Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 40

by D E Boske

  At once, she knew it hadn’t been bought for her. He’d bought it for Tynuviel. She did not want to be a convenient answer to a dilemma. She wanted him to love her the way he loved Tynuviel. She wasn’t sure he was capable of loving anyone else.

  “Darian, if things were different, I would jump at the chance to be with you, you know that. But, what would you do if tomorrow Tynuviel came to you saying she was sorry and that she wanted you back? What then, Mage? I do not want to get hurt.”

  “What’s so different from the relations we have now?” he asked, more than a bit shocked she’d turned him down.

  “What we have is special, Darian. I’ve always known that you are not the kind of man to settle down and commit to one woman. If I take this step with you and later on you leave me, I don’t think I could handle it. Right now, I know what we have and I do not expect anything more from you. As your consort, I would be devastated if you became bored with me.”

  To her surprise, he laughed. “I could never become bored with you, Reny. You keep me guessing and I love that about you. Besides, after all the women I’ve been with, I think I’ve done all there is to do. I will be faithful to you if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “That is not my only concern here, Mage and you know it. If Tynuviel comes around six months from now, what will you do? It’s always been her, Darian. Every elf knows this. I know deep down that you would go to her without even thinking. I cannot be with you until you are over her. Your feelings for her will always get in the way of ours. And I cannot be in a relationship with you until this business is finished. I’m sorry, Darian.”

  Even as she said those words, she couldn’t believe they were leaving her mouth. Was she crazy? This is what she’d always wanted. Darian all to herself. But she also knew he could not be hers. Not now anyway. It was too soon and they both knew it. He looked a bit upset that she’d turned him down. Almost as if he thought such a thing couldn’t be done.

  He shut the ring box a bit harder than was necessary, probably to make a statement. She wanted to be with him, but not like this. Right now, she was here and Tynuviel wasn’t. He could say that it wasn’t like that, but she knew better. Darian did not like to be alone. Ever. She was convenient. To be honest, she was a bit angry at him that he’d done this. She was not some cheap whore to be trifled with.

  “Reny, what’s wrong?” he asked. He could see the look in her eyes, he’d offended her. Damn! That was the last thing he’d wanted to do. Lately, it seemed he could do nothing right. “I’m sorry if I’ve offended you. That was not my intent. I thought this would be a romantic experience for us. I’d hoped you would say yes to my request. But I understand your reasoning. I do,” he reached across the table to clasp her hand in his.

  “Darian, I want to be with you, just not like this. Give yourself some time to get over Tynuviel, that’s all I’m asking. Don’t jump into a relationship so soon. I do not think you realize all you’ve been through recently. You need some time to work through this. I will wait for you, but I cannot condone our appetite any longer. We cannot see each other anymore. Not until you are over Tynuviel. I’m sorry, Darian.”

  “Well this is definitely not what I had in mind when I brought you here,” he said quietly. The food came soon after and they ate in silence.

  After returning to his chamber that night, he decided to go to Tynuviel. He wanted to at least apologize to her. He brought her some flowers as he always did. He knocked on her door and when she opened it, he saw that she’d been crying. Her eyes were puffy and red. She was a disheveled mess, but still so beautiful. Reny had been right. He could not begin a new relationship because he was still very much in love with Ty. As soon as she saw who her visitor was, she was about to slam the door, but the Mage stopped her.

  “Tynuviel please, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I should have told you sooner. I was just trying to protect you. Shazzi, I love you and you know that I would never hurt you. Can’t we please just talk about it?” In answer, she slammed the door in his face. In the days that followed, he went to her everyday with the same reaction. After a while she stopped answering her door altogether. Devyn looked apologetically at Darian every time, but there was nothing he could do.

  Kelindril was waiting for him outside his door when he returned. He did not give him any time to say

  anything before he said, “You are better off without her. It always ends like this, Mage. Always. Women are no good, they only use you up then cast you away. The supplies have been gathered and we are ready to go. We will leave at first light tomorrow.” Kelindril did not give the Mage a chance to speak. He was afraid Darian would want to stay for his heart. Kelindril was glad he’d given up women. They were useless.

  Darian went inside without a word. The sun was beginning to set and he was out of time. Tynuviel was lost to him. He would try once he returned, if he returned. He called the demon to his side, they needed to be on the same page.

  “Yes master,” he said snidely.

  “We leave at first light,” the Mage said shortly.

  Sigorna took a step closer to Darian and really looked at him. “What the hell happened to you? Looks like you got caught between a bunch of angry girls. Did Kyler do that to you? He’s jealous of us isn’t he?” The demon’s sense of humor went unnoticed by the Mage and this was highly unusual. He didn’t even run to defend that elf he called friend. What the hell was going on?

  “Darian? You in there?” asked the demon, snapping his fingers to get Darian’s attention. The Mage finally acknowledged him and met his gaze. What the demon saw made his blood run cold.

  The Mage’s eyes were black. Fully black. Not a speck of the silvery grey that once was. Madness lay beneath the surface. Madness and death. The demon did not show how alarmed he was at the sight of him. His mannerisms were not his own, they were becoming Dark. Like the magic that infiltrated his body.

  Darian walked to a chest that he kept in his wardrobe and tucked something inside without Sigorna seeing what it was. He cast a spell on it, turning it invisible and defended it against theft with a particularly nasty spell. Anyone who tried to steal from him was unlikely to keep their hand if they succeeded in finding the chest and then picked the lock.

  “Darian, are you alright? What happened?” tried the demon. He needed to get the Mage talking because he was curious as hell to know why he was so upset.

  “Do I look alright to you?” he asked in a quiet tone that was devoid of all emotion.

  “No. Duh, that’s why I was asking.” He received the barest of grins from the Mage. “So… are you going to tell me what happened? Or do I need to guess, cuz I’m pretty good at that too.”

  “Tynuviel and I are nothing more than a memory. She told me she never wants to see me again. I asked Renlyss to be my consort and she refused. I guess I’m losing my touch.” The demon laughed a great belly laugh.

  “That’s what all this is about?” he asked, waving his hand to take in the Mage’s appearance.

  “I don’t see what’s so damn funny,” the Mage retorted.

  “You’re upset over a coupla’ girls! Are you serious, Darian? What’s happened to you anyway? The Darian I know would not be concerned with that crap. Just go get laid and forget about it. Go get yourself a girl. Hell, go get two! Live again, Darian. It’s not the end of the world, it’s the beginning of living again. Why give yourself to only one woman when you can have as many as you want? Stop being a sniveling idiot.”

  “You know, you’re right. What the hell! I have no limits anymore. I’ll see you in the morning.” Darian left without another word. He went out immediately to find someone, perhaps two someone’s to spend the night with.

  He imbibed a healing potion so he did not look like a beaten dog, and cast a spell to clean himself and his clothes. He wanted to be fresh for his night of debauchery. Almost at once he saw his target. Kylee, a beautiful elf that had heretofore not paid him any attention at all.

  “Kylee, I haven�
�t seen you in a while. How have you been?”

  “The answer is still no, Darian. I’m not like that and you know it,” she smiled at him though. She couldn’t

  help it, he was too damn gorgeous.

  “Aw c’mon, Kylee. That’s not why I’m talking to you. I thought we were friends.”

  “We are, just gently reminding you is all.”

  “I’m injured, truly,” he said with a smile as he moved on, still looking. He heard music and laughter from a distance and followed it to a party out in the forest. Elves loved music and dancing. He approached cautiously, observing that the girls outnumbered the men by about four to one. He smiled, this shouldn’t be too hard.

  “Mind if I join you?” he asked, as he held out a bottle of Nykessa. At once, four of the girls came up to him, two at each arm and pulled him into their circle.

  “What are you doing out here all alone, Darian?” one of them asked, looking Darian up and down appreciatively.

  “It seems I am once again a market commodity. Would you care to dance?” he asked with that smile of his.

  “That would be wonderful. I’ve often wondered how it would be to dance with you,” she smiled at him as he took her hand. After the dance, she pulled him into a kiss. Elves were forward creatures and he was forever grateful. They wasted no time.

  “Are you going to keep him all to yourself Kizziah?” asked another lovely elf. “Or are you going to share?”

  “Ladies, there’s enough of me to go around, I assure you. No need to fight.” It was nice to see he hadn’t lost his touch.

  “How have you been, Valdeira?” he asked the other elf as he danced with her. The dance was a sensual one and she touched him often.

  “Fine. Why are you dancing with me?”

  “You asked me too,” he said, in that tone that he used when he wanted something. He brought his lips to hers and she leaned into him, tasting him.

  “When last we met, you did not want me. What’s changed?” she flirted with him as he kissed her softly.

  “For me, everything. You look simply stunning tonight Val.” She noticed he had a habit of shortening names and decided she liked it. “You make me want to do something rash tonight.”

  “Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?”

  “Whatever you let me,” he smiled at her, knowing he’d accomplished what he wanted. It could be worse really. At least he didn’t have to be alone. Why sit in his room alone and suffer when he could experience life again. Taste the sweetness that he was addicted to.

  Kizziah wasn’t about to be left out of the picture. She put her arm around him on his right side and he held her close. They were both kissing him and touching him and before long, he had them both back in his chambers. Jarlin gave him an approving nod and a smile of disbelief.

  Kizziah was more restrained, but far more lovely. Darian wanted her badly. But he could not break Valdeira’s hold on him without hurting her. So he did the only thing he could, he took her first, fulfilling her need while he watched Kizziah. He held out his hand for her to join with him and she hesitated briefly before coming to him. She was not used to this and that was why he liked her. He did not like easy women who slept around. He preferred a bit of a challenge. In all honesty, he was never challenged too greatly. It was always easy for him. He had Valdeira on her knees and as he finished her off, he was kissing Kizziah. She kissed him back, but with reserve.

  He quickly cast a spell to clean himself and the sheets and she visibly relaxed. He understood how women thought, their moods and feelings. He no longer paid any attention to Valdeira.

  He only saw Kizziah. Her lavender eyes, her silvery hair with its lavender streaks and how it shone in the moonlight. He kissed her softly, taking his time because he knew she was uneasy. He parted his lips, kissing her and making her knees grow weak. His tongue sought hers and she gave in to him, a soft moan escaping her. He brushed his hand on her breast to gauge her desires and she leaned into him, kissing him fervently.

  Backing her to the bed, he eased her down, kissing her softly as he lay next to her. He wanted her to be comfortable with him because it would be so much better. Valdeira tried to join in, but Darian gently pushed her away, he was done with her. He did not even notice when she took her leave.

  Kizziah warmed up to him quickly once Valdeira left. She slid on top of him as he nuzzled her neck. She sighed softly as he put his hands on her hips. He groaned as her hips met his. She gasped in intense pleasure, pausing briefly before resuming her dance.

  This was what he’d been waiting for. “You won’t let me down, will you?” she asked huskily, as she kissed his chest.

  “Of course not,” he replied, understanding her meaning. “I can last as long as you want me to.”

  “Mmmm,” she said in response, grinding her hips into his.

  He rolled her on her side, taking control and she did not fight him. She had never experienced such intense pleasure before. He felt her need and he gave her what she wanted until her cries grew weak and only then did he give in to his need.

  Ru Nay’ Sha took him as he held Kizziah close, her head on his chest. Thankfully,

  he did not dream. Blackness enveloped him and he gave in to it.


  Sometime in the night she awoke, craving his touch, and he fed her until she was full. Afterwards, they slipped deep into Ru Nay’ Sha, fully satisfied. The morning light coming in through the windows woke them both. He rose to wash quickly and brush his teeth before returning to bed once more.

  “Can we do this often?” she asked, kissing him softly.

  “Anytime when I am here. I am leaving today and I don’t know when I’ll be back.” She pouted at the news. In response, he kissed her brow.

  “Once more then?” she asked, touching him gently, but urgently.

  “Mmmm,” he replied and hoped that Kelindril would be late.

  They’d only begun when there was insistent knocking on the door. Using his magic, he unlocked the door, knowing it was the Gor Li’ Khan leader. As he’d promised, he was discreet. They never saw or heard him. Kizziah’s lust made him forget about everything else. Her cries of pleasure drowned out his thoughts as he moved in to finish her off. She kissed him before she left, reminding him to come see her when he returned.

  He rose to bathe in hot water soon after. “Damn Darian, you’re late,” the elf said.

  “Hey, can you blame me?”

  “What the hell were you doing to her? Shit Mage, I think I’m deaf.”

  “What?” cracked the Mage with a smile. “You should have heard the other one.”

  “Other one? How do you do it?” asked Kelindril, amazed.

  “Quite easily actually. You should try it sometime. Do you have any idea what you’re missing?” Abruptly, the assassin’s mood changed. The perceptive Mage picked up on it immediately.

  “Is Kryndale here?” asked Darian to switch the subject and put the elf at ease once more.

  “Yes, we are all ready and waiting,” replied the Gor Li’ Khan.

  “Can I ask you something Kelindril?”

  “Depends on what it is,” he answered.

  “Why do you only speak your native tongue? As Gor Li’ Khan, I know you know several languages.”

  “I do not like to use any other language but my own. Any other is inferior.”

  “I see,” said the Mage. “And the reason for the abstinence?” At this question, Kelindril grew stiff. Darian knew at once he’d hit a nerve. Now we’re getting somewhere, he thought. “We don’t have time for that tale, even if you were willing to tell it, which I know you are not.”

  When Darian opened the door, he was face to face with Kyler. “You didn’t think you were leaving without saying goodbye, did you?” asked the elf.

  “Of course not, Kyler. And this isn’t goodbye, I’ll be back to crimp your style in no time,” Darian said, with false hope so his friend wouldn’t worry. If Kyler knew that the Mage did not expect to return from this trip,
very likely he would have forced himself into their equation.

  Darian looked around for Tynuviel, but she was nowhere to be found. He did not let his sadness show. The perceptive elf prince knew exactly what he was thinking. “I tried to get her to come, but she wouldn’t. She won’t even talk to me, Darian. Don’t worry though, I’m sure she’ll come around. By the time you come back, she’ll probably be waiting for you.” Now who’s giving false hope? Thought the Mage. He gripped Kyler’s hand in farewell, then they took their leave. This was one of the hardest things Darian had ever done. Walking away from his only friend, the only one he trusted… the Gor Li’ Khan had given their word to protect him and they would. With their very lives if necessary.

  Darian led them to the council chambers where the gate he created was waiting to transport them to the dwarven homeland. His stomach churned at the thought of having to face the dragon once again. Hopefully, he was not yet fully healed and if he was, maybe he would be hesitant to fight once more. They both had a competitive advantage but were unable to find the other’s weakness. Yet. Darian was intelligent enough to know that eventually one of them would win out. And he hoped it wouldn’t be the dragon.

  Darian looked every bit the powerful Mage that he was. The dark blue robes of his order kept him safe like no armor could. Tiny pockets inside kept his ingredients safe and ready for use. The cowl was deep and full, effectively blocking out his features completely when he pulled it up. He wore a thick silver medallion around his neck, that had a strange symbol on it. He carried a magical haversack that carried an unlimited supply. He was fully stocked with everything he thought they’d need on this journey.

  In the council room, Galavad waited for him. Alone. That couldn’t be good. He must have something to say. Darian steeled himself to hear it because he was sure it would be about Tynuviel.

  “Darian, may I have a moment?” asked the Monarch. Darian was tempted to tell him no, but thought better of it.


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