Broken (The Stones, The Vampyres, and The Cursed Child) (A Fated Fantasy Quest Adventure Book 4)

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Broken (The Stones, The Vampyres, and The Cursed Child) (A Fated Fantasy Quest Adventure Book 4) Page 13

by Humphrey Quinn

  How did she save her brother?


  Colin fury was instant. He should have never admitted his fears about Catrina. Especially not to his sister as she was so close to Juliska Blackwell. But if not Meghan, then who? Was there anyone he could trust? Balloch Flummer’s warning not to trust anyone came to mind, yet again. And now he’d heard it again from Corny.

  Surely, he could trust his own sister.

  The more he thought about what he had done, the angrier he became. His hands trembled and his heart pounded in his chest. He wanted to hit something. Hard.

  “What happened?” Catrina begged.

  “I will never let anyone hurt you!” he spouted without explanation.

  “Hurt me?” she repeated, voice rising. “What did Meghan tell you?”

  Underneath them, the ground started to rumble.

  Colin did not answer as in the next moment he fell backwards, the ground shaking violently now.

  “Colin! What did she say?” demanded Catrina.

  Colin looked up at her, his face contorted with confusion. “Are you causing this?” he questioned her.

  “What? The quake?” she said, falling to his side. “Why would you think that?”

  Just one look into her eyes and any fear Colin felt vanished. How could this small, silver-haired girl be dangerous? He nearly laughed at the thought.

  The ground began to quiet again.

  “I’m sorry,” Colin whispered. “I am…” he did not want to admit how he felt. “I’m afraid, Catrina. I’m really afraid. I have no idea what I’m doing. Nothing makes sense.”

  He was afraid that if Catrina knew how frightened he was, she would not wish to stay with him. That she would think he was weak and unable to protect her. But his greatest fear: she is the one the Stripers are searching for… and how can I possibly protect her if she is the Projector? I’m just a boy that happens to be good at magic…

  “Colin,” she whispered back. “You’re not the only one who’s afraid.” She nestled into his side. “Promise me you won’t ever leave me,” she muttered under her breath. “I know we hardly know each other, and people would say we’re young and naive, or I’m being selfish. But… I love you, Colin Jacoby. I’m so sure of it, I’d bet my life on it this very minute. No matter what happens, I will never leave you. I promise.”

  Colin sat up. Dumbfounded. His heart beating like mad for a completely different reason now. Maybe she was a stranger, but like Catrina, he knew what he wanted, and he wanted to be with her. He got to his feet, helping her up off the ground, and kissed her, wiping away the tears now streaming down her face.

  “I won’t let you live in fear,” he vowed. “I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” He paused, disbelieving what he was about to say. “Because I know I love you too, Catrina Flummer. I knew it the first moment I saw you in my dream. And nothing will ever change that.”

  They sat down on the bed, staring at each other, frightened, and yet knowing that somehow, whatever happened, they would at least always be together.


  Meghan wandered through the clearing assisting in clean up after the quake. Her attempts to contact Colin were futile.

  “Hey, stranger,” she heard someone shout.

  “Hey Jae,” she replied rather somberly upon seeing him.

  “Looks like they’ve got all of us non-Initiated doing all the cleaning,” he joked.

  “I need a distraction anyway,” she muttered, her gaze sweeping to the other side of the clearing, toward the meeting tent. “I wonder if they’ve decided anything yet?”

  “Decided what?” Jae prodded.

  Meghan explained to Jae what Bird had shown Colin and Catrina in the Stripers’ meadow.

  “A field of pyres.” He shuddered at the thought. “Got my curiosity. I wonder what Banon Blackwell’s going to do about it?”

  “That’s what I’ve been waiting to find out,” Meghan replied. “We’ve been cleaning up after the quake for over two hours. I was hoping they’d have finished by now.”

  “I may have never been to an SLC meeting, but one thing I’ve learned… they rarely decide on anything quickly.”

  They moved into the cantina, where everything was still a mess from the quake. Pots and pans were lying on the ground, tables and chairs were knocked over, and utensils strewn across the ground. Unexpectedly, a couple of pots fell, clanging together, crashing to the ground.

  Jae jumped, startled. His eyes darted back and forth as if searching for some unknown assailant.

  Jae’s a little jumpier than normal. “Everything okay?” Meghan inquired.

  “Huh? Oh, yeah. Fine.” He returned to cleaning up the cantina.

  “I know you’ve been living this lifestyle a lot longer than I have, Jae, but to be honest, I still don’t know how you do it. Sometimes, I can’t help but think about how simple it would be, to just be back in Cobbscott… back before I knew anything about magic, or Firemancy.”

  Jae stopped cleaning.

  “It seems so long ago now, doesn’t it? That I got stuck in Cobbscott, and first met you guys.”

  “Seems like ancient history.”

  “Sometimes, Meghan, I miss that time. A lot. Being stuck in Cobbscott… I just… want to be back there sometimes too.”

  Meghan waited for him to speak, eager that he might actually open up to her.

  Jae’s gaze locked on hers, he was desperate to say something, but literally looked as though he could not speak the words. He let out a frustrated groan and broke the gaze.

  “It’s too late,” he exclaimed. “Too late. Can’t go back, now.”

  “What do you mean, Jae?” His sudden turn caught her off guard. She reached for his arm.

  “Don’t touch me!” he exhaled, backing up. “You should just leave me alone. I wish… I wish I’d never gotten left behind in Cobbscott… because I wouldn’t have… I’ve really made a mess of things, Meghan.” Jae’s face looked hopeless as he suddenly ran away.

  Meghan stomped on the ground.

  How much can one person take!

  She wanted to locate Ivan and demand, on the spot, that he tell her everything he knew about Jae Mochrie. She needed to solve something. Not everything could just be question after question and new problem after new problem. At some point, there had to be an answer that did not lead to more questions, or bigger problems!

  In the distance, people started to leave the meeting tent. Instinct told her she should return to Juliska.

  It was Ivan, not Juliska, who greeted her.

  “Just the person I wanted to see,” she seethed through clenched teeth.

  “What’s got you all worked up?”

  She set her jaw and stood with her hands on her hips. “You know what? You are the most loathsome person I know!”

  “I’m going to guess that this has nothing to do with the meeting?”

  “No, Ivan. It doesn’t. And you know what I am ‘all worked up’ about!”

  “Ah,” he stated. “Always comes back to this, doesn’t it? We have an agreement, Meghan,” he reminded.

  “How could I forget, Ivan?” she angrily whispered back. “Jae just completely freaked out on me. Why?”

  He stared at her until finally deciding to reply.

  “Whatever you’re thinking is wrong with him, you’re not right. Just let it go.”

  “Until when? It’s too late to help him?”

  He started to walk away.

  “Don’t just walk away, Ivan. Tell me!”

  She gasped as he spun around and grabbed her unkindly, yanking her into an empty tent.

  “Just leave it alone, Meghan. What’s happening to Jae is far worse than anything you could imagine or have seen in your visions!” he spat out viciously.

  Meghan held her breath.

  “It’s NOT something you’re ready to see! Or accept.”

  Ivan let go of her and turned away. Before leaving the tent, he lowered his head and sighed.

; “I don’t want you to bring it up again. I know you want to help your friend. But you can’t. No one can,” his voice cracked. “I really am sorry, but this is a reality you simply have to accept.”

  He left the tent, letting the canvas door slide down behind him.

  Meghan slumped to the ground, tears falling freely down her face.

  “I just want to go home,” she cried, crumpling into a ball.

  Nona found her way in moments later and lay next to her.

  “I just want to go back to being nobody,” she told her loyal pet.

  Nona remained silent and allowed Meghan to sob, realizing nothing she said or did would give her any solace.

  After awhile, Meghan stopped crying and just lay on the ground, all of her thoughts, fears, and questions looping in circles in her mind.

  “There is no going back, is there Nona?” she muttered.

  “You know the answer.”

  “Well, there’s one thing I can control,” she raved, jumping off the ground and racing out of the tent.

  The last thought Nona heard in Meghan’s mind was something to do with Catrina being a Projector and her brother being in danger…


  Colin arrived at Billie’s later that evening. He had left Catrina in his room while he grabbed them both dinner. He froze just outside after hearing an unwelcome voice inside.

  “Garner,” he frowned.

  “So they’ve sent out another hunting party?” Billie was saying.

  “Yes. The Banon feels it necessary to make it look like a hunting party, for the sake of the Stripers, but they’ll be looking into the pyres. They should report back before nightfall.”

  “Which isn’t too long from now, my brother.”

  “I am sorry I have not visited sooner,” Garner apologized. “Things are… complicated.”

  “You don’t have to tell me. Right mess we got going!”

  “Maybe better now that the boy is staying with you,” Garner said.

  “Yes, better I suppose. Better to be away from the Mochrie boy.”

  “Jae?” muttered Colin. What did they mean?

  “Is there no hope for him?” continued Billie, her voice barely audible.

  “He made the choice, Billie. You know I cannot interfere.”

  “Right complicated mess,” she sighed. “And the boy, Colin, he’s been acting rather oddly, too.”

  Colin’s eyes widened. He had not been careful enough with Catrina. And now, Garner Sadorus was too close to finding out about her. He took a few steps back and made purposeful noisy footfalls heading back inside the tent. He needed to end this conversation.


  Meghan Jacoby ignored the pleas from Nona, begging her to rethink what she was about to do.

  “Sorry, Nona,” she said, seeing Juliska heading toward their tent. “I have to do this. It’s for his own good. I have always looked out for Colin. I know what’s best!”

  Juliska entered the tent looking worn. “Megan…” she called out as she flew in behind her.

  “There is something I must tell you,” Meghan exclaimed. “It cannot wait and I think it best we talk in your room.”

  Meghan’s intimation peaked Juliska’s curiosity instantly.

  “Very well.” Juliska motioned for Meghan to follow her in. “Have you had another vision?”

  “No vision. But I haven’t been completely honest with you about something and now, because of that, I fear for my brother’s life.”

  Meghan took a deep breath and began before she lost the nerve.

  “I think I know who the Projector is, and where you can find her.”

  Juliska’s face turned at first, white, morphing into a red rage of turmoil.

  “What exactly do you mean, Meghan?”

  “Remember when my brother followed Ivan and myself into Eidolon’s Valley? While he was there, he found a girl.”

  Juliska nearly lost her balance. “A girl?” she stammered. “And what happened to said girl?” her voice rose an octave while asking.

  Meghan gulped hard. “He brought her with us and cast some sort of spell that cloaked her, made her invisible to anyone else. We didn’t know he’d done it,” she lied, for Ivan’s sake, knowing it would be bad for him if Juliska thought he had lied, too. Meghan swallowed and stated her case.

  “I think she’s the Projector the Stripers are looking for. I should have told you sooner, I’m sorry… I think she is infecting him,” she added maliciously.

  The normally composed Juliska Blackwell crumbled into sucked in fury. The veins on her face turned blue against her pale skin. The longer Juliska held in her emotion, the veins turned flame red, like bright tattoos lining her skin.

  “There are things you obviously cannot understand, Meghan,” Juliska spoke fervently. “But I am glad you have told me this. Your brother is in serious danger.” She added, “Catrina Flummer was left in that valley for a reason!”

  “What?” Meghan asked, thinking she had not heard correctly.

  “I should have taken care of the job myself!” Juliska declared as she stormed out of the room.

  Meghan lost her breath, falling to her knees.

  What just happened?

  “She knew,” muttered Meghan.

  Juliska knew Catrina was left in the cave…

  Catrina was right…

  “This doesn’t matter,” Meghan spoke, mostly to comfort herself. “Catrina is still dangerous, and Juliska knew this, too.”

  “Jelen! Jenner!” Meghan heard Juliska shouting just outside her room. “There is an intruder in our camp. I want you to locate Colin Jacoby and bring him to me, immediately.”

  They departed at once to begin their search.

  Meghan mustered up enough strength to leave Juliska’s room.

  Pantin Hollee arrived a second later.

  “Sound the alarm, Hollee. I want Colin Jacoby found, now!”

  Hollee darted her eyes between Juliska and Meghan but did not question. Meghan stared blankly at the tent wall.

  “I am sorry Meghan,” Juliska spoke heartlessly. “But this is something that cannot go unpunished. But be comforted in the fact that if we locate Catrina Flummer, your brother will at least live.”

  Juliska whispered, so Meghan could not hear, to Pajak, as he crawled out of her hair and onto her shoulder. “I should have listened to you, my pet. You told me he was talking to a girl you did not recognize…” She stormed off to join the search.

  Meghan once again crumpled to the ground, and once again, Ivan Crane arrived just in time to pick her back up.

  “I… I told Juliska about Catrina,” she stuttered. “Colin told me he thinks she’s the Projector…”

  “Um. What?” he responded, so shocked he nearly dropped her.

  “I thought it was the right thing… Oh, God. Ivan… what did I do?”

  “Can you reach him, through your mind?” he asked. “Maybe you shouldn’t…” he was obviously as torn about this situation as Meghan.

  Meghan tried to reach him but Colin ignored her attempts.

  “I think he’s at Billie’s. Everyone knows that’s where he’s staying. They’ll go right there.”

  “Not if I get there first!” Nona purred out raucously. “Ivan, open the stove door.”

  He did so at once, no hesitation in his choice to help Colin and Catrina.

  Why? Meghan didn’t care why.

  There might be a price later and if there was, she’d pay it.

  Nona bounded into the flame, dissolving at once. The closest open flame was three tents away from Billie’s. As the Catawitch popped out of the flame, her legs were already running before they hit the ground.

  Nona heard Meghan’s thoughts as she ran.

  I can’t believe what I just did… I’m supposed to protect him… maybe I am protecting him… but he loves her… Colin will never forgive me for this… he shouldn’t ever forgive me for this…

  Nona ran as fast as she could toward Billie’s, darting betw
een unaware people, nearly tripping one man as she jumped through his legs.

  “Oh please let me get there first!”


  Colin Jacoby entered Billie’s tent.

  The look on Garner’s face gave away nothing about what he had meant about him not being around Jae Mochrie, or thankfully, that he knew anything about Catrina.

  Before Colin could greet either Billie or Garner, a bell started clanging, sounding an alarm outside.

  Billie and Garner looked at each other, a cold fear of, what now? frosting the air. They opened the tent door to see what the alarm was for, only to have Nona spill inside.

  “They know about Catrina! They’re coming for you!”

  Colin dropped his tray of food.

  The room started spinning and yet came to a sudden, complete stop.

  Two seconds passed by that seemed like an eternity.

  Catrina gasped inside their room.

  Billie and Garner exchanged confused gazes, staring at him for explanation.

  Colin’s mind opened to his sister’s thoughts, they drowned him like a flood.

  She was the one. Meghan betrayed them to Juliska.

  Time sped up again, anger seething through his veins.

  How could you? How could you do this? His thoughts demanded an answer but refused to accept any. There was no acceptable reason. His mind slammed shut, blocking out her river of meaningless apologies.

  He needed to get Catrina to safety, and ran into their room.

  Garner and Billie followed.

  “Catrina?” Garner questioned him. “Catrina Flummer?”

  Colin spun around to deny it, but something in the man’s features stopped him. Some desperate need to know the answer, and not because he wanted to harm Catrina.

  “Yes. I’ve been hiding her.”

  Billie’s hand flew up to her mouth stifling a gasp.

  “We feared she was lost!” Garner’s gaze buzzed from instant relief to planning mode. Colin cocked his head in befuddled mode. Was nothing in this place as it appeared? Was anyone telling him the truth?

  No wonder Balloch and Corny said to trust no one.

  I can’t even trust my own sister… and yet here he was trusting he’d just admitted the truth to the right people. Garner, somehow, fitting that category.


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