The Sheriff's Sweetheart

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The Sheriff's Sweetheart Page 5

by Cheryl Wright

  “As it turned out, it wasn’t a good move,” she said. “He seemed nice on the surface, but deep down he was quite violent.”

  Chris looked to Chase. “That’s pretty much what I was able to find out too,” he said, addressing Chase.

  “I rang your boss,” Chase said. “I knew they weren’t work injuries.”

  Isabella started to stand, but he grabbed her hand. “Please stay,” he said softly. “This is not about victim-blaming. It’s about catching the mongrel who is doing these things to you. Correction. Was doing these things. It will never happen again, I promise you.”

  He could see the tears trying to break through, and could see Isabella was doing her best to stop them. She sat down slowly and bowed her head, so he couldn’t see her face.

  “Isabella.” She ignored him at first, so he repeated his plea. “Isabella.” This time it was almost a whisper. He put his fingers to her chin and teased her face to look to him. “You are very special to me, and I am going to help you. No matter what, I’m going to get this guy.”

  A chill suddenly went up his spine.

  “He’s out there now, watching us. I can feel it,” he said as he stood.

  Chase and the Deputy strode to the front door. They stood outside the café and looked around. “I can feel him there too,” Chris said, his voice lowered. “You want me to go search?”

  Chase looked at him in the dulled light. “I don’t think so. We don’t know what we’re up against here. And this bastard is obviously violent.”

  Chris nodded, and the two returned inside.

  Isabella was sipping on her coffee when the pair sat down. “Did you see him?” Chase was sure she didn’t really want to know, but felt compelled to ask.

  He shook his head.

  “We’ll stay here a bit longer,” he said. “Then we’re going back to my place for the night.” He grinned at her. “You are now officially in my protective custody.”

  * * *

  Isabella didn’t know what to say, so she didn’t say a word.

  Until they arrived at Chase’s place.

  He had a lovely home. Modern looking from the outside, with a porch running all the way around. Ranch house style, Missy called it.

  Inside it was roomy, but cosy at the same time. The sitting room was filled with comfortable chairs, low tables, and a large screen television. Did he ever watch it? She understood his work was his life.

  The kitchen was fairly large too. Bigger than you’d expect for a home with two people in it. She knew Jenny enjoyed baking, so perhaps it had been custom-built with her in mind.

  Chase had told her to wander around and make herself comfortable. She’d felt more than comfortable the moment she walked in the door.

  The house was welcoming, and she felt as thought she’d lived there for many years. There were three bedrooms, Chase’s room being the biggest, with an ensuite going off it.

  It was reasonably bare, and it was obvious it was a man’s room. He was tidy, as she’d suspected he would be. There were no clothes laying on chairs or the floor, and the king size bed was made.

  He walked up behind her as she stood in the doorway and surveyed it. He wrapped his arms around her, and Isabella sank into him. She closed her eyes and enjoyed being in his arms again. Being with him again. Being held and comforted by him again.

  She could very easily get used to this.

  He leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss on the bare neck. “Kettle’s on if you’d like a cuppa,” he said, as he pushed her gently forward into the large room.

  She shook her head. She’d had more than enough coffee tonight. As it was she worried she wouldn’t sleep – between the coffee and the threats.

  “It’s nice,” she told him, and really meant it. She could easily get used to sleeping there. But she mustn’t think such things. Mustn’t be presumptuous.

  How she would love to be part of Chase’s life, but not unless he wanted her to be.

  “This is the larger of the spare rooms,” he said as they moved along the passageway. “It’s right next to my room, so you’ll be safe here.” He put his hand on her shoulder to reassure her, and she shivered.

  His touch was enough to start her longing all over again. Longing to be in his arms. Longing for his kiss. Longing for Chase.

  “You’re shaking,” he told her, and until that moment she didn’t realize she was. He pulled her to him, and wrapped his arms around her. This time they were face to face. “You will be safe here, Isabella,” he said, his words whispered in her ear. “I promise with all my heart. I will not let anyone hurt you.” He leaned down and lightly kissed her on the lips.

  She stared into his face. His eyes twinkled in the fluorescent light, and lit up. Their glances held for some minutes, and no words were spoken. He was there for her, and that was all that mattered right now.

  Everything else could come later.

  If that was what Chase wanted. He had his own demons to exorcise. Like the memory of his dead wife.

  Isabella knew it must be hard for him. Having to choose between her and his wife. A wife he would still be with today if it wasn’t for a drunk driver.

  “I, I’m sorry,” she said. “Sorry for everything.” And she was. Sorry she’d interrupted his life, sorry she’d let things get so out of hand. But most of all she was sorry she’d ever left River Valley.

  Things could have been so different between them if she’d stayed. But she’d had a job to return to. Things she had to do. Little did she know her entire life would change because of a chance meeting with a man she’d never met before. A man who had a hidden violent streak.

  A man who had nearly killed her on more than one occasion.

  She shuddered.

  She was safe now, and she needed to remember that.

  “Oh,” she said, suddenly remembering. “I don’t have any clothes with me. No nightgown. Nothing.”

  Chase smiled down at her. “Nothing sounds good,” he said, grinning from ear to ear. He lifted his hand to her cheek. “I’m sure I can find a t-shirt for you to wear to bed,” he said. “But it will probably swim on you.”

  She laughed. “Yes, it probably will.”

  * * *

  Isabella decided to have a cup of tea before bed. To calm her nerves.

  She had already donned Chase’s oversized t-shirt, and it certainly was big. It was nearly down to her ankles. He was such a tall man at 6’4” – especially compared to her petite 5’5”. Perhaps that was one of the reasons she felt so safe with him.

  She shook that thought out of her mind. It was simply because it was Chase. When you loved someone as much as she loved Chase, you immediately felt safe with them nearby.

  She gazed at him over the brim of her cup. The hot liquid soothing as she sipped.

  “Chase,” she said. “I don’t want to put you in any danger.” She took a deep breath. “Perhaps you should just take me to a motel.” She put her cup down on the table.

  “What the hell....?” He scowled. She didn’t like it when he scowled. “I’ve got deputies outside patrolling the place. You’re safe here. Don’t stress.” He reached over and put his hand over hers. His thumb stroking her hand lulled her into feeling better about the whole situation.

  “You have?”

  “I sure have,” he said. “You are totally safe.” He stared at her for a long moment then grinned. “You can sleep in my bed if it makes you feel safer,” he said, chuckling as he did.

  “Oh sure,” she said. “You’d love that wouldn’t you?” She grinned, knowing he was joking, but deep down she wouldn’t say no if she thought he was being serious.

  * * *

  Despite thinking it would be to the contrary, Isabella fell asleep almost the moment her head hit the pillow.

  She dreamed of being chased, and hurt. Unconsciously, she rubbed her recently broken wrist.

  She tossed and turned throughout the night, and every time she awoke, listened for any out of place sounds. She’d heard no

  She sighed and tried to sleep again. She looked across at the clock. It was 4.30am. She could hear the birds twittering, and frogs croaking. Trees moved in the breeze, and she could hear water flowing.

  Chase had told her a stream ran through his property, so that would explain the water sound.

  It all gave her the jitters. She didn’t want to stay here alone for another moment.

  She threw back the covers and leapt out of bed, heading for Chase’s room. When she opened the door, there he was. Sitting outside her door, looking as innocent as possible.

  “What the hell, Chase?” She knew she sounded annoyed, and that was fine. She was annoyed. Nothing had happened. No one had broken in, she was safe.

  He sat there and grinned at her, in a way that only Chase could do – and get away with it.

  “Whatsup?” There was that grin again.

  She ran back to the bed and grabbed her pillow, then attacked him with it. “Hey, you’re attacking the Sheriff, you know,” he said, laughing. “I could arrest you.” He still laughed, and she finally stopped when he pulled the pillow out of her hands.

  Then the mood changed. He stood up and looked down at her. His eyes smouldering. He was breathing heavily. “Isabella,” he said, his voice husky.

  Then he pulled her to him.

  She stared into his eyes and moved closer to him. Closer so she could feel his heartbeat, closer so he could pull her tight, and closer so her could kiss her senseless.

  He slowly bent his head, but didn’t kiss her. He lingered slightly above them, perhaps waiting for her acceptance.

  “Chase, kiss me for goodness sake,” she said in a whisper. He gently swiped his lips across hers.

  Her mouth tingled. She lifted a hand to them. “Chase,” she said breathlessly. “I,”

  His fingers touched her cheek. His thumb stroking, and his eyes sizzling. He put a finger to her lips. “Shhhh,” he said. And kissed her gently again.

  Isabella startled as his phone rang.

  “Callahan.” His eyes never left her, but he listened carefully to the caller. “Uh huh. Yep. Okay. Thanks.”

  He didn’t say a word, but grabbed Isabella by the hand and pulled her into the bedroom. “Get dressed,” he said. “And quickly.” He didn’t want his deputies ogling her in his oversized t-shirt, with nothing underneath. He smiled inwardly. That privilege was reserved only for him.

  He stood there, towering above her, not giving anything away. He didn’t want to scare her more than necessary.

  “Why,” she demanded. But he didn’t answer. “Then at least turn around,” she said, thoroughly annoyed.

  Chase turned, a scowl on his face and his arms across his chest.

  “He’s out there, isn’t he?” She said it matter-of-factly, but Chase knew she would be scared. As she should be.

  “Yeah,” he said. Not giving too much away. She didn’t need to know the mongrel was practically at the front door. He would have been there all night, but in the pitch-black darkness, he wouldn’t have been spotted by the deputies. Wouldn’t have been able to move around because he couldn’t see what he was doing.

  Now there was a little daylight, things had changed.

  His phone rang again. “Callahan.” He took a deep breath. “Yeah, thanks Kody, I know. I have deputies out there,” he said. “But thanks, Bro. Appreciated.” His brother Kody had seen the stranger from his front paddock as he worked, and so had called Chase.

  He disconnected the call. Being a rancher, Kody was always up with the birds.

  “Okay, Chase. You can turn around now,” Isabella said.

  Since she had no spare clothes with her, she was in that same pretty dress she wore last night. With those same pretty pink shoes she’d matched to the dress, but this time she had dark circles under her eyes. They marred her beautiful face.

  She took a deep breath and looked him square in the eye. “So what now?”

  Chase grabbed her by the hand. “We wait.” He pulled her toward the sitting room and sat her down. “I’ll put the kettle on,” he said.

  He filled it with water and switched on the appliance. He pulled up the blind in the kitchen and surveyed the area as best he could from within the house.

  He had some gall, that was for sure. Chase saw him moving around, trying to hide behind the lavender bushes Jenny had so lovingly planted. The bastard.

  He picked up his cell and called Deputy Chris. “He’s near the kitchen,” Chase said. “Hiding in the lavender bushes. Let’s hope he gets stung by the bees,” he added, without mirth.

  As he watched on, three deputies descended on the area Chase had told them about. He carefully watched as the deputies crept up and all pounced on him at once. After a small scuffle, they eventually handcuffed the man.

  He smiled, then turned and went into the sitting room where Isabella was waiting.

  “It’s over,” he said, squatting down to Isabella’s sitting level. “We have him in custody.”

  She leapt forward and hugged him, tears rolling down her face. He knew how she felt. His relief was palpable.


  It had been three months since Isabella’s ex had been captured and charged.

  He was now sitting in a jail cell for his crimes.

  Isabella had slowly put back the weight she’d lost, having been fattened up by Missy and Rory, as well as Chase.

  Tonight was special. It was to be a Callahan family party, essentially to celebrate the upcoming birth of the newest Callahan.

  As the water ran over her long blonde hair, Isabella savoured the warmth surrounding her. Her lavender soap made her skin feel nice, and left her smelling of the lavender bushes Chase loved so much.

  She’d all but moved in with Chase, and they were incredibly happy together. So perfect for each other.

  After her ordeal, they’d grown even closer, and she didn’t complain.

  She’d quit her job, and Chase had helped her to bring her belongings to River Valley. Little that they were.

  She heard the bathroom door open a slit. “It’s nearly time to go,” he shouted over the sound of the water.

  She looked across to him. “Pass me that towel, will you,” she said, teasing him. He apparently didn’t need a second invitation because he was there in a flash.

  His eyes slid over every inch of her, devouring every nook and cranny.

  She stepped out of the shower, and into the towel he held open for her. Chase wrapped the towel around her, and then wrapped her in his arms.

  He leaned forward and kissed her bare neck. She groaned. “Chase,” she whispered. “I thought we had to go.”

  “I guess we’ll be a little late,” he said quietly, his lips covering hers.

  * * *

  The party was in full swing when they arrived.

  “Oh, finally. We thought you’d never arrive.” Rory was laughing as he said it, as though he guessed what they’d been up to. Isabella felt the color creep up her face.

  Missy sat in a comfortable chair, up front where the action was, only a matter of weeks to go before the littlest Callahan’s arrival was due. Isabella walked over and hugged her precious cousin. “Love you,” she whispered in Missy’s ear.

  “Love you too,” Missy whispered back.

  Isabella sat down next to her, and the two talked. Chase stood chatting with his brothers, then nodded toward Isabella.

  “He’s up to something,” Isabella said. “I have no idea what, but he has been hiding something for days.”

  Missy smiled. “You know, don’t you,” Isabella demanded, then pouted. “Not fair.” She stomped her foot in a faux tantrum.

  Suddenly all sound ceased. The music stopped, the talking stopped, and the whole place was silent.

  Chase stood out the front and stared at her. “Isabella,” he said quietly. “Can you come here, my darling?” He put his hands out but she sat glued where she was.

  She looked him up and down. He was so handsome. So loving. And she thanked
her lucky stars for the day she met him.

  Missy leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. “Go on,” she said. “It will be worth your while.” She sat grinning, which only made Isabella more irritated. It seemed everyone knew what was going on except her.

  “Isabella,” he repeated, but this time he came forward and took her hands. She was now shaking. What was he up to?

  He escorted her to the front of the room. All eyes were on her. She licked her lips and flicked back an imaginary stray piece of hair.

  As she surveyed the crowd, she saw Aunt Lizzie was there. She’d be catering for the night. She often did that for the Callahan family.

  Lizzie was grinning from ear to ear. Isabella stared her down, wondering what Lizzie knew, but the other woman continued to grin.

  “Isabella,” he repeated her name once more, then dropped to the ground. “Isabella, will you marry me?”

  Her eyes filled with tears, happy tears, and everyone stood in silence, waiting on her answer, and Isabella was left standing alone as Chase continued to kneel in front of her.

  She stared down at him and licked her lips. “Yes,” she said quietly. Almost so quiet she didn’t know if he would hear. “Yes!” She said it again, more loudly this time.

  As he stood, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight.

  She was never again going to leave her beautiful cowboy Sheriff. She loved him with all her heart.

  The End.

  Enjoy this story?

  For a full list of the Callahan Brothers Series, click here.

  Check out the Callahan Brothers great-great grandmother Bessie’s story:


  About the Author

  Multi-published, award-winning author, Cheryl Wright, former secretary, debt collector, account manager, writing coach, and shopping tour hostess, loves reading.

  She writes both contemporary and historical western romance, as well as romantic suspense.

  She lives in Melbourne, Australia, and is married with two adult children and has six grandchildren.


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