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Genesis Page 1

by Tej Pratap Singh

  The Time Traveler: Genesis

  Tej Pratap Singh

  All rights reserved

  First Edition, 2020

  © Tej Pratap Singh, 2020

  Cover design © White Falcon Publishing, 2020

  Cover image ©

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  “Thank-you Ravleen and Yuvraj for being the ANCHOR in my Life.”

  Chapter 1

  2956: Absolute Power


  The car stopped. Three men escorted KC to the car. He was still stunned after what he had read in the file. He turned around just as he was about to get into the car.

  “Thanks for everything Kamal,” said KC taking a deep breath, “though… I don’t know whether we are half way out or half way into this mess.”

  “Whatever it is, we are in it together,” Kamal tried a reassuring smile.

  “Well… Let me know if you get to anything,” said KC.

  “I will…” replied Kamal. “You must move, and fast. Half of the agencies around this world would have zeroed on to us by now.”

  “Yeah…” said KC disappointed as he sat in the car and rolled up the windows.

  The car sped away raising a cloud of dust as Kamal watched covering his mouth with his handkerchief till the dust settled down. Very soon the police and the media stormed the place. The police immediately cut all in and out routes. The media wanted a story. Everything… Anything!

  “Handle this, will you?” said Kamal to one of his agents as he skilfully avoided the crowd to get to his car.

  Kamal held the handle of the car’s door and ensured that nobody was following him. He then moved three cars to the left and opened the door of his actual car, got in and sat quietly thinking about what was going on.

  “How could KC have come for the second time and not remember anything about the first time, at all? After KC met all his generals, he should have pretty much remembered everything!” wondered Kamal.

  He kept his head on the car steering holding the steering with his hands. He closed his eyes. He was tired of all this thinking and figuring out all probable outcomes - what exactly happened, what could have happened. The thoughts were driving him crazy. Suddenly, the car’s door opened as someone stormed in and sat next to him unannounced.

  “What the…” said Kamal surprised. He was pretty sure that he had activated his ultra-secure car lock from the inside when he sat in his car.

  Kamal looked up…. It was KC!!

  “What… What on Earth are you doing here?” he cried. “I thought I made it quite clear to you – YOU HAVE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE…”

  KC kept quiet as he looked out of the car into the crowd at a distance.

  “Goddammit,” said Kamal furiously as he called his deputy on his cell phone to find out how KC got away from him.

  “Where is he?” said KC very seriously still looking outside the car.

  “Where is who…?” asked Kamal looking at KC and tapping his hand on the steering and pressing the mobile against his turban as he waited for his deputy to pick up his call.

  “Where is Kenneth?” asked KC looking at Kamal this time.

  “Where is he? KC, have you lost your mind!” said Kamal laughing, but angry! “What kind of a stupid question is that?”

  “The kind of question you answer to, if you want to stay alive,” replied KC seriously.

  “Hello…” yelled Kamal into his cell phone, his eyes still fixed on KC as Gill finally picked up his call.

  “I gave you a simple task and you couldn’t do that!!!!”

  “What… is it Sir! Everything is as per plan, as per your plan,” replied Gill…

  “Oh really!” said Kamal. “Can I speak to KC?”

  “Sure sir, right away,” said Gill handing over the cell phone to KC as they speedily moved in their car well out of the city.

  “What is it Kamal?” asked KC taking the cell phone from Gill’s hand.

  “Ah… Nothing… Just checking. Stay sharp,” said Kamal as he cut the call, dumbstruck.

  Kamal stared at KC who was sitting next to him and realized that he was wearing a brown jacket. The KC he had sent away in the other car was wearing a black jacket!

  “Who are you?” asked Kamal looking at KC as he opened his dashboard to get to his loaded pistol as discretely as possible.

  “I am Kenneth,” replied KC. “You of all people should know this.”

  Kamal concealed his pistol under his jacket and continued to bend his arm as discretely as possible to get the pistol till KC’s head.

  “Really…!” chuckled KC. “You are going to overpower me with this primitive tool!”

  “What are you talking about?” said Kamal acting surprised as he hid the pistol under his thigh.

  “You can take it out now, it won’t fire anyway,” said KC pointing at Kamal’s pistol.

  Kamal took out his pistol from under his thigh. It looked alright! He tried to cock it but couldn’t.

  “God dammit… what have you done…how did you even do it?” asked Kamal gawking at KC.

  “I just re-arranged the internal parts of your pistol,” replied KC.

  “What..!” said Kamal laughing. “No one can just change the internal configuration of anything just like that.”

  “Yes I can,” said KC, “and I can do it with you too…! Don’t push your luck,” smiled KC sarcastically.

  Kamal opened up his pistol… everything inside was disfigured… Completely.

  “Unbelievable!” exclaimed Kamal in utter surprise. “No way!”

  “And there is a lot more we can do in the 30th century,” added KC seriously.

  “Who are you…?” probed Kamal.

  “I just told you… I am KC,” he replied.

  “Which one….?” asked Kamal. “The first one or the second one?”

  “Keep out of it Kamal,” warned KC. “Trust me… just keep out of it and believe me when I say - I am here to save all of us.”

  “Save us from whom?” queried Kamal.

  “From me,” replied KC bluntly looking out of the car.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Kamal.

  “The KC you met before meeting me, the one who just left, he had traveled back in time too for some… specific tasks,” explained KC.

  “Yeah so?” replied Kamal. “KC met his generals. He remembers everything…. Everything!”

  “Ha…” chuckled KC. “Yes, when I time traveled here for the first time, I didn’t remember anything from my past. But when I time jumped here for the second time, I did seem to have memories, but those memories turned out to be of an alternate reality that I had traveled to, after I left you guys. Not the true reality.”

  “What do you mean?” asked a very puzzled Kamal. “I don’t believe you. What alternate reality… true reality!”

  “Look Kamal, I can only warn you. It’s only going to be a matter of time now, before everything comes down crashing on us. I must protect all of us.”

  “Why are you so interested in saving me?”
interrupted Kamal.

  “Kamal, you are a good guy… but you don’t understand. Things are very complicated. Bigger than you and me. Just…believe me,” explained KC.

  “I am pretty much used to the word ‘Complicated’ by now. Tell me what’s this all about, and I promise I’ll help you any which way you want. Otherwise, even with all your superior technology and all, you won’t be able to get what you obviously need from me.”, countered Kamal.

  “Alright, I’ll tell you everything,” said KC taking a deep breath. “I have come a long way to finally reach this day and I am not going to ruin it.”

  “I am all ears,” said Kamal as he pushed his pistol back into the dashboard. He looked all around his car as he adjusted his seat to a comfortable position. “Shoot.”

  “Alright then….” said KC. “This is how it all started…. In the year 2956, I was captured by the IF and sent back in time to the year 2018 using a time modulator to hand over certain information which was ahead of this time. Had IF received that info, they would have developed much faster and built a formidable and stable economy.”

  “By the 24th century, the IF would have dominated the world. Resultantly, the AMU would be wiped out of existence in the 30th century as we know it.”

  “Thankfully, I regained my memory in the nick of time and instead of handing over the critical information to Mega Tech, who are the founding father of the IF, I instead handed over the information to you, in the year 2019 just before returning back to my time in the year 2956.”

  “What…!” interrupted Kamal. “Why would you give it to me?”

  “Because Kamal, you are the founding father of… The AMU.

  “You got to be joking!” said Kamal shocked.

  “Does it look like I am?” replied KC. “You form a scientific-soldier society in 2024. As minuscule as this society starts, after the Great War devastates the world, this society started by you, becomes the only hope for survival and order. Over the next few decades, it is transformed into a strong military union having a massive scientific research base. Several short wars later, various armed unions combine to form the AMU - The Armed Military Union which is constantly fighting the IF for world supremacy.”

  “Kamal, you are the key to the AMU, and I gave you the critical information of the future. The information that you used at the most optimum level possible. You have always been a smart man. These events had a reciprocating effect and that had made AMU all-powerful and the ultimate authority when I got back to my time in the year 2956…”

  “Wow, good for you then!” said Kamal sinking in his seat.

  “That…was the biggest mistake I made,” said KC digging his chin into his chest and closing his eyes.

  “Things had completely changed when I got back to my time. It was as if I was in a different era altogether… I got back to my time in 2956 hoping to find a weak IF and a strong AMU because I had given you all the future info… But I underestimated the power of Time. This is what happened in 2956 when I got back…Listen carefully…”

  * * *

  Ground Zero. Sector-1(2956). The A.M.U

  “Welcome Cdr,” greeted Akil, one of KC’s Army Commanders, “we thought we had lost you for good.”

  “It’s good to be back home!” exclaimed KC.

  “Cdr, we will need to carry out some tests. This is the first time you have location-jumped to us from an outer sector,” explained Akil gulping at how his Cdr might react to his mistimed request.

  “Sure,” said KC bluntly, “anything for the greater cause, you can take my tests.”

  “Thank you Cdr,” said Akil with a sigh of relief.

  Akil guided KC to the medical examination bay where KC walked through a closed metallic ring structure.

  “Great,” exclaimed the chief medical examiner Kom, viewing the holographic projection over his palm just received from the metallic ring, which had scanned KC.

  “You look great Cdr.”

  “Well, now that we are done with it, let’s get to the command HQ. God knows what those ‘IF’ thugs have been up to while I was gone,” said KC.

  “Pardon me Sir!!” interrupted Akil, wondering if his Crd was joking.

  “What happened?” asked KC surprised. “We have to check on IF, they are the ones who trapped me and sent me back in time, it’s payback time!!”

  “Sir, the IF was destroyed in the great battle in the 24th century! They were never a match for us Sir!” replied Akil. “I think the location travel has affected your… short-term memory; it happens. I think the Cdr needs some rest. You’ll be fine in a couple of hours.”

  KC suddenly felt that he was out of air. He stumbled, and just in time Akil caught him before he crashed on to the floor.

  “Cdr…Cdr?” called out Akil.

  “Oh…” said KC standing on his feet pulling himself together. “Indeed, ha-ha I guess I have lost it! Of course, I need some rest,” said KC trying to cover up. “I’ll rest now. No one to disturb me till I say so.”

  “Directive Cdr,” yelled Akil standing in attention.

  KC turned back and headed for his room.

  “Excuse me Sir,” came a worried voice from behind. It was Akil’s.

  “What is it now?” asked KC trying to stop his hand from shaking.

  “Sir, your quarters are the other way!”

  “Oh. Of course..!” KC changed directions putting his hand in his pocket to hide the tremble in his hand.

  Akil placed his right hand on his left wrist and pressed in a combination to open the secure communication channel or ‘Comn-link’.

  “All personnel. No one to contact the Supreme Commander till further orders.”

  KC reached his quarters; it was all changed. Nothing was the same. As he sat down on his chair, he saw a large map, a world map displayed on the wall in front of him. KC got up and walked towards it. He was exhilarated to find that the whole map was covered in red, the AMU color, and the map actually was of a much larger area… definitely more than one planet; maybe it was of a galaxy or a super-cluster of galaxies. KC couldn’t make out. His vision was getting blurry.

  “So..! That’s what it is all about…” said KC to himself as he sat back on his chair. “I have altered history… I have altered, the whole freaking history. No wonder everything is different here.”

  KC went close to the wall and placed his palm on it, the whole wall turned transparent. “Well, some things have not changed,” exclaimed KC.

  He looked outside of his cabin into the city. It was massive! Much bigger than he remembered. He looked as far as he possibly could, the city stretched still further.

  “All Powerful, All Mighty AMU, I have done it.” Said KC feeling proud of himself and the near impossible feat he had pulled off. But no one other than KC actually knew what all he had done to finally make this day even conceivable! That night KC went through all the battle logs of this alternate time. He wanted to acquaint himself with the alternate history he had created. He could barely read one-tenth of the battle logs, there were so many of them.

  * * *

  It was early next morning when KC was woken by the sound of the Union Drums beaten out loud. A grand and unmistakable symbol of AMU’s might and supremacy. The Union Drums were played every day to remind its citizens of the bloody battles the AMU had fought and the countless lives, which were lost in order to ensure universal peace, stability and supremacy.

  KC got up, his eyes bright and wide open. His bed unit sensed that he was awake and rotated from a horizontal position to a vertical position slowly. While it rotated, a transparent film covered it. A biochemical cloud filled his bed unit.

  He opened his mouth and breathed in some. He spread his arms and brought them together again. The bed unit was now vertical. The film opened and KC walked out.

  “Wow, instant bathing and freshness, even better than what
I remember,” exclaimed KC beaming.

  He placed his palm on the wall and opened his fingers outwards. Nothing happened!

  “That’s strange. Where is my wall?” wondered KC.

  He again placed his palm on the wall and stretched his fingers out. Nothing happened. He needed to update himself. Why was his wall not working!

  A ‘Wall’ used to be a universal interface that only prominent leaders owned in his time. All one had to do was to place their palm on any flat surface and a global interface would open up. Anything that needed to be checked, could be accessed on the flat surface also referred as the - The Wall.

  KC desperately needed to update himself. “What’s wrong?” thought KC. “This is pretty much how I operated my wall in the 30th century in my time.”

  KC turned around and again raised his arm looking at his palm wondering what had changed. “Come on Wall, Activate,” said KC. A transparent wall opened in free space in front of him. A multi-dimensional one as KC nearly tripped with the sudden burst of bright light as the wall opened. The wall displayed KC’s image, his current vital stats and complete body diagnostics.

  “So this is how it works in this time, even without a surface… even better!” said KC relieved.

  “So, how am I doing today?” he added loudly.

  “You are in good shape Cdr,” replied the automatic interface which had a female voice. “Though there is some disturbance in your cerebral cortex. It might be due to your recent location jump, and your blood pressure is abnormally high Commander.”

  “Well, after where I have been, I am surprised there is still blood in my vessels and not some altered chemicals,” laughed KC.

  “That’s right Cdr,” said the female voice.

  “What am I doing today?” asked KC picking up a small sphere-like structure.

  “Sir, you have a meeting with the Union-Council today!”

  “The Union Council…” repeated KC. He didn’t remember anything called as the ‘Union Council’ when he had left this time.

  “Tell me all about the Union Council, I want to be prepared before the meeting,” added KC as he tossed the metal sphere up.


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