Earth Sentinels Collection

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Earth Sentinels Collection Page 35

by Elizabeth M Herrera

  The fallen angels stepped through the gap. They stormed down the narrow sloped passageway dimly lit by a golden glow coming from deep within the center, growing brighter as they moved along. Their black-tipped wings brushed against the walls.

  Meanwhile, within the guts of the pyramid was a room with a high gabled ceiling. Here, two priests prayed over a milky stone highlighted with swirling flecks that radiated the colors of the rainbow. The stone was kept inside a large chest made of gilded acacia-wood, which was stored in a granite crypt the size of a man’s coffin. Without the chest’s lid in place, the stone’s intense golden light illuminated the priests’ faces and their garments, which were finely woven out of pure strands of gold intertwined with blue, purple and scarlet linen threads to create beautiful patterns. Each of their waists was cinched with an embroidered belt. The bells sewn on the hems jingled when they moved. To counteract the stone’s overpowering and potentially deadly energy, the priests wore long gold chains that draped over their shoulders and down their bodies, touching the granite floor to ground them. Their heads were crowned with elaborate turbans worn for the glory of their god. Incense burned, and multiple layers of goat-hair curtains lined the walls.

  A booming voice, riddled with static, transmitted through the milky stone. “By the sweat of your brow, secure the stone and conceal it before the fallen ones taketh it.”

  A priest answered, “As you command, O Lord of the gods.”

  The transmission ended. Only the hum of the stone’s energy remained.

  After making the sign of the cross with their hands, the priests reverently walked across the room to retrieve the chest’s weighty gold-clad lid, adorned with statues of angels in prayer, which rested on two wooden poles lying on the floor.

  The priests transferred the ornate lid over to the chest, lowering it in place. Entombed, the stone’s humming sound was muffled, and only a few rays of light filtered through the seams.

  The fallen angels stormed out of the darkened passageway, stopping at the threshold, sensing the danger of entering the dimly lit sanctuary.

  A priest called out to the intruders, “This is the Lord’s house. You have no right to be here.”

  The fallen angels examined the room, their eyes settling on the chest.

  “You’ll die if you come closer,” the priest warned them, but his eyes unintentionally glanced at the lid, knowing his cautionary words were no longer true. The lid imprisoned the stone’s powers. The fallen angels knew it as well.

  Without saying a word, one of the fallen angels drew his sword from his sheath, expertly throwing it. The blade circled through the air like a rotary knife, slicing through the priest’s neck above his gold chains.

  It was a clean cut.

  The priest’s head toppled, dropping along with his body to the floor, the bells on his robe clanking. The sword continued flying through the air, cutting through several layers of goat-hair curtains before falling to the floor, clanking as it hit.

  The other priest sought cover, running toward the chest, attempting to pull the lid off single-handedly, but, before he could, the second fallen angel expertly threw his spinning sword, lopping off his head.

  Boldly entering the room, the fallen angels stepped over the decapitated bodies, severed heads and pools of blood to retrieve their swords, then picked up the two wooden poles from off the floor, which they thrust through the rings on each corner of the chest. With their great strength, they hoisted the heavy chest out of the crypt, carrying the mouthpiece to the gods out of the room.

  The holographic scene abruptly came to a standstill, blurring into rays of light, fading from view.

  Synege expanded on what they had just seen, “The chest stolen by the fallen angels contained the Destiny Stone. This unique mineral entity was brought to earth from the planet Nibiru. It was used to facilitate the communications between the Anunnaki’s home planet and their kingdom here on earth, but what interests us the most is the stone’s ability to amplify the earth’s vibrations. It did back then, and will do so again when it is returned to its rightful place in the pyramid. Unfortunately, it’s not the only piece to the puzzle. There are crystals that also need to be placed back into the sacred vortexes around the planet. But the Destiny Stone is the keystone. Once the stone and crystals are in place, we expect earth’s vibrations to rise and dissolve the Dracos’ hive mind, and thereby relinquishing their control over the UN leaders and other hybrids.”

  Zachary asked, “But you’re not sure?”

  “We are sure. When the Destiny Stone resided within the pyramid, so very long ago, the hive mind was rendered inoperable because the earth’s vibrations were too high for it to function.”

  “But why did the fallen angels steal it? Didn’t they consider it might awaken the hive mind?”

  “We do not know for certain why the fallen angels stole it. They may have thought they could harness the stone’s powers to restore their aging bodies, but, judging from their current appearance, they were unsuccessful. Another possibility is they used the stone to communicate with others on their home planet. Regarding the hive mind, we can only assume the fallen angels didn’t want it to work again, but perhaps, they felt the trade off was worth it, because, at that time, the Dracos were not much of a threat.”

  “They were wrong about that,” Telphane uttered, the ethereal being’s voice trickling through everyone’s minds.

  “Yes, they underestimated the Dracos.”

  Geet, the elephant man, wrapped his thick arms around his large belly, his stubby fingers clasped as he spoke solemnly, “We need to keep in mind, the Dracos know where all the sacred vortexes are. Now that they control the human armies, they could easily steal, maybe even destroy, the stone and crystals.”

  “I don’t understand how a stone and crystals could raise the earth’s vibrations,” Zachary confessed. “I mean the earth is huge! How could such small stones have that kind of power?”

  Synege said to Geet, “Please explain it so he and the others can better understand.”

  Geet flapped his large ears and nodded. “I would be glad to.” He began, “There are many pyramids around the world besides those in Egypt.” The shimmering lights of the holographic movie danced, causing the image to change. A small island off the southern coast of Yonaguni, Japan, appeared. The scene dipped beneath the Pacific Ocean, heading to the seafloor where the submerged ruins and canals, created out of mammoth blocks of granite, lay in waste and covered with algae. Fish darted in and out of the ancient rubble that once had stood proudly as pyramids.

  Geet continued, “These pyramids are just a few of those that have been lost to time. Some still stand, like those in Egypt, while others have been restored, such as the Mayan pyramids in Chichen Itza. Pyramids were very popular for marking the sacred spots because stone is durable and a great vibrational conductor, but not all the markers were pyramids, such as this one at Easter Island.”

  A remote uninhabited island off the coast of Chile appeared in the holographic projection. Huge stone bodies with oversized heads, partially buried in the ground, stood along the shoreline as if waiting for their gods to return. Geet explained, “These figures were carved out of volcanic rock. The people understood the sacredness of this locale and honored it. And while these carvings are a beautiful testament, they are not capable of raising earth’s vibrations. That was done by a crystal, the size of a man’s body, which was buried inland between the volcanoes and the sea. The crystal was taken and stored by us after the Destiny Stone was stolen. We hoped to replace it one day.”

  Synege said, “Hopefully that day is now.”

  “Yes, indeed.” Geet continued, “All of the vortexes are marked in some way. Some of the markers are ancient, and some are more recent. For example, cathedrals and castles, the Vatican, and even the U.S. Capitol are built on top of sacred vortexes. In addition, some of the markers are natural, such as Mount Shasta.

  “All of the sacred vortexes are connected by ley lines, also
known as the earth’s energy grid. Once the crystals and Destiny Stone are returned to their rightful places, they will connect with the earth’s vibrations, working in harmony to raise it. And because the quartz crystals are piezoelectric, they can convert one form of energy into another. Quartz is also an excellent transmitter and amplifier. The ancient crystals are especially powerful, which is why we have carefully hidden them.”

  “Thank you, Geet,” said Synege, then she addressed the Earth Sentinels, “The council is wondering if one of you would be willing to try to locate the Destiny Stone and steal it back?”

  Tom responded, “Sure, I’ll give it a try.”

  “Thank you, but before you do, a word of caution. Make sure the stone remains in the chest. Do not touch the stone. Its power has killed many.”

  The man raised his eyebrows, thinking the warning should have been given first, but he still accepted the task, closing his eyes, hoping a vision would present itself. The others waited with bated anticipation. Cecile studied her husband, concerned for his safety. A minute passed, but Tom had not gone anywhere. When he opened his eyes, he didn’t seem pleased. “The stone sits in a chest inside a cavern. The walls are covered with what looks like ice, but I’m not sure. The vision was hazy. I couldn’t tell where it was, and I couldn’t connect with the stone well enough to go there.”

  Phosulent commented, a thousand points of light moving his lips, “A force field must be in place.”

  Synege asked, “Could you try again? Perhaps look outside the cavern and describe the scenery. We might recognize the location from your description.”

  Tom nodded, closing his eyes once more. But a short while later, he gave up, shaking his head with frustration. He told the others, “The farther I pulled away, the fuzzier it got until the connection just quit.”

  “Well, that is disappointing. This was our best option.” Synege sighed, seeming unsure of which direction to move from this point. “Would someone else like to see if they have better luck?”

  “I’ll give it a try,” Haruto said. She closed her eyes, silently calling to the stone. She saw a fuzzy scene of the chest in a dark cave. She heard the stone call to her, saying, Help me! But the woman was unable to do more than that. Haruto gave up trying, and said to the group, “I can’t connect either. I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you for trying, Haruto,” Synege replied.

  “The stone could be anywhere,” stated Geet. “We’re not even sure if it’s hidden on this planet.”

  Synege nodded her bald head. “True, but our mission will be very difficult, maybe even impossible, without that stone. We will have to offer the fallen angels something of value in exchange for it, because without it, we will never dismantle the Dracos’ hive mind. And if we don’t do it now, I’m afraid it will never be possible, which puts Alteria in grave danger.”

  “Trade something of value?” Zachary was confused. “Like what?”

  “Yeah. What do we have that the fallen angels would want?” Tom asked.

  The other council members lowered their heads, knowing the seriousness of what Synege was about to suggest. “We can offer them our protection.”

  “Protection!?” Zachary cried out in disbelief. “But they’re the enemy!”

  Synege was troubled by her own suggestion as well.

  “Protection from who?” Billy asked.

  “From the human armies. The Dracos will surely order them to attack the fallen angels. The reptilians are extremely territorial, and will eliminate their competitors now that they can. But they won’t stop there. They will attack us next. However, we have a plan. One that should take the least amount of life possible. If it goes well, less than a thousand hybrids will die, plus the Dracos.”

  “How many Dracos are there?” Cecile asked.

  “Approximately a hundred ancient bodies. It is a small number, but the Dracos control millions of soldiers and hybrids. That is our main problem.”

  “I don’t understand how the Dracos gained such power with so few numbers.”

  Faylinn fluttered her fairy wings, speaking in a high-pitched voice, she asked the council leader, “Would you like me to explain it to them?”

  Synege nodded.

  Faylinn began, “The Dracos, after genetically manipulating the Anunnaki’s Adams and Eves, bided their time, living unnoticed on the fringes. They knew the Anunnaki and other alien races were capable of being mortally wounded, which happened quite often in their endless petty battles. It was only a matter of time before the gods dwindled in numbers or returned home. So the Dracos waited. Once the gods were gone, the lofty lizards claimed their spot at the top of the food chain—”

  Zachary interrupted, “But didn’t the fallen angels also remain?”

  “Yes, thank you for pointing that out. The rebel fallen angels were left behind by the Anunnaki. They wisely preferred to remain hidden from sight. The Dracos, on the other hand, didn’t handle their power well and ran amuck, devouring people in broad daylight. Needless to say, this did not bode well with the humans, who ganged together, sometimes whole clans or villages, killing them on sight. The great legends of ‘slaying the dragon’ are based on this time period. The hunts were relentless. The Dracos’ only choice was to hide underground. They couldn’t live here in Alteria—we refused their presence. And the fallen angels, who live in the northern region of inner earth, refused them as well. Out of options, the Dracos created a subterranean tunnel system around the world, which still exists today.”

  Synege stepped into the conversation. “The Dracos have never benefited mankind in any way. Their genetic mutations of humans were solely for the purpose of creating living vessels, hybrids, that one day would perpetuate their hive mind. Earth’s environment had taken its toll on their alien reptilian bodies, and they knew it was only a matter of time before their species died out completely. If that happened, they would live out their days trapped within the hive mind with no physical bodies—an endless purgatory. They absolutely needed the hybrid program to work if they were to enjoy being in a body.”

  Telphane said, “Not everyone worries about having a physical body.” The being’s beige essence flickered.

  “The Dracos have a primitive mind set, Telphane,” Synege commented. “You know that.” She spoke to the Earth Sentinels again, “Granted, the Anunnaki weren’t much better—creating you to be their workforce, but on the other side of that coin, even as they let you repopulate after the flood, they knew that one day you would free yourselves. The earth’s short orbit around the sun speeds up your evolution—physically, mentally and spiritually. The Anunnaki felt your upgrade and eventual freedom was their gift to you as repayment for your enslavement. Keep in mind, the 250,000 years since your inception is just seventy years on their planet.”

  Billy spouted angrily, “You can’t just mess with people’s DNA and make them slaves, then tell them it’s a favor!” He stopped talking, shaking his head, realizing it was pointless to be mad at the ancient astronauts whose planet had been destroyed. They were all dead. He lifted his black hat, smoothing his hair back, his face still flush with anger.

  “Of course not. I’m not justifying their actions,” Synege stated. “The Anunnaki went against the universal Law of Oneness, and their actions had devastating effects on this planet as well as their own. In addition, the Anunnaki rebels, the fallen angels, who were exiled here on earth are much less palatable than your original creators. Without a doubt, the fallen angels are untrustworthy and sinister,” she paused before adding, “but they possess the Destiny Stone.”

  “‘Which way to turn?’ wondered the windmill.” Guru was speaking in riddles. “We seek to manipulate the manipulators. Round and round we go.”

  Synege looked at him with her large green eyes, contemplating his cryptic message. “It’s a vicious cycle we hope to break free of once we raise earth’s vibrations. Unfortunately, with the Dracos’ UN leaders controlling the human armies, we cannot install the crystals, or the Destiny Stone once
we have it, because all of these precious catalysts would be in danger of being stolen or destroyed by the Dracos before the process was completed. The easiest and least bloody way to ensure we can install the stones is to kill the Dracos and the UN leaders first. However, because we are unable to steal the Destiny Stone from the fallen angels, we do not have any choice other than to offer them our protection in exchange for the stone. But this mission would require a great service from you, Earth Sentinels.”

  Tom, Cecile, Zachary, Haruto and Billy became apprehensive, wondering what Synege was about to ask of them.

  “Are you willing to escort our Alterian warriors directly into the lairs of the Draco leaders so they can assassinate them? And the same with the UN leaders? And then install the UN impostors? Only then will we control the armies.”

  Haruto said, “I knew it! Every time we get together, we always end up fighting someone. Well, I’m not doing it. Last time, we almost cost people their lives, and gained very little for our efforts.”

  Synege responded to Haruto’s outburst, “This plan is not ideal, but the Dracos’ actions are causing all of mankind to suffer as we speak. If they attack us, the casualties will be in the millions. Compare all those lives to a mere hundred Dracos and a thousand UN leaders. A fair exchange if you ask me. Yes, there will be blood on our hands, but much less than the number of humans slaughtered for food every single day, not to mention the billions killed by the virus. How many more have to suffer and die?”

  She turned her head, speaking to all of the Earth Sentinels before her, “Without you, we won’t succeed. You are needed to transport our warriors. Otherwise, we will never find the Dracos hidden within the tunnels—not in time to implement our plan.”

  Tom asked her, “Who would replace the UN leaders?”

  “The council recommends recruiting your Earth Sentinel members. These are people who have fought bravely with you and proven their loyalty.”


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