Secret Heir Seduction

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Secret Heir Seduction Page 9

by Reese Ryan

  “Yeah, I guess we did.”

  Heat flared in her chest and her belly tensed as they stared at each other, neither of them speaking. Finally, Darius broke the silence.

  “Still, I shouldn’t have...and it won’t happen again. So there’s no need for you to stop using the pool. I screwed things up between us, but I honestly do care for you.” He sighed. “I hope that we can be friends.”

  “I’d like that.” She nodded.

  Darius checked his watch, then grabbed his keys off the kitchen counter. “It’s getting late. We’d better head out.”

  She couldn’t help smiling. Darius hated being late. In fact, he was usually early for everything.

  “You know, it’s silly for both of us to drive when we’re headed to the same place. Why don’t I give you a ride to the clubhouse?” Audra tried not to sound eager.

  “Or I could give you one. Your driving still makes me a little nervous.” He chuckled.

  Audra laughed, the tension between them easing slightly. “It isn’t my driving that makes you nervous. It’s the fact that you aren’t in control. Same reason you don’t love flying.”

  “Maybe there’s some truth to that.” Darius massaged the back of his neck. “But I had to get over it. The flying thing I mean. I had to hop a plane with a moment’s notice to meet with investors in the beginning. So I finally read that book you gave me on nervous flyers. It helped. I hardly think about it anymore.”

  “I’m glad. And I accept your offer. Let me close up the house, then I’ll meet you at your SUV.”

  Darius agreed, his mouth cocked in a wry grin that did things to her.

  It’s just a ride into town.

  They’d be alone in the car together five minutes each way. Ten, tops. She could certainly keep her head, and legs, together that long.

  Still, Darius Taylor-Pratt was her personal Kryptonite. She needed to maintain emotional distance from the man. Or else she was going to need to get herself a damned good lead suit.

  * * *

  “Audra, you look rather happy this morning.” Sophie grinned as she dispensed coffee into two mugs.

  “Good morning, Sophie.”

  Audra liked Sophie Blackwood. She could imagine them becoming friends. So she didn’t want to hurt Sophie’s feelings, but they needed to have a serious conversation.

  “Could we talk for a sec?” Audra stepped closer and lowered her voice.

  “Uh-oh.” Sophie put the mugs back on the table. “You’re upset about the other day.”

  “I’m not upset.” Audra touched the woman’s arm. “I realize that you’re happy and in love and you think everyone else should be, too. But Darius and I had our chance. It didn’t work out for us. We’re both okay with that.”

  “Are you?” Sophie asked. “I mean, I know it’s none of my business, but we couldn’t help noticing that your lip gloss was smudged on Darius’s face. You two were obviously kissing before we arrived.”

  Audra’s face heated. She cleared her throat. “Darius and I talked this morning. It was a mistake neither of us plans to repeat. I appreciate your concern, but we’re both good with things the way they are.”

  “I hope I haven’t caused any problems between you.” Sophie sounded incredibly sad.

  “Everything is fine. In fact, we rode in together this morning. Just because it made sense,” she added.

  “All right,” Sophie agreed begrudgingly. “No more shenanigans from me. Scout’s honor.” She touched three fingers to her forehead in a Scout salute.

  “Thanks, Sophie. Now tell me where you need me this morning.”

  “Come with me. I’ve got just the spot for you.”

  A slow smile spread across Sophie’s face and her brown eyes danced mischievously. Audra groaned quietly. Despite the other woman’s promise, something told Audra that her plea to Sophie had fallen on deaf ears.

  * * *

  “Thanks for volunteering again today.” Kellan approached as Darius filled his mug with steaming hot coffee.

  “No problem. How’s your wife?” Darius inquired.

  “Mornings are tough for Irina right now. But she’s anxious to meet you. She wants me to invite you for dinner one evening.”

  “Sounds great. Let’s shoot for a date after Fashion Week. Right now, even when I’m not working, my brain is running through everything and trying to head off a million ways the show could go wrong.”

  “Sounds like a lot of pressure.” Kellan sipped his coffee.

  “It is.” Darius added two packets of sugar to his cup. “But I enjoy the entire process. It’s just the nature of the business. I’m fortunate to be doing work I love.”

  “Can’t ask for much more than that in life.” Kellan set his empty coffee mug with the other dirty ones. “There’s one other thing that Sophie and I would like to talk to you about.”

  “Oh?” Darius sipped his hot coffee. His gut tensed at Kellan’s serious tone. “What is it?”

  “It’s about our father’s estate. As you know, the old bastard cut us out of the will and left everything to his ex-wife.” Kellan tried to maintain an even temperament, but even without knowing the man well, Darius could tell that he was seething beneath that cool facade.

  “Yes. What of it?” Darius hadn’t talked about money or the estate with either Sophie or Kellan. He didn’t want them thinking he was only after a payday.

  “Miranda was married to our father for a short time. The house, the land it sits on, the Blackwood Bank...none of those things should go to her. They should stay in the family.” Kellan frowned deeply, and his blue eyes turned stormy. The crinkles around his narrowed gaze, filled with pain, made him look considerably older than he had moments ago. “Sophie, Vaughn and I put up with a lot of shit from our dad over the years. So did our mother. Those holdings are part of our family’s legacy. That’s why Sophie and I are contesting the will. And we’d like you to join us in the claim against Miranda.”

  “I see.” Darius sipped his coffee. His mind spun as he considered what Kellan was asking of him.

  Miranda had made it clear that she had a genuine interest in partnering with his company. If he joined his siblings in contesting the will, he could kiss the deal with Miranda’s Goddess brand goodbye.

  There was a hell of a lot of money at stake.

  According to his personal lawyer, Blackwood’s estate was worth hundreds of millions of dollars, even split between the four siblings.

  But the deal with Miranda would also be extremely lucrative—not just for him personally, but for his employees and the investors who’d believed in his vision from the start. And creating a line for the Goddess brand could be the springboard that would prompt other companies to collaborate with Thr3d to create their clothing lines, too.

  “What’s Vaughn’s position on this?” Darius asked.

  Kellan laughed bitterly. “He wants nothing to do with our father’s legacy. If Vaughn up and changed the name of his company from Blackwood Energy to something else completely, I’d hardly be surprised. His position is that Miranda should enjoy whatever portion of the inheritance would’ve gone to him. Sophie and I, clearly, don’t agree.”

  Darius hated to disappoint his new brother. He liked Kellan and Sophie and relished the kinship he felt with them. But he had an obligation to his business. He’d spent most of his adult life constructing what he hoped would one day be a billion-dollar international brand.

  He couldn’t allow the warm, fuzzy feelings toward his newfound family to destroy everything he’d built. Not now, when it felt like his goal was in reach.

  “Look, Kellan, I appreciate that you and Sophie want me to join in on the claim. That’s generous of you, given the circumstances. But the reason I came here was to partner with Miranda and her Goddess brand. If I join you and Sophie in the suit against her—”

  “You’ll blow t
he deal.” Kellan groaned quietly and shrugged one shoulder. “I get it. You’ve known us all of two weeks. You’ve probably been working toward a deal like this for years.”

  “Exactly. And I’m not saying that I won’t do it. Just that I need some time to weigh out the pros and cons. My entire team is depending on me. I can’t make a decision on a whim just because I’m incredibly fond of both of you. I hope you understand.”

  “I do.” Kellan nodded. “We’ll respect your choice, either way. It doesn’t change the fact that you’re our brother, and we want you to be part of our lives.”

  “Thanks.” Darius’s shoulders relaxed. He really did like both Kellan and Sophie. “Can I get back to you on this in a few weeks?”

  “Fine by me. I think Sophie would be okay with it, too.” Kellan glanced toward where Sophie was waving the two of them over. “It appears we’re being summoned.” Kellan nodded toward their sister.

  Darius finished his coffee and discarded his cup. As he approached Sophie, there was a mischievous glint in her eyes.

  Please, no more of Sophie’s unsolicited matchmeddling.

  “Good morning, Kellan and Darius. We have new work assignments.” Sophie consulted the clipboard in her hand.

  “Okay,” Darius said cautiously, his belly tensing with the suspicion that his sister was up to something. “Just tell me where you need me.”

  “We’ll be working in the gardens again, but with different partners this time.”

  “Who am I working with this morning?”

  Sophie’s grin deepened. “Rafaela Marchesi.” She swept her hand in the direction of a beautiful woman, who he’d guess was about ten years his senior. She stood about three inches shy of his height and had cascading waves of thick brown hair.

  The woman grinned and her eyes, the color of root beer, danced as she surveyed him. She extended a hand for him to kiss.

  He held it in both of his instead. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. Marchesi. I look forward to working with you.”

  “Likewise, Darius.” The woman smiled, seemingly amused that he’d politely dodged kissing her hand.

  She was statuesque, with her hourglass figure and perfect posture. Her designer skinny jeans clung to her frame and her off-shoulder blouse nicely complemented her shape.

  Rafaela slipped her arm through his. “And please, I must insist that you call me Rafaela.”

  “I will.” He nodded. Something about the hungry way in which the woman scanned his frame made him feel naked.

  “Audra, there you are.” Sophie called to her as she entered the outdoor space.

  His gaze met Audra’s and then hers zeroed in on the woman’s arm wrapped around his. The easy smile on her face turned to a scowl momentarily. But then she forced a smile.

  “You haven’t lost your partner already, have you?” Sophie teased.

  Tripp, the man who’d been so fascinated with Audra the previous week, suddenly appeared. He handed her a bottle of water.

  Darius’s hands curled into fists at his sides suddenly and his jaw clenched. He shifted his gaze to Sophie, who was smiling like a Cheshire cat.

  Well played, Sophie.

  “Darius, you must tell me all about your company. Sophie tells me that you’re a designer and that you’ll be doing a show at LA Fashion Week. How fabulous,” Rafaela was saying as she led him to the far side of the garden. “Of course, you must know that before I joined the cast of Secret Lives, I was a model myself.”

  Rafaela is a member of the Secret Lives cast?

  “No, I wasn’t aware.” He really needed to catch an episode or two of the show, if for no other reason than to be able to identify any other cast members he might run into around town. “But it doesn’t surprise me.”

  Her smile widened, as her grip on his bicep tightened. “You’re a very handsome man, Darius. Have you ever been married?”

  He sucked in a deep breath and sighed.

  It’s going to be an incredibly long day.


  Audra worked with Tripp to replant new bushes. Her new partner was handsome, to say the least. But he was also well aware of it. Yet, despite his cocky, flirtatious, uninhibited nature, Tripp was funny. They’d spent a good portion of the afternoon laughing.

  The two of them had been teamed up with his sister, Tessa, and her husband, Ryan Bateman. They were an adorable couple. Down-to-earth, sweet and funny. The three of them had kept Audra in stitches with their antics. When she learned Ryan had lived next door to Tripp and Tessa’s family and the three of them had been friends practically since infancy, she wasn’t surprised. Their love and friendship was evident, especially in their teasing banter.

  It only made sense that Ryan and Tessa had eventually fallen for each other. She envied their love. It was apparent that their relationship had been built on friendship first.

  Audra was not quite thirty, but in recent years, more and more of her friends and cousins were getting married. She’d started to think more about settling down and raising a family of her own.

  She glanced over at Darius, who was working with former model Rafaela Marchesi. The woman touched Darius every chance she got, and she drank in his physique like it was a thousand-dollar bottle of champagne and someone else was paying the tab.

  Of course, Rafaela had five ex-husbands and was a star on the Secret Lives of NYC Ex-Wives reality show filming in town. So someone else undoubtedly was paying the tab. The way she looked at Darius, Rafaela was evidently cruising for her sixth husband and considered Darius a good prospect.

  “Audra.” Tripp touched her shoulder and she nearly jumped out of her skin. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, but I called you several times and you didn’t hear me. They’re about to serve lunch.”

  “Sorry. I was lost in thought.” Her cheeks heated under the knowing grins of Tessa and Ryan. Tripp seemed far less amused. “You don’t need to wait for me. I’m just going to finish planting this last bush, then I’ll be right in.”

  “We’ll catch up to you guys,” Tripp told his sister and his brother-in-law as everyone else in the yard, including Darius and Rafaela headed inside. “Save us a place.”

  Ryan nodded, then slipped his arm around Tessa and headed toward the building.

  Tripp helped her set the last bush into the ground and then filled the hole with dirt. Then she watered it.

  “Thanks for waiting for me, Tripp.” Audra removed her gloves and slid her sunglasses on top of her head. “But you didn’t need to. You’re probably starving.”

  “After all of the work we did this morning, I’ll bet you are, too.” He removed his own gloves and put them with their tools. They both headed inside. “So, that Darius long ago did you two break up?”

  She tensed a little. It was no secret that she and Darius had been a couple. Sophie had told Tripp and the others as much when they’d volunteered last week. Still, it felt odd to talk to Tripp about it. Especially when she was having a myriad of conflicting feelings about Darius.

  “Five years,” she said finally. “Sometimes it feels like it was a lifetime ago. Other times—”

  “It feels like it was just yesterday?” His light brown eyes twinkled in the sun. “I’ve been there before. Must’ve been weird for you, running into him here after all this time.”

  “It was. It is,” she stammered. “But I think we’ve come to an understanding.”

  “Is that why you’ve been staring at Rafaela all morning like you’re ready to drag her all over the yard by her extensions?”

  “I was not looking at her that way,” Audra protested. When he stared at her incredulously, she sighed. “Okay, so maybe I was. It wasn’t intentional.”

  Or maybe I don’t have things worked out as well as I thought.

  “I know you didn’t ask for my advice, and if you don’t want it, feel free to tell me to sh
ut the hell up.” He stopped, just before they stepped inside the building.

  Audra studied Tripp’s face. She barely knew him. Why should she care that he’d noticed her staring flaming daggers at Rafaela Marchesi? And who cared about his advice on the subject?

  Evidently, she did.

  “Okay, Wise One.” She folded her arms and tipped her chin. “What say you?”

  A wide grin spread across his handsome face. “Be honest with the guy and with yourself. Whatever it is you’re feeling, just...feel it. Don’t pretend the feelings aren’t there. Wade through them, rather than trying to find a way around them. That’ll only get you stuck in the quicksand. If you don’t tackle your emotions head-on, they’ll sabotage future relationships.”

  “Wow. That was remarkably insightful.” She narrowed her gaze at him. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “I am so misunderstood and underappreciated, I might add.” He laughed, the sound filling the courtyard. “I happen to be a font of fantastic relationship advice. I just haven’t worked out the whole applying-it-to-myself thing, yet.”

  “Yeah, I get that.” Audra couldn’t help laughing, too. “I guess I’m surprised because...” She shrugged, her words trailing off. “I don’t know.”

  “Because I’m obviously attracted to you. So you didn’t expect me to do something as selfless as suggest you be honest about your feelings for your old flame?” Tripp folded his arms.

  “Something like that.”

  “Then let me set your mind at ease. I’m not being selfless. I’d love to spend time one-on-one with you, Audra. But if we ever do, I don’t want that guy lingering in your head,” he said with a self-assured smirk.

  “You know, Tripp Noble, you’re much deeper than you let on.” Audra smiled. “And thank you for the excellent advice.”

  “That must net me a hug or something.” He opened his arms wide.

  Audra laughed and hugged Tripp before they headed inside to wash their hands and join the others for lunch.


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