Dream Neighbour

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Dream Neighbour Page 3

by Francesca St. Claire

  “I really hate to cut this date short,” Stephen began when the musicians stopped to break. The familiar feeling of disappointment reminded me of other dates when I’d also been too optimistic. “But I’m driving to the Gunks very early tomorrow morning for my first rock climb of the year,” Stephen explained. “And I must get enough sleep.”

  I tried to sound more understanding than disappointed, though it wasn’t an easy task. “Oh, I see.”

  He helped put my coat on then turned me around, but kept his hands on my shoulders. “If I’d known I’d be going out with you tonight, I’d have cancelled the trip.” He grimaced in way of an apology. “Now it’s too late. A couple of guys from work are relying on me for a ride.”

  I believed him—it didn’t sound like a cop-out to end the date early. Still, if it wasn’t one thing…well, at least it would stop me from going to bed with him on our first date, which wouldn’t have been a good idea.

  “Would you like to come with us?”

  Huh? Rock climbing…get up early on a Sunday…be together for an entire day. “Yes I would, but I know nothing of the sport.” And I’m afraid of heights…

  “No problem, they have a great beginner’s class,” he readily informed me. “We’ll stop at Rock & Snow and gear you up with everything you need, including a pair of shoes. All you have to bring is comfortable clothes and a windbreaker, and you’ll be good to go,” he explained casually, as if he were suggesting a stroll in the park.


  “Yeah?” His enthusiasm began to erode some of my previous reservations.

  * * * *

  We rode the elevator to the eleventh floor. Stephen stood so close to me I could smell the bourbon on his breath. It took all my self-control not to touch him. Since leaving the club, I’d wanted nothing but to get my hands on him. Instead, we had exchanged hot stares and casual brushing.

  What’s his goodnight kiss going to be like?

  Once we arrived at my door, Stephen turned and kissed me. The light kiss rapidly became hot and passionate when he slid his tongue between my lips, rubbing against mine so expertly that my eyes fluttered shut. He kept his mouth fused to mine while he stroked me, melting our bodies together. I’d never imagined anything could be so wonderful. Deep within me, tension and deep-seated need grew. And when he pulled back, I was the one to lean in and drag his head back down. I was the one who took and took till we were both panting.

  When Stephen broke the kiss a second time, I sensed he was a moment away from taking me against the door—fully dressed and in plain view of any passing neighbour. I’d have let him. My mouth was tingling with excitement and I revelled in the intense passion of his kiss, craving every erotic sensation he stirred in me. I could scarcely believe the tumultuous sensations powering through me—so new, yet so right—the desperate need to carry on what we’d started behind closed doors. We were both trembling when he took a step back, his breath harsh and quick as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m a phone call away from blowing off my friends…”

  I understood from his languid expression and trailing words the open invitation. The choice of what would happen next was entirely up to me. This realisation sobered me. “Oh no!” I said, abashed by the implications of my actions. That was not what I wanted…what was best for me. If I encouraged him to blow off his friends and cancel our outing I could be jeopardising the future of our relationship— like putting the cart before the horse. Exactly!

  He chuckled at my reaction and took the keys from me. “Alright then.” He opened the door and, turning back to me, instructed, “Eat a big breakfast and dress warm. I’ll see you downstairs at seven-thirty.” Then, thrusting the keys back into my hands, he left.

  * * * *

  The instructor taught us beginners how to secure the rope onto the harness with a double-eight knot, how to use the locking carabineers and other useful tips on how to react once we got up there. And all through the safety lesson I kept wondering where Stephen was, and how long it would be before we met up again.

  That morning when I’d arrived in the lobby, Stephen and his friends had already been waiting, the rented Prius parked out front. After brief introductions we’d immediately left for the two hour drive. Gary and Tim had been pretty chatty, keeping the conversation going with stories and tips about rock climbing. Stephen had pitched in from time to time, but he’d mostly listened and paid attention to the road while I’d tuned in to his friends stories, and had kept an eye on him—lusting over his capable hands, steady on the wheel, and his handsome, strong profile cut against the scenery. Once, he’d caught me staring and had rewarded me with such a languid smile that I’d wished we had been alone behind closed doors. But I would just have to wait.

  When we’d arrived, I’d been fitted for shoes and climbing gear and shortly after we’d separated. They’d gone to some route called Jackie while I had been stuck in a beginner’s class, where I learnt all about ropes and knots before venturing into the mountains.

  * * * *

  Five hours later, tired but exhilarated from the thrilling experience, I met up with them again before we all went to eat. I was hungrier than I’d realised. I guess I’d been running on adrenaline and had forgotten I’d not eaten anything since seven a.m.—Stephen’s advice to eat a big breakfast now made sense, and I wished I’d followed his instructions more closely.

  By the time we got back home, the hype had finally subsided and tiredness had set in. Stephen dropped the rental car keys at the concierge desk and rode the elevator with me to the eleventh floor. As he walked me to my door, his cell phone rang. He fished it out of his pocket, frowned a little as he glanced at the caller ID, then rejected the call.

  “Six o’clock on Tuesday,” he said, reminding me of an earlier invitation to go swimming with him at the club, followed by a dinner date at his place.

  I didn’t sense any awkwardness in him, but I couldn’t help speculating on the identity of the caller. Could it be the dark-haired woman? Was she waiting for him four floors below? Christ, I was becoming paranoid over a woman that might not even be a problem at all. But I knew myself, and until I found out who she was—and more importantly the role she played in Stephen’s life—I wouldn’t be able to rest.

  “Would you like to come in?”

  A flash of interest crossed his eyes, followed by a response that didn’t surprise as much as it disappointed me—“Thanks, but not tonight.”

  I knew it! He was meeting another woman tonight.

  “My sister is waiting downstairs…” He paused briefly, as if choosing his words. “She’s been staying with me…bad break-up. Long story,” he said with a deep sigh. “Sorry, I must go now, but thank you for the invitation. I’ll take a rain check.” He winked.

  Sister? Of course! Although I’d only seen her for a brief moment, I now recalled the resemblance between Stephen and her in both colouring and stance. My spirits suddenly lifted and I smiled warmly.

  He leaned in and covered my mouth with his. The brief, tingly contact of his lips on mine brought a rush of warmth all over me. “Thanks for a wonderful day,” I said cheerfully.

  “You’re most welcome,” he said, before he took my mouth again.

  His lips were so soft and smooth, and his tongue so active that my body immediately sprang to life with a sudden raw need that creamed my thong. I sensed his desire in the strength of his arms encircling my back, in the hardening of his shaft against my hip and in his escalating groans. I responded with my own pressing and pulling, and undulated my highly aroused body on four-inch black heels. Then he ran his hand up my back, tangling his fingers in my hair as he slanted his head and kept kissing me. The contact of his wrist on my neck made me shudder. He backed me into the door and I let out a little oof as I bumped up against it. He stepped closer, thrust a leg between my thighs and pinned me to the door, covering the beating pulse on my throat with his lips. I closed my eyes as my head dropped back. I’d often imagined what it would be like to b
e taken against a wall—dress pulled up to my waist, one leg over his hips as he pounded into me while still fully dressed, fucking me really hard. I whimpered at the thought, and at the rubbing of his tongue on the roof of my mouth. His breath eased out with a shaky sigh as he came up for air. Then he opened the front door and placed the key in my hand. “Get in,” he said, sounding husky. He feathered his lips over my cheek then left.

  When I stepped inside my apartment, an exhilarating sense of a new beginning swept through me. I closed the door and leant back against it, my heart pounding from the swirl of euphoria his touch had instilled in me.

  Chapter Five

  It was my first time at Chelsea Piers since I’d found out that Stephen worked there. All day I’d thought of meeting him, and what might happen after. Stephen had renewed his invitation for homemade pasta and this time I’d accepted without hesitation.

  I saw him halfway through my Pilates class and mimed the words, “See you later.” I could barely wait for the class to be over so I could join him in the pool— and see him naked… or nearly.

  I wasn’t disappointed when, stepping out of the changing room ready for my swim, I saw him. He was absolute perfection—six feet plus of lean muscle and naturally tanned skin walked towards me with long, commanding strides, arms swinging slightly with every step, eyes focused on me. He took me by surprise when he placed his hands on my upper arms and kissed me on the lips, lingering long enough to turn the embrace into a lover’s kiss. I heard the collective sigh of every female present as I slowly regained awareness of my surroundings, and recovered the strength in my legs.

  “You take my breath away,” he said, pulling back, his eyes locked with mine, idly rubbing my arms with his thumbs, rough from rock climbing. Shivers raced up and down my body. “I can hardly wait to have you all to myself,” he murmured. Then he stepped back and took my hand. “Let’s go in.”

  We didn’t linger after we were done swimming, and I didn’t fuss in the locker room with my hair or makeup. The natural look would have to do—I had no time to waste. We met half an hour later at the reception desk and hailed a cab home soon after.

  Back in our building, we entered the elevator. Stephen took my hand and I gave him a sideways smile. He winked and pulled me closer, wrapping his arm around my back. I leaned my head on his shoulder, and as I nuzzled his neck I took in his masculine scent mixed with the fresh smell of soap from his recent shower. “Mmm, you do smell good, Parker,” I said with a sigh.

  He chuckled and pressed a long kiss on my neck. I groaned and tilted my face up. He took my mouth and I was swept away by the overwhelming sensation of his lips stroking mine. I turned my head, gasping for breath. The light on the elevator panel showed three more floors to go. I looked back at him.

  “And you, Miss Parker, taste delicious,” he said, before capturing my mouth again.

  We began undressing as the front door shut behind us. A trail of clothes lay in our wake as we made our way down the hallway to his bedroom, stopping many times for kissing and touching.

  “Jesus, Samantha,” he hissed when I teased his ear with my tongue, his unyielding erection deliciously warm against my hip as he squeezed me tight. Then, cupping his hands under my ass, he hoisted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, leaving myself wide open for further stimulation to my clit.

  Oh, God. So good!

  I met his molten gaze and a fresh rush of heat raced through my body, flooding my panties. I fastened my arms around his neck, revelling in the strength of his arms, the tensile muscles and the male confidence he exuded as he led us to the bed.

  I untangled my arms and legs and slid down his long body as he moved his hands from my bottom to my back and down again. His breath pitched higher as he stroked and kneaded each of my butt cheeks.

  “Pilates is working for you,” he rasped against my neck, a trace of mirth in his words.

  A low sound that could pass for a chuckle rose from my throat. Squirming from excess stimulation to the nerve ends on my neck, I rose up on my tiptoes and pressed my throbbing clit to his pulsing erection and rocked. My vision began to blur.

  “No,” he said, controlling my hip with his hand. “This is not going to be a sprint to the finish line.”

  Why not? I almost shouted, with a desire so raw I ached. Cupping the nape of my neck in one hand, he claimed my mouth again, controlling the pressure and the angle of the kiss as he ravished my mouth. Clawing my fingers around his taut muscles, I crushed my lace clad breasts against his toned chest and let my longing do the talking. God, those lips…that agile tongue thrusting in tempo with the spasms inside my wet channel… Heat sped through my veins as he glided his hands from my thighs to hips and higher, flaring the aching need lodged in my centre, setting my body ablaze.

  “Oh, do something!” I demanded wildly.

  “Tell me what you want, Samantha,” he said, his low voice sending tremors rippling through my body.

  “You inside me,” I murmured, undulating against him.

  “Not yet.” He pushed me back, gently but firmly.

  My gasp took on a breathy, begging quality. “Please!”

  Ignoring my plea, Stephen turned me around to face the full length mirror.

  “Watch,” he said.

  Was the semi-naked woman in the mirror me? I hardly recognised her—I was a composed and reserved person, and this woman was all heat and passion, and urgent need. But this woman was me—aroused and throbbing, aching for Stephen’s touch.

  Stephen widened my stance with his knee, then skimmed a hand across my hip and belly before his fingers disappeared under the lace panties. His breathing slowed and deepened against my shoulder. Mine hitched higher as he caressed between my folds, circling my clit, then teased the entrance of my channel.

  “Jesus, you’re so wet!”

  Wet? I was burning up. Melting. When he thrust a couple of fingers inside me I saw stars. One more quick press of his thumb to my clit and violent shudders rocked my body as I blindly held on to the taut muscles of his thighs.

  “God!” Oh God, so good! I dropped my head on his shoulder and bit my bottom lip to keep from screaming as waves of mind-numbing pleasure swept through me and my body temperature soared.

  Stephen tugged my bra down, then cupped my breast in his large hand. A shiver shot from my rigid nipple to my clit. I clawed at the back of his neck and sobbed into his throat as I drowned in pleasure. When the contractions finally subsided, I found the energy to kiss his mouth before I collapsed in his arms.

  He withdrew his fingers and kissed the top of my head, closing his arms around me. “Better?”

  I purred a low yes.

  He eased me onto the bed. Then, standing in his white cotton boxers, his huge erection bulging, he licked my juices from his fingers. A bolt of lust crackled through me. The fast orgasm had taken the edge off, but I was far from done. I wanted more. I wanted his cock deep in me. I sat up on the edge of the bed and reached for the waistband of his shorts. He leaned on my shoulder as I helped him remove them. I bumped my cheek on his cock on the way up and turned my mouth to it. Every muscle in his body went rigid. His hand lifted to my head.

  “Kiss me,” he commanded hoarsely.

  I stuck out my tongue to catch the single drop, and smiled when he groaned. I kissed the smooth skin of his rock-hard shaft, and nibbled on his soft testicles before lowering my mouth onto his cock, taking him all the way to the back of my throat. He fisted his hand in my hair, the other hanging loose by his side. After a couple of slow strokes, a low groan eased from his chest. I smiled and looked up into his semi-open eyes. He winked. He wasn’t yet where I wanted him to be—mindless with desire, thrusting and jerking inside my mouth. I cupped his balls and began rubbing them in time with the movement of my mouth.


  That’s better. I had finally reduced him to one word sentences.

  He eased his fingers inside my bra and rubbed a puckered nipple. My pussy spasmed, and so did my mouth
around his shaft.

  “Go easy,” he muttered, his teeth clenched.

  I pulled back and used my fist to caress his slick cock. The up and down motion drew some low moans from him, but it was the circling of the head with my thumb that brought him near to climax. He jerked and pulled my hair to stop me. Then he tugged me to the middle of the bed. The front clasp of my bra popped open, exposing my breasts to his avid gaze. He lowered his head and took one nipple into his mouth, claiming the other with his hand. I gasped at his hasty touch and gripped his shoulders, jolted by shudders when he bit into my rigid nipple, then soothed the sting with his tongue. I cried out as I arced into him. I wanted the softness of his lips, the heat of his mouth, the sharpness of his teeth on my skin. I wanted his thick cock inside me. My hips bowed and twisted, but he continued to deny me his body.

  Cupping his face in my hands, I gazed deep into his eyes. “Please.”

  I knew when his restraint slipped away—raw, needy lust was etched onto his face. He slid down and quickly removed my panties. I reached for him, and gasped when he held my hands away from my body and ogled me.

  “I must taste you first,” he said, his voice husky, his eyes wide and hungry as he cupped my mound and squeezed.

  I shook my head. “No!”

  “I need to. That little sample teased my appetite,” he murmured as he lowered his head.

  I trembled, awed by the pleasure of his words, and the heat of his mouth on my pussy. I craved his thick, pulsing cock stretching my wet sheath, but I couldn’t deny him a pleasure that was also mine. He parted my folds and grazed my clit with his tongue. I gasped and arched off the bed, a wave of ecstasy ripped through me.


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