Bratva Dark Allegiance: The Complete Collection

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Bratva Dark Allegiance: The Complete Collection Page 65

by Raven Scott

  I should’ve just asked Reece.

  But no-o-o... I let my insecurity about relying on Reece get in the way and look what happened! Whipping around on my heel, I breathed fire as I gazed at the two men handcuffed to the pole. Stalking over to unhood one of them, I grabbed his face as memories flashed vividly behind my eyelids.

  “At least he got the right guy.” The stale, musky smells of the train car flooded my lungs as I inhaled deeply, trying to calm myself. My muttering rang in my ears and I held my breath as I debated what to do next.

  Landry watched me from his seat at the other end of the car.

  I tossed the hood carelessly before making my way over. “Can I dump this extra guy somewhere or should I not risk it?”

  “I won’t tell you what to do, but neither of them is awake, so I suppose you could let him go. You’d have to make it look like a mugging, probably. You want me to go stop those guys?”

  Nodding firmly, I started to pace again as Landry stood up and left the train car. A glint caught my eye and I glanced over through narrowed eyes at the two, glass jars on the seats. They were both filled with ashes as the phantom scent of burning hair and skin slithered up my nostrils when I took a huge, stabilizing breath.

  This was a correctable mistake. If all went well, the second guy would think the first guy did it, and everything would be fine.

  Wordlessly, two men that weren’t gushing blood came sauntering back into the car.

  I crossed my arms tightly under my bust. Glaring hotly, satisfaction raced through me when they didn’t dare look at me.

  In a flash, the two simply unfastened the handcuffs and hauled the unconscious man out.

  The faint sound of an engine revving raised goosebumps on my arms and across my chest, as I walked over to the makeshift table. This train car, the exact place I’d been raped, was now a grave. Grabbing a syringe, I walked over to him to crouch down. Jabbing him in the thigh, a slight grunt escaped me from the force I used. Heat slithered up my arm.

  The man jerked awake with a huge gasp as his ugly, dull brown eyes met mine to widen.

  I propped my forearms on my knees to cock my head.

  Recognition flashed on his face, twisting it into some disgusting portrait of horror and regret.

  “I’m gonna torture you to death.” My voice was void of all emotion as I stood to set the syringe back in its place on the table. “I’ve watched you for a long time— ever since you raped me in this exact train car with your two friends. Remember? Or, maybe you don’t because you were stumbling drunk and could barely get it up.”

  His head whipped around and he shivered with tension. When he tried to move his hands, he found them tied around the metal pole.

  A hard frown dragged my mouth down. He was scared and pathetic, unable even to comprehend what was going on or attempt to beg for his life. “I shouldn’t be surprised, I suppose. I should’ve known you’d be the most cowardly pussy of your friends. Don’t you have anything to say? Your last words aren’t going to be about your lovely fiancé—”

  His head whipped up, eyes wild with desperation as he panted furiously from the panic coursing through him.

  “I guess she’s not your fiancé anymore? Poor Sarah...”

  “Don’t you dare...!” he exclaimed.

  Arching a brow quizzically, I couldn’t help but giggle as he glared at me. “Aw, you love her so much that you continually cheated on her. Don’t I dare what?” Walking over, I grabbed his face tightly by his sharp, stubbled chin and spit flew from my mouth as I snapped, “I’ll do whatever the fuck I want, just like you did. I’ll kill your stupid ex-fiancé and everyone in your family, if that’s what I want to do.” I jerked his head back against the bar.

  The boink of his skull bouncing off the metal was almost comical. He hissed through his teeth as I walked back to the table to swipe a pair of battery-powered clippers. “I hope you last longer than both your friends.”

  Huge, bright, reddened brown eyes met mine fiercely, defiantly. If he realized exactly what I’d said, it didn’t show anywhere on his face.

  I frowned under furrowed brows. “You know, I’ve never understood why the bullies always forget the people they bullied, but the bullied remember every single detail with crystal clarity. What do you think?”

  No answer came.

  “Because you’re a faceless mannequin to him that had no impact on his shitty, ugly, bottom-feeding life,” Landry answered.

  Yes, he would know; being a lawyer meant knowing people, after all. He dealt with bullies all the time, some were just incessant, and harassers and others had been more violent. Some— didn’t deserve to live at all.

  Like the man in front of me. Despite all of the surveillance I’d done, I never knew his name. Jerry had been kind enough to redact it in real time as I sleuthed through this idiot’s phone every day for over ten years.

  “Whatever you think I did, you got the wrong guy.”

  A harsh bark of laughter escaped me at this.

  The man chained to the pole inhaled deeply in preparation. “I’m sorry you went through that, but you got the wrong guy.”

  “Right. Let’s watch the video, shall we!” I clapped my hands, whirling around to snatch the remote off the seat and pointing it at a rather large TV mounted on the wall. Who knew old train cars were so versatile? All I needed was a generator and viola! A home away from home! “Ready? Because I’ve watched this video a million times, and if you can point out something I missed, maybe it’ll change your circumstances.”

  The man paled noticeably when the TV flickered on.

  I sat down to smooth my skirt and cross my legs leisurely. This was only the beginning. I had so much more I intended to do. I had so much time in which to do it.

  I intended enjoy this because this was the last time I’d ever be here. My rape, my trauma, my revenge... it’d taken up so much of my life, but this was where it all ended.



  “Hello? Anyone in there?” Dumping a bucket of ice water on his head, a thrill ran through me when he jerked up with a wretched gasp. Leaning down, I tangled my hand in his hair to yank his face up, a grin stretching my lips. “Time to wake up.”

  “You’re a sadistic fucking bitch—”

  My smirk widened at his defeated mumble. I released his head to straighten.

  “If you think I’m gonna ask you for forgiveness or to let me go, you’re fucking insane.”

  “Why do you think I want you to beg me for anything? I don’t want that.” Wandering over to the small, metal table bolted to the seats, I gripped the edge and leaned against it to cross my ankles.

  The guy licked his lips heavily as he gulped nervously.

  My eyes narrowed into slits. “The only thing I want to hear coming out of your mouth... is screams. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re going to leave here. Nothing you say or do can change the fact that this train car is going to be your tomb. Just like your friends’, here.” I gestured to my left.

  Now, the man’s eyes widened in horror when he saw the jars of what was left of his friends. He turned green, shuddering violently before slumping against the pole.

  I watched him with a sick glee wondering how he hadn’t noticed them until now, I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t question it, as I turned to grab a syringe. They were all filled with one of two injections‒one to knock him out‒one to wake him up. “When you wake up... the real fun is going to begin.” I jabbed him in the shoulder before he could refocus on me.

  His eyes rolled a little as he slumped back and hit his head on the metal floor.

  “Did you dump the other guy properly?” Glancing over at the two men I’d hired across the train car, I nodded in satisfaction when one of them shot me a simple thumb’s up. Gesturing them over, I flexed my hands as they worked to uncuff my prisoner and get him out of his clothes. Torturing someone wasn’t a one-person job. I pursed my lips thoughtfully as they cut away cloth with pocketknives.

bsp; “We’re still getting paid for this, right? Like, I get not paying for the nab, but you called us back, so...?”

  Rolling my eyes, I nodded again.

  The guy wisely didn’t ask any more questions.

  “I need to come up with a nickname for this guy.”

  Landry snorted a laugh at my declaration.

  I frowned under furrowed brows. “Seriously. I’m getting confused in my own head by the anonymity.”

  “Just call him L. P. for Loser and Pathetic.”

  That’ll work, I guess.

  “I’m surprised you don’t just dehumanize him and refer to him as an ‘it’.”

  My frown deepened at this and I cocked my head as L. P., for lack of a better name, was dumped onto the table across from me.

  “It’s entirely up to you, though,” Landry added.

  “I don’t want to cheapen this by making him out to be something that he’s not. He’s a monster of a man, a disgusting human being. Not a drinking cup.” The sharp clink of buckles and straps seemed to punctuate my point. I cast Landry a curious glance. “If I called him an ‘it’, I think it’d be the same as beating up a car in a fit of rage. It’d be a mindless act that resolves nothing.”

  “Some say violence can’t solve your problems regardless.” Landry shrugged.

  I inhaled deeply as I turned my gaze back to the naked, limp body on the table a few feet away.

  “I suppose those people haven’t been assaulted, though,” Landry added.

  “Forgiveness works for some people,” I stated. “Forgiving themselves for whatever perceived wrong they did that led to their trauma. Forgiving their abusers because they want to put it behind them and feel like the better person. Living well is the best type of revenge, right? But, for me, I can’t move forward until... I get even. An eye for an eye. Or, in this case, genital mutilation.” Grabbing a second syringe when my goonies went back to lounging out the door, both sparking up cigarettes, I scrunched up my face in disgust. “When I’m done, maybe I’ll let him rot here. There’s a reason that’s Carlyle’s favorite thing— to let them waste away and slowly die of hunger, or in this case, sepsis most likely.”

  “Or, he could just be really lazy and not very creative,” Landry added.

  Walking the short distance to L. P., I jabbed him again in the shoulder.

  The man on the table woke up groggily, groaning and trying to move and he tensed when he realized he couldn’t. He lifted his head, his chest heaving as he stared down at his naked self, strapped tightly to the table.

  I went on with our discussion, “I think the phrase ‘the simplest solution is often the right one’ is true for a reason. He raped me. So, the obvious thing to do... is to cut off his cock.”

  Maybe, L. P. realized for the first time that this was real. That he couldn’t escape the cuffs. He was completely and utterly at my mercy— if I had any. He now seemed to realize, I wasn’t all talk and no action.

  Leaning down to grab his soft, flaccid cock and squeeze, my lips quirked in a malicious grin when he screamed bloodcurdlingly loud.

  L. P. tried to wiggle and worm, but he was bound too tightly. All he could do was hyperventilate, flex his toes, and scratch at the metal table.

  “First, though, I think I’m going to make you feel what I felt when you raped me. We’ll get there, eventually.” L. P.’s shriek rang in my ears when I released his cock and disgust roiled the bile in my stomach. “You’re not even that big. No wonder you resorted to assaulting someone. I bet you couldn’t please your girlfriend, and you were frustrated the sex started to get boring.”

  “Fuck you! You crazy fucking bitch!”

  Staring blankly as he spit at me, my lips turned down as I slowly, deliberately scanned him from top to bottom. He wasn’t muscular, lean but obviously did nothing to earn it. His hairline was getting thin despite only being 33 years old. There was no evidence he’d ever worked a laborious job in his life— not physically or on paper. “You’re a desk jockey that’s been passed up for promotion three times. And you’re calling me crazy?”

  My bland declaration earned me a glare.

  My brows twitched in interest. “Seriously. I wanna know.” Turning to grab a curious device the size of a VCR with a long cord and a wand at the end, I twisted a knob curtly. The buzzing hum of electrical current flooded every corner of the train car, as I twirled the wand between my fingers.

  The anxiety in the air intensified and L. P. looked absolutely—horrified.

  “Do you know what this is? It’s for collecting semen from farm animals.” Huge, panicked eyes met mine, and I couldn’t help but smirk. “I’m going to shove this up your ass and electrocute you until you ejaculate. Sounds fun, right?”

  L. P. shook his head wildly, opening and closing his mouth like a fish, and little tears leaked from his eyes. Those blown orbs that didn’t leave me, boggling slightly when I stepped over to him. Thankfully, the cord connecting the wand to the device was long enough... but, again, this thing was used for cattle and sheep.

  A malicious glee flooded my system, danced up and down my spine, and a giggle lodged in my throat.

  L. P. desperately tried to keep his thighs closed, but his restraints made it impossible.

  “Let’s see how you like being raped. Being forced to cum when you feel disgusting, dirty, ugly, and weak. I bet you’ve never had anal sex before. I know from experience— this is gonna hurt.” Tightening my grip on the wand’s handle, I didn’t bother to suppress my laughter at his futile struggle.

  He clenched his ass cheeks together, shaking his head furiously while whimpering.

  I closed my eyes briefly to savor the sounds.



  Drumming my fingertips against my thigh, I stared at L. P.’s ugly, shivering body. I couldn’t help but be beyond satisfied with my work. Pride crowded my heart, my lungs and heated my face. I smirked the biggest, most shit-eating grin I’d ever smiled.

  And I wasn’t even done yet. I’d saved the best for last.

  “I don’t know if I’m disgusted or impressed.”

  I couldn’t help my smugness as Landry’s voice wrapped around me, thoughtful and a little bewildered.

  L. P. was covered in his own cum— some even stuck under his chin. The electroejaculation machine had really been worth the money. He whimpered and cried even as he tried not to make a sound, refusing to open his eyes.

  Every time I turned on the machine, I enjoyed it a little more than the last. Each turn of the nob was more satisfying than the time before. A giggle lodged in my throat as I gazed down at L. P. through eyes clouded with the memory of him sobbing while his cock went up and down— up and down— up and kaboom!

  “Oh, my God!” Throwing my head back to cackle hysterically, I hugged myself to keep my mirth contained even as it filled every inch of the train car. Wiggling my pinkie as tiny tears leaked from my eyes. There was nothing funnier than watching a rapist’s dick play, ‘Bad Balloon-Animal Clown That Smokes Too Much’ while he cried in shame.

  “Oh— oh man. Wow... That’s great.” Wiping my tears as an amused sigh escaped me, I rubbed my chest absently. “This was way better than I could’ve ever fantasized about.”

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

  Smiling broadly at Landry, I practically flounced over to drop the wand on the table with a terrible clatter.

  He smiled back, pride shimmering in his eyes before they left me to check his watch. “It’s almost 4am. I hate to cut short your good time, but don’t you have an orientation interview in like 5 hours for that new guy you hired?”

  “Oh…um, yeah. I was having so much fun, I lost track of time.” Puffing out my lips thoughtfully, I pointed at the two guys trying not to puke, holding their junk protectively. “You two. You fucked up part one of this job, how’d you like to make it up by staying here until this guy dies. I doubt it’ll be long.”

  “Wai— woah, woah, hey. You planned on torturing this guy for
days. You’re just gonna kill him?” Landry held up a hand to stop me. “You don’t want to even be here for it?”

  My brows rose at him. “... You know when you make plans and then you have so much fun getting ready that you don’t wanna go do what you made plans for?” Snatching a small, sharp sickle, I couldn’t help but sigh in bliss. I glanced around the train car, at the ashes, at the dust— the weeds that had started growing over the entrances, and the faint smell of death. “I don’t want to soil this. I know what happens next. I saved the electroejaculation machine for this, but I’ve sodomized men before— I’ve tortured men in all kinds of ways. I don’t want to ruin this good time by ending a fun, new experience with something mundane and boring.”

  Landry looked like he wanted to object, but he kept his mouth shut.

  I turned to L. P. to find him watching me through bloodshot eyes. Really, I should’ve scheduled this orientation with David for later in the week, but I shook my head slightly to clear my thoughts.

  L. P.’s eyes widened, his tears growing big and fat, rolling down his gaunt, pale cheeks as his chin wobbled.

  My heart started to race with exhilaration. “I bet you’re really regretting it, now, aren’t you? You called that helpline, said you were freaking out, that you might’ve raped someone while you were drunk. Somewhere in that blubbering garble of trying to rationalize how drunk you were, how your friend was the one that said it first, and that you felt so awful...” Dragging the flat blade of the sickle down L. P.’s happy trail, I frowned darkly as those words raced behind my eyes. “You never sounded apologetic. You only panicked over your own life and what might happen if someone found out what you did. What if your friend released those videos he took on his phone? What about your girlfriend, who you cheated on multiple times? What about my— my— my...”

  Grabbing L. P.’s flaccid cock with my free hand, I scalped the pudge off his abdomen as I swung down. Staring him in the face, his bloodcurdling screech hurt my ears, but I didn’t flinch. Clenching my teeth hard, I dropped his cock on the dirty floor and shook my hand furiously of the blood that clung to my fingers. I refused to look away from his face as it became dangerously pale, all his blood leaking out of the stump that used to be his manhood. “Watch him. When he’s done bleeding to death, put a bullet in his brain and send the picture through the Network.” Setting the sickle on the table, I pointed at the two sternly. “Torch the car. Make sure nothing’s left. There’s kerosene up against the car on that side.”


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