The President Is a Sick Man

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The President Is a Sick Man Page 24

by Matthew Algeo

  O’Brien, Robert Lincoln. “Keeping a Nation’s Secret 24 Years.” Boston Herald, September 30, 1917.

  Patterson, James T. The Dread Disease: Cancer and Modern American Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1987.

  Perry, Mark. Grant and Twain: The Story of an American Friendship. New York: Random House, 2004.

  Peterkin, Allan. One Thousand Beards: A Cultural History of Facial Hair. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2001.

  Pollard, James E. The Presidents and the Press, Truman to Johnson. Washington, DC: Public Affairs Press, 1964.

  Renehan, Andrew, and John C. Lowry. “The Oral Tumours of Two American Presidents: What if They Were Alive Today?” Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, July 1995.

  “The Right of a Newsman to Refrain from Divulging the Sources of His Information.” Virginia Law Review, Volume 36, 1950.

  Ritter, Gretchen. Goldbugs and Greenbacks: The Antimonopoly Tradition and the Politics of Finance in America, 1865—1896. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

  Robson, J. Stuart. “The Day a President Disappeared.” Dental Historian, January 2007.

  Rosenhouse, Leo. “President Cleveland’s Secret Surgery.” Private Practice, October 1974.

  Rothstein, William G. American Medical Schools and the Practice of Medicine: A History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.

  Rutkow, Ira M. American Surgery: An Illustrated History. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1998.

  Seale, William. The President’s House: A History. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.

  Seelig, M. G. “Cancer and Politics: The Operation on Grover Cleveland.” Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, September 1947.

  Smith, Richard Norton. “‘The President Is Fine’ and Other Historical Lies.” Columbia Journalism Review, September/October 2001.

  Speakes, Larry. Speaking Out: The Reagan Presidency from Inside the White House. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1988.

  Steeples, Douglas, and David O. Whitten. Democracy in Desperation: The Depression of 1893. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.

  “The Surgical Operations on President Cleveland.” Physicians’ Times Magazine, circa 1928 (undated clipping on file at the College of Physicians of Philadelphia).

  Truax, Rhoda. Joseph Lister: Father of Modern Surgery. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1944.

  Tullai, Martin D. “How Grover Cleveland Concealed from Nation His Cancer Operation.” Buffalo News, March 13, 1994.

  United States Congress. Congressional Record. 52nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1894.

  Voynick, Stephen M. Leadville: A Miner’s Epic. Missoula, MT: Mountain Press, 1984.

  Walter, Dave. Today Then: America’s Best Minds Look 100 Years into the Future on the Occasion of the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. Helena, MT: American & World Geographic Publishing, 1992.

  Weatherford, Richard M., ed. Stephen Crane: The Critical Heritage. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973.

  Welch, Richard E. The Presidencies of Grover Cleveland. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1988.

  Wertheim, Stanley, and Paul Sorrentino, eds. The Correspondence of Stephen Crane. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.

  Whitcomb, John, and Claire Whitcomb. Real Life in the White House:200 Years of Daily Life at America’s Most Famous Residence. New York: Routledge, 2000.


  Italicized page references denote illustrations.

  Abbott, Frank, 41

  Ackerman, Lauren, 225

  Adams, Henry, 84, 118

  Adams, John Quincy, 75, 171

  African Americans, 166, 167–68, 180

  alcohol consumption

  cancers associated with, 225

  of Cleveland, 23, 25, 27, 29, 34, 45–46

  Allen, Lewis, 21, 23

  Allen, William, 182–83, 201–2

  Altgeld, John Peter, 189

  American Oncologic Hospital, 41

  American Press Syndicate, 140

  American Railway Union (ARU), 180, 186–90

  American Red Cross, 168–69

  American Sugar Refining Company, 198–205

  amputation, 69

  anesthesia, 77, 78, 87–88, 90, 91, 151

  Anthony, Susan B., 186

  Aponte, Gonzalo, 224

  Arthur, Chester, 35, 56, 75

  ARU (American Railway Union), 180, 186–90

  assassinations, 14, 30, 59–61, 60

  assistant district attorney positions, 24

  Babbitt, George, 113

  Baby Ruth (candy bar), 50

  Ball, George, 35

  bankruptcies, 5–6, 12–13, 15, 118

  banner headlines, 144, 156

  Barber, Douglas, 151

  Barton, Clara, 168–69

  basal cell carcinoma, 228

  baseball, 82

  Bass, Lyman K., 25

  Baum, Lyman Frank, 121

  Baxter, Jedediah, 60

  Bayard, Thomas, 172

  beards, 75–77

  Bell, Alexander Graham, 60

  Benedict, Elias C.

  Cleveland’s relationship with, 50, 90, 101–2

  Cleveland’s surgery, 88, 90

  Edwards’s press coverage on, 141

  Keen’s surgery account, 213

  summer homes of, 101

  surgery cover–up, 150

  yachts of, 55, 79, 84–85, 85, 87, 221

  Bennett, Eben, 219

  Benninsky [Brinske], George, 25

  Billroth, Theodor, 40

  bimetalism, 11

  Blaine, James G., 35, 36

  Bland–Allison Act, 11

  Blatchford, Samuel, 109–10

  Borden, Emma Corinna “Tinnie,” 65–66, 71

  brain tumors, 71

  Breckenridge, John, 111

  Bright’s disease, 56

  Brooklyn Daily Eagle (newspaper), 164–65

  Brooks, John S. J., 224–26

  Bryan, William Jennings, 124–26, 125, 192

  Bryant, Joseph Decatur

  background, 16, 16, 61

  cancer diagnosis, 16–17

  death, 210

  obstetrics, 170–71

  postoperative complications and second surgery, 116–17

  postoperative recovery, 114, 152

  surgery cover–up, 106–7

  surgery cover–up revelation and, 148–49

  surgery planning, 53–55, 62, 77–78

  as surgical team member, 88, 91

  surgical team recruiting, 63–64, 77, 78

  travel day, 84

  tumor removal papers by, 53

  Buchanan, James, 111

  Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 44

  Buffalo, New York, 21–22, 30, 36

  Bureau of Agriculture, Labor, and Industry, 119

  Butler, Matthew, 168

  Butler, Nicholas Murray, 215

  Calverly, Clifford, 93, 96

  cancer. See also surgery, Cleveland’s; surgery cover–up

  Cleveland and, 15–17, 197, 225–26

  Cleveland’s proclamation on, 44

  cure claims, 40, 152–53

  Grant and, 39–40, 41–43, 43

  in history, 40–41

  modern perception of, 226

  Reagan and, 227–28

  word usage, 40, 146, 227, 228

  capital punishment, 26

  Carlisle, John, 199–200, 203, 204

  casts of Cleveland’s mouth, 74, 115, 185, 185

  Chace, George Ide, 66

  Chapman, Elverton, 205

  childbirth, 170–71


  born at White House, 171

  of Cleveland, 10, 50, 171–72, 191, 194, 195–96, 207–8

  out–of–wedlock, 27–28

  chimney sweeps, 41

  Church, Francis, 131

  Churchill, Allen, 129, 130

  civil rights, 8

  Civil Service Commission, 14

  civil service reform, 14, 35, 136

  Civil War,
24–25, 68, 75, 137–38, 156

  Cleaveland, Moses, 21

  Cleveland, Aaron, 19

  Cleveland, Ann (Neal), 19, 20

  Cleveland, Esther, 172

  Cleveland, Frances (Folsom)

  childhood, 26, 29, 46

  children, 10, 50, 171, 172, 191, 194, 195–96

  courtship and marriage, 46–47, 47, 48

  death and burial, 220

  Eisenhower and, 220

  family portraits, 51

  as First Lady, 48, 103

  husband’s health, 16

  husband’s surgery cover–up, 103–4

  husband’s surgery disclosure to children, 207–8

  at inauguration, 7, 9

  Keen’s surgery account and, 210–11, 213

  pregnancy and childbirth, 84, 104, 151, 170–71

  reelection prediction, 49

  remarriage, 210–11

  retirement home, 194

  woman’s suffrage and, 186

  Cleveland, Francis Grover, 194, 220

  Cleveland, Grover. See Cleveland, Stephen Grover

  Cleveland, Marion, 191

  Cleveland, Oscar Folsom, 27–28, 35

  Cleveland, Richard (father), 19–20

  Cleveland, Richard (son), 194, 224

  Cleveland, Ruth, 10, 50, 51, 195–96

  Cleveland, Stephen Grover

  ancestry, 19–20

  associates of, 50

  awards and honors, 196

  with Benedict on Oneida, 87

  children, 10, 27–28, 50, 171, 172, 191, 194, 195–96

  death and burial, 196–97

  description, 6, 29, 31, 77

  early years and employment, 20–22

  family portraits, 51

  at Grant’s funeral, 44

  health, 15–17, 44–45, 72, 86, 193, 197, (see also surgery, Cleveland’s; surgery cover-up)

  law career, 23–24, 27, 49–50

  mantras, 30

  marriage, 46–47, 47, 48

  at McKinley inauguration, 193, 193

  military service, 24–25

  name usage, 23

  pastimes and vices, 23, 25, 27, 29, 34, 45

  paternity scandals, 27–28, 35–36

  personality, 31, 35–36, 48, 157, 185–86, 190

  political career, early, 24, 25–26, 29–34

  political career, presidential campaigns and terms, 15, 34–38, 46, 49–52, 82, 191–92

  political party affiliations, 22–23

  portraits of, 7, 36

  proclamation on Grant’s cancer, 44

  retirement, 194–95, 195

  speech style, 52

  Cleveland Depression, 191, 194. See also Panic of 1893

  Cleveland weather, 6

  cocaine, 42, 91

  Cody, Buffalo Bill, 10

  Coinage Act, 10–11

  College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 222–23

  Colquitt, Alfred, 45–46

  communism, 76–77

  Conscription Act, 24–25

  Consolidated Exchange, 178

  Cooper, T. Colden, 20

  Crane, Stephen, 139–40

  Crook, William H., 48

  currency issues, 10–13, 51–52, 121–22, 192. See also Sherman Silver Purchase Act

  Curtis, Cyrus, 211, 216

  Dana, Charles A., 33, 37, 129–32, 135, 136–37

  Darrow, Clarence, 181

  Darwin, Charles, 66

  Daveler, Theodore, 71

  Davis, L. Clarke, 50, 101, 150, 161

  Davis, Richard Harding, 137

  Dawes, Charles, 119

  Debs, Eugene V., 180, 186–90, 187

  Democratic Party affiliations, 22–23

  dentistry, 78, 108, 151

  Deppisch, Ludwig, 62

  desks, 13, 82

  Dewey, Thomas, 76

  Dickinson, Don, 150

  “Disgrace to Journalism, A” (Philadelphia Times article), 160–61

  district attorney campaigns, 25–26

  Dittenhoefer, Abram, 202, 204

  Donelson, Emily, 171

  Douglas, John Hancock, 39, 41, 43

  Dubois, Fred, 183

  Dunne, John Baptist, 179

  eating habits, 27, 29, 45

  economy. See Panic of 1893

  Edwards, Elisha Jay “E. J.” (aka Holland)

  articles on Cleveland, 197

  background, 128, 129, 138

  career, 205, 217

  college reunion speeches, 217–18

  columns on future of journalism, 140

  Crane patronage, 139–40

  death and obituaries, 218

  discredit of, 158–65, 161

  journalism career, 128–29, 132, 136–39

  Keen’s surgery account and vindication, 210, 213, 214–16

  Sugar Trust scandal, 197–205

  surgery cover–up revelation, 142–48, 147

  tributes, 217

  Edwards, Jonathan, 197

  Eisenhower, Dwight, 220

  Emporia Gazette (newspaper), 120

  Engine 999, 181

  Enterline, Horatio, 224–26

  “Epidemics of Suicide” (New York Tribune article), 178

  epithelioma, 17, 39–40, 41, 91, 95. See also cancer; surgery, Cleveland’s

  Erdmann, John

  career, 149, 149, 210, 221

  on Cleveland’s death, 197

  on cover–up, 149

  death, 221

  Keen’s surgery account and, 213

  as surgical team member, 78, 84, 88, 94, 117

  Esther (name), 172

  ether, 87–88, 90, 91

  Everlasting Life: A Creed and a Speculation (Keen), 209

  exercise aversion, 29

  facial hair, 75–77

  Falvey, Mike, 23

  Ferrell, Robert H., 212

  fiat currency, 11

  filibusters, 181–84

  Folsom, Emma, 46

  Folsom, Frances. See Cleveland, Frances

  (Folsom) Folsom, Oscar, 26, 28–29

  Forney, John, 137–38

  Fox Chase Cancer Center, 41

  Franklin Repository (newspaper), 156

  Franz Josef style, 75

  Fuller, Melville, 9

  Garfield, James

  assassination, 14, 30

  facial hair, 75

  medical care, 59–60, 60

  as president, 29

  vice president relationship with, 52

  Garland, Augustus, 47

  germ theory, 68–70

  Gibson, Kasson

  Cleveland’s letters to, 192

  Cleveland’s mouth casts made by, 74, 115, 185, 185

  Keen’s surgery account interview, 213

  tumor specimens, 221–26, 222

  Gilded Age, 81

  Gilder, Richard Watson, 50, 101, 102


  bond sales and reserve replenish, 190–91

  currency standard debates, overview, 10–12

  as single currency standard, 194

  supporters of (gold bugs), 12, 13, 14, 82, 83, 120, 192, 193

  Yukon gold rush, 194

  gold certificates, 11

  gout, 44–45, 193

  graft, 26

  Grant, Ulysses S.

  Cleveland’s illness compared to, 146, 225

  Dana and, 130

  facial hair, 75

  grandchildren born at White House, 171

  illness and death, 39–40, 41–44, 43

  Gravelot, Jean Francois, 93

  Gray, George, 201, 204

  Gray Gables, 55, 96, 101, 102, 102, 196

  Grayson, Cary T., 56, 58

  Great Deflation, 11

  Great Northern Railroad, 111

  Greeley, Horace, 157

  Gresham, Walter, 109

  Gross, Samuel, 41, 67

  gubernatorial positions, 31–34

  Guiteau, Charles, 59, 61

  Gullah, 166, 167–68

  gunshot wound care, 59–61, 60 />
  Hahnemann, Samuel, 58

  Haight, Albert, 30

  Halpin, Maria Crofts, 27–28, 35, 135

  Hamlin, Charles, 117–18

  Hancock, Winfield Scott, 44, 157

  Harding, Warren, 58–59

  Harris, Isham, 182, 183

  Harrisburg Telegraph (newspaper), 164

  Harrison, Benjamin, 6, 49, 52, 53, 60, 75, 82

  Harrison, Caroline, 52

  Hasbrouck, Ferdinand

  death, 210

  discrediting of, 161

  as fall guy, 151

  postoperative cover–up, 95, 96

  second surgery and, 117

  surgery cover–up disclosure, 107, 127, 142–43, 148–51

  as surgical team member, 78, 84, 88, 90–91

  Havemeyer, Henry O., 198–200, 205

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 75

  health, as allegory for nation, 8–9

  health care quality, 58–61, 68

  heart disease, 59

  Hippocrates, 40

  Hoar, Frisbie, 182–83

  Hoe, Richard, 133–34

  Hog Island, 166

  Holland (nom de plume). See Edwards, Elisha Jay “E. J.”

  homeopathy, 58

  honesty, 31, 35–36, 112, 136

  Hoover, Ike, 57–58

  hospitalism, 69

  hospitals, 40–41, 68, 69–70, 170

  How the Other Half Lives (Riis), 137

  Hoyt, Mary, 104, 116

  Hughes, Charles, 76

  hurricanes, 166–70

  Ill–Advised: Presidential Health and Public Trust (Ferrell), 212

  illness concealment, 56–58, 164. See also surgery cover–up

  Inauguration Day

  Cleveland’s, 6–10, 9

  McKinley’s, 193, 193

  infections, 59–61, 68–69, 225

  inflation, 12

  influenza, 56, 209

  interviewing, 134

  Jackson, Andrew, 164, 171

  James, Thomas, 136

  Janeway, Edward, 77, 84, 86, 91, 117, 210

  Jefferson, Joseph, 50, 101, 102, 107

  Jefferson, Thomas, 171

  Jefferson Medical College, 66, 67–68, 73

  Jesunofsky, Lewis N., 167

  Johnson, Andrew, 75

  Johnson, Tom, 126

  Jones, John P., 184


  Leander, 128, 142

  Journalist (trade journal), 165

  Keen, William Williams “W. W.”

  awards and honors, 219

  background and qualifications, 64, 64–68, 70–71, 73

  on cancer recurrence, 197

  career and later years, 208–9, 219–20

  Cleveland examinations and health, 207

  Cleveland surgery risk assessments, 72

  death, 220

  Edwards’s mistreatment and vindication, 162, 210, 216

  on Hasbrouck’s press leak, 151

  military service, 218

  postoperative recovery, 95, 96

  Roosevelt, F. D., as patient, 219


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