Vampires' Lair

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Vampires' Lair Page 7

by Connie Ruth VeJar

  Maybe she would now have to face her new reality that she was in fact this Fire Angel that Stormy had believed her to be. Jasmine still didn't understand how it was that she could be. She had never had a magical ability.

  Could it be true that these powers did surface at a particular time? She would never have believed anything as ridiculous as there being real vampires, but with her own eyes she had witnessed undeniable evidence to that very thing.

  Jasmine had to leave the comfort of her bed and ride and face her new reality a reality that she didn't know if she was ready to accept.

  The day was filled with more explanations of the castle’s inhabitants. Stormy explained to Jasmine the real reason for the retreat.

  “This castle is well known for its hot springs,” Stormy began. “However, there are no healing waters flowing in these springs.

  The healing process is in fact a byproduct of the vampires consuming their blood. The guests were lured to the castle under the pretense that the hot springs would heal some of their ailments and even restore spend the youthful vitality that they so desired.

  The vampires took this opportunity to have a feast on their blood. Over the weeks that the guests stayed at the castle, the vampires would almost drain them of their blood, leaving them with only enough left to barely survive. The humans would feel weak for a few days after being drained. This weakness they thought was from the hot springs affects. this was the reason for the medically trained witches at the resort.

  The consumption of the human’s blood benefited not only the vampires but also their victims. The benefit for the vampires was the strength that they obtained from drinking the majority of the human’s blood. The healing and rejuvenating of the humans came partially from this draining, the draining in conjunction with the healing and revival properties of the vampire’s saliva.”

  Jasmine did want to know all about the vampires, but she was particularly interested in one, the one that she had collided with the previous night.

  “That particular Vampire was, in fact, Hunter Blaise, the owner of this castle,” Stormy replied. He is truly one of the most powerful vampires of the time.

  “He has been on this and longer than any other vampire. Most importantly he has been a great friend and confidant to me over my lifetime.

  That is the reason that I brought you here to this castle. He is the only being that I would trust to keep you and the power hidden in you safe.

  He is no ordinary vampire. I have seen him accomplish many extraordinary feats, feats that no ordinary vampire could ever hope to achieve.

  Some say that many centuries ago a great witch passed on some of her powers to him. This is only hearsay, but it has been passed down not only through the magical world but also in the vampire lore as well. So, my speculation, is that there is a bit of truth in this story.”

  Jasmine didn't know what to think about all that she had heard, she herself could write a best-selling novel with the story she had just been told.

  Jasmine realized that her life of solitude was long gone and now she was living out one of her vampire novel's in real life.

  Stormy rose. “Let’s go down, get us something to eat, and later this evening we will properly introduce you to the great Hunter Blaise.”

  Jasmine did not know what to think about meeting the vampire, but she knew deep down that she had too.

  Somehow it all felt right to her. She had a feeling that this was all meant to be. Acceptance of who she truly was settled inside her. She had the feeling that this was where she truly belonged, in this supernatural, magical world.

  Chapter 26

  The evening sun had already set below the mountains, the winter winds blew cold drafts through the castle. He didn't feel the cold that filled his sleeping chambers. A familiar face entered his mind, she stood in a pool of burning flames.

  “I had foretold of her coming, I know that you will be her guardian, her protector. I am here to warn you of the forces that will come to try and destroy her. I know that you will stand guard over her until the day comes that I myself can join you in her protection.”

  Hunter woke and rose from his forced sleep with the words of his long-gone friend still ringing in his ears. He could not believe what was happening, how could he be having dreams of her? She had said that she would join him in protecting Jasmine, but how was it that she was going to protect her when she had been dead for many, many years? He was eager, but also hesitant about meeting Jasmine Willow that evening, now more than ever with the dream or vision that he had just woke from. He knew that deep down he would protect her and not let her out of his reach as long as he remained on this earth.

  She was much more to him than this special Fire Angel, he knew that as soon as he touched her. Jasmine Willow was the one who he had searched for, the one that he had almost given up hope that even existed.

  She was not only a Fire Angel, she was in fact his Soulmate!

  When his long-gone friend had foretold of this day, he truly had not believed her. She told him of a time that he would meet one of her descendants. She would be a Fire Angel just like her. On her death bed she unknowing to him, had cast a spell upon him, a spell that would give him powers. These powers would give him the gift that would one day help him, and her offspring do great things. He had given her the gift of an extended life and she wanted to repay him with some of her magical power. These powers would also hasten the arrival of her progeny's magical powers.

  So, this was his dear friends’ descendant, he was still in disbelief that what was foretold was actually coming into fruition. He had no reason not to believe her but as the years passed it became harder not to keep believing.

  He now understood why Emrick was attracted to her so intensely. Jasmine Willow was the only connection with Emrick's only true love. A lost love that he blamed Hunter for his losing.

  Sophia had allowed Hunter to extend her life, but she would not let him turn her. It was not that she had no desire to be a vampire, she didn't know if indeed if she could be turned. She was a Fire Angel and she had never known or heard of a witch being turned into a vampire let alone a Fire Angel. No, she had made a choice to live a predetermined amount of time and then she would let her be laid to rest at a time of her choosing.

  Hunter had followed out her wishes and laid her to rest in a hidden chamber in Castle Blaze.

  Now after all this time there would finally be hope in his life, a life he had thought about ending many times.

  Chapter 27

  Chloe had not expected Hunter Blaise to take interest in this so-called Fire Angel, Jasmine Willow. But to her dismay he had. Now she had to decide if she should report this to Eves Dawn.

  Eves Dawn was still in love with Hunter Blaise. In her mind, he belonged to her. Hunter had ended their relationship years prior, but Eves Dawn would not give up on Hunter. She had made Chloe try to cast spell after spell upon him win him back but none of the spells would work. Chloe had suffered dearly each time one of her spells failed to work on Hunter.

  Chloe feared for herself if she didn't inform Eves Dawn about Hunter and Jasmine and that feared was greater if she did. She would have to get up the courage and tell her. That was the reason she had gotten the job here at the castle. She was placed here to keep a watchful eye on Hunter.

  It had taken her some time to get in with Stormy's witch clan and even longer to be able to take part in the winter retreat.

  The winter retreat was about the only time Hunter would come out from wherever he kept himself hidden during the rest of the year. Chloe spent these few weeks out of the year trying out spell after spell of Hunter trying to force him to fall in love with Eves Dawn. So far nothing had worked. Now she had to inform her that not only had none of the spells worked but that she feared that Hunter had fallen for the Fire Angel.

  Chloe slowly dialed Eves Dawn on her cell phone, desperately hoping that the signal wasn't strong enough to reach out of the mountains. Unfortunately, the phone started to rin
g. The ringing continued, she was ready to push end on her cell when the unmistakable voice came on the line.

  “You have better have a good reason for intruding upon my valuable time!”

  Even though she was hundreds of miles away, her entire was body quivering with the fear that Eves Dawn voice caused her to feel.

  The fear that Chloe had of Eves Dawn could be heard in her voice as she poured out the entire story concerning the Jasmine Willow the Fire Angel.

  Chloe ended the call with as much fear as when she dialed Eves Dawn's number.

  Her orders were to get as much information on Jasmine Willow and she would be traveling soon to go into the Carpathian Mountains to check out this Fire Angel nonsense herself.

  Eves Dawn had never thought that the day would come that there would be someone else that would come into Hunter's life. He had many lovers since he ended their relationship, this she was sure of. He never had any of them for longer than a night. Never had he stood guard over one this much she was sure of.

  She had no intention of running off to Romania without doing some research on this Fire Angel. No matter how much she wanted to go to this Fire Angel and sink her fangs into her neck drain her dry then rip her head off and leave it as a present for her great Lover. No, it would be unwise to hastily rush into a situation that she had no clue how to handle it. No, she had to practice patients. No matter how hard it was going to be.

  Chloe had the unique ability to converse with the dead, they shared with her tidbits of what was to come. They had shown her many visions that foretold her death and a fiery death at that. She had never understood why her life would end in a sea of flames, that was until she was introduced to the possibility that there was such a being as a Fire Angel. Now, she had to tread carefully and seek out those spirits that could lead her down the right path, a path that hopefully didn't lead to her burning in the eternal flames of hell.

  Chapter 28

  Jasmine stood on her balcony, she stood staring into the beautiful Carpathian Mountains. The sun had set behind the mountains, leaving only a soft glow behind. Jasmine felt at home in this castle that lay hidden from the over-crowded world. Here she was able to open up her mind and let her inner voice guide her. Her mind was able to get a clearer picture of what her life had turned out to be.

  Standing high on the balcony Jasmine closed her eyes and outstretched her arms, just like an angel spreading her wings and breathed in the fresh cold mountain air.

  She focused on wiping clear all of the mortal things that cluttered her mind. She fell into a trance like state.

  Jasmine unknowingly fell to her knees, arms still outstretched, a silvery mist surrounded her. The voice of her ancestor filling her ears.

  “The time has come,” said the voice of Sophia Willow. “The time for you to know who you really are. It is time that you take your place as the most powerful Fire Angel that has ever walked this earth. I have sacrificed myself so that you can fulfill your destiny. I have set the stage for what no one ever believed that could come to fruition. Now on this night, I will set in motion the steps to your destiny. Open your mind and your heart to your new existence. From now on you will accept that you are Jasmine Willow a supernatural being a Fire Angel, descendant of Sophia Willow. "

  Hunter heard someone out on his balcony. He jumped out of his bed and headed for his balcony. The balcony stretched the length of his side of the castle. Stepping out onto the balcony he saw no one. He walked around the castles far corner and looked down onto the lower level of the balcony, where he saw her. She was kneeling down arms outstretched Dressed in a sheer white nightgown Her strawberry blonde hair blowing wildly in the cold wind. He could tell that she was bewitched. He stood there in cold night air just watching her for how long he did not know. He himself was mesmerized by the sight of her. Finally, he was able to shake free of her spell, he ran up behind her, lifting her off the cold balcony floor. He turned her to face him. There was only a slight electrical impulse this time. Beautiful, beautiful, he thought. She sure was a beautiful site for anyone's eyes. She was slowly coming out of the trance. He held on to her, his arms wrapped around her waist. Suddenly, she inhaled deeply as if she was as taking her first breath of air.

  Jasmine found herself waking up in the arms of a tall, muscular man. With pitch black hair and eyes to match. She suddenly realized that he was no man, he was a vampire. Not the same one that attacked her, no she had the feeling that this vampire was Hunter Blaise.

  He continued to hold her even as she came out of the trance. She didn't say anything to him, she only stared deep into his eyes. It felt like she was trying to stare into his soul.

  Jasmine didn't know what to do, she felt no fear of this vampire if anything she felt a connection to him. She realized that this strong vampire that stood to hold her there on the cold balcony wasn't wearing any clothes. She could feel heat building up within her, she placed her hands on his bare chest and quickly shoved him away from her.

  Hunter had felt the buildup of her electrical power and was literally shocked when she shoved away.

  Hunter ran back to her and grabbed her once more. Fighting off her electrical impulses. “I am not here to harm you. I will protect you in any way that I can.”

  Jasmine started to relax, sensing that he meant her no harm.

  “I am Hunter Blaise, I am the owner of this castle.”

  “I know who you are,” Jasmine replied.

  “Then why did you practically throw me off the balcony?”

  “I wasn't trying to, but if you woke up in the arms of a naked man what would you do?” Jasmine replied.

  Hunter looked down and realized that he had forgotten all about being naked.

  “I am sorry,” he said. “I didn't realize that I didn't have any clothes on. I was worried about you, out on this balcony. You seemed to be in a trance. I was only trying to save you. I thought that you may have been in some sort of trouble.”

  “No, no trouble, more like an enlightening. How about we both go in and put on some warm clothes and finish this discussion on what exactly you were being enlightened about?”

  Hunter held on to Jasmine's

  energized hand and led her back to her quarters. Jasmine willingly followed the naked vampire into her room.

  Chapter 29

  Jasmine did not trust any man since being deceived by her ex-husband. This included vampires. Jasmine didn't care how charming he was or how good he looked naked, she would tread lightly when divulging anything to him.

  Hunter had left to put on some clothes as she herself dressed as quickly as possible in a pair of jeans and a comfy tee shirt. Jasmine tried to put on a little make-up before his return.

  After only a few minutes, he was knocking at the door. Answering the door Jasmine didn't let him inside.

  “Can we go somewhere else besides this bedroom?” she asked, when she opened the door?

  Jasmine noticed that Hunter himself was dressed in black jeans and a crisp white shirt. While would have made him irresistible if she hadn't made it her mission to block out any temptation from any man or beast for that matter.

  Hunter had decided that he should show her around the castle. He thought that this would put her at ease. He wasn't able to read her thoughts, which was unbelievable to him, but he could sense that she was uncomfortable being around him.

  Hunter led her around his wing of the castle. He didn't want her to get too close to the other vampires just yet. Especially after what had happened with Emrick. Hunter had a little experiment that he wanted to try. He knew that Jasmine's powers had not surfaced yet, but he had an inkling that this castle would help her powers rise to the surface.

  Leading her to where her ancestor lay in her final resting place, he had never allowed anyone to enter this chamber not even Emrick.

  Jasmine did feel a little uneasy as the vampire-led her deeper into the castle’s underground passageways. Although, she knew that he would not harm her she was none too thrilled about
being led deep into the castle.


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