Let Me Free You (McClain Brothers Book 4)

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Let Me Free You (McClain Brothers Book 4) Page 7

by Alexandria House


  We entered the room where the reception was held to upbeat Liberian music, some song Sage said was about love and marriage. She danced into the room in front of me in a long purple and gold dress that fit her ass just right, and with that ass as my motivation, I danced right behind her in my matching outfit. Her aunts and mom laid down these fabrics for us to step on, and they, along with other members of her family, surrounded us once we were in the middle of the room and threw money at us and cheered us on.

  I was grinning like a fool as I stared at Sage’s ass and tried to concentrate on dancing as she bent over at the waist and moved her shoulders to the music. When she turned to face me, she was smiling bigger than I’d ever seen her smile before. She raised her arms as she danced closer to me, and I grabbed her, moving to the music as I kissed her while money rained down on us. The music, seeing all her relatives in their Liberian garb? Damn, it all felt so good, like this was meant to be. I guess that’s because it was.

  It really was.

  “...welcome to our family, Neil!” One of Sage’s uncles finally ended his speech, and everyone raised their glasses. There was wine available to the guests, but I was drinking water and I was cool with it. Shit, I was on cloud nine. I didn’t need to be inebriated.

  We sat at the head table, my hand on her thigh, as tons of people stood from their seats and toasted us, including Nolan’s long-winded ass. Damn, Sage had a big-ass family. A lot of them had flown in from the east coast for the wedding, but a few lived in Cali. Her sister had traveled from Canada where she lived with her Canadian husband. I wondered how many of Sage’s family members Forty-five was kicking out of the country, then wiped that thought out of my mind. I didn’t want to be angry on my wedding day. Anger and guilt were what fucked me up before.

  “Uh, for those of you who don’t know me, I’m Lee Chester Amerson—Neil’s Uncle—”

  “What up. Unc?!” Everett shouted from his seat, interrupting Uncle Lee Chester.

  “What-up-there-now, Nephew?! Uh, like I was saying, Neil’s mama, Juanita Jean, was my sister, God rest her soul, and I just wanted to congratulate my nephew on getting married. You know, this boy always been real smart, so it don’t surprise me none that he married a librarian. He always did love him some books.”

  “Shit,” I mumbled. Why me?

  Sage smacked her hand over her mouth, trying to keep from laughing.

  I watched as Leland stood from his seat and whispered in Uncle Lee’s ear. As Leland reclaimed his seat, Uncle Lee said, “Shit, that explains it! She from Africa. I ain’t know what the hell was going on with the music and the African clothes. I just figured all that had to do with some black power stuff since Neil is into that…anyway, I just wanna say, Juanita Jean would be proud of her kids. Especially you, Neil. Wish my Lou was here to see this, but her ass won’t step over the damn threshold of our trailer for nothing but Thursday night bingo. Anyhow, I’m glad you straightened yourself out and got you a nice African wife, Neil. I know that’s a dream come true for you. Boy, you gonna have fuuuuun tonight with that jungle boogie! Gon’ get you some wild cat! Cheers, y’all!”

  Sage’s mother and fifty-eleven aunts all gasped.

  I dropped my head and shook it.

  “OMG, I love him!” Sage gushed beside me.

  My feet hurt from all the dancing, but I didn’t care. This all felt so good! And I can’t lie, it felt great to know my future in the states was no longer hanging in the balance.

  Neil pulled me to him and started grinding on me to J-Max’s Marry You. The DJ had been playing a nice mix of R&B and Liberian music, mostly upbeat like this one, and Neil somehow managed to find a way to grind to all of it. He was nasty as hell.

  And I loved it.

  I turned around and rolled my booty on him, hoping my parents couldn’t see us as he grabbed my hips and held my butt against his erection. Spinning around with wide eyes, I watched him nod and mouth, “It’s going down tonight.”

  I laughed as he grabbed me and kissed my neck.

  “I don’t know what you laughing at,” he said into my ear. “I’m about to shoot the club up!”

  I backed away from him a bit, and replied, “You better.”

  The song had ended, and we were heading back to our seats when a familiar voice blared from the speakers.

  “I requested this next song special for Neil and Sadie. Y’all get back out there and dance to it!” Uncle Lee Chester announced.

  “Shit, I know this is gonna be bad,” Neil muttered, as he took my hand and led me back to the dancefloor.

  “Maybe not,” I said, trying not to laugh at Neil’s distress.

  “And what the fuck does he have on?” Neil asked.

  I really had to fight not to bust out laughing at that, because his uncle was looking a whole mess in that tight-ass, circa 1982 suit he had on.

  “Here we go!” Uncle Lee Chester shouted, and then the music started. Liberian Girl by Michael Jackson.

  “Goooot damn,” Neil said, shaking his head.

  “Wow,” was my response.

  “I am so damn shame right now. Who the fuck invited Uncle Lee?” Neil murmured.

  “Y’all ain’t dancing!” Nolan shouted.

  “I’ma kick Nolan’s ass. I promise I am,” Neil said.

  “Yeah, get on out there, Nephew! Want me to show you how to do it?!” Uncle Lee Chester yelled in the microphone, and before Neil could reply, the older man was out on the dancefloor slipping and sliding in his shiny black church shoes, his white socks easily visible in his too-short slacks.

  “If he keeps on, he’s gonna bust the ass of those booty-cutters he got on,” Neil muttered.

  I giggled, but I could not take my eyes off of his uncle.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s dance before Uncle Lee requests Africa by Toto or some shit,” Neil said.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “Young ass…”


  The honeymoon…

  He was quiet on the drive to Palm Springs. At first, I thought maybe he was concentrating on the road; then I realized his energy seemed lower than what I’d grown accustomed to, and like I was prone to doing, I started overthinking. As I sat in the passenger seat of his Tahoe, I decided he was having second thoughts, regretting marrying me, and probably sitting behind that steering wheel trying to decide how to break it to me that he wanted an annulment. Shit, I wasn’t even sure what an annulment was, but I knew it was something people who hadn’t been married long got.

  What if he doesn’t want an annulment but just doesn’t want to fuck me anymore? I was really looking forward to that, because Jo and Bridgette have been getting it good. Good sex runs in families, right? I knew he was going to keep talking that big shit and not back it up.

  I sighed, fixing my eyes on the windshield, then chanced a quick glance at my new husband, who was probably about to be my ex-husband. His eyes were on the road, his forehead creased in concentration.

  Shit, he’s fine! Got those big-ass hands. Lord! Wait, what if he’s not thinking about leaving me, but he’s worried because he’s got a little pee-pee?

  Naw, bitch. You know you felt a monster when you were dry-humping him.

  Oh, yeah…that’s right.

  I was actually having an internal back-and-forth conversation with myself. What the fuck?

  I dug in my purse and pulled out my phone, quickly finding myself smiling at all the pictures my family and friends had posted from the wedding. There was one of Neil and I dancing during our reception entrance with money raining down on us. We were both wearing the biggest smiles.

  As I reposted it, I thought about something. “Hey, what’s your IG name?”

  “My what?” he asked, eyes still on the road.

  “Your IG name. I wanna tag you in this picture of us.”

  “Oh…I don’t do social media anymore, baby.”

  There he went calling me baby again. Maybe all was not lost…

  “You don
’t? You don’t even have Facebook? All the old people have Facebook.”

  That got him to smile. “You got jokes, huh? We gonna see how old this dick is when we get to this hotel.”

  That made me smile, and we spent the rest of the almost two-hour drive talking shit to each other.

  “This is nice. I didn’t know there was a Sable Inns Resort here, but I’m glad we’re staying in a black-owned establishment,” Neil shared.

  I nodded, eying the huge bed. “Yeah…”

  “You tired? Wanna lay down for a while, take a nap? It’s been a long day,” he asked, as I took in the rest of the beautiful suite.

  “No, I’m good. I’m not really that tired at all,” I replied.


  “Yeah, but I need to take a shower. I’m feeling grimy after all that dancing.”

  He plopped down on the bed and fell onto his back. “All right. I’ma take one after you.”

  In the huge, glass-enclosed shower, as I closed my eyes and let the hot water beat against my skin, I told myself that whenever this sex thing went down, if it wasn’t good, I’d be okay with it. I mean, sex wasn’t everything, and if he didn’t annul my ass, he’d done me a huge favor. Shit, he didn’t really know me like that to be marrying me. I mean, after all the pussy, time, and effort I’d put into my past relationships, none of those niggas had met me at the altar.


  The chief asshole was Gavin. This motherfucker had said some horrible stuff to me when I asked him to marry me, some stuff that really messed with my head and had me feeling like I was sub-human. And when I cried about it, he—

  First I felt a draft; then I felt the heat of his body and my eyes popped open. Spinning around, my eyes widened, and I stuttered, “W-what—Neil?” I don’t know why I said that. Maybe his fine-ness was messing with my brain, because he was naked and good Lord! This man was fine as all hell and Heaven and everywhere in between!

  “Were you expecting someone else?”

  “N-no…I thought you were gonna take a shower when I was done.”

  “I ain’t in here to take a shower.” My eyes dropped to watch him stroke his nice, long, veiny dick, then shot back up to his face as he said, “I’m in here to fuck my sexy-ass wife.”

  My yoni started throbbing as if it was dancing to a high-octane club banger, and my hands began to shake, moisture collected in my mouth like I was a lion staring at a gazelle in the Serengeti, and through no will of my own, I grabbed his face and pulled it down to mine, kissing him with the fervor of a woman who’d never seen an exposed, erect penis before.

  He backed me up under the shower head into the wall, and despite the fact that I knew without a doubt I was messing up my hair, I didn’t stop him. We kissed wildly, passionately. No, passionately is too weak a word, because this nigga actually bit my tongue, and my lip, and he was growling while squeezing my breasts, and I liked all of it.

  Hell, I loved it.

  He ended the kiss, and as my chest rose and fell rapidly, he planted one hand on the shower wall beside my head while using the fingers of the other hand to explore my yoni, parting my lips to find my clit. He rubbed it, holding my eyes hostage and biting his bottom lip as he slid a finger inside me, making my knees buckle. Then he kissed me again, slipping his finger in and out of me while circling my clit with his thumb, gradually increasing the speed of his fingers until it felt frenzied. There was more than one finger inside me now—two? Three? And he was touching a spot that felt different, some uncharted territory inside me that made me feel good and uncomfortable at the same time. Hella uncomfortable and hella good. He had me feeling like I had to pee and come simultaneously. It was confusing in a wonderful way.

  “Oh! Ohhhhhh, shhhit!” I yelled into his mouth.

  My entire body vibrated with a feeling that was alien to me. It was like I was having a damn global orgasm. My scalp was tingling, it felt like heat was enveloping me, and electricity shot through my body as I shuddered uncontrollably. He grabbed me with his free hand to keep me from falling, as the other hand continued to assault me.

  “Yeah, baby…feel it,” he kept saying, his deep voice coarse. “Feel it.”

  What the fuck was this? I mean, it’d never been hard for me to orgasm, but this shit? This was beyond an orgasm. This was…this was spiritual. And it went on, and on, and on.

  When my body finally came down, I collapsed into his arms, and I swear on everything, I think I passed out.

  I woke up naked and in the dark, lying alone in the bed. At first, I lay there staring at the ceiling, then felt eyes on me and turned to my left. “Neil?” I couldn’t see him, but I was sure he was there.

  “I’m here, baby.”

  I felt my body relax at that reassurance. “How long have I been asleep?”

  “A couple of hours.”


  “A g-spot orgasm will do that to you. That, plus the long-ass day we had.”

  “That’s what that was? I thought that was coochie hoodoo or something. I could’ve sworn you put a sex hex on me.”

  He laughed. “Naw, baby. You never had an orgasm like that before?”

  “No. Never. That was…that was crazy. Good, but crazy. Did you…did you get off, too?”


  “Oh. You didn’t want to?”

  “You blacked out. I’m not in the business of having sex with unconscious women.”

  “That makes sense. So…you’ve just been sitting there while I sleep?”





  “I’d like to eat your pussy.”

  Shit! “You would?”

  “Yeah, I wanna taste you.”

  Dayum! “Uh, knock yourself out. I ain’t gonna stop you.”

  With a chuckle, he left the chair, and in the darkness, I felt him pull the covers off me. I opened my legs for him, squeezed my eyes tightly shut, felt his tongue flatten against my clit, and hoped he would, and wouldn’t, do the g-spot thing again. I mean, I wouldn’t have minded feeling it, but I wasn’t trying to spend my entire honeymoon unconscious.

  My honeymoon. Ain’t that some shit?

  “Mmmm,” he moaned, as he worked some more of that coochie hoodoo with his tongue.

  “Uh!” I whined, wiggling beneath him.

  He licked and sucked me into an orgasm pretty quickly, then lifted from me, and asked, “You always come that quick?”

  “Yeah, most of the time.”

  “Shit.” Then he was in my face, my scent on his breath as he kissed me and then hovered over me, his eyes burning into mine. “I love the way you taste.”

  “Th-thank you.”

  “You still good with no condom like we discussed?”

  “Yeah, we know each other’s status, traded test results, and I’m on the pill so—ooooh, shit!”

  He was inside me with one quick thrust, taking advantage of my orgasm-induced lubrication, and a little whimper escaped his mouth. His brow furrowed as he stared down at me, pulling back and sinking into me again.

  “Damn, baby,” he mumbled. “Shhhhhhit! You feel gooder than a motherfucker!”

  I closed my eyes and tried to hold the orgasm that had literally started building on contact, but I couldn’t and was soon contracting and spasming around him. “Neil!” I screamed in my daddy’s voice. My daddy’s Liberian voice. Shit, he was right!

  “Shit! Shit! Shit! I’m not ready!” he screamed, sounding panicked.

  “Oh, damn! I’m sorryyyyyy! It’s…just…so…good!”

  He shut his eyes as if he was concentrating and kept going. Grunting, moaning, whimpering, and kissing me as he worked my pussy like a damn physics equation, rocking in and out of me as orgasm after orgasm rolled over me.

  “You making this hard for me, baby,” he grunted. “I wanna stay in this good motherfucker, but I can’t hold out any long—oh, fuck!”

  He stiffened and grunted as I felt him
grow and pulsate inside of me.

  And then he collapsed onto my body, breathing heavily as he said, “Got damn.”

  As I awakened the next morning, the first thing I was aware of was his arms around me, and I smiled, snuggling closer to him and breathing in his scent. He felt and smelled so good, like a dream, but he was my reality now. He was my husband.

  I heard him moan a little as he adjusted his body in the bed and loosened his grip on me, rubbing his hand up and down my back. “Mmm, grand rising, baby.”

  As my smile grew wider, I replied, “Grand rising, Neil.”


  I held her cheeks open and slid my tongue up the crack of her ass; then I squeezed one cheek while I bit the other.

  She flinched, said, “Uh!” as I stood on my knees and rubbed the spot I’d bitten, sliding a finger inside her as the front of her body collapsed onto the bed and she pushed her ass toward me.

  “Neil…” she moaned.

  As I glided inside her, I reached down, grabbed a handful of her hair, and yanked her head back as I asked, “You got any idea how good this pussy is, Sage? I’m addicted to this shit.”

  “Oooo, Neil…Neil…Neil…Neil…”

  I let her hair go and smacked her ass. “Yeah, baby. Feel it. Feel it, baby.”

  “Neil-Neil-Neil-Neil-Neil-Neeeeeeeil!” she screamed into the mattress.

  She was coming already. It took all my strength not to bust on contact, because she was so hot and wet and I had been celibate for years; her milking the shit out of me didn’t help the situation.

  But this time, I just couldn’t hold it, so I grabbed her ass cheeks and emptied into her with a, “Wooooo, shit!”

  A few seconds later, I was lying on my back and Sage was next to me, still on her stomach, her eyes closed.

  “Neil?” She sounded tired, but then again, she probably was tired. We’d been fucking all night off and on, into the morning. It was damn near noon, and we hadn’t had a bite to eat since our wedding reception the day before. Hell, we both were probably dehydrated by now from all the sweating and coming we’d been doing. We were basically existing off of sex at that point.


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