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Genesis Page 21

by Tej Pratap Singh

  “Hahaha…. We are still alive,” shouted Zaul. “We are still alive. Can you believe that?”

  “Don’t push your luck, just yet,” said Jenny. “We are going to hit that one last asteroid, we are heading straight for it, we have lost our steering mechanism along with the engines. The asteroid’s gravity is pulling our ship.. Guys hold on tight,” alerted Jenny.

  “Press the red little button on your seat’s left arm support. It will convert your seats into escape pods which will eject away from the ship. This ship is doomed once it hits the asteroid. Hopefully… we all will be safe in the escape pods. Planet Wontrox gravity will pull us all in,” explained Jenny calmly.

  “Can the pods be steered?” asked KC.

  “No,” replied Jenny. “We will just plummet towards the planet. The pod’s exterior shields will prevent us from burning in the atmosphere. And at about 350 meters, it will automatically deploy a parachute.”

  “How outdated is that!” said Zaul. “And what if we are heading into a river or a volcano or for that matter on top of Garmin’s HQ? How will we control our descent?”

  “Well in that case, I’ll not get to be your God after all,” joked Jenny.

  “I’ll give you this much Jenny,” said Zaul. “You are one hell of a girl. What a ride this has been!” added Zaul

  “Likewise,” replied Jenny as they braced themselves for impact.

  Everyone looked outside of the ship through a big crack. Every time the ship turned out of control they could see the huge asteroid in front as they very swiftly approached it. It got bigger and bigger every time they saw it.

  “No matter what the outcome of this will be, I want everyone to know that we did everything what we possibly could do. And this effort will not go in vain. No effort is too little or too less,” declared KC.

  The ship headed towards the asteroid and hit it head on. In the most spectacular blast, as it instantaneously decimated into a thousand pieces.

  It was a spectacular scene. Their efforts to alter the evident future were going to take a bizarre turn and no one was aware of what was in front of them. Everyone’s life was about to change forever. In complete oblivion, they headed for what was to become their destiny. Seven pods appeared out of the blast. Five of KC’s elite guards. And one each of KC and Jenny. The pods escaped the mighty explosion seemingly unharmed in the background of the massive bluish-red nebula that spun several thousand light years and the massive planet in the foreground which was about 80 times the size of the Earth, with an extremely generous and thick atmosphere which kept the very occasional asteroids and meteors from the neighboring Nebula asteroid belt from hitting the planet’s surface. A definite boon for the planet. But a nightmare for the tiny seven pods which were heading towards the planet.

  “Jenny, we have entered the atmosphere of this planet and we are already facing a lot of air resistance,” observed KC.

  “It seems this planet has an atmosphere a lot denser than that of Earth’s.”

  “It does,” said Jenny. “3.23 times denser than Earth’s atmosphere.”

  “Oh…” said KC with a pause. “These capsules were meant for the relatively thin atmosphere of Earth and not for the thick atmosphere of Wontrax. These capsules would most certainly burn mid-way.”

  “Oh God,” reacted Jenny. “You are right, these pods were not designed to take so much of air friction. That leaves us with just one option… we will have to deploy our parachutes a lot sooner,” replied Jenny as she looked outside of her pod and could see the other pods falling towards the planet at a breathtaking speed.

  “It will break our cover,” said Zaul immediately. “If we deploy the paras too soon, our air speed will decrease considerably and Garmin’s spotters and radars will pick us up a minimum 20 minutes before we touch the surface.”

  “Tough choice,” said KC. “If we don’t deploy our paras soon, we will surely burn. And if we do, then Garmin will shoot us out of the sky. We will be sitting ducks.”

  “Any bright ideas?” asked KC as their pods gave out a sonic boom as they all crossed the sound speed threshold and their pods started to burn on the outside due to the heavy friction from the planet’s atmosphere.

  “I have an idea,” said Jenny.

  “Now is a good time,” said KC laughing. “What is it?”

  “I am sure, it is crazy as hell,” laughed Zaul.

  Such was their morale. Facing near death, they were still positive, unperturbed and composed. They had faced many such situations before. But what kept their spirits high was the fact that they believed in their cause. They knew, they are all in it - together.

  “We are going to present big targets once the parachutes open up, so the moment the parachutes open up our air speed will reduce. Then we will eject from our pods as well,” said Jenny. “We will present much smaller targets then, without our pods.”

  “And what then…. Fly down?” interrupted Zaul with a chuckle. “I said it, didn’t I? Her idea is going to be crazy as hell.”

  “Ha-ha…” repeated Jenny sarcastically. “Well boys, all of your suits have got individual parachutes. We eject from the pods at 60,000 meters then we free fall till 1,000 meters and then… we open our paras. The mountains below us are roughly 6,000 to 12,000 meters high. So, when we open our paras at 1000 meters, we will be well into the mountains almost at their base. Garmin’s radars will not be able to pick us up,” elaborated Jenny.

  “Jenny, by the universe, you are special kind of crazy!” said KC with enthusiasm. “Before we met, I thought I was the craziest person… but no. You are definitely crazier than I am. Let us do it boys. This way at least we will reach the surface.”

  “Every time we do something wild, I think that this is the limit of the wildest it can possibly get. But the very next thing, is even wilder,” said Zaul. “Directive Commander…To victory and Forever.”

  The pods reached 60,000 meters, everyone deployed the parachute of their respective pods. Their air speed was drastically reduced as the pods started gliding down slowly but at the same time presenting a very east target.

  “Now boys…” said Jenny as she ejected from her pod as did the others. The atmosphere was so thick that the resistance was intense. The damage to the suits they were wearing was imminent, it was just a matter of time! And the free fall was to last till they were just 1,000 meters from the surface. It was an incredible feat to maintain stability. The clouds were dense. The winds were reckless. After all they had been through, it was the ultimate test of resilience, core strength and spirit.

  Jenny switched on the beacon light on the back of her suit as everyone followed her lead and tried to stay as steady as possible. The beacon served as an indicator for the rest to maintain direction and prevent from drifting. Even a few degrees left or right and one would crash into the mountains instead of getting into the narrow valley below. The landscape of the planet was such. Razor sharp mountains packed into each other with narrow valleys. All the seven had to land into the same valley together. At the speed at which they were free-falling, it was next to impossible to change direction at the last moment. KC was trying his best to identify a valley below considering the high mountains around. If anyone would miss the valley, it would take them forever to marry up with the rest of the group across a 12,000-meter-high mountain.

  At about 30,000 meters, KC identified a valley below him and checked with others to follow him. “I am going to bank left just enough to stay in the center of the valley. Everyone follow me,” said KC.

  Just then there was a huge blast. Everyone looked back to see what caused that deafening sound. They could see their pods being hit by Garmin’s air defence missiles. Not a single one was spared. All the seven pods were vaporized.

  “Excellent move Jenny,” said KC. “You definitely saved us again.” He added as he slightly banked left and everyone followed him in tandem as the clouds cracke
d all around them. Everyone gave an ‘OK’ as they banked left. Everyone but Jenny. KC called for Jenny but there was no reply.

  KC called again, literally shouting through his comn device this time. Again… there was no reply. KC extended his right arm and leg to increase air resistance on one side and quickly turned around. The clouds were so dense that he could see nothing but the faint blinking of beacons on everyone’s suits. KC called for Jenny again but there was no reply. KC fully extended his arms and legs to maximize air resistance and reduce his air speed as everyone whizzed past him. From the lead, now he was at the tail of the formation. He had to find Jenny. One by one he counted six beacons ahead of him trying his best to maintain his stance and balance. But which one was of Jenny?

  “Jenny, can you hear me?” said KC.

  “Yes I can.” Finally replied Jenny to KC’s relief. “My parachute unit has malfunctioned. The ‘ERROR’ message is all over my HUD (heads up display). I think my chute won’t deploy!”

  “It must be the pod explosion above us. I think your suit got hit by a splinter or some debris,” replied KC. “Alright Jenny, just maintain your bearing I am coming right behind you. I’ll take a closer look at your chute. Maybe I’ll trigger it to open manually. Just maintain your bearing. Steady,” declared KC. The maneuver was going to be extremely dangerous. If he would come in too fast towards Jenny he could crash right into her and the speed at which they were free falling was astounding.

  Jenny changed her beacon to ‘blinker mode’ as KC tracked it, and slowly and steadily approached her from behind. The clouds were so dense that they would knock them off course every now and then. Every time they had to execute the painful task of course correction. A back breaking task. ‘Literally’ in this case! With every painful second, KC got closer to Jenny.

  “Commander 15k meters…., 10k meters left to deploy shoots,” informed Zaul.

  “Go as per plan,” replied KC. “Do it.”

  KC was almost behind Jenny as he extended his arm ahead trying his best to get to Jenny’s suit. Then came another cloud! And completely tossed Jenny and KC away. Desperately, KC looked around for Jenny but couldn’t find her.

  “Commander, we are at 5k meters,” reported Zaul. “Be prepared to deploy,” ordered KC.

  “Not without you,” replied Zaul.

  “Don’t make that mistake,” interrupted KC. “This mission is not just about the Commander or about the AMU, it’s about the future and the wellbeing of both the universes as we know. Whether we make it or not. Take out Garmin. Save the universes. That’s a directive,” ordained KC.

  “Directive Commander,” said Zaul as the elite guard, all but Zaul deployed their parachutes. KC and Jenny whizzed past them now emerging under the clouds. As did Zaul, keeping a lookout for his Commander. Finally, KC saw Jenny and moved towards her.

  “KC don’t be crazy. Deploy your para,” said Jenny.

  “Never…, Not without you,” replied KC as he streamlined his body and made a final dash towards Jenny.

  “Commander, you need to bank right,” said Zaul as he could clearly see KC heading towards Jenny.

  “20 mtrs…15 mtrs…10 mtrs…” guided Zaul. KC extended his arm and finally just about managed to get his finger to Jenny’s suit. And finally latched on to Jenny.

  “I got the problem,” said KC as he removed a splinter stuck on the hatch of the Jenny’s parachute assembly. He manually pulled out the hatch, instantaneously deploying her para at 500 mtrs and then quickly deployed his too. As did Zaul.

  They were coming so fast and so quick that the parachute merely slowed them…a bit, until they crashed into the trees. The branches finally slowed and entangled them down, until finally KC and Jenny halted just two feet above the ground still swinging in their parachute cords and hanging by a tree. Zaul luckily missed the tree and had a comparatively subtler landing on a patch of thick grass just meters away from Jenny and KC. Zaul quickly folded his parachute and concealed it under some foliage. He wasted no time in locating KC.

  “I had heard of love birds, on trees, and now… I have finally seen it,” said Zaul as he zipped his sabre and cut KC and Jenny loose from the tree and their parachutes. Jenny got onto her feet and immediately kissed KC just as he removed his helmet.

  “Thanks for… saving me,” said Jenny.

  “Jenny, you have saved our lives a greater number of times than I have saved yours,” said KC as he kissed Jenny locking his lips to hers. He placed his hand over her heart and Jenny placed her hand over KC’s and they kissed most tenderly. This is how marriage was consummated in their time across the galaxies. “Jenny, I willl love you till the end of time,” said KC.

  “I love you Kenneth,” replied Jenny as she kissed him back most passionately. He just didn’t want to stop. Just then they heard a massive thumping sound. The ground shook with it.

  “What in the universe was that sound?” asked KC as they wore their helmets back on.

  “Commander, can you hear us?” cracked KC’s comn set. It was his elite guard.

  “Go on,” said KC. “Are you all together?”

  “Yes Commander, we are. And we are heading towards what seems like Garmin’s HQ. About two kms north of us. We can see hundreds of battle cruisers take off. And over a thousand fighter crafts in formation. It’s almost like they are mobilizing for battle,” reported KC’s elite guard. “We will reach there, establish a breach in the perimeter and penetrate the facility as much as possible.”

  “That’s what the sound was about,” said KC. “They are leaving the planet for the battle. This is just one planet! There will be lakhs more in the Andromeda galaxy. Garmin has started his Galactic War!” said KC as he looked at Jenny and Zaul. “By the universe, I hope we are not too late!”

  “Such mobilization will be taking place in the Milky Way galaxy as well. And God knows where else,” added Jenny. “All the battle ships will go into warp drive the moment they leave the planet’s atmosphere. And not more than one hour before they run into other ships from the Milky Way galaxy. The intergalactic war starts in an hour max...” said Jenny.

  “How far are the lights from us?” KC asked Zaul.

  “About 3 kms north east,” replied Zaul. “If we run for it…20 mins.”

  “That would leave us with another 30 mins to get into his HQ, find Garmin and stop him, before the war starts,” explained KC.

  “Considering what we have been through today… this should be a piece of cake,” said Zaul chuckling.

  He had learnt few – ‘slangs’ while on his brief stay on Earth. KC brushed his suit of all the leaves and branches he had collected on the way down. Zaul set the bearing of the supposed location of Garmin’s HQ on his holographic compass which instantly displayed on KC and Jenny’s HUD as well. The three of them immediately made a run for the lights, from where the battle ships were launching.

  About 15 minutes later, KC’s comn unit once again burst into several messages. KC’s elite guard had breached the perimeter of Garmin’s HQ and they had taken a hostage, who seemed to be one of Garmin’s operations officer.

  “Boys, you have hit upon a gold mine. Well done. Now quickly commence Brain Indexing,” said KC cutting through the chatter.

  “Let’s straight away hit, where it hurts Garmin the most,” added KC as they sprinted from one field to another, one cover to another. They were almost at the lights now.

  “What’s Brain Indexing?” asked Jenny sprinting as fast as KC as she zipped up her kevlar jacket.

  “The ‘Brain Indexer’ is an electro-magnetic thought interpreter and re-constructer,” replied KC “EMIT & R or an Emitor as we call it.”

  “And in English…” asked Jenny again as Zaul chortled.

  “Well it’s a… three mili-injectors and a little screen. The injectors are pressed into the head and it reads the most active thoughts… which are then reconstructed and
projected onto the screen. And we can see whatever the chap is thinking.” Explained KC as they momentarily took cover behind a rock. They had reached the outer perimeter of the HQ.

  “Wow that’s neat,” exclaimed Jenny. “Well then, what is he thinking?”

  The elite guard quickly injected the three injectors into the officer’s head. Two in the front and one in the rear of the head. Almost instantaneously the screen illuminated. But the images were not clear.

  “Commander, the images are blurred,” reported his guard trying to make sense of what he saw on the screen.

  “By the universe,” said KC as he took cover behind a tree with a massive trunk. They were right outside the perimeter wall now.

  “This must be the parallel dimension paradox Crona was speaking about. Our tech can’t work in this universe accurately. That’s why the blurry images. Boys more so, we are going to lose those images in a minute or so,” further added KC. “quickly figure out whatever you can see. We will evaluate it later,” ordered KC.

  And just as he had said, after a minute or so the Brain Indexer stopped working accurately. It started to display completely jumbled up images.

  KC, Jenny and Zaul in the meantime reached the outer perimeter wall where two of his guards rendezvoused with them. The whole base was covered by a force field. From a distance, the force field could be seen as a semicircular transparent glowing cap, all over the Garmin’s base. The force field neutralised the effect of the heavy atmosphere, and the troops inside the base could move without a space suit. Otherwise the atmosphere of Wontrax was three times as heavy as the Earth and none of the humans were designed to move or survive in its atmosphere without their spacesuit for long.

  One of Garmin’s guards had moved outside the force field momentarily and he was enough for KC’s reconnaissance team to figure out how to make a breach in the force field to enter the base without raising an alarm.


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