, what did you do?” Tynuviel asked breathlessly. She was hopelessly caught up in the tale.

  “They questioned me relentlessly. I wasn’t able to keep anything from them. What I wouldn’t speak aloud, they took from inside me, scouring my brain without mercy. The pain they caused me was unfathomable. I lost consciousness without even realizing it. When I awoke, only Aganor was there with me. The rest had gone. I struggled to raise myself off the floor. I was weak, sore and confused.

  “I never saw her again. I know they killed her. I just hope they did it quickly and painlessly.”

  “Oh Darian. I’m so sorry. What did they do to you?”

  “Me? They promoted me to journeyman. Aganor told me there was nothing holding me back anymore. He said the only reason they hadn’t promoted me yet was my age. Now that I’d lain with a girl, he didn’t see any reason to hold me back anymore. That was when he told me that Janessa was the daughter of a Mage. She was to be a Breeder when she was a little older. I felt sick with this knowledge.


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