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Eden Page 22

by Bobbi Smith

  "Let's go up and make sure he's resting quietly," Francene suggested.

  They made their way back up the steps to the attic. The room was cramped, with one small window. Eden had hung a dark cloth over the window so no one outside would know there was any activity going on up there during the night.

  Francene and Camille entered the room to find Darrell lying with his eyes closed on the narrow cot they'd set up for him. The blanket was drawn up only to his waist. His shirt had been discarded, and his chest was wrapped in bandages. He looked very pale, and Camille clutched her mother's hand, suddenly fearing that his condition had worsened. When they saw the steady rise and fall of his chest, they realized he was sleeping.

  Camille sighed in relief and stepped outside the room with her mother to talk for a moment. They spoke softly so they wouldn't disturb him.

  "I'll stay with Darrell for now, Mama, if you want to go back to bed and try to get some sleep," Camille offered, seeing how exhausted her mother looked. It had been a long, traumatic night for all of them-from Darrell's unexpected arrival, to the horrible news about Logan's involvement, to the doctor's secret visit.

  "I suppose it would be best if I did rest for at least a little while," Francene agreed. "Will you be all right up here alone?" She worried about her youngest daughter, for Camille had never been the most nurturing of souls. She usually recoiled from anyone's pain or suffering, preferring to ignore the ugliness of life.

  "I'll be fine. If anything unusual happens with him, I'll come and get you immediately," she assured her mother, surprised at how calm and capable she suddenly felt.

  "All right, darling. Thanks." Francene went downstairs to her bedroom to seek what ease she could.

  Camille entered Darrell's room and closed the door. She sat down in a chair by the bedside to watch over him. As she did, she studied his features, visually tracing the lean strength of his jaw, the straight line of his nose, and the dark arch of his brows. He was not a classically handsome man, but she was drawn to him in some elemental way. She wondered if it had been the pain she'd seen mirrored in his eyes or the fierceness of his will to survive.

  Camille sat back and tried to relax. There was nothing more she could do for him right now except maintain her vigil and pray he recovered fully. She would do both.

  Eden took the doctor home and dropped him off just as dawn claimed the land. When he'd gone inside, she sat in the buggy for a long moment, trying to decide what to do next. Overnight, her marriage had been completely destroyed. The trust she had placed in her husband had been shattered, and her heart felt as though it, too, had been broken into a thousand pieces. Her life had become a living hell, and somehow she had to find a way to deal with all that had happened.

  Eden's anger returned as she thought of Logan, and it gave her the strength she needed to act. She knew it couldn't be avoided, so she decided to return to the apartment right then and be done with it. Her plan was simple. She would collect all of her things and move into the Haven. Adrian would not be returning, so she had to find a way to continue to care for the children.

  The possibility that she might find Logan at their apartment troubled Eden, but she girded herself for the possible confrontation. It was bound to happen some day, so she had to be ready for it. In truth, she hoped she didn't see him, for she wasn't sure how she would react. Her emotions were in complete turmoil. She hated her husband, yet she couldn't deny that a part of her still loved him-still cared about him.

  Eden thought back over their relationship as she made the trip to the apartment. It was clear to her now why he'd been so concerned about marrying her to "save" her reputation. He had seen the marriage as an opportunity to get closer to Adrian, and he had. Their marriage on his part had been a sham from the beginning. The memory of his note slipped into her thoughts, but she pushed it away. Eden hoped and prayed as she made the trip to the apartment that Logan would not be there.

  Eden's prayers were answered. The apartment was exactly as she'd left it. It didn't take her long to pack her clothes and gather her few belongings. She paused by the table where Logan's note lay next to the Bible, and her heart ached at the deception that had destroyed her life and her happiness.

  Allowing herself a moment of sadness, Eden longed for the days when she'd believed Logan to be the wonderful, heroic reverend. He had saved her from harm. He had made love to her. He had married her. She had thought he cared about her, but he'd been acting the whole time. He'd been there to bring down Adrian, and for no other reason. Falling in love with her hadn't been a part of his plan, so she had simply been discarded as soon as she had become inconvenient for him.

  For a moment, Eden considered taking his note and Bible with her. Then her anger took over again. She turned her back on both items and walked away. She did not look back as she locked the door and headed for the Haven. She didn't know where Logan was, and she didn't care. That part of her life was over.

  Camille had been keeping watch over Darrell. When he began to stir resdessly and moan slightly in his sleep, she grew worried that his condition was worsening. She went to his side and reached out to touch his forehead, checking to see if he was running a fever.

  At her touch, Darrell's eyes few open, and he reacted swiftly, reaching up to snare her wrist.

  "Oh!" Camille gasped as she found herself staring down at him and fearing the momentary look of madness that shone in his eyes. "Darrellyou're awake-"

  "Awake?" he muttered, frowning as he focused on who she was and where he was. When reality returned, he let his hand drop away from her, but not before he'd noticed how fragile she had felt to his touch.

  "You've been sleeping since the doctor left," she explained, wanting to calm him.

  Darrell tried to move, but pain savaged him.

  "Don't," Camille ordered. "Dr. Unger said we were to keep you quiet and make sure you rested."

  "But I have to get out of here," he insisted desperately. "The Yankees will be looking for me. I can't stay here."

  "Oh, yes, you can, and you will," she dictated.

  "But if they find me here..." He was worried about protecting Eden's family. They had been kind enough to help him, and he didn't want the fact that he was a fugitive to put them in danger.

  "They won't find you. We'll keep you safe. Don't worry." She put a restraining hand on his shoulder.

  Darrell nodded, wanting to believe her. He drew a ragged breath. The touch of her hand was calming, and because of it and the soft, soothing sound of her voice, he let himself relax.

  "Thank you," he told her.

  "Don't thank me. Thank Eden. She's the one who managed to get you here safely, and she's the one who convinced the doctor to come and take care of you."

  "I will thank her when I see her again, but you're the one who's taken me in," he said. "I don't want to cause you any trouble."

  "Mother and I are more than glad to help you. My father and brother are off fighting, and I'd like to think that someone would help them if they were in trouble."

  He nodded and closed his eyes against the pain that was ravaging him again.

  Camille returned to her chair. She would not leave Darrell alone, but would stay by his side until her mother came back.

  Eden was not looking forward to the coming scene at the Haven. Somehow she was going to have to explain Adrian's absence-and Logan's. She considered telling the children the truth, but they had already suffered so much trauma and loss in their lives that she wanted to avoid it if she could.

  "Miss Eden! Need some help?" Paul asked as he saw her coming through the front door with her arms full. He was on his way into the dining room for breakfast, but was more than willing to go to her aid.

  "Yes, thanks, Paul."

  "Come on, Mark."

  The two boys went to help her, taking up her bundles.

  "How come you're bringing all your things back?" Paul asked, curious. Mr. Adrian had returned, and when he did, Miss Eden always went home to live.

"I'm going to be staying with you for a while again," she answered him.

  "Mr. Adrian's gone?"

  "Yes, he had to leave last night," she offered.

  "What about Reverend Logan? Is he coming here to live with you?"

  "No. I'll be the only one staying, and, in fact, Reverend Logan was just called away, too. He might not be back for a while."

  "That's all right," Paul told her with a big grin.

  "Yeah, we like having you here best," Mark put in.

  Her heart broke as she gazed down at the boys.

  "It's nice to be wanted." She managed a smile for them, but it did not touch the sadness in her eyes. She was glad the boys were too young to notice.

  "Have you got anything else you need us to bring in?"

  "As a matter of fact, I do. Come on, we'll go get it together."

  The three of them went outside to finish emptying out the buggy. It didn't take Eden long with the boys' help, and soon she had everything inside in her room. She made short order of stow ing things away, then went to join the children for breakfast. She didn't feel much like eating, but she would make a show of it and then announce to everyone that Adrian had been called away.

  As Eden entered the dining room, she wondered what kind of story she should tell them about Logan. She had no idea where he was, and no idea if, or when, she would ever seen him again. Tormented, she tried to keep up a smiling front for the children, but she knew that sometime that day she was going to have to confide in Jenny all that had happened.

  The time came sooner than she'd hoped. They had just sat down to eat breakfast when someone knocked loudly at the Haven's front door.

  "Excuse me, children. I'll be right back."

  Eden went to see who was there, and she was shocked to find a Yankee officer and several soldiers standing on the porch. She stepped outside and closed the door behind her to keep the children from seeing them or hearing what they had to say.

  "Good morning, ma'am," the officer spoke up. "I'm Major Anderson. These are my men. I'm here to inform you that Adrian Forrester has been arrested for spying, and we're here to make a complete search of the premises."

  "Adrian was arrested? For spying?" Eden hoped she seemed truly shocked by his revelation. But beyond her acting, she knew true terror as she waited for him to arrest her, too. This man was a Yankee, and if Logan had revealed to him her part in working for the Cause, she would be arrested and taken away by these soldiers right now. It took every ounce of her self-control not to panic.

  "Yes, ma'am. Last night Mr. Forrester and his men were caught in the act of trying to sabotage a warehouse of munitions near the riverfront. One of his men was wounded and managed to escape. We're here to conduct a search to see if we can find the fugitive."

  "You think this fugitive might be hiding here? But this is an orphanage "Eden protested.

  "Yes, ma'am, but Adrian Forrester ran this place, did he not?" the major insisted.

  "Yes-yes, Adrian does-did." She was suddenly tremendously relieved that she had made sure nothing had been left lying around to reveal Darrell's unexpected visit last night in Adrian's room.

  "Then we're going to look around. If you'll excuse us?" The major started to move past her to open the door.

  "Wait!" Eden said quickly, sounding as nervous as she was.

  Major Anderson gave her a suspicious look.

  "No-I have nothing to hide. I just want to let the children know that you're coming in, so they won't be frightened by your presence. You can come with me and listen to what I have to say if you don't believe me, but, please, Major, let me speak with the children before you begin your search."

  "That will be fine," he agreed to her terms.

  Eden led the way indoors. They went straight into the dining room.

  "Children, we have visitors this morning." She introduced the major. "Major Anderson is here to take a look around the Haven. So, let's give him a warm welcome, shall we? Everyone. `Good morning, Major Anderson.'"

  The children greeted him with her. Eden watched them carefully to make sure no one looked frightened. She saw angjy looks on the older boys' faces, but everyone else seemed calm.

  "Thank you, Major. Can I be of any help to you?" Eden offered graciously.

  "No." His answer was terse as he directed his men to begin.

  Eden remained in the main hall watching and waiting to see what they were going to do. Jenny came to join her, looking more than a little nervous.

  "What's going on?"

  "Adrian's in trouble. I'll tell you more later when the Yankees are gone, but don't let on to the children that anything's wrong. I don't want to frighten them," Eden advised her.

  It didn't take the major and his men long to go through the building, but they found nothing except her father's gun in the dresser drawer.

  "Major Anderson, that gun is my personal property. It belongs to my father, and I keep it with me here in case of an emergency," Eden told him.

  The officer handed over the gun to Eden. "If you should see or hear from a man named Darrell Ankarlo, report him to us right away."

  "I will, Major."

  "Thank you for your cooperation, ma'am."

  With that, the Yankees left, and Eden felt like collapsing into a heap on the floor. She'd never known she could be so tense.

  A sense of relief swept through her. It seemed certain that Logan hadn't turned her in as a possible spy. Surely, if he had, the major would have arrested her and then searched her apartment and her mother's home as well.

  Eden gave silent thanks that Logan had not betrayed her. Even as she thought kindly of him for a moment, the reality of all that had happened returned, and she angrily denied any kinder feelings for her husband. He meant nothing to her. What had existed between them was finished.

  Pulling herself together, Eden returned to speak with the children. It was time to let them know that Adrian and Logan would be gone for a while.

  Adrian's expression was bleak as he and Nathaniel sat on their cots in the jail cell. He had been brought to the jail only a short time after being treated at the hospital.

  "How are you feeling?" Nathaniel asked.

  "It hurts like hell, but the doctor said it's not life-threatening." Adrian gave him a twisted smile. "Of course, the Yankees have been known to hang spies, so I guess that doesn't matter much."

  "They're not going to hang us," Nathaniel said, sounding quite certain.

  "How can you be so sure?"

  "Because I talked to Logan. He said he'd help us.

  "He said he'd help us? Why would he?"

  Adrian was stunned, and instantly suspicious of any deal Logan might have offered Nathaniel. He knew firsthand that Logan couldn't be trusted.

  "It turns out that the Union guard who was shot on the Bayou Belle was his brother. Logan's a government agent, and he came down here to find him. He said he would help us if I told him where the prison camp was."

  Instant fury raged within Adrian at Nathaniel's betrayal of the Cause. He knew it was a good thing that he was too weak to act upon his anger, for had he been stronger, he would have physically attacked the banker. "You fool! What the hell were you thinking?"

  "I was trying to save our lives!" Nathaniel insisted.

  "You were trying to save your own life! Whose side are you on? You just sent that bastard off to kill more of our men!"

  "Logan said-"

  "I don't care what he said! He's a Yankee! He'd lie and tell you anything-promise you anything just to get what he wanted out of you!"


  Adrian would not let him speak. "Look what he did at the Haven. He disguised himself as a minister and seduced Eden. And you made a deal with him-a deal with the devil just to save yourself!" Adrian cursed him in disgust.

  Nathaniel was angered by Adrian's attack and countered, "What does it matter? Logan will probably be shot long before he can get anywhere near the camp."

  Even as he said it to shut Adrian up, though, Nathaniel
knew that he didn't want Logan dead. The man had promised him nothing for the information he'd given him until he returned from freeing his brother.

  "I hope you're right, but don't count on it," Adrian snarled at him, his fury growing because there was nothing he could do to change anything. He was a prisoner himself now and helpless before the Yankees.

  "Forrester, you have a visitor," the guard announced as he came into the cell area.

  Adrian looked up to see Eden being ushered in. In spite of her strained expression, she looked lovely to him as she always did, and he was thrilled to see her. He'd been worrying about her, wondering if she'd heard the news and wondering, too, how she'd reacted to the discovery of her husband's true identity. Gathering his strength to stand, Adrian moved unsteadily to face Eden through the bars of his cell.


  She greeted him and Nathaniel and the others before addressing him solely.

  "Adrian, how are you? A Major Anderson came to the Haven and told me you'd been arrested." She didn't add that she'd learned about his wound from Darrell. "But the major didn't say you'd been shot-"

  "I'll be all right."

  "Oh, Adrian. I'm sorry. So sorry." Her words were a hoarse whisper. Her misery was real.

  Their gazes met, and Adrian could see from the pain reflected in her eyes that she had learned the truth about Logan.

  "It wasn't your fault," he told her quietly so the guard who was still in the area couldn't overhear him. "There was another man involved, too. He was undercover, working at the bank."

  Though Logan had been a part of it, Adrian knew that Eden had been an innocent in what had happened. Logan had used her, coldly and callously.

  "I didn't know." She was shocked by his disclosure. "But what's going to happen to youand to Nathaniel and Steve and the others?" She looked toward the men in the cells beyond his.

  "We don't know yet. I'm sure that in time there will be a trial of sorts." He'd been trying not to think about the future-or his lack of one,


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