One Night One Secret

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One Night One Secret Page 8

by Hollie Hutchins

  He swore under his breath. Her shyness made his cock stiffen. He had never met a woman who could go from sweet, to shy, to firebrand all in one evening like Susie. He remembered her anger from the garden when she thought he didn’t believe her, and now, she was almost coquettish in her innocence. He wanted her more than he had wanted any other woman in his life.

  As if reading his thoughts she reached up and ran her hand down his cheek. Using her delicate fingers to toy with the two days growth of stubble that lined his sharp cheekbones and chin. He sensed his jagged intake of breath gave her the courage to draw him down to her into a velvet kiss. Tentative at first, she kept her hands firmly on his face, but then she began to move her hands down his neck and shoulders, making him tense from the warmth of her touch. He moved his hands over her in return drawing her closer to him. God, she still tasted of vanilla. He was losing himself in her sweetness.

  He explored her mouth with his tongue and she explored his in return. The wolf in him awakened, and as he nipped her bottom lip gently with his teeth, she let out a small sweet moan of pleasure. He deepened the kiss. Using his free hand he drew her over his lap and backed her up into the pile of pillows on the bed, deftly removing the robe she wore with one pull of his hand. As she lay fresh and exposed he broke their kiss to take her in. She was beautiful. All those years ago he was too young and on his cusp. He was in too much of a rush to appreciate her perfection.

  She had delicate porcelain skin, and her rounded breasts moved gently up and down with her increased breathing. The sight of which drove him to distraction. He ran his hands up and down her torso needing to touch all of her. The dark centers of her breasts calling to him with perfectly tipped nipples. Cupping the first, then the other in his hands he rubbed and teased. Her eyes were closed, and he felt pleasure move through her as he took one taut nipple into his mouth, lightly tugging, tasting her and playing with her need. He switched to the other nipple, and she rewarded him with another soft moan.

  “Noth, please…” she begged, between breaths, bucking her hips, needing to be closer to him. His jeans were standing in the way. He quickly shed his own clothes while pressing her down.

  “I like it when you beg for me,” he said, trailing light kisses across her middle. There were faint, delicate stretchmarks on the sides of her stomach leading toward her hips, he licked and kissed the length of each; proud, and amazed. He took his time, giving thanks to the curves of her body that had grown a living, breathing being. His son.

  He dragged his lips and tongue along each thigh leaving her with a suggestion of what was to come. He found her sweet center. He kissed at her soft curls, tightly hiding the secret to her pleasure, using his lips and teeth to gently beg her to open for him, until she complied. The scent of her driving the wolf wild. He kissed and cajoled as she ground herself against his mouth, searching for the small secret kiss that would unlock all her pleasure.

  She whimpered his name, begging for more, driving his own pleasure to the point of losing control. Keeping the rhythm of his mouth steady on her, he entered her with first one finger, then two. He used his hand to explore her deeper, allowing her to ride him at the pace of her choosing. Her whole body tensed preparing for the release he so desperately wanted to give her. He briefly pulled back, he would not force her. He needed to know she wanted this as much as her body told him she did.

  “Noth, why…?” she asked, her heavy breath filled with expectation and need.

  “You are ready for me, sweet, sweet Susie, but I need to know you really want me. I need your permission,” he whispered. She was so wet and sweet, it was as if his entire life depended on her answer, but he would not take her without it.

  “Yes, Noth, yes, now… always.” She moaned.

  He wasted no time, bracing himself above her, he thrust deeply into her, again and again. She was warm and inviting. He marveled at how well their bodies fit together. Their rhythm matching. She gripped him tightly with her legs, using the force of her body to urge him to continue. It was too much for him to bear. Susie keeping pace with him, giving him more pleasure than he had ever known. The movement of her hips, and the soft echoes of her taut sighs making him thrust deeper into her. Her body molding around his in perfect union. He eyes closed and head thrown back in ecstasy driving him to distraction. Her body tightened and released in a rush of heat and electricity as her climax overcome her. He could hold out no longer. His body begged him for the same release. Stars exploded behind his eyes as he quickly followed her with a shuddering finish of his own.


  “Will Jason be safe if we bring him here?” she asked, rolling over to snuggle into the warm space created between their spent bodies. It was late into the night, and the fire had died down into faint embers. They had made love twice more, each time reaching heights of pleasure Aelnoth hadn’t thought possible.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her tightly against him. His wolf sated and enjoying her nearness.

  “He will be safe. You will both be safe under my protection,” he said.

  “I trust you,” she said before drifting off into sleep.

  His heart swelled at her confession. He hadn’t known how much needed her trust, but to hear her say it, he knew he would do anything to keep it. He didn’t want to worry her, but the situation was dire. If Catori, or worse Tylan got ahold of the information that he had sired a child in the human world, he ran the risk of angering the king, and giving the Alards ammunition allowing them to claim that he was not fit to lead his pack.

  If he was found unfit, the Ashlu clan would lose their lands and possessions. Worst of all, Susie was considered one of those possessions. She would fall into Tylan’s hands. He would do anything he could to prevent that, as long as he drew breath.

  In a very short time, she had somehow managed to fill a hole in his heart he was unaware needed filling. She was brave and strong. She would fight to the death for her son. He was in awe of her.

  He didn’t know how but he planned to convince her to be more than his breeder, more than the mother of his child, he wanted her for his equal, his partner, his mate. Part of his plan would have to be asking the king to allow the union. It was possible. Before she passed, the queen herself was a champion for human/shifter relations. Maybe the king also had a soft spot, he thought, before falling into a fitful sleep of his own.

  Chapter 15

  She was beyond happy that Aelnoth had come to terms with Jason being his son, and the days following were some of the best of Susie’s life. Lady Ashlu and Lady Alard were still on their hunt. She spent most of her time in Aelnoth’s office, studying shifter culture from the many books his father had collected on the topic and watching Aelnoth work. She was amazed by how astute he was and how he cared deeply for the land and his pack. She saw how he struggled with the harvest numbers. He HeeHe wanted to ensure all of the clan had enough food to last the winter and then some before delivering any excess to Tradonga for King Symes. Susie was in awe of his dedication, not only to his family but to his clan and kingdom. She was learning that Aelnoth was rare indeed.

  If she thought the days were good, then she had to admit to herself the nights were even better. Aelnoth had moved her directly into his rooms, and she spent every night in his arms. He surprised her with new and intriguing ways to give her pleasure, and she hoped she gave him the same in return. It wasn’t just incredible sex, Aelnoth treated Susie like a true partner. Asking her opinions about clan business, and trying to keep her up to date on his planning to bring Jason to Undervale.

  Her original goal to get in, find Jason’s father, get her boy the help he needed and to get out was starting to crumble. She was beginning to think she and Jason could find a home here. She didn’t know if she would have the strength to leave Aelnoth, if she had to. Of course, it was easy for her to find contentment in the relative safety of the Ashlu den. She couldn’t help but wonder how she would be received at court, or in regular shifter life. Humans were second-clas
s citizens here, even the legal ones, and she was certainly not legal.

  The only servant allowed in Aelnoth’s office was Matthew. So she had easily managed to avoid running into Donna or any of the other Alard servants. Susie was beginning to like Matthew. He was different than she first thought. It seemed he only had his friend’s best interest at heart and was not like Donna at all. Aelnoth didn’t treat Matthew as a servant, but rather like a consigliere. Matthew was privy to all of the pack secrets, and executed command for his master with quality, speed and dedication. She respected that about him. He was also easy on the eyes, although when she pointed that out to Aelnoth she swore she saw a flash of jealousy.

  As she sat on the couch reading a book of shifter fables, mainly centered around Guyutasa, Aelnoth’s great-grandfather and first shifter alpha of the Ashlu clan, Matthew entered the office, haggard and rushed.

  “Hey, boss, the hunt’s over,” he began, addressing Aelnoth taking a moment his hands on his knees, trying to regain his breath, but still flashing Susie his winning smile. She thought how lucky Aelnoth found him, she could definitely see how he would make some clan a beautiful genetic breeder. Aelnoth had saved him from god knows what kind of slavery. “Your mother has the kitchens preparing the catch, and she wants a full dinner tonight.”

  Susie noticed how Noth’s jaw tensed at the mention of a full dinner. She wondered what that meant for her. More than likely she would be asked to stay hidden in the rooms, and she was fine with that. The idea of meeting Lady Ashlu was intimidating, but being face to face with Lady Alard was alarming and she would prefer to avoid it, at all costs.

  “A full dinner? Is she insane?” Aelnoth replied.

  “I am not sure, but Alaina sent me to tell you. They are on their way back from the hunt. I have an evening dress set out already for Susie. It looks like tonight is show time,” he said. An evening dress? Was she expected to participate in a family function? She was a slave. That seemed odd, not to mention unfair to the other servants.

  “I guess it is, thanks for the heads up. Can you and Alaina also meet me here before-hand, we have some business I need to discuss with both of you,” Aelnoth said.

  Susie looked between the two men, unsure of what was happening, but desperate for any hint or clue in their expressions. They would both make excellent poker players, she thought. They gave away nothing.

  Matthew made a swift exit leaving Susie and Aelnoth alone again. He got up and crossed the office to sit next to her on the couch.

  “You have questions, my sweet?” he asked, stroking her arm and looking at her lovingly.

  “You know I do,” she said smiling, hoping her face didn’t betray her nervousness. She knew she would be unable to hide her apprehension from him for long. She was learning his wolf could scent out her emotions pretty quickly. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t try her best. “What is this dinner? And why do I need an evening dress for starters,” she asked, keeping her tone even.

  “After a hunt, there is usually a formal dinner. The kills are dressed and served to the family in a lavish meal. A throwback really to the old days. I thought for sure with everything that has happened my mother would be smart enough not to suggest it, but it seems she has.”

  “I still don’t see how this has anything to do with me. Everyone thinks I’m a slave, surely I wouldn’t be expected to attend a family dinner?”

  “While you are a slave in the truest sense, Ashlus have always given breeders for our pack with the highest regard,” he began. “You are expected to attend, be charming, and the women of the pack will inspect you to see if you are worthy to carry on the Ashlu name,” he finished, sheepishly looking away from her.

  He was embarrassed. She knew he hated the idea of purchasing humans and using them in any kind of forced labor or sex. He had told her his dream to work with the king’s son, his friend, Symes, to stop the practice throughout Undervale someday. He had also told her how Symes hated humans for some reason, but he was a good man, and Aelnoth hoped to change his mind. But until those things could happen, on this day he was still very much bound by pack tradition. It tore him apart.

  “Inspect me?” she asked.

  “It’s a ritual of sorts, during the meal there will be questions. An interview. You can expect them to ask about your family, upbringing, medical history, and…” He looked away. Whatever it was made him ill at ease. She placed her hand on his thigh, through her touch she needed him to know it was ok to continue. She wanted to put him at ease. She was strong enough to handle it.

  “And?” she asked.

  “Ugh,” he sighed, she usually loved it when he raked his fingers through his unruly hair. It made him look young and vulnerable, but this time it was stress and unease that cause him to do it. “They will want to know your sexual history.”

  Her what? That was absurd. She never thought in a million years she would have to explain her history with men to complete strangers. No wonder he was embarrassed. It was a complete intrusion.

  “Will Lady Alard be part of this?” she asked. “She is not Ashlu.”

  “No, she isn’t, the only thing I can figure is mother is offering this to her as some sort of olive branch because of what went down at the auction,” he said.

  “But Lady Alard must see it as…” She was unable to finish her sentence. As what? She didn’t have an answer. How could quizzing her about her past sexual experiences do anything for Lady Alard.

  “She’s cunning. She must see this as a way to get ammunition on me. Remember she is a wolf, she will be able to sense things. If your heart rate goes up, if you begin to sweat, she’ll recognize the signs of a lie,” he warned. “Having you at this dinner is incredibly risky.”

  “I may not be a wolf, but I won’t do anything to jeopardize our son. I hate having to lie to your mother and sister about us, about Jason, about all of it. I don’t see that we have a choice,” she said.

  “It’s what must be done.” He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips in a reassuring kiss. It was just one night, they could get through one night, she thought. So much depended on it.

  “I should go see about that gown. I don’t know about Matthew’s taste,” she said. Might as well make the best of a bad situation.

  Aelnoth laughed. She liked that could make him smile even when they had the odds stacked against them.

  Chapter 16

  “So, let me get this straight. During the hunt dinner, you think you can keep the whole existence of the boy under wraps? Then you want to beat Lady Alard to the King, telling him first at the Harvest Festival in order to beg his forgiveness for a mistake you made six years ago in the human world. Did I get everything?” Alaina said, slumping into the overstuffed library chair.

  Aelnoth loved how the size of the chair swallowed his petite little sister making her look 12 years old again, rather than the brave, strong, spy she was for Ashlu. He had just finished relaying everything that had happened over the last two weeks to both her and Matthew. They were the only two aside from Susie he trusted. He would need their help.

  “Well, sister, you did forget one part,” Aelnoth said. “The part where I want you to illegally cross the border back to the human world into Toronto, get the boy and bring him here so we can do a proper DNA test proving he is Ashlu so there can be no claim against him.”

  She shook her head in disbelief, her brown curls framing her large eyes making her look just a bit like how he imagined their mother looked like in her prime. Those eyes now filled with laughter at her brother’s absurd idea. She shot a look over to Matthew trying to get him on her side in believing Aelnoth crazy.

  “Don’t look at me kid,” he said. “I am a human slave, I can’t cross the border at all.”

  “Alaina, he is your nephew. You are young, it will be easier for him if you are the one to bring him here, rather than anyone else,” Aelnoth said.

  “And have you told Susie any of this plan yet?” she asked.

  He hated that she could di
al into his brain so easily. She knew he needed to bring the boy here, have the DNA test so he could prove to the King and all of the court that Jason belonged to him. After the King forgave him his youthful transgression—if the King forgave him—Jason would be installed as his rightful heir. He would also beg the king to allow him to mate fully with Susie. Jason would grow up shifter with both of his parents, knowing his power and his worth. He would be happy and healthy. Surely Susie would see this is the best course of action.

  “She knows enough of it, if not all of the particulars,” he said.

  “When do I leave?” she asked.

  Aelnoth knew his sister would be on his side. She knew the travesties committed against humans and like him, saw that there could be a better way. She had no animosity for any living being, unless that being crossed her family. Then, she could be deadly.

  “First morning light, the boy is with his grandmother. Susie has written a letter to give the woman, you shouldn’t have a problem,” Aelnoth said. “Bring him straight here. It shouldn’t take you more than half the day, there and back. Take only the underbrush roads through the farm fields. I don’t think the enforcers are anywhere near Ashlu lands right now. Especially with Lady Alard as our guest.”

  “Alard and her servants leave at the noon hour tomorrow to head back to Trodanga,” Matthew chimed in.

  “Good, that’s perfect,” Aelnoth said, then turning to Alaina, “you’ll want to bring the boy here under the cover of night. Make sure you bring him right to my chambers, and make sure all of the Alards are gone.”

  “Got it,” she said. “And who do I tell the boy I am?”

  “Tell him the truth, you are his aunt,” Aelnoth replied. “Susie and I have talked about, we want no lies told to Jason.”

  “I’m an auntie,” she said, smiling. Aelnoth hadn’t given much thought to how his sister and mother would react to the news of the boy, but seeing the look on his sister’s face warmed his heart. Ashlu put family first. His mother instilled that in both he and his sister when they were young pups. Even though his father was a hard man, difficult to know and love, Aelnoth also knew the man would take silver for both of his children and his mate. Pack before all else.


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