Demon Stone

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Demon Stone Page 48

by D E Boske

  Darian made his way to the bedroom where the queen lay, moaning in pain. She looked huge and ready to burst. He whispered soothingly to her as he prepared himself for the delivery of the elf twins.

  “Shhh, I’m here to help you, Tiriel. Just take it easy and you’ll be fine.”

  “Dar…ian! I’m…glad…to see…you,” she huffed.

  “Try not to talk. Save your energy because you will need it,” he motioned for one of the elf maidens to lay a wet cloth on the queen’s forehead. He put his hands on her belly, concentrating deeply. He could feel the twins life force and it was strong. They were ready to grace this world with their presence.

  “Do not push until I tell you, no matter how strong the urge is. Do you understand?” he asked her. She

  nodded tiredly, taking his advice and did not speak. He checked her to see how dilated she was and found she was ready. Darian thought it was still a little too soon. She should still have more than two months to go, but the babies decided it was time.

  He used his magic to ease her pain, and finally, she relaxed a bit. He did not want to relieve all of it because he was afraid she would fall into a restful state. Her water had broken before he arrived and he could tell she was having a hard time refraining from pushing.

  “When I count to three, push, alright Tiriel?” she nodded faintly at his words. It was all she had the strength to do. “One, two, three, push!” he coaxed.

  Finally, after about an hour of this, he was able to see the head of the first child. He let a bit of magic wash over her, taking away some of her pain. She screamed in agony, grasping the sheets in a death grip. He put his hand on her belly, trying to discern the problem. She was losing blood at an alarming rate and he had to staunch the flow before she died.

  He was able to free the first child, cast a quick spell to clean him, he noticed absently that it was a boy, and told one of the ladies in waiting to clean the babe. As she did as instructed, an arrow came through the window killing the young elf who took her place.

  Darian could not stop to help because the queen needed him right now. He heard the alarm rising in pitch, but dared not turn his attention from the pale figure before


  He was able to stop the flow of blood just in time as she was ready to deliver the second child. The wait was not so long this time and he saw the babe’s head in less than twenty minutes. But again, just as he’d freed the child, this one a girl, she began to hemorrhage. The Monarch was shouting to save her. Outside, the alarm was still going off and arrows were bouncing off the trees around them. Darian’s concentration was needed, now more than ever. It was utter chaos. He was thankful for all his training for he maintained his focus.

  An arrow struck the Mage’s protective shield, disintegrating on impact. Another followed quickly, striking the elf to the Mage’s left, killing her instantly. The Monarch called for his guards to put an end to the threat, demanding that they find the one responsible. Through it all, Darian never lost his concentration.

  Darian knew he was losing her. She was far too pale and weak. He begged her to hang on for a few more minutes as he worked tirelessly on her. He put everything he had into saving her life and when it wasn’t enough, he pulled the Orb of Healing from his Shryvven and began to sing to it earnestly. He needed the power it offered to save Tiriel’s life.

  Once he had the power to an acceptable level, he let it slowly envelope her. His hands ran the entire length of her body, he spared not an inch of it. He threw himself completely into the Orb’s depths, giving everything he had. Slowly, so excruciatingly slowly, her color began to return. Her body began to relax as her pain was taken away. When he was finished, Tiriel rested peacefully on the bed and Darian could barely stand.

  He told the remaining ladies in waiting to replace the sheets and her clothes. He staggered to a chair and sat down heavily.

  “Darian, thank you! Will she be alright? How are you? Do you need anything?” rushed Galavad.

  “You’re welcome, yes she will. I’m fine and no,” mumbled the Mage tiredly. Kelindril grasped the Mage’s upper arm, hauling him to his feet.

  “C’mon Mage, you need rest. Let’s get you back to your bed.”

  “The elf maidens… I could not help them. If I had, Tiriel would have perished,” he said, full of regret.

  “We all know, Mage. You were very busy at the time. Do not let guilt eat away at you. There is nothing you

  could have done. When we find the one responsible, they will pay dearly,” the Gor Li’ Khan assured. “Now, let’s get you to your bed. You need rest.”

  “No, I still have much to do,” he mumbled. The Gor Li’ Khan was barely able to decipher the Mage’s words.

  The elf guided him back to his room where Nephraete was waiting. She gasped at the sight of the Mage. He looked so weak and forlorn, not the powerful Mage that had left earlier. She watched as Kelindril easily manipulated the Mage and smiled to herself. She was thankful Darian saw something in him and that the elf had volunteered to be his personal guard. Darian did not seem to fight him off like he would anyone else, Kyler included. Kelindril helped him to get undressed and into bed. He closed the Mage’s bedroom door behind him and stood guard just outside so no one could enter.

  “Thank you Kelindril, for everything. Would you like something to eat or drink?” Nephraete asked softly. She spoke in the common tongue because she was unaware of the elf’s preferences.

  “No, thank you, Nephraete. I am on duty and I take my work very seriously,” he responded in kind. Nephraete did not know enough about him to be shocked at the change in language. His voice was smooth and held no accent.

  He is the epitome of what a Gor Li’ Khan should be, thought the seer. And he was an exquisite specimen. She briefly wondered if any girl could ever get close to him again. He spoke to her, breaking her concentration.

  “What are you doing here, Nephraete? What happened to Kyler? Does he even know about you and the Mage?” he asked.

  She looked hesitant to answer, so he added, “My loyalty is to the Mage. I work for him now and he has my trust and I will never betray that. I have seen much since I came to work for him that I will never speak of. You can tell me if you wish it and it will remain right here between us.” The elf eyed the Crebellan askance as he spoke.

  “How do you know anything is going on, Kelindril? I am not like that, you should know,” she defended herself and that was all the answer the Gor Li’ Khan needed for confirmation.

  “You can say what you will seer, but I know what is going on. It is impossible for a woman to have a mere friendship with the Mage. I do not believe that such a thing is possible.”

  “I did not mean for it to happen, it just did. But I am not sorry.”

  “Yeah, I bet you aren’t,” Kelindril laughed and Calisha stiffened.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, slightly offended.

  “I think you know. Nephraete, if you are going to be with the Mage, you must grow a thicker skin. The life that he leads is so different from the one you are used to. We have done many jobs for the Mages of The Order. I have seen what they are like, what they demand and expect. Although Darian differs in many ways from them, in many ways he is the same. Just be sure you know what you are getting yourself into.” Calisha relaxed at once, when he saw Kelindril trying to talk some sense into his lovely seer.

  “Like you care!” she remarked angrily, as unwanted tears sprang to her eyes. “Back home, none of you showed any interest in me. Not one of you tried to help me with my father. You all knew what he was doing was wrong, yet not one of you stood up to him. I was an outcast, unwanted. A freak that none of you wanted to get involved with.” Tears fell freely at the painful memories. “I had to flee my home and come to a place where none knew me to find love.” Calisha looked deeply hurt by her words, but he comforted her nonetheless.

  “Nephraete, you couldn’t be farther from the truth,” Kelindril said gently. “I meant no offense. Man
y of the Gor Li’ Khan were interested in you. You have no idea how many! Kryndale was the only one brave enough to try and make it past Calisha. It was the Crebellan that scared us all off. Not you. Never you,” he said quietly as he looked

  Calisha in the eye. She noted how he said ‘us’, grouping himself with the rest.

  “Oh,” she could not contain the pain and sorrow she had lived with for so long. It was all a lie! How could she be so stupid? She cried with such force that her small body shook with the force of it.

  Kelindril could not remain doing nothing. He crossed the room to her and took her in his arms. “Shh,” he whispered. “It’s alright Nephraete. You found the love you were looking for. You had the courage to leave your land behind when so many of us had not the stones to follow through. You are correct when you say that we knew what your father was doing was not right. We should have put a stop to it. I do not know why we let it go on for so long. Forgive me, Nephraete. I should have stepped in. I am sorry,” said Kelindril. “But I make a promise to you now, nothing will get past me this time. You will be safe, always,” he whispered.

  She quieted in his arms, but she did not let go of him. He was a part of her, a part of her past. He was home and she just wanted to be a part of it for a little longer. Finally, she pulled away from him.

  “Please Kelindril, have a drink with me,” she pleaded. He nodded his consent and sat at the table with her. “What do you know of Cryvellan brandy?”

  “Where did you hear that name?” he asked.

  “Darian ordered it the other day. He took me out for breakfast,” she responded vaguely.

  “The elves do not have any, so it must have been outside elven borders,” Kelindril said, prompting her to reply. She did not.

  “It is a brandy made by the Mages of The Order. They do not trade much of it, so it keeps the price obscenely high. It is aged as well, which adds to its value. I have heard that somewhere inside Piri-Tuma, they have bottles that date back to the Niv Dol’ Meh.”

  “What? Do you think it’s true?”

  “Where the Mages are concerned, anything’s possible. How did Calisha handle you and Darian?” asked the Gor Li’ Khan, again looking to the Crebellan.

  “He was more than a bit upset. I do not know what was said because Darian put a ward around them, but I could tell it wasn’t very congenial.”

  “I do not doubt. I don’t believe Calisha likes you with Darian. Nephraete, at the risk of overstepping, may I be honest with you?” he asked.

  “Of course, Kelindril. What is it?”

  “I do not think Darian is right for you. He is a Mage of The Order and used to getting his way. Can you live with that? Can you live with the knowledge of the things he has done and will do? Nephraete, you are a gentle soul and deserving of someone who truly loves you and will cherish you. Darian, like all Mages, loves women and himself. You have something special with Kyler. I know that he’s been off lately, but he will figure it out. He will want you back Nephraete. He would be stupid not to. Can you look me in the eye and honestly say that you do not love him? This fling with the Mage is all it is. Things have been heated between you and Darian for a while now. Are you willing to throw away your relationship with Kyler for this? What will you do when the Mage tires of you?” Kelindril hated speaking these words, but someone must. He needed to get through to her because he did not want to see her get hurt.

  “You think I am just a plaything for him?”

  “I do. All women are playthings for Darian Brade,” responded the Gor Li’ Khan.

  “He told me he is looking for a consort.”

  “Really?” asked Kelindril, a bit shocked.


  “What about Tynuviel?”

  “She still refuses to see him. He cannot wait forever, Kelindril. A man has needs.”

  “Yeah, and he has more than most, believe me,” the elf assassin responded.

  Darian did not wake until late the next day. He was drained and exhausted. He knew he should end it with the seer, but could not bring himself to do so yet. He admitted that he was being a bit selfish. But damn it! She was so tight and it made him feel so good that he wanted more. He was alone in the bed. He could see the sun was beginning to set. When he sat up, he noticed he was naked. He didn’t remember getting undressed. His feet touched the floor and he went to find some clothes. He found a soft pair of pants and pulled them on and went out to the overlook.

  He had an incredible view and it wasn’t until now that he regretted it. He saw Tireniel walking hand in hand with Tynuviel. So she was moving on. So be it, he thought. At least she’s with Tireniel. He will be good to her, I just wish it was me.

  He went back inside where he could not see them anymore. The pain that it brought him was sharp and felt like his heart was being carved right out of his chest. Cool, small hands touched him on his back and it made him incredibly hard. Like dwarven forged steel.

  He turned to find Nephraete standing there in a dark red dress. He spoke no words, he just took her in his strong arms and kissed her as he put his hands on her ass. She leaned into him, feeling how aroused he was already. She put her hands on him and he growled deep in his throat. His pants could contain him no longer. She pushed them down as her lips touched his hot, hard skin. Her tongue was soft as silk as she gave him what he’d been craving. A soft moan escaped his lips as she toyed with him, but it turned quickly to a deep moan of pleasure. She stroked him as she toyed with him and this drove him wild. He became very rigid and she could feel him swell between her lips and she knew he would come soon. She did not stop though and within minutes, he exploded.

  “Nephraete,” he said gutturally, “That was some damn good lip service,” he was out of breath from the exertion.

  He took her by the hand and pushed her gently down on his bed. He was going to make love to her, and he was already up for it. She was able to take her dress off before he got on the bed. She smiled at him so seductively that he paused for a moment. She motioned for him to come closer as she spread her legs for him. His tongue delved deep inside her, tasting her. She moaned loudly, unable to help herself. His talented tongue was urgent and demanding. It wasn’t long before she reached her climax and he worked tirelessly to satisfy her. He did not retreat until the aftershocks of her pleasure had stopped. He was already hard again and he penetrated her easily.

  She howled in pleasure. He was not as gentle as he usually was. He had a wild look in his eyes and if she was being honest, it really turned her on. The orgasm ripped through her, exploding behind her eyes, momentarily blinding her. His thrusts were deep and hard and before too long, he stroked her pleasure center making her climax again. The way her body gripped him fiercely from the inside out gave him a powerful climax. His whole body shook as his thrusts slowed to a stop.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  “I am glad you wanted to see me, Tynuviel. I’ve been worried about you,” said Tireniel, as he held her hand in his.

  “I must admit, it took a lot for me to ask to see you.”

  “I am glad you did,” he said. He was not about to say anything like ‘I know,’ or ‘I know how you must feel,’ because he didn’t. He could not imagine what she’d been through.

  He knew she was refusing to see Darian. He had no idea what was going on and did not want bring up the subject of the Mage. She seemed to be in a good mood and he didn’t want to ruin it. They had been friends for a long time now and he honestly cared for her. He loved her and wanted to be with her, but he also knew this was not what she needed right now. She needed a friend, someone she could talk to that she trusted. They had history and that was something.

  “I’ve been refusing to see Darian,” she said quietly. It was as if she had been reading his thoughts, but he was guarded against such an offense.

  “Really? Why?” he asked. He felt safe since she’d brought it up.

  “I… do not know really. Tireniel, I am so confused lately. When I first woke up, I saw him and I c
ould not believe he was there with me. I hated him and I was utterly terrified of what he would do to me. I really thought it was him doing all those terrible things to me. Then when we would get close to intimacy, I became afraid, sick, or angry. I couldn’t get far enough away from him.

  “Then when he told me about Raschel, I was furious. I still do not understand why they let him live. My father has given Darian what he wants and I just don’t get it. He is the one responsible for…” she choked on her words and clenched his hand so tight he thought she might break it.

  “We don’t have to talk about it if it bothers you this much Tynuviel.”

  “It’s okay. I need to talk about it to someone that I can trust. We’ve been friends for many years and I know my secrets are safe with you.”

  “I will always be here for you, Tynuviel.” She squeezed his hand in thanks.

  “While I was held captive, I was tortured and raped. I was shown horrible images of things that were not true. Darian having sex with Nephraete. Darian having sex with many women. Always Darian and painful images. I could not take it anymore and somewhere along the way, I guess I began to believe them. Pretty stupid, huh?” she asked. He was not sure how to respond with what she just told him. His heart broke for her and at the same time, he was profoundly angry at the injustice done to her. He wanted to kill Raschel himself.

  “Not at all, Tynuviel. Please, do not blame yourself.”

  “The dragon’s words, it seemed, held more than a little truth.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He told me that Darian could not marry and I was so stupid, I did not believe him. After all, Darian asked for my hand before all of Kiri A’ Nouell. If he cannot marry, why would he ask for my hand?”

  “Tynuviel, a Mage cannot marry. You are the daughter of the Monarch, how can you not know this? A Mage takes a consort, he asks for her hand and there is a formal ceremony. A bonding ceremony. It’s a lot like a marriage, but quite different as well. He loves you, Tynuviel. I know you must know this.”


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