Sarge (Dixie Reapers MC 14): Bad Boys

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Sarge (Dixie Reapers MC 14): Bad Boys Page 15

by Harley Wylde

  “What else, kitten?” he asked.

  “All motels have an office, right? Why not change it into an apartment or something where one of the guys could stay full-time? Even if your Prospects took turns crashing there, just having a man there twenty-four hours could cut down on any trouble.”

  “Smart. Sexy. Sassy. I got the whole package with you, didn’t I?” He smiled. “I’ll run it by Torch and Venom. With us losing Wilson, we’ll need to think about accepting another Prospect, maybe two. Might be a good trial to put any new ones out there. Set up the bedroom bunk style or something. We’ll figure it out.”

  Theo came running for us, collapsing on the blanket. I reached out and ran my fingers through his sweaty hair. He grinned at me, then reached for Sarge, who instantly picked him up. He might not have wanted kids, but he seemed to be pretty great with them. I’d noticed right off how much his grandson adored him, and Theo seemed to as well.

  Abandoning our blanket, we went to push Theo on the swings, listening to him chatter about all the fun he’d had with Reed. It seemed the time with Pepper and Flicker had been good for him. I didn’t remember ever hearing him so excited. Nor had he ever had a friend his age before. It broke my heart at the same time that I was so damn happy he had a family now, other than just me.

  “Flicker made this cool fort,” Theo said. “And Reed said we could hide in there, so Pepper gave us cookies and milk and we stayed in there forever and ever.”

  Sarge chuckled. “Is that right? Maybe our new house can have a fort out back. The kind you don’t have to take down.”

  Theo’s eyes went comically wide. “Reed said we were moving, but I told him he was wrong. Mom promised when we came here I wouldn’t have to move again, that I was going to have a real home.”

  “Theo, you’re still going to have a real home,” Sarge said. “Just a bigger one. Flicker, Pepper, and Reed are moving too. You’ll still be next door to them. And there are going to be other kids to play with too.” Sarge watched his son. “There are actually a lot of kids close to your age. Torch and Saint both have sons who are five. Wire has a son who’s four. There are a few girls close to your age too.”

  “So you all had kids around the same time?” I asked.

  “Not all, but we’ve noticed the kids do seem to come in sets. In Preacher’s case, his woman was pregnant with twins right off. Kalani and Tex had a boy around that same time. Bull and Rocky had boys close together too. Then there’s Tank.”

  “What about him?” I asked.

  “He had triplets. Girls. The club is still having fun with that one. You should see him if any of the boys even look at his girls. They’re six, but it’s like he’s scared they’ll start dating any moment.”

  “That’s actually kinda cute. I only met him once, but he seemed so intimidating. I can only imagine how he is around a bunch of little girls.”

  Sarge gave me a mock glare. “You’re not allowed to get that sappy look on your face while talking about another man.”

  I smiled at him, moved in closer, then pressed my lips to his. “I promise. You’re the only one who makes all the right parts tingle. I can think it’s cute some big guy is growly over his daughters without wanting to jump in bed with him.”

  Sarge wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed me harder. Deeper. A throat cleared and my face burned as a stern-looking mom glared at us.

  “There are kids present. What is wrong with you?”

  Sarge stared her down. “Not a damn thing. Last time I checked, this is the start of how you make more kids. Maybe yours were dropped off by a stork, though, because I’m damn sure you’ve never --” I slapped my hand over his mouth to muffle the rest. “-- Screamed a man’s name while he was balls-deep.”

  Thankfully, while the mom heard the last of it, the kids seemed oblivious. The woman gasped in outrage, grabbed her kid, and hustled away. I wasn’t sure if I should be amused or embarrassed. Would every family outing be like this one?

  “You’re so bad,” I said.

  He wagged his eyebrows. “And I’ll be happy to show you exactly how bad I am later tonight.”

  I knew my face had to be about four shades of red in that moment, but I didn’t care. It was the happiest I’d ever been. I had a father in my life who actually seemed to care, a man I adored, and a little boy who’d stolen my heart the moment he’d been born. I didn’t know how anything could make my life any better.

  “Time to head back,” Sarge said. “The club planned something special and you’ll need time to get ready. We both will.”

  “Get ready? Wait, is that what the dress was for? What are they up to?”

  “You’ll see. I’m supposed to drop you off at Torch’s house. I’ll get ready at home and meet you at the clubhouse. Torch and Isabella are going to stay with you. Kalani offered to watch the kids until it’s time for the… event.”

  Cryptic much? I’d go with it, but I was both excited and nervous to see what they’d planned. Sarge scooped Theo into his arms and we walked back to the SUV. Sarge drove carefully, glancing in the rearview mirror every few minutes. At first, I’d thought he was worried about someone following us, until I’d realized he was watching Theo. My heart warmed. I could tell he was going to be a wonderful father.

  He dropped me in front of one of the large homes in the compound. A woman was waiting outside, and I knew she must be Isabella. I hadn’t had a chance to meet her yet, but the smile she aimed my way set me at ease immediately. I shouldn’t have been surprised she was so much younger than her husband. She easily looked like she could have been his daughter. Maybe even his granddaughter.

  “I’m so glad Sarge finally found someone,” she said, tugging me into the house. “I’m Isabella and I belong to Torch. I know you already met him, and I heard all about how that turned out the first time. If you’d gotten hurt, I would have cut him off for a month.”

  “Watch it, woman!” I heard bellowed from the other room.

  Isabella rolled her eyes and dropped her voice. “Like everyone hasn’t already figured out that he’d do anything for me. If I told him no, then he’d not push the issue. He wouldn’t like it, but he’d never hurt me.”

  “I’m getting that vibe from all the guys here.”

  She nodded. “They’re a tough bunch, but once they fall, that’s it. They’ll never notice another woman, or ever touch one.”

  “What exactly am I walking into?” I asked.

  Isabella hugged me. “You’ll see. Now come on. Your stuff is upstairs in my room, and I had Pepper raid Sarge’s house for your bathroom stuff. She said you didn’t have any makeup, and no one else here is quite as fair as you, so Darian and Kalani picked out a few things. If they don’t work, then we won’t worry about it.”

  Makeup? And a fancy dress? At a biker compound? I was getting more and more confused, but Sarge seemed happy about whatever was going on, so I’d trust him. He hadn’t given me a reason not to so far. I took a shower in Isabella’s bathroom, using the products from Sarge’s house, then she helped me dry my hair. When she pulled out a curling iron, I laughed.

  “You’re not going to curl my hair.”

  Her brow creased. “Why not?”

  “I didn’t mean I wouldn’t let you, but even professionals have tried before. My hair won’t hold a curl. It just falls straight even right after it’s been around the curling iron. Nothing works.”

  “An updo?” she asked.

  I shook my head again. “I can pull it back, but little pieces will fall here and there. It doesn’t stay neat for more than an hour. Not without about two bottles of hairspray and lots of pins.”

  She tipped her head one way, then the other as she studied me. “Well, you’re marrying a biker. I heard you showed up in combat-type boots. Seems to me you’re a little more rock and roll than classical. Let’s play that up.”

  I didn’t know what she meant, but I pulled on a bra and panties I knew I hadn’t purchased, then shimmied into the dress. I got it mostly zipped,
but Isabella had to finish it. Then I put on the sandals. I saw what was in her hand and couldn’t contain my laughter.

  “Hair chalk?” I asked.

  “It’s my daughter’s, but she never uses it.” Isabella put two streaks of aqua in my hair on the right side of my face, then added a streak of pink between them. She left that side down, then found some pins with crystal flowers to pin back the other side. I had to admit it looked amazing. “Now just a touch of makeup.”

  The powder the others had picked up was too dark, so she wiped it off, then started over. She ended up doing a light blush on my cheeks, a shimmery eyeshadow, and some mascara. I didn’t know who had picked out the soft mauve lip stain, but it was perfect. She had me top it with a pale pink shimmer gloss. I couldn’t remember ever looking this beautiful before, and I nearly cried as I stared at my reflection.

  “Come on. I know Sarge can’t wait to see you,” Isabella said. She led me to the living room, where Torch was waiting with two teen girls who were dressed up. He made quick introductions while Isabella disappeared, only to return fifteen minutes later in a dress and heels.

  No one would tell me what was going on, but I went with them to the clubhouse, and my jaw dropped when I stepped inside. The tables had been pushed to the walls and the chairs flanked a long, purple runner. Sarge stood at the end along with Preacher, who was holding a Bible.

  “I don’t understand,” I said.

  “It’s your wedding,” Torch said. “You’re already married, but Sarge mentioned that you might like to exchange vows. Have an actual ceremony.”

  My eyes misted with tears and my throat grew tight. He was so damn sweet. My dad seemed to materialize out of nowhere, holding out his arm. I placed my hand in the crook of his elbow and he led me down to Sarge. I saw Theo on the front row with Pepper, Flicker, and Reed. But it was the older couple who made my steps falter. I knew they had to be Sarge’s parents. He looked just like them.

  My gaze met Sarge’s and he gave me a wink. When we made it all the way to the front, he took my hands and just stared at me. So many emotions played across his face. Lust. Happiness. Awe. And I knew each one was just for me. I’d never felt so special in my life.

  “Love you, kitten.”

  “I love you too.”

  Preacher cleared his throat. “The two of you ready?”

  I nodded. “Would you mind if we didn’t do the traditional wedding stuff?”

  Preacher waved a hand. I stared at Sarge and wasn’t quite sure where to start. “When I came here, I thought I was dropping off your son with you and leaving. I was going to face a life that would eventually kill me. Instead, I found a man who intrigued me more than anyone ever had before. The way you refused to let me leave, then insisted I was yours…” My throat got tight again. “I wanted to stay, so badly, but I was scared you’d get hurt. You and Theo. I think I knew even then that I’d come to love you if given the chance. You’re everything I ever wanted and thought I’d never have.”

  Sarge squeezed my hands. “First time I saw you, I was pissed. Not at you, but at the Prospect who’d dare to try and hit you. Then I saw you duck and punch him back. I knew right then and there I wasn’t letting you leave. I didn’t know who you were or what you wanted, but I wanted you to be mine. You were this cute little pixie, but you had enough sass to try and take on men twice your size. I was in awe of you, and I still am. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, other than my kids. I love you, kitten, and I will until my dying day.”

  “Do you have the rings?” Preacher asked.

  Sarge reached out a hand and someone placed a ring on his palm. I didn’t give it more than a glance because I didn’t care what it looked like. Only thing that mattered to me was that he was giving it to me because he wanted me. Forever.

  “With this ring, I thee wed,” Sarge said, sliding the ring onto my finger.

  Someone nudged me and I turned to see Ridley. She smiled and handed me a wedding band. I slid it onto Sarge’s finger, repeating his words.

  “Congratulations. You’re now husband and wife. Again.”

  Everyone laughed, except us. I could feel the heat of Sarge’s gaze all the way to my toes. He leaned in closer and kissed me. It started as a soft peck, but soon his arm banded across my lower back, and his lips devoured mine. My head was spinning when he pulled back.

  “Now can I meet my daughter-in-law?” a woman asked.

  I blinked and looked at Sarge’s mom. She gave me a warm smile and practically yanked me out of her son’s arms, hugging me so tight I could barely breathe.

  “I’m so happy he has you now,” she said. “And thank you for my grandson. I can’t wait to get to know him better.”

  His father stepped up next to us. “But that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t mind a few more.”

  “Dad,” Sarge said, a warning in his tone.

  Pepper joined us with Flicker, Theo, and Reed in tow. “Oh, please. Like you haven’t already been trying to give me another sibling.”

  “Better hurry if you want them to be close in age to our kid,” Flicker said. “I know Theo and Reed were a fluke, so maybe you can plan this one.”

  Sarge’s mother squealed and turned to Pepper, hugging her. “You’re pregnant? When? How?”

  Flicker grinned and I knew whatever came out of his mouth would be scandalous. “Well, you see, the last two months I’ve spent every possible second…”

  Pepper glared. “You finish that sentence and this morning will have been the last time ever that you do that.”

  “I didn’t need to hear that,” Sarge muttered, running a hand down his face. “Didn’t. Really, really didn’t.”

  “It’s the perfect time,” Ridley said. “Preacher already knocked-up Kayla, and it seems Zipper and Delphine are pregnant too. You know we have to have babies in groups. Instant playmates.”

  I leaned against Sarge and placed a hand over my belly. As often as he’d tried to get me pregnant, it was possible I was, but it was too soon to know. If he wanted another baby, I’d gladly give him one. Or two. I had the family I’d always wanted and thought I’d never have, and it seemed to be growing already.

  I spent the rest of the night getting to know my in-laws and the other Reapers. My feet ached by the time we called it a night. I’d either danced or stood talking with people for what felt like hours. I wouldn’t have traded a moment of it. I knew these memories would stay with me for a long time, and I’d always think back on this day fondly. Thanks to Wire, we may have already been married, but now I had a special memory to go with it. And pictures! Every time we’d turned around, someone was taking our picture either with an actual camera or their phone. I’d been promised lots of pictures in the upcoming week.

  I rested my cheek against Sarge’s chest. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “You. Everything. I went from living a lonely, cold life full of fear to having everything I’ve ever wanted. You’re all I need to be happy.”

  “Same goes, kitten. Love you more than anything.”

  He kissed me in the middle of the clubhouse, our friends and family celebrating with us, and I knew that my happily-ever-after was only just beginning.

  Bad Boys

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed Sarge and Katya’s story. If you’d like to know more about Bykov, you can read about the Bratva in the Owned by the Mob series by Harley Wylde and Paige Warren. Remember Katya’s call to Viktor Petrov? Book One, Collateral Damage, is the story of Viktor and Cerys, and Bykov does have a small role in the story as well.

  More about the Bad Boys Multiverse:

  As you know, I sometimes have a playlist to go along with the books I write. Sometimes they go along with the theme of the story, and sometimes they’re just tunes that kept me going at all hours. If you follow me on social media, you’ve probably seen me post about writing anywhere from 3,000 to 15,000 words in one day. It takes a ton of coffee and good music to get
me through those days. Sarge’s playlist is a combination. With Katya being a little bad-ass, I needed music to help set the mood.

  Until next time…


  Sarge’s Playlist

  * You’re Gonne Go Far Kid – Offspring

  * If Everyone Cared – Nickelback

  * Second Chance – Shinedown

  * Zombie – Bad Wolves

  * The Light – Disturbed

  * Far Away – Nickelback

  * Bulletproof – Godsmack

  * What I’ve Done – Linkin’ Park

  * Crazy B*tch – Buckcherry

  * Rx (Medicate) – Theory of a Deadman

  * Savior – Rise Against

  * Blue on Black – Five Finger Death Punch

  * The Sound of Silence – Disturbed

  * Fake It – Seether

  Harley Wylde

  Harley Wylde

  Harley Wylde is the International Bestselling Author of the Dixie Reapers MC, Devil’s Boneyard MC, and Hades Abyss MC series.

  When Harley’s writing, her motto is the hotter the better – off-the-charts sex, commanding men, and the women who can’t deny them. If you want men who talk dirty, are sexy as hell, and take what they want, then you’ve come to the right place. She doesn’t shy away from the dangers and nastiness in the world, bringing those realities to the pages of her books, but always gives her characters a happily-ever-after and makes sure the bad guys get what they deserve.

  The times Harley isn’t writing, she’s thinking up naughty things to do to her husband, drinking copious amounts of Starbucks, and reading. She loves to read and devours a book a day, sometimes more. She’s also fond of TV shows and movies from the 1980’s, as well as paranormal shows from the 1990’s to today, even though she’d much rather be reading or writing.


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