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Eden Page 20

by Bobbi Smith

  "Did everything go all right when you were running the errand today?" Adrian asked.

  "Yes, sir. Everything went fine."

  "Good, good. Where did you run into the reverend?"

  "We met him when we were at the store, and he walked back with us," Paul told him, without lying. He wasn't about: to reveal the candy the preacher had bought them.

  "That was nice of him to walk: back with you. Did he go to the bank with you, too?"

  "No, sir," Paul answered, again not lying, for they hadn't been with him at the bank.

  "Well, thanks for your help, Paul. I appreciate it." Adrian dismissed him then, relieved. He would have worried if Logan had been at the bank with the boys when they'd delivered the note to Talbott. Now, it was just a matter of a few hours. His excitement grew.

  Paul left the office feeling quite pleased with himself that he had told the truth.

  The hours passed far too quickly for Logan. Soon it was evening, and he and Eden were settled in at their apartment for the night. Eden was busy preparing their dinner while Logan poured them each a cup of coffee. With the utmost care, when she wasn't looking, he tore open the packet he'd purchased that day at the apothecary and poured the contents into her cup, then stirred it in until it had dissolved completely. Logan knew he should have felt guilty doing it, but at that moment he was only feeling relief. He had to make sure Eden didn't show up at the warehouse tonight. He had to know she was safe here in their home. He would protect her-even from herself.

  "Delicious," he complimented her after they'd eaten and were relaxing over their coffee. He was watching carefully to make sure she drank it.

  "Thank you," Eden sighed, taking a sip.

  They lingered at the table for a while. Logan drank his coffee and got a refill, while Eden drank slowly, making hers last. Logan couldn't decide what was worse-anticipating the night to come or anxiously wanting her to drink the whole cup so she got the full dose of the sleeping compound he'd added to the brew.

  "I think I'm ready to call it a night," Eden said wearily as she got up to pour out what was left of her coffee.

  "You're that tired already?" he asked.

  "I really am," she sighed.

  Logan watched as she dumped out almost a third of her coffee and started toward the bedroom. He hoped the amount of the drug she'd imbibed would be powerful enough to keep her in a deep sleep long into the night.

  Knowing he had to follow what had become their normal routine, Logan got ready for bed, too. He slipped under the covers beside her and gathered her near. Eden seemed as eager as ever to make love, and there was no way he could even consider denying himself.

  Logan gathered her to him and worshiped at the altar of her body. Anguish filled him, for he knew this might be the last time she came to him fully and without reserve.

  "I love you, Logan," Eden whispered in a sleep-husky voice as he moved over her to possess her fully.

  He did not answer, but kissed her passionately in response, telling her by that intimate embrace what she meant to him. She welcomed him, opening to him, taking him deep within her and matching his rapturous rhythm.

  Logan was lost in a haze of pure sensual pleasure. For that moment in time, he allowed himself to believe that there were just the two of them in a world all their own, a world where there was no war, no hatred, no Yankee or Rebel-there was only love.

  United as one, they sought and crested the heights together. They clung to each other in ecstasy's delight as waves of excitement washed over them. They lay quietly together in the aftermath of their loving, neither speaking, merely savoring the glory that was theirs.

  Logan did not move away from Eden. He wanted to make sure she was deeply asleep before he left her. He was to meet Jim, Sam, and the others who would be working with them that night at 10:30 on the levee near the warehouse. He could not risk waking Eden when he left, so he remained quietly in bed until he couldn't delay leaving any longer.

  Moving carefully so as not to disturb her, Logan left the bed and dressed. He gently drew the blanket back up over her, then went to the table in the kitchen and sat down with pen and paper. He wrote a single sentence that he believed expressed everything she needed to know. He folded the note and left it on the table where she would find it easily. After getting his gun out of the Bible, he checked once again to make sure it was loaded and put it in his coat pocket, then closed the Bible.

  He returned to the bedroom and leaned down to press a tender kiss to Eden's cheek. Relief swept through him when she didn't stir.

  Without looking back, Logan left the apartment. This was the night he'd been waiting for. They were going to trap Adrian and his men, and then he would find out the location of the camp where Braden was being held. Filled with grim determination, he got his horse and rode for the meeting place on the riverfront. He hoped that by this time tomorrow he would be on his way to rescue Braden.

  Shortly before midnight, Adrian met with Nathaniel, Steve, and the others as had been arranged. They made certain they had the supplies they needed to set the warehouse on fire; then they made their way to the riverfront. The men kept a careful watch as they went.

  "If you see anything unusual, say the word, and we won't go in," Adrian warned them on the trek down.

  A few blocks from the warehouse, they split up and circled the area to make sure all was quiet. They noticed nothing strange. There were no Union soldiers around, just the usual number of drunks, some passed out, some staggering, along the levee. There were dock workers still laboring in the night, too, but no sign that anyone was aware of their plan.

  Adrian's confidence grew as he and Nathaniel closed in on the back of the warehouse. There were numerous windows there, and they forced one open. They were grateful when it made little noise. It was dark inside, so they believed the element of surprise was theirs. They planned to get in and out of the building before anyone had any idea of what was going on. The other men joined them there. Darrell was posted to keep watch at the end of the passageway, and Adrian was going to stand guard outside the window because of his leg.

  "All right, let's set see what kind of fireworks we can set off tonight," Adrian encouraged them in a low voice.

  Steve led the way as they climbed inside. They wanted to destroy the munitions and disappear undetected into the night.

  Logan was hiding in the darkened recesses of the warehouse with Jim and the Union soldiers who were backing them up. The soldiers had supplied Logan with a sidearm, knowing his derringer wouldn't be enough protection if a fight broke out. They were waiting and watching from their vantage points as Adrian's men started to enter the building. Logan knew that Sam and several of their men were outside, lying in wait for the Rebs, so they had Adrian and his men effectively surrounded already. All they had to do was bring them in.

  Logan and Jim shared a knowing look as the men climbed in the back window. They silently signaled the Union captain. They were ready, and it was almost time.

  Steve, Nathaniel, and the others crept inside the building. They knew they couldn't light any lamps, so they had to move carefully around in the dark as they prepared to sabotage the warehouse.

  Logan knew that the moment they were all inside was the time to take action. They couldn't risk giving them the chance to plant any explosives or start any fires. He was angry that Adrian had remained outside, but knew the man wasn't going to get away from them tonight. Adrian's days of spying and sabotage were over.

  They waited only moments longer before making their move. As soon as all the Rebs were inside, Logan called out.

  "Stop where you are and drop your weapons! You are all under arrest!"

  Shooting erupted instantly at his order.

  Steve and Nathaniel fired in the direction of his voice as they all dove for cover. The soldiers hiding in the warehouse returned the fire, pinning them down.

  Outside, Adrian heard the commotion and drew his gun, ready to go to their aid, but before he could climb in the windo
w, one of the soldiers who'd been hiding nearby started to close in on him.

  "Adrian! Look out!" Darrell shouted as he saw someone coming up behind Adrian. He'd heard the shots being fired and was running to help. He managed to get off a round at the man, but it went wide.

  The man returned his fire. His aim was true, and Darrell was wounded and fell. The soldier had no time to go check on him; he had to stop Adrian.

  Adrian realized to his horror that he had led his men into a trap. Swearing, he turned and got off several rounds in the direction of the Yankee as he shouted to his men inside, "Get out of here any way you can! It's a trap!"

  The soldier dodged Adrian's shots and returned fire. Adrian screamed as one of the bullets hit him. He fell, his gun flying from his hand.

  The fighting raged on inside the warehouse.

  Nathaniel had scrambled away from the heaviest of the shooting, wanting to start a fire in the back of the building and provide his men with enough cover to escape. He was working to start the blaze when he felt the cold metal of a gun pressed against the back of his neck.

  "Stop what you're doing right now," Jim ordered.

  "Jim?" Nathaniel was completely shocked, and he went still. Adrian had suspected it was the minister who'd betrayed them, but all along it had been Nathaniel's own employee who'd been after them!

  "That's right. Just back on away from what you were doing. It's over. There's not going to be any more trouble here tonight."

  Nathaniel was furious, but he did as he was told. There was nothing else he could do. If he tried anything-anything at all-he would be a dead man.

  Jim quickly searched him and took his gun.

  "I'll see you in hell for this!" Nathaniel swore.

  Jim smiled tightly but said nothing. The shooting had ceased, so he knew the fighting was at an end. He directed the banker back to the rear of the building. By the time they reached the area, the lamps had been lighted, and he could see that Logan and the others had everything under control.

  "You were one of them! You bastard!" Nathaniel cursed when he saw Logan standing over the other members of their group who had already been disarmed and bound, hand and foot. Several of the men had been wounded.

  Just as Nathaniel finished speaking, the door opened and Sam and a Union soldier came in half carrying and half dragging the wounded Adrian. The other soldiers who'd been hiding outside followed them.

  When Logan saw they had Adrian, he rushed to help carry him.

  "There was another one out there standing guard. I took a shot at him and thought I wounded him, but when I went looking for him he was gone," the soldier said as he and Sam laid Adrian on the floor.

  Adrian was conscious, but bleeding from his wound. He looked up to see Logan come to stand over him. Hatred shone in his eyes as he glared up at him.

  "I was right about you all along, preacherman." He said the word with pure venom in his tone. "You were just using Eden. Does she know what a lying bastard you are?"

  Logan felt the stab of his words but didn't respond. He looked at the captain. "Get these men out of here, and somebody go get a doctor for him."

  The soldiers took over. A wagon was brought up, and Adrian, Nathaniel, Steve, and the others were loaded into it and taken off to be locked up under military guard. Several soldiers stayed behind to stand guard over the warehouse.

  Logan, Jim, and Sam went looking for the missing Reb, but they could find no trace of him.

  "Whoever he was, I don't think he'll be causing us much trouble anymore. Forrester and his men are finished," Jim said with satisfaction as they returned to the warehouse to check it over one last time. "Good job, Logan."

  Logan was feeling some sense of satisfaction, too, but he was not finished. "I'm not through yet.

  "What do you mean? We've just brought down Forrester's whole operation." Jim didn't know what more needed to be done.

  "Now that we've got Forrester and Talbott, I need to have a personal talk with them."

  "Why?" Sam asked.

  Logan looked at the two men. "Because the Union guard who was wounded and taken prisoner on the Bayou Belle was my brother. I'm no longer on assignment for Cotlar-my job for him is done. Now I'm working for myself. I want to find my brother and bring him back to New Orleans."

  "God only knows where they could have taken him," Jim said.

  "God-and Forrester and Talbott," Logan said grimly. "I intend to find out what I need to know from them tonight."

  "Are you going after your brother alone?" Sam asked.


  "You won't stand a chance by yourself. I'll go with you," Sam volunteered.

  "Thanks, Sam." Logan truly appreciated his offer. He needed all the help he could get. "But first I've got to get the information out of one of them."

  "Let's go to headquarters. They'll have them locked up there," Jim said.

  They left soldiers in charge of the warehouse and headed off to confront the leaders of the spy ring.

  Eden came awake in the darkness of the night. She was feeling strange, a little light-headed. She stretched, reaching out for Logan, wanting to touch him and feel the quiet strength of him beside her. When her hand touched only the sheets, she was startled by his absence. Eden told herself he'd probably just now gotten up from the bed and that was what had roused her.

  "Logan," she called softly, wanting to draw him back to her side.

  Silence was her answer.

  Eden frowned, trying to make sense of her jumbled thoughts. Surely Logan had to be there somewhere. Maybe he just hadn't heard her.

  "Logan?" She tried again, this time calling a little louder, but still she got no answer.

  Slipping from the bed, Eden drew on her wrapper and made her way from the bedroom. She noticed she was a little dizzy, so she moved cautiously. After looking in the sitting room for him, Eden moved into the kitchen. She lit a lamp and turned it up so she could look around. It was then she saw the note on the table. She grabbed it up, fearful that something terrible had happened and he hadn't wanted to wake her to tell her about it.


  Just know that, no matter what, I truly do love you.


  A chill ran down Eden's spine as she stared down at the note in her hand.

  What did "no matter what" mean?

  Struggling to concentrate, she looked around the room. She frowned as she saw Logan's Bible on one of the chairs. It was then she realized that something was wrong-very wrong. He would never have gone off without his Bible unless he'd been in a hurry.

  Worry consumed Eden. She sank down in a chair, wondering where her husband had gone. She picked up his Bible and ran her hands lovingly over the leather binding. This Holy Book meant a lot to Logan. She'd never had a chance to look through it before, so she opened it, intending to read some scripture to calm her fears.

  Eden gasped as she stared down at the book. The center of its pages had been cut out in a strange shape, leaving an opening that could be used for hiding something-

  Like a gun.

  A myriad of emotions stormed through her.

  Had Adrian been right?

  Horrible suspicions tore at her heart. Logan was a minister-wasn't he? He was a preacher who had come to the Haven to help the children. But if Logan was really a preacher, why would he need to carry a gun hidden inside his Bible?

  She thought back over her time with him. Had she been fooled? Had he used her to his own ends? Had his declarations of love been lies? Where had he disappeared to in the middle of the night without a word?

  Eden had to find out. She would go to the Haven. If Logan was there taking care of a crisis of some kind, she would know that her worries and fears about him were wrong. But if she got to the Haven and Logan wasn't there...

  The possibility sent a shaft of pure pain through her heart.

  Determined to learn the truth, Eden quickly dressed and left the apartment.

  "Where's Adrian Forrester?" Logan asked Captain Shawn Va
lint after he, Jim, and Sam arrived at the jail where the men had been taken and identified themselves.

  "Forrester's been taken to the hospital."

  "Is he under guard?" Logan did not trust Adrian, even wounded.

  "Yes, and he will be the whole time he's there."

  "Good. I have one request, I need to speak with Nathaniel Talbott alone, somewhere private."

  "Yes, sir."

  Captain Valint showed Logan into a small, windowless room off the main office. It was furnished with only a table and chairs. The Captain lit the lamp on the table, then left Logan alone while he went to get the prisoner.

  Sam and Jim waited outside in the office. Captain Valint brought Talbott through, his hands tied before him. Talbott shot Jim a hate-filled look but didn't speak.

  "Here you are, sir. I'll be right outside if you need anything," the captain told Logan.

  "Thank you, Captain." Logan turned to the banker after the officer had left and closed the door behind him. "Please, have a seat."

  Nathaniel considered refusing on principle, but went ahead and sat down. He didn't speak right away. He simply sat there watching Logan, wondering what he was up to. He realized what a fool he'd been to have been so completely deceived by Jim-and by Logan, too.

  "I need your help," Logan began.

  "Go to hell, Reverend," Nathaniel responded coldly.

  "I need some information," Logan went on, undeterred by his attitude.

  "Why don't you pray on it?"

  "I don't have time to play games with you, Talbott. As I said, I need some information that I think you can provide. If you choose not to, well-prison camps aren't known for their comfort, and the guards aren't especially fond of spies." Logan noticed that the man's expression paled a bit at his unspoken threat.

  "Who are you?" Nathaniel's gaze narrowed as he studied Logan.

  "I'm an agent for the United States government. If you choose to cooperate with me, I'll see what I can do to help you."

  Logan had deliberately chosen to approach the banker, for of all the men they'd taken captive, he was the one who would be most affected by serving time in prison.


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