Dementor (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 1)

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Dementor (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 1) Page 6

by Candace Blevins

  “Yo. Frost! Your steak’s gettin’ cold!” Apparently, her screaming was bothering Mad Dog, too.

  We all laughed, and thirty seconds later, when Frost came deep in the little bitch’s ass, we clapped and cheered.

  He sat and looked around, and drank half his glass of beer. “Damn, that’s good stuff. Who’re we missing?”

  Mad Dog took a swig of beer before he answered. “McGyver’s on loan a few days a week, and he’s in the control room. Kahn’s at the spa so it’ll open on time, and Bobcat’s off with his lady while she’s in hiding.”

  “His lady?”

  “Our esteemed counsellor. Tess McKnight has had death threats and a few assassination attempts. Drake Security has Bobcat and Tess at one of their safehouses. If she’d hired anyone else, she’d probably be dead.”

  Frost shook his head. “I like my balls too much to try anything with that bitch. She’s good at her job, but damn, she’s scary sometimes.”

  Mad Dog smiled. “Exactly who we want on our side. From what I gather, Bobcat has her number. Plus, she got you out almost a month early, and she got you a tenth of the sentence they were threatening you with originally, and it was bumped down from felony charges, so you shouldn’t be calling her names.”

  Frost drank the rest of his beer. “Damned straight. She kicked ass, but she’s still fucking scary.”

  Velvet had put pitchers out on the table, and Squatch grabbed one and filled Frost’s glass again.

  “Drink, brother. It’s damned good to have you back.”

  “We need to be there for Jakes when he gets out. He’s good people, and I know we aren’t going to recruit even though we need to grow, but he needs to be an exception. Dude’s a turtle and has a mouth on him, but he got a few hard lessons inside, so that seems to be fixed. Maybe we offer him a job and let him ask to join? I dunno, but we need him.”

  “He’s the one Tess had you protecting?” Mad Dog asked.

  Frost nodded. “Yeah.”

  “What was he in for?”

  “Saw someone punching a woman, and he nearly killed the dude. Turns out, it was the woman’s husband, and she defended the pussy bastard. Still, if he hadn’t hurt the asshole so bad, he might have escaped lockup. We shouldn’t use him as muscle until we’re sure he can handle it without going overboard, but I think he’d fit in with us. Tess’s people should be able to let us know when he’s due to get out, so we can be waitin’ for him.”

  “Anyone else?”

  “Yeah. Geeky dude. Raven. Needed protection and was willing to get me whatever I needed to make it happen. He’s the reason a lawyer showed up and gave you an envelope with ten grand in it, which I assume is waiting for me in the safe. He was working for a bank, but they fired him when he was convicted. We need a geek. He knows money and he knows computers. He’s officially in for fraud. He hacked a jewelry store to buy a ring for his girl without actually paying for it. Got away with it for a few months, and apparently would’ve been fine if they hadn’t been audited. The bitch of it is that his girl called the wedding off when she found out he stole her engagement ring. Have to feel sorry for the little guy.”

  “Little guy?”

  “He isn’t that small but he doesn’t have a clue how to fight. I started calling him Skippy, and I think it kind of took. He’s supposed to get out next month, assuming no one beats the hell out of him now that I’m not there anymore. I’ll call his lawyer later and make sure he lets me know the release date, so we can pick him up.”

  He took a bite and chewed, considering. “I invited a few others to come hang out with us if they’re interested, but no one else struck me enough to want to show up when they get out. There’s a few I’ll give a job to, if they come askin’. You know, once we have the construction company up and runnin’. How are we coming with the paperwork?”

  “The paperwork’s done so we can put you on the payroll to satisfy the terms of your release. We’re ready to go. Shouldn’t be hard to get jobs since everyone’s booked out so far, but we need contracts before we start hiring. Need to add you to the bank account.” He glanced at his phone. “Let’s plan to stop at the bank when we leave here. Once we have money rolling in, you’ll need an office. Ideally, it’ll be near the new clubhouse. Wherever that ends up being.”

  “We still thinking of doing a compound, like they have in Chattanooga?”

  “Maybe,” said Mad Dog. “We’ve always considered the spa and our houses our compound, but it’s so far from town, it wasn’t a functional one during the riots, when movement was dangerous. That’s a subject for church, but it’s still on the table.”

  Frost looked around the room. “I’ve talked with ya’ll regularly on video visitation, but there’s only so much you can say on a monitored call. How long is it going to take to get me caught up?”

  “Velvet, Squatch, and I put together some local news articles for you to read through,” Mad Dog told him. “Enough so you can see where LEO is, and read up a little on the new DA. We’ll catch you up on the other stuff Sunday at church.”

  “Nothin’ I need to know before then?”

  “You already know Bobcat, McGyver, Orange Crush, and Kahn from their respective chapters. You know we patched Gears in. The Big D is seein’ an adorable little spitfire of a swan, but she seems to be scared of wolves. There’s some stuff in her background about owls. I’ll let D explain it to you, so you’ll know.”

  Frost’s head swung towards me, clearly wanting to know more. He’s an owl, and for some reason I hadn’t considered how Ember might feel about walking in and scenting him. Damn. I needed to warn her.

  “Did you know Able?” I asked Frost.

  “Our old Owl King? Yeah. Ya’ll know why I didn’t fall under his direct reign, and why I could join ya’ll.”

  “That isn’t where I’m going. He had a...” I looked around. Not everyone knew her story, but I supposed they probably should. “Ember belonged to him for a while. The Swan King traded her for political favors. Sophia negotiated for her freedom once she was Queen, but Ember only wanted her to negotiate terms for her to stay with some autonomy. She was considered the king’s toy by his inner circle, though officially they were a non-monogamous item.”

  He leaned back and crossed his arms. “Ember? You’re dating Ember?”

  “You know her?”

  “Yeah. Quite well.”

  His tone didn’t leave any doubt — he’d been inside her, probably more than once.

  I took a deep breath and tried not to growl. Bears aren’t monogamous, but my inner animal and I were both caught off guard. “But you were excommunicated. How could you have had access to Able’s property?”

  “Ya’ll know my dad was in his inner circle. His Majesty was fine with me visiting my dad so long as I didn’t stay too long.” His brow furrowed. “Brother, the last time I was inside her was at least two years ago. Is this gonna be a problem?”

  I shook my head. “No. We’re good, but I’m not sure how Ember’s gonna feel about it. You do anything to make her uncomfortable, you’ll feel my fist.”

  Mad Dog started to call me down, but Frost put his hand up to stop our president. “Fair enough,” he told me. “I’ll be on my best behavior. If she’s important to you, she’s important to all of us.”

  “Okay, then we’re good.”

  “For the record,” Mad Dog said, “Frost’s status under the new king is the same. Took some negotiating, but he’s still ours.”

  The RTMC had originally been an MC for the wolves who didn’t want to join a pack, but who wanted the camaraderie of other wolves. When you join a pack, the leader gains control of your willpower. Most Alphas don’t take control unless it’s an emergency, but there aren’t any rules and they can pretty much do what they want. If enough of the pack doesn’t like an Alpha, they can try to find a way to replace him, but that’s the only recourse. Going it as a lone wolf is dangerous and lonely, and the MC gave the wolves a democratic brotherhood, where they didn’t have to give u
p their autonomy. There are no blood oaths and no magical connections, so no one can take over our willpower.

  Eventually, the MC’s enemies, including law enforcement, figured out a third of the brothers were gone around the three nights of the full moon, and it became a problem. So, they started letting other species in, but only the ones who weren’t sworn to a King or Alpha. They didn’t want anyone with questionable loyalty.

  The cats are an anomaly, since the Amakhosi technically has dominion over all cats and not just lions, but it was decided they don’t swear allegiance to him, so they can join. Snakes and hawks don’t swear allegiance, either. Neither do bears.

  Owls, however, automatically fall under their king’s demesne whether they swear allegiance or not. Unless they do something to be excommunicated, they aren’t eligible. Frost had managed to gain his autonomy without having to risk a death sentence, but only because his uncle was so close to Able.

  Which brought me to the fact Ember and Sophia are so close. Usually, brothers can decide what to tell their ol’ladies, but there’d be things I’d have to keep from Ember, since her allegiance was to her Queen.

  We ate, we showed Frost his apartment — furnished and waiting for him with fresh sheets on the bed — and we checked the pig. All big MC parties require the cooking of a whole pig. We were smoking this one. So many of our cooks had died in the battle, at first, preparing a pig had been an exercise in grief. You never know how much you depend on certain people for their specialties until they’re gone. We’d done this enough in the ensuing months, we were finding our own rhythm once again.

  Another problem we had — Velvet was our only ol’lady, so it’d been necessary for a few of the sweetbutts to step up and do the things the ol’ladies used to do. I helped Enigma and Banshee reconfigure the clubhouse for a party, and I noted Mad Dog walked around to be certain nothing was out in the open that shouldn’t be. We’re pretty careful about that, as a general rule, but it never hurts to be sure.

  Orange Crush was handling Blaze this evening, and Khan was handling the spa. All employees were scheduled to work, and they’d be a little short at both places, but we figured we could pull it off so our core Birmingham brothers could be at the party.

  Frost grabbed a sweetbutt at least once an hour and went at her. I noted he grabbed Banshee more than the others, and he used her ass every time.

  Just before the party was due to start, while it was still just the brothers sitting around shooting the shit, Frost had Daffodil blowing him. Not aggressively, just casual movement. She started out on her knees, but at some point stretched out on the sofa beside him, draped over his lap. I guess it was more comfortable. Frost didn’t seem to give a fuck how she did it, so long as she kept his dick in her mouth and kept moving.

  “Damn dude. You didn’t find any relief while you were inside?” Mad Dog asked when Daffodil stopped moving and Frost popped her ass and told her to keep going.

  “Wasn’t in long enough to find a piece of ass. Wasn’t quite that desperate. I fucked a few throats here and there. Couple a times a week. Nothing compares to the soft feel of a woman, though.” He chuckled. “Though I admit, one of the little twinks came close. Cute little guy. Found him a Daddy to take care of him and keep him safe. Not sure he counted on his new Daddy loaning him out for favors, but he was surviving okay.”

  “What did his daddy want from you?” Mad Dog asked.

  “Commissary shit, mostly. Needed me to be the lookout while he beat someone up once. That got me three trips down his boy’s throat.” He stroked Daffodil’s hair. “You’re doin’ good, Darlin’. Magic mouth you got on ya. Slow and easy.”

  Part of me wanted to lift her to her knees and pound her from behind, but mostly, I wasn’t interested. I’d gone a few days without sex, but I only wanted Ember.

  Squatch came up beside me and bumped my shoulder. “You have it bad.”

  “Have what bad?”

  “You didn’t do anyone this morning, and you’re only mildly interested now.”

  I sighed. “Maybe. I don’t know.”

  We both knew I was lying. I was head over heels for Ember. I was beyond happy to know she was seeing me today because she wanted to, not because she had to, but would she want to keep seeing me?

  McGyver was in the control room, and he let me know when her Crosstrek pulled into the apartment complex. I was outside the clubhouse when she pulled up, and I got into the passenger side and pointed her to my apartment.

  “How was your day?”

  “Classes kind of suck right now, but it was okay, I guess. My jiu-jitsu class was fun, at least. How was your day?”

  “It’s been great. So happy to have Frost back with us.”

  I tried not to be nervous when I opened the door to my apartment. It isn’t crappy, but it isn’t fancy. I’d cleaned up. Even put fresh sheets on the bed.

  “This is it. Not much to speak of, but it’s home while we’re providing security for the apartment complex. We’re at a hundred percent, plus we have a long waiting list, and we charge about a hundred and fifty percent of what the other complexes are getting, so it’s a solid business plan.”

  “With each biker in a different unit, residents have someone close if there’s a problem. I can see the appeal from a safety standpoint, and it’s a nice apartment.” She stepped into the bedroom. “How often do you make your bed?”

  “I think this may be the first time.”

  “You didn’t have to do that for me.”

  “No, I didn’t. I wanted to. Do you want to shower alone, or do you need help?”

  “I don’t want to wash my hair, so alone would be good. You want to sit and talk to me?”

  She started stripping, and it was everything I could do to keep from throwing her on the bed.

  I didn’t though, because I had something potentially bad to bring up. I waited until she was under the water to start.

  “I hadn’t considered there might be an issue with Frost, but I think there might be. We call him Frost because he’s a snowy owl.”


  I told her who his father was, and she went silent. I couldn’t pick her scent up while the water poured down on her. I had no idea where she was emotionally with this information.

  Finally, she said, “So you know he got to play with the king’s toys.”

  “It’s in the past. I’m okay, but I need to make sure you will be. He promised to be on his best behavior. He isn’t going to treat you as a toy. Even human bikers can be a little like cavemen, and the Rolling Thunder rules are based on wolf monogamy, so when you arrive with me, you’re mine. Period.”

  “I’ll be okay. I liked his dad. He was good to me. I didn’t mind servicing Frost when he was there. I’m pretty sure Frost did some jobs for them. Wetwork. Stuff when Able needed plausible deniability.”

  “If he did, I’m not aware. Mad Dog probably is. That isn’t something you should tell people, though.”

  She turned the water off and pulled the towel into the shower with her. “Agreed, but I figured it’s important we both be completely honest about this particular subject, and I’m pretty sure your biker code means you can’t rat on him.”

  She slid the shower curtain open, put the towel over the curtain rod, and stepped out. Completely naked.

  “I was going to wait until tonight to ravage you, but I think I may be changing my mind about that.”

  She rolled her eyes at me. “I kind of hoped you might have the decency to do that before I showered.”

  “I needed to talk to you about Frost before we did anything. Didn’t feel right to fuck you when I had important information you needed to know.”


  I pulled her to me, and with me sitting on the toilet lid, her nipple was in biting distance. I leaned forward and pulled it into my mouth, sucking hard.

  “Fuck, D.” The scent of her arousal filled the room.

  I reached up and twisted her other nipple while I sucked even harder,
and her scent jumped again. I let go of the nipple in my mouth, but kept squeezing and twisting the other. “The truly sadistic thing might be to leave you like this.”

  The look on her face was priceless. Disbelief and anger, though she tried to tamp down her annoyance so I wouldn’t see it. We’d have to work on that — I wanted to see her real reactions. She didn’t have to check her anger, so long as she didn’t voice it disrespectfully during sex.

  “Bend over my bed, spread your legs, and reach back and spread your ass cheeks.”

  I’m not a fan of using a whole lot of lube. I enjoy the heat and friction, so I gave my dick a thin coating and put a small dollop of coconut oil on the outside of her asshole. My bed is at the perfect height for me to fuck someone who’s bent over it, which meant her feet didn’t touch the floor. I have two steps on the side I don’t sleep, for sweetbutts who stay over. Sure, they can jump up, but steps make for a smoother entrance when I’m sleeping and they get up to pee.

  By now, I knew how she’d feel when I sank into her ass, but I still took my time — I wanted to feel every little jerk and spasm her ass muscles made while they stretched to accommodate me. Plunging in all at once has its merits because I love that initial scream, but all the little moans and yelps while I went slow were just as delightful.

  After two super-slow trips in and back out, I slammed in and fucked her hard and fast. I pressed her shoulders into the mattress to hold her in place, and I reamed her little asshole.

  But I was feeling more than a little sadistic, so I only let her get close to coming, and I slowed until she wasn’t on the edge anymore — four times in about fifteen minutes. She was so close, and so frustrated, and her scent had me granite hard.

  I usually came in her asshole, but I decided to pull out, which means I came all over her back.

  And, of course, I rubbed it in. I’d like to say I did it so she wouldn’t have to worry about jizz dripping out her ass while she met new people, but the truth is, I wanted to scent mark her a little more. I didn’t want there to be any doubt she was my little swan.


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