Christmas Magic at the Tenby Crystal Shop

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Christmas Magic at the Tenby Crystal Shop Page 10

by Kelly Matthews

  ‘What are you doing here? You're supposed to be sunning it on a beach,’ she walked up to them and offered to take their luggage.

  Libby flung her arms around her and squeezed her tightly.

  ‘After everything you've done, we couldn't sit back and let you get on with things by yourself. I think it was pretty selfish of us to go gallivanting at the busiest time of year, don’t you?’

  ‘Well it's nice to have you back, I must say. It's going to be busy around here for a while and I’m already rushed off my feet,’ she turned the key in the lock of the shop door. ‘The market starts tomorrow, if you hadn’t already guessed.’

  ‘We’ve seen, it looks fabulous. I believe congratulations are in order, too.’

  ‘Thanks, Mam. Shall I pop the kettle on?’ She asked.

  ‘Please, it's cold here. Only yesterday afternoon we were almost butt naked lying on a beach.’

  Zoe flung the keys on the shop counter and groaned. ‘Spare me the details please and any pictures if you have them.’

  ‘I'm having a lunch break, my first in over a month. Fancy doing some shopping before I have to get back to help Mam?’ She asked Rachel.

  ‘Love to, I’m due a break, too.’ Rachel gave her assistant instructions, took off her apron and picked up her handbag.

  On their way to The Seashell, Rachel stopped dead in their tracks and tugged Zoe’s arm. To their surprise they saw a for sale sign above the door.

  ‘Look, he's actually selling up. I never thought I'd see the day.’ Rachel pointed.

  Zoe didn't want to admit it but felt a twang of her heart strings. ‘I see. I wonder where he's going.’

  ‘Only one way to find out, come on.’ Rachel pushed open the door. ‘Well I wonder what made him change his mind. Aidan is a stubborn bugger when he wants to be.’

  ‘Yeah, I wonder…’ Zoe mused, wishing she had kept her mouth shut about London.

  They took their seats at an empty table opposite the bar. Jason, the barman welcomed them into the pub and asked if they wanted the usual.

  ‘Yes, please, Jase,’ Rachel replied. ‘So what's with the for sale sign?’

  ‘Didn't you know?’

  ‘Know what?’

  ‘I came into work this morning and Aidan said he’s decided to take an offer on the pub. It will stay open for business but Aidan’s leaving. He's decided to do his own thing. I can't say I blame him though.’

  ‘Well, well, well… that is a turn up for the books, isn’t Zo? I wonder what it is he’s going to do. He never mentioned a thing to me. Did he say anything to you?’

  Zoe shook her head. The job in London didn't feel as exciting as it first did. Perhaps what she really wanted was here all along.

  On her way back to the shop, flurries of snow began falling. They weren’t expecting anymore, but it added a magical feel to the Christmas market that was all set up and ready to open in the morning.

  ‘I hope it doesn’t stick too bloody much,’ grumbled Eileen picking up a basket of toys from the front of the shop.

  ‘It’ll be fab if it did, but then we don’t want to put people off coming here.’

  ‘Have you seen that?’ She pointed to the shop opposite. ‘They took the for sale sign down today. Looks like we’re getting new neighbours.’

  Zoe looked up at the vacant building. It hadn’t any owners since she came back home. ‘Yeah, that is a surprise, isn’t it? I just hope it’s not another magic shop. One is enough around here,’ she chuckled.

  ‘Brenda laughed. ‘It most certainly is.’

  ‘See you later. Let me know if you hear of anything,’ she said, giving a slight nod to the shop.

  ‘Will do, love.’

  Zoe pushed open the shop door. Her parents were busy with sorting out boxes of stock on the shop floor.

  ‘Nice dinner?’ Her dad asked, holding a large amethyst geode.

  ‘Yeah, it was nice. Did you hear about Aidan selling the pub?’ She shrugged off her coat.

  ‘Actually, yes. We saw Paige on her way back earlier. She said her dad bought it. You know, he’s been after that pub for years.’

  'Him? Oh well, I hope he keeps the staff on. I think Jason is worried about his job.’

  She stepped over a box and went to put her coat in the stockroom. Now that Aidan was leaving, and she had an opportunity to head back to London doing what she loved to do best, maybe their relationship wasn’t meant to be after all, she thought.

  ‘We’ll do the market stall, alright? Your Dad said he’ll take care of the shop. I think he’s only agreed to that because he knows he’ll be in the warm, crafty bugger.’ Her mother passed her a mug of coffee and a plate of toast. It was barely 5 a.m. and outside the kitchen window was pitch black.

  Zoe yawned. ‘Fine by me, Mam,’ she replied flatly and scooped two teaspoons of sugar into her mug.

  ‘What’s wrong with you?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You sound down. Cheer up love, it’s Christmas. If you’re going to be a misery bugger I’ll take your Dad instead.’ She put her mug on the table and joined her for breakfast.

  ‘I’m alright Mam, just…’ she sighed into her mug and took a gulp of her coffee. ‘Things didn't turn out as I'd hoped with Aidan that’s all. He went all quiet on me and now he’s moving away.’

  ‘I heard about that, too. I think it's very curious for him to sell up like that. Maybe the accident made him take a serious look at his life. You can't blame after everything he's been through.'

  ‘That's what I think. Well, there's nothing I can do. I'm planning to go back to London on Boxing Day. No point avoiding the inevitable,’ she drank the remainder of her coffee and got up to get dressed ready for the day at the stall.

  ‘So soon? Oh don’t go too early we hardly see you as it is. Go and talk to Aidan, please.’

  ‘If I see him around. I haven’t even had a message from him for the past couple of days.’

  Christmas music was in full swing, thanks to the local brass band that were playing in the main tent. Zoe stood behind the table that was draped with a violet cloth that had lots of shiny trinkets and crystals on display, hoping that Aidan would pass so she’d have a chance to talk to him. So far, the mayor and the local press had stopped to say hello and her aunt with a hot mug of coffee.

  She sighed.

  ‘It’s Christmas, Zo, put a smile on your face, you’re scaring away customers.’

  ‘Sorry, I didn’t realise…’

  ‘Here,’ she passed her a box of gift bags. ‘Put some on the table.’

  While Zoe began moving the crystal bracelets out of the way, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

  ‘Hey, Zo, have you got a minute so we can talk?’ Aidan stood with hands in his coat pockets.

  ‘Hi, I’m a bit busy…’

  ‘Go on,’ said Libby. ‘I can hold the fort.’

  ‘Alright then,’ she turned to Aidan. ‘Where do you want to go?’ She asked, thinking he was here to say goodbye.

  ‘Just up the road. I’ve got something to show you.’

  She frowned. ‘Really?’

  ‘Remember I told you about a dream of mine?’

  ‘Making chocolates?’

  ‘Yes and you laughed,’ he flashed her big smile. ‘Well, I did it,’ he pointed to the shop opposite the magic shop.

  Zoe blinked away the snow on her lashes and saw the sign.

  Aidan's Chocolates

  ‘You really did it? So that means you’re staying - you’re not leaving?’

  ‘Yeah, I’m staying. I always was. It’s why I sold the pub, so that I could pursue my own dreams. You made me realise that…’

  ‘I did?’

  ‘You’ve got this positive, go get it attitude and it kind of rubbed off on me.’ He slipped a hand in hers. ‘I couldn’t say anything because I didn’t know if it would happen. Sorry if I seemed cold the last few days. I've been staying with my aunt and uncle.’ He inched closer and wrapped his arms around her waist. ‘You di
dn’t think I was leaving, did you?’

  Zoe was overcome with emotion and couldn’t speak. She felt like a fool for thinking he had no interest in her.

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. ‘Yes, I did. I mean, all this talk of moving and then I saw the pub for sale - I mean, what was I supposed to think?’

  ‘I am so sorry I gave you that impression, but I wasn’t entirely sure if you were going to stay either. What about the job offer in London?’

  ‘What job offer? I’m not going,’ she burst into tears and realised what she had just said.

  Aidan placed his cool hands on her face and lowered his head so that their noses were touching.

  ‘I have one more surprise, Zoe Merrygale,’ and got down on one knee.

  People who were walking by stopped to witness what was going on. Aidan reached into his jacket pocket and produced a small, red velvet box.

  ‘I found this in my parents’ house and I was going to give it to you for Christmas, but… what the hell. Ever since my accident, I believe that life is for living, that we should take risks no matter what. Zoe,’ he took a deep breath. ‘Will you do me the honour and be my wife?’

  Zoe was stunned. This was the last thing she expected to happen today. She didn’t even have to think twice of the answer and blurted out that she would marry him. She pulled off her glove, hardly believing that this was happening at all. As Aidan was about to slip the ring on her finger, the audience clapped and cheered and Libby burst through the crowd.

  ‘Is this for real?’ She asked.

  ‘Yes, Mam.’

  Libby’s smile faded. ‘Well, he didn’t ask for my permission,’ she winked at Aidan. ‘No, I’m really happy for you both. Carry on,’ she squealed excitedly.

  Aidan finally put the ring on Zoe’s finger and stood up. ‘This is probably the best Christmas I ever had.’ he whispered before kissing her. ‘And you know the house? Well I’ve decided to move in. I wondered if you cared to join me.’

  ‘This is happening so fast but... yes, I’d love to.’

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Zoe cosied up to Aidan on the sofa drinking wine and admiring the Christmas tree lights. She didn’t think life could get any better than this. A knock came at the door and Zoe sprung to her feet.

  ‘I bet that’s Mam. Do you think it’s wise to live next door to them, they’ll be here every bloody night?’

  Aidan laughed. ‘They’re not that bad.’

  Zoe opened the door and sure enough it was her parents.

  ‘Merry Christmas.' They intoned as they walked into the house carrying piles of gifts. Her father put them on the table and then extended a hand towards Aidan.

  Aidan stood up and shook his hand.

  ‘We thought we’d pop around now with your presents,’ Libby said as she dumped a huge red sack on the sofa.

  ‘Be honest, Lib, you couldn’t wait to get over here for a glass of red, could you?’ Aiden said and poured her a glass.

  ‘No, alright I admit, I couldn’t. I’m just so happy for you both.’ she then rummaged in the sack for something and pulled out a box covered in festive paper.

  ‘This is something you must open tonight,’ she handed the gift to Zoe. ‘I guess you could say it’s for both of you now.’

  Curiously, Zoe took it and ripped open the paper.

  ‘It’s your Book of Shadows,’ she gasped at the thick, heavy leather bound book with gold gildings. ‘Does this mean what I think it means?’

  ‘Yes, we’re giving you the shop. We’ve decided to take an early retirement.’

  ‘You’re giving me the shop? Are you sure, I mean you love the place.’ She looked at her dad. ‘What about your herbs and things?’

  ‘And things?’ he laughed. ‘Haven’t I taught you anything? Look, Zo, I’ll still be helping out but we’re passing the legacy over to you now. The shop is going from strength to strength thanks to that idea of yours.’

  Zoe opened the book and something fell out by her feet. She bent down to pick it up and flipped it over.

  ‘It’s great aunt Lily. So we had the picture the whole time?’

  ‘Yes, I acquired a big collection of books from a man named Frederick something or other. He lived in this big old house not far away, and lo and behold, I found that picture inside.’

  ‘Frederick you say?’ Aidan pounced on the picture and his mouth dropped.

  ‘You’re not going to believe this, but that guy is the spitting image of my great great uncle, Frederick’s father.’

  ‘Are you sure?’ Zoe asked feeling chills on her arm. 'The guy who supposedly haunts Caldey?'

  'The Caldey ghost story?' Her father asked. 'You're a relation?'

  ‘I am. He looks like the spit of the man I saw who lifted me out of the water. I vaguely remember a hazy image of a man and all I can remember thinking was that I knew him.’

  ‘Well that is amazing, so you two have had a connection all along, ' said Libby.

  Aidan took Zoe's hand. 'I think we connected that time you almost ran me over,' he chuckled.

  'I ran you over? I think you've got that wrong, mister. You arrogantly walked in front of my car, if I remember rightly.'

  'Yeah, but the moment your mad eyes rested on mine, I knew you were the one.' He smiled.

  ''You did, did you?'

  'Oh yes. Merry Christmas, honey.'




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