His Forbidden Baby: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance Collection (His Secret Baby Romance Collection Book 2)

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His Forbidden Baby: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance Collection (His Secret Baby Romance Collection Book 2) Page 15

by Jamie Knight

  Nancy let the young lady go and waited for my instruction.

  “Go clean up and take a long lunch afterwards to cool off,” I told her. “But before you go, push all my afternoon meetings to tomorrow.”

  Nancy took a sideways glance at Valeria, one which was full of resentment. She walked off in a huff toward the bathroom tucked away in the corner, away from the office block.

  “Nancy. We are going to have a lengthy chat when I come back. Clear?” I called, before she disappeared behind the doors.

  She nodded in response, with a tinge of fear now.

  Valeria was staring at me. It was just the two of us left at Nancy’s desk. All the other employees had turned back to work automatically. I paid them enough to mind their own business.

  Valeria and Nancy had clearly tussled over Nancy’s jealousy towards Valeria. Valeria’s black suit coat had grip marks on it, and her sweet violet dress was a bit ruffled. She kept staring up at me and a small, sexy smile spread over her lips.

  “You seriously need to wear glasses more often, Alexander,” was what she said next.

  I chuckled.

  “I’m sorry, Valeria. So…toilets? That’s a new one,” I trailed.

  Having a conversation with this young, beautiful woman who made my stomach flip twice over was just blissful.

  “Yeah,” she retorted. “That was just rude, and I couldn’t do it. I expected some temp work or something of the sort, but not plungers and cleaner fluid.”

  She carefully straightened the wrinkles out of her dress.

  “Alright, how about I remedy this bad morning with a proper lunch out?” I proposed.

  This was making me nervous and I was so glad my sweaty hands were hidden in my pockets. I really wanted a day with Valeria, and this was a chance I could not fucking let go of.

  She paused for a second, her blue eyes staring at me with consideration, her cheeky lips curving into a smile.

  God, she was beautiful.

  “Are you asking me out on a date by bribing me with food?” she coyly cooed, swinging her hips side to side.

  Ha-ha. I’m gonna fuck you hard soon.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I am. Why don’t you get behind Nancy’s desk for five minutes while I sort out the plan in my office,” I asked, hopeful for her agreement.

  She was tentative at first, and it was understandable, owing to the fact that she had just broken my secretary’s nose.

  “Okay. Five minutes,” she smiled, walking gracefully towards the desk.

  I went into my office and shut the door. Clapping the palms of my hands together, I breathed out the commands to bring Truman to life.

  “Is everything alright, Sir? I can read your vitals spiking, just as they did earlier today in the morni…”

  “Truman, I’ll need you to classify the video content of whatever happened in this office at eight in the morning. Understood?” I coughed out, cutting off the digital voice, walking towards my desk with a slight bead of sweat running down my brow.

  A light beeping click confirmed it.

  “It is done, Sir. Anything else I may be of service for?”

  After thinking things through, I instructed, “Call Jonathan. Make the line secure.”

  The phone took longer than usual while Truman dialed Jonathan over the earpiece that was still in place discreetly in my ear. It finally clicked and the other side received it.

  Jonathan said hello.

  “Jonathan, I need your help, man,” I drawled, looking around my empty office at the whisky that I had left unattended a while ago. I stood up to go get a glassful.

  “Sir, the only thing nicer than being needed is a week away from your shenanigans,” the usual drawl of sarcasm emanated from Jonathan.

  He may have been close to a beach, as I could hear seagulls and some waves rocking in the background. Perhaps he was in Hawaii.

  “Regardless, how may I be of assistance?” he queried.

  “Well,” I started, downing a mouthful of the good stuff, “there’s this girl… The girl…” I trailed off, hoping for an intervention.

  “Of course. After so much time, you have actually made progress with that young thing from the church. What else makes you down your whisky like a first-timer?” he joked.

  Damn he’s good.

  “Okay, I can tell when Truman fills you in on details, Jon. You’re no detective. And just because of that, Truman…to sleep,” I commanded.

  A click and buzz in the air signaled and confirmed my super computer’s hibernation mode.

  A pause on the other end of the phone call signified a train of thought that I could not interrupt.

  After a few seconds, I took another gulp of whisky, nervous for Jon to continue, which he finally did.

  “Alexander. You haven’t taken any form of relationship seriously ever since the day your family left you,” he paused. “Perhaps it is time to see just how far your heart is willing to go. You know, when I found out that your old pal James Silva was a parishioner at that church, I took you there because I thought it could be fortuitous for you two to reconnect, and for you to find a wholesome girl to settle down with. I never knew that it would be his daughter you would have the hots for! But it seems fate had a double whammy in mind.”

  Ain’t that the fucking truth, I thought to myself.

  “I normally wouldn’t condone you getting with someone so much younger than you, but I know you tried unsuccessfully to wait it out, and she has always been on your mind. She reformed you while you tried not to touch her, because you couldn’t touch anyone else, either.”

  That was true as well. I had thought vaguely about returning to my playboy ways, and even had the secret rooms in my house set up so that perhaps I could go find someone to take my mind off her, but it hadn’t worked. I had never used the rooms, had never been with anyone while I told myself not to get close to Valeria.

  And now that I was close to her, I didn’t ever want to be away from her again.

  “So, despite the unwise age difference, she sure seems to be worth your time,” Jon went on. “Be a gentleman and treat her nice, will you?”

  This was exactly what I needed to hear. Words of wisdom from Jon never failed me.

  I had been afraid that having Valeria at the office was getting in the way of my business but Jon was reassuring me I needed to follow my heart. It’s true that I didn’t exactly fill him in on the fact that I had her working for me now. And that if he was here to advise me against it, I never would have done something so foolish.

  But I’d fill him in on that little part later. For now, I felt reassured that I needed to do whatever would keep Valeria in my life.

  I stopped chugging the whisky and wiped off my lips.

  “Thank you, Jon. When will you get back, by the way?” I queried, feeling a little bit better.

  “As soon as I deem fit, Sir,” he said back.

  “Ha-ha! You still remember who holds the paychecks, right?” I joked.

  “But of course, Sir. And I trust you do remember who holds all the secrets to the vault under our house and Truman’s key codes, as well as the password to the journal I keep with your trade secrets?”

  This guy is lethal.

  I grinned to myself.

  “Alright, Jonathan. Enjoy your holiday as you deem fit. Talk soon,” I almost cut off, when he stopped me.

  “Sir, take her on a ride. A proper ride. It’s time to go full on gentleman, just as I taught you — dates and flowers. Take care of yourself, Sir,” he cut off.

  I looked at the palms of my hands and realized I had stopped sweating through them. Confidence had reigned through me in that conversation that I had exchanged with my wise butler, and I knew this afternoon would have to be the event of a lifetime. I was going to show Valeria my world.

  Fuck it, I’m gonna go all out.

  “Good idea, Jon. Take care.”

  “I sure will. I’m on vacation!”

  After I hung up and as I walked through my o
ffice doors, I knew what I was going to do.

  The look in Valeria’s eyes when I grabbed her by the waist and swayed her into me was priceless. I pulled her into my office and shut the doors behind us.

  I decided to take Valeria into a secret few people ever found out about — my private elevator to the roof. The face she had when the metal doors opened to a small metallic grey chamber was priceless, and in there I decided to show her more than just unparalleled lust. I wanted to show her my inner depth. I wanted Valeria to feel what I felt that we could not say to one another.

  She grabbed me and moaned into my lips, so sensually that I could only see red. Valeria sweetly traced my lips with her tongue and sensually sucked them. Her sweet luscious scent took my breath away. I could no longer have her in my arms and not touch her whole body.

  With a look of pure intensity, I asked her to push the button that stared at us as if begging to be pushed. She was slightly confused, but on eyeing the tiny cylindrical dot, her face lit up with excitement.

  Ha-ha! She loves this!

  She eyed me with a curious glint in her eye, not knowing what awaited us up above the ceiling of the building.

  A soft feeling entwined my hand, as she took it with her own, and it was warm. Her hand had merged with mine, and we looked at each other with the same crazy emotion flowing through us, both knowing we were meant to be together, yet still with parts of our potential future shrouded in mystery.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I had never seen a man so angry before.

  From the moment that Nancy had called me a heifer, Alexander was there, and I could tell how much that particular remark had infuriated him. Everyone else seemed to fear his anger but me.

  All I knew was that I had to talk to my best friend, Stella, soon, about the ensuing madness that had overcome my life. I had not even gone to college, and here I was working at one of the largest group of companies on the globe and in a complicated relationship with the CEO of it all.

  He was hard-headed, cocky and a prick to everyone, and I was a recently deflowered virgin with a heavy Christian background and a family that stifled me.

  My head was spinning.

  Alexander had stood up for me without making any public show of anything between us. If that wasn’t professional, I didn’t know what was.

  And Nancy was pissed. Anyone with half a brain could tell. She clearly had deep and misplaced feelings for her boss, and I could only feel pity and sadness for her soul. Unrequited feelings of affection are always hard to deal with.

  Alexander had looked so furious and sexy in his golden framed glasses, that I found it wrong to feel my pussy quiver in anticipation. Seeing him angry and in that position of power made me wallow in lust and respect for the man; it made me want to succumb to his will and be his for eternity.

  Sitting behind the desk, waiting while Alex got his afternoon in order, I took my time to look around Nancy’s personal workspace before she got out of the bathroom. I found no evidence of any femininity at all and just one photo of her with her dog of Shiba Inu traits.

  She kept things organized in an almost fussy manner, and there was not even a speck of dust on her table. Every pen seemed accounted for, as well as every single sheet of paper. It was creepy to think of her as a person with any mist of emotion in her soul, but stranger things have caught me by surprise.

  In my mind, I kept wondering where Alexander would take us for a meal. He was a man known for his surprises and his egoistic public stunts, yet I wanted to know him without his mask on.

  I wanted to know him naked, and to understand what made his core. I wanted to see the real Alexander Foster, and not the rich playboy façade he tried to fool other people with.

  As the door to his office opened, I tried my best to ooze confidence and gave him my best smile, not knowing where we would be going.

  “Ready?” he asked, taking his tie off and grabbing me by the waist.

  Before I could think twice, he had pulled me into his office. He shut the doors and placed his right index finger close to his ear. Alexander looked like a spy, and right there and then I had my doubts about who he was, but I brushed it off.

  “Truman… wake up. Lock my office down and keep me in the loop of any spontaneous events,” he mouthed rather silently.


  Who could that be?

  Before I could ask any more mental questions, Alexander looked at me and smiled. Apparently, I had a glassy look in my eyes, and he found it understandable.

  “He’s my virtual assistant and not a real person at all. I created him right after college. And in case you’re wondering,” he added with a glint in his eye, “he comes quite in handy when streaming videos of my employees.”

  “Ha-ha, really? I would have never thought you a man to succumb to such curiosities,” I retorted.

  What the fuck, girl? Who taught you to talk like that?

  I was not myself at all, lately. He had such a strange effect on me.

  He cocked his head and smiled mischievously.

  “Come on, let’s get into my elevator,” he sensually said, leaving my question unanswered.

  “Your elevator? Which one? I thought only one came to this floor,” I hastily enquired.

  We had started walking towards the house plants in the corner sitting near the aquarium along the wall. There was no one who could see us by now and the lighting had faded. Alex’s hand was tight on my waist as he guided me.

  “Well, it pays to be me,” he explained with a slick grin, waving his hand under an “In Case of Fire” poster.

  The secret metal door shifted mechanically and revealed a sleek elevator with ever so shiny walls. It dinged open, and Alexander stepped in. He turned back to look at me.

  “Are you coming, or is the bold Valeria scared of getting into a small space with me?” he pouted.

  That was so cute.

  I was a bit tentative at first. This seemed like a scene from a washed-up B-rated horror flick that my mom would have banned from the house, or else burned the DVD before I had had the chance to watch it. The elevator was slick looking though, and it made my tummy flip.

  “If I die, my dad knows where I am,” I cheekily retorted.

  That made me feel better as I stepped into the metal doors, and as they shut, I could feel a tension between us that was never there before.

  “I’m sorry about Nancy. She gets a bit jealous sometimes,” he started.

  “A little bit? She earned herself a broken nose in that process of being jealous,” I snapped.

  He apologetically looked at me. I felt a bit sorry for jumping at him like that, but he did hire a sociopath.

  “Do you trust me, Valeria?” he asked, and immediately I felt a desire to hold his hand.

  So did he, apparently, as instinctively he reached out to me.

  “I’m in a tiny compressed space with the man who fucked my brains out yesterday and on whom I’ve had a crush on for like a year or more now, and that’s the question you think to ask?” I retorted.

  I was going to enjoy playing with his mind.

  He smiled and leaned into me. Slowly, I closed my eyes as his gentle and warm breath hit my lips. His kiss was tender, with no hint of ferocity or animal tendencies. I eased into him or fell slightly into him – it was hard to tell which.

  I reached for his arms. His hands were on my waist and rubbed themselves on my back and then made their way to my neck.

  His fingers caressed me ever so gently.

  “Mmmmhhhh….” I moaned.

  This was a different kind of kiss. It did not come with an agenda, but it burst full of desire and a tenderness that I had never felt in my entire life.

  I touched his ears and pinched them, as I felt his lips envelope mine in a sweet embrace. His taste was exquisite, and all I could think about was kissing him forever.

  Lip over lip, fingers over skin, Alexander Foster kissed me from the heart in that secret elevator, and I k
new that I trusted him when he paused to breathe and looked into my eyes.

  With a smile, he asked, “Would you do the honors?”

  I was a bit confused at the query.

  Did he want to do it right here and now?

  Not that I’d be opposed…

  But then his eyes fell on the one shiny button that was placed squarely in the middle of the wall behind us. It was marked “Up”.

  “Does that mean what I think it means?” I asked, getting close to the edge of excitement with wild fantasies about what was going to happen.

  “Push it, Valeria. Lead us on to our first adventure,” Alex replied, with a quiver in his voice.

  With one hand I curled my finger, willed it over to the button, and pushed. The elevator whirred to life and started its incline upwards. I curled up my other hand and entwined it with Alexander’s.

  Warm and strong, I looked him in the eye and whispered mentally to him a message he seemed to understand with the smile on his face.

  I trust you.

  He leaned in and kissed me again. His hands ran up and down my dress, teasing and massaging my breasts, stomach and ass. I leaned into his touch and ran my hands through his thick hair, twisting my tongue with his.

  My pussy quivered and I felt wetness dampen my panties.

  Maybe I was hungry for something other than lunch.

  The elevator came to a halt and the doors slid open. Bright light filtered through and pierced my eyes. I couldn’t help but shield them with my free hand. Alexander was still holding onto my other hand, and a sense of firmness came over him as I felt his strong arm nudge me forward.

  The wind rushed through my hair, blowing it up in all directions. I closed my eyes at its onslaught.

  “Open your eyes, Valeria,” he urged.

  I could only feel a certain sense of height displacement and I felt like his hand was an anchor that kept my body from blowing away.

  I opened my eyes and screamed with excitement.

  A black and white chopper emblazoned with bold letters at its tail waited for us. We were going to lunch in style.


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