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Evilution Page 5

by Lisa Moore

  Back to the topic of my essay, I said, “dragons and the entire medieval period were a topic I particularly enjoyed reading about as a boy. What boy doesn’t dream about dragons? I used to pretend that I was a great warrior and that I had my own dragon that would accompany me into battle. So you see I have had many years to formulate a hypothesis about dragons. Like you, I feel with so much talk of dragons through the ages, there must be some basis to all the stories. So, starting with the assumption that dragons actually existed, I tried to tackle the fact that to date there is no fossil evidence of them.”

  Not that I could tell her, but it also helped to speak to someone who actually had seen one. But the story of Han, like so much else in my history would have to wait to be revealed another day. I continued “I always like to revert back to nature to try and explain things. I looked at some of the common traits of dragons that have been written over the ages. One common trait is their ability to spit fire. I tried to think about other organisms that are known to exist that might share a similar trait, one that may have evolved from the dragon. I know of no other organism that can spit fire but there are certainly venom spitting snakes that exist today and it is a theory that there were venom spitting dinosaurs. I then thought what if the dragon actually spit flammable venom? Many warriors of the medieval time used torches to destroy their enemy camps. I wondered, could it be possible that the dragons spit venom that caught fire from nearby torches? It would appear as if the dragon actually spit flame. As far as lack of fossil evidence, well, many museums have huge stock piles of fossils that have yet to be identified. It is possible that scientists have yet to correctly identify a fossil they have found or even misidentified a dinosaur fossil when it was actually a dragon.”

  As I finished up my brief explanation of my theories of the dragon, I noticed that Lily had stopped eating and was staring at me with a most peculiar look on her face. Taking that look as one of incredulity, I started to say that my ideas may seem far reaching but to remember it was she who said to have an open mind on the subject of the fantastical. Lily shook her head and said “No you misunderstood my silent stare as disbelief. Actually I was just trying to process what you said and I find your theories quite extraordinary. You are an extremely insightful young man, Max. My mother would say you’re an “old soul”. You seem more mature than your twenty plus years.” “Twenty six actually,” I replied. “Really, I would have guessed from the look of your skin you were younger, but your attitude is that of a much older person.” She said.

  My revelation of my age seemed to register a small smile in her eyes. With me being older than she previously thought, perhaps she might not feel our ages were too far apart to be involved with me. This is an ironic thought since I am nearly a century older then she. Or perhaps I am projecting my feelings for her, into her every look and action towards me. I used the opportunity to inquire about her age. Not usually a favorite topic of women, I tried to phrase my inquiry into her age so as not to offend her. I said, “Well you can’t be much older, you look as if you are in your late 20’s but with all of your experience and level of education my guess would be 31.” “Thirty two actually and proud of it!” she declared. “I am not one of those women who are afraid of their age, at least not yet. I have accomplished quite a lot in my 32 years and I am proud of where I am today. I suppose if I were not so happy with my life’s journey to date I might feel more sensitive, but in order to do great things one must live a long life. I am simply trying to do just that.” “That is a very healthy attitude.” I replied.

  “Thank you Max for a most enjoyable breakfast. Now it seems I must leave the realm of myth and mystery and head to my faculty meeting before my next class. I look forward to your insights at our next class Wednesday.” “I have enjoyed our talk”, I replied. “I am going to look into registering for your independent study class. New Zealand over winter break sounds like an exciting option.” We both stood and our eyes held each others for an extra beat, “see you Wednesday” I said. As I watched her retreating form leave the dining hall, a new swell of excitement filled me. My next stop would be the registrar’s office and from there the library to do a little research on Augustine Angelone.

  Chapter 8

  Evidence of “Evilution”

  I left the dining hall, reflecting on my breakfast with Lily. Walking across campus, caught up in my excitement from being near her and the majesty of my surroundings, I reveled at nature’s beauty as the autumn sun blazed overhead in a sky so blue, it seemed painted. The crimson and golden hues of the deciduous trees that dominate the landscape were providing a breath taking finale before winter’s curtain falls across nature’s stage. All my years on this earth have not dampened my reverence for the natural world. It is my connection to it that sustains me through the countless, lonely hours.

  My first stop was at the Registrar’s office, where I quickly enrolled in the independent study class with Professor Bean. New Zealand again, it has been a long time. My last and only trip to New Zealand was in 1923. My mother Genevieve died in 1912, the year before I transitioned. After I transitioned, alone and confused, I roamed the globe. I was an immoral, gruesome creature, caught between humanity and death. Unaware of what had happened to me and unable to control my primal instincts for survival, I spent nearly ten years ravaging anything that lived, one village at a time.

  Near the end of that hellacious journey, I found myself in New Zealand. There was a small thatched house nestled in the lush greenery of the New Zealand country side. I was first attracted to the site by the scent of grazing sheep. After slaughtering nearly half the herd, a young farmer came out to investigate the commotion. I can only imagine his last thoughts as he stared at the hideous scene before him. Me, raising my head from the bloody carcass still steaming in my hands, a total lack of humanity to my stare, canines elongated and dripping blood mingled with venom. A feral creature of nightmares, illuminated by the quarter moon, I struck with a blinding speed, my fangs sinking deep into his neck. My attack, so quick and thorough, snuffed out his final scream before it had a chance to leave his lips.

  The blood thirsty frenzy continued inside the small little cottage. There I encountered the rest of the farmer’s family. Huddled together in bed were the wife and two young boys. As I tore at the flesh of the woman’s neck the two young boys tried valiantly to stop my attack. They screamed and pummeled me with their small fists as I drained the life from their mother. Their two small bodies crumpled easily under my grip and their screams quickly cut off, as my bite nearly severed their tiny necks.

  The room fell silent for a moment. Suddenly, filled with the blood of this decent human family, my savage nature was momentarily quieted. Like a sleepwalker awaking from a dream, I looked around at my surroundings confused and disoriented. The pure human blood from this small family seemed to quiet the beast I had become. For the first time in nearly ten years I could think of something other than the raging hunger and pain that consumed me. I had fed off anything I could catch and in the process became an amalgam of the various beasts I had consumed. As the fog in my brain continued to dissipate my memories of the past ten years started to become clearer. Just then a small pink arm pushed through the thin covering on the bed. Amid the ravaged bodies of her mother and siblings a tiny infant girl looked up at me.

  The crushing despair and guilt for the devastation I had caused, mixed with lingering confusion over what I had become, overwhelmed me. I cradled that infant in my arms. As I sat in the midst of ruin, the tiny little creature reached out her small hand and stroked my cheek with one chubby finger. As her hand continued to explore my face, gingerly reaching out to touch my fangs, I sat staring down upon those inquisitive eyes, marveling at the perfect features in miniature. That child, so pure in nature, incongruous to the horrific reality of the moment changed my life’s path forever. It was in that moment, that I regained my humanity. The first, of what would be nearly a centuries worth of att
empts at redemption, was my handling of the child. I swaddled her in the bloody bed sheet and brought her to a farmhouse nearby. After placing her at the doorstep and knocking to wake those slumbering within, I retreated to a darkened recess and watched her until she was safely inside.

  Over the years that would follow I have thought back on that night with conflicting emotions. There is always remorse for the devastation that I wreaked; however over time I have redefined my thoughts. I now view that night as my rebirth, and the years after my transition leading up to it, like one long, violent incubation period. During my long existence I have learned to accept my “evilution” and carry the guilt for the atrocities I have committed. I started out life as a human, I then evolved into a pure form of the darkest evil, yet with the astounding encounter with the family in New Zealand, I evolved further, into a new being, one that has learned to control his darkest tendencies. Recent experiences in my life seem to suggest I am still evolving.

  Engrossed in memories of my past in New Zealand I walked along absently. As my thoughts are brought back to the present I realize that I walked past my intended destination; the library, to research Augustine Angelone. I find myself behind the old oak, from which I watch Lily. It’s funny how the subconscious mind works. Your most basic needs or desires are always in the front of your subconscious whether you realize those needs or not. I realize that I need Lily.

  My current mood leaves me with little desire to go back to the library for research. Augustine Angelone will remain a mystery for another day. I chose instead to retreat into the woods making my way slowly off campus. Well away from town, I feel safe enough to head off into the deep woods at my more natural pace. I usually hesitate to travel at “vamp speed”, my personal version of “warp speed”, during the day for fear of being seen. But today my mood is melancholy and a good run almost always picks up my spirits. As I run through the woods, a blur, startling all manor of lesser beast as I pass through their niche, my thoughts are drawn back to Lily. I envision her magnificent features, her intriguing eyes, the fullness of her ruby lips giving way to a brilliant smile, revealing slightly imperfect yet sparkling white teeth. My pace slows as I near the site of the bear and hiker encounter. I stop at the stream. As I stand at the waters edge, listening to its melodic sound as the water rushes over rock, breathing in the scents of nature around me, I feel centered again.

  The thoughts of my past colliding with my present trouble me. Yet I am compelled along a path unlike any I have taken in my long years on this earth. I feel like a passenger in my own body, moving forward with a sense of excitement mixed with trepidation at the thought of having no idea where this new journey will lead. My instincts tell me that both my and Lily’s future are intertwined, but how still eludes me.

  Chapter 9

  An “Error” in the Genetic Code

  Mother Nature has worked her magic on me once again. Here in the woods my senses are filled with the sights, sounds and smells of the natural world. For me, this place has become my sanctuary; a place where I can go to find inner peace. Here, away from the bustle of life in town, my mind can settle down and I can think. One would imagine, with all the time I have had for self reflection, that by now I would have the answers I seek. It seems however, that over the nearly century that I have been a vampire, my self reflections often leave me with more questions than answers. There have been some occasions where I have found the answers I seek. My many years with Han, along with my relentless efforts at researching what I have become, have given me some insight.

  I was born human. For 26 years I lived a typical life for the time. I went to school, graduated, and ran the farm where I now live again. There was no indication during my human life that I was “different”. Sure there was a strong affinity for nature and a very strong sense of being in tune with my bodies’ natural rhythm, but many people boast those same qualities yet never become a vampire. I learned most of what I know about vampire physiology from Han, he has had centuries to figure out the strange creatures we are. The rest I have figured out with the help of modern technology, easy access to information, and a substantial fortune to support my research.

  It is really quite remarkable how the internet has changed the world. A person could stay isolated from humanity but as long as he has internet access and a P.O. Box, he has access to all he needs. I have used the anonymity of the internet to my advantage. I have procured the knowledge and tools over many years that have helped me in my studies of Vampirism. I have spent nearly the last three decades learning everything I could about the structure of DNA and how it functions in living things. I have studied genetic inheritance and mutations in DNA structure in hundreds of organisms. I set up a genetics laboratory on a small island that I own off the coast of Sicily. I have spent much of the last decade there, engrossed in the wonders of the blueprints for life.

  All living things have their own genetic code. A tree grows the way it does because each of its cells is “programmed” to develop a certain way. Stem cells develop to support the tree, root cells develop to obtain nutrients, and leaf cells develop to form leaves. These cells have the ability to trap the suns energy and turn it into fuel to live. What makes a tree become a tree and a human become a human is the specific code in each cell that tells the cell what to do. That code is in the DNA, the blue prints for life. In simple terms our DNA is like the blueprints that direct the cells to grow and develop to form all of our parts.

  To understand how a vampire’s body functions one must first understand the basics of the science of Genetics. Our DNA is made up of parts called genes. Genes are segments of chromosomes that control certain hereditary characteristics. These genes instruct the cell how to function. The genes are turned on or off in different cells allowing different cells to follow different commands and thus having different functions. Like heart cells are different from brain cells, they are different because they have different functions. Each cell responds to the commands turned on in the genes of that cell. A gene may be “turned on or off” in an individual. For example; if you have blue eyes it is because you received the gene for blue eyes from your parents. A mother with brown eyes could have the gene for blue eyes but in her body it would not be turned on. Instead, the gene for brown eyes is turned on. If she passed the gene for blue eyes to her offspring and it is turned on in her offspring then that child will have blue eyes.

  It’s astonishing to contemplate life on the sub-cellular level, to realize the power in one cell. In order to fit all of this information into the cell, the DNA is organized into structures called chromosomes. Each organism has its own specific number of chromosomes. Chromosomes contain many genes and other information that instruct the cell in its functions. When there is a change in the number of chromosomes, or the order of the genes on a specific chromosome, this changes the blueprints and will cause a change to the organism. This is what causes many genetic disorders. Depending on where the error occurs different disorders will occur. For example Down syndrome, a common genetic disorder in humans is caused when an extra copy of chromosome 21 is found in the cells. This extra genetic material causes a variety of changes in the individuals make up. By changing the blue print the outcome is changed.

  Not all genetic mutations end up being harmful to an organism. Genetic mutations that help an organism survive, get passed on in reproduction. If this happens continuously over long periods of time, it can cause permanent changes in the genetic code. This is one way species evolve and why I believe vampires are a branch off of the evolutionary tree of man. To simplify, as a human I was born with 46 chromosomes. For 26 years my genes in my chromosomes behaved in a way like most human men. My cells all did their specific jobs and coordinated their efforts to have my body functioning “normally”. Then something happened and I transitioned into a vampire. I will recount the story of my transition later. To this day I am still unsure as to what triggered the change in my genes, but something changed the c
ommands and caused me to become a vampire.

  The human genetic code is incredibly complex. Scientists are

  still unraveling its’ mysteries. For example, many genes in the human genome do not seem to have a function and scientists have called them “junk DNA”. In certain cases when cells are replicating sometimes there is a mistake during the process. A change in the order or number of genes can occur. In the case of Vampirism, two gene segments of “junk DNA” that are normally separate, fuse together causing an extra gene segment. This new gene combination causes changes in the way the cells function.

  I have studied my own remarkable abilities since transitioning to a vampire. I have collected hundreds of species of organisms that have similar characteristics. I have compared my traits of keen eyesight, acute sense of smell, extreme speed and strength, venom production and the ability for cellular regeneration to other organisms with similar traits. I have compared the genetic structure of these organisms to my own genetic structure. While as a whole, our chromosome numbers may be different, the way they work is basically the same. My latest research focuses on my findings of similarities in the extra segments of “junk DNA” that I possess, with segments of DNA in other organisms with similar traits. While the mechanism that supports the transition is still a mystery to me, it is clear my exceptional abilities that I now possess as a vampire have been caused by a re-programming of my genes to function in different ways.


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