Paper, Scissors, Rock

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Paper, Scissors, Rock Page 10

by Nicole S. Goodin

  He placed soft kisses to my thighs as he went, sending shivers up and down my spine.

  The music in the background was building slowly, making the moment feel more intimate and intense.

  Nothing in my life had ever felt so erotic.

  He tapped lightly on the top of my foot and I lifted it, stepping out of my pants. He repeated the action on the other foot and I complied. It was as though my body had forgotten how to function without his instruction.

  I almost felt like I was his puppet – he pulled a string and I moved. Just the idea of that should have repulsed me – given my history, but I knew I could trust Parker. He wasn’t Stephen – he was nothing like him and he’d never, ever take advantage of me.

  Parker skimmed his fingers lightly up the sides of my legs and stomach as he stood up tall. I shuddered; just the lightest touch from him was enough to set my whole body on fire.

  “You’ve got no idea, do you?” he murmured as he cupped the side of my face in one of his hands – the other finding its way to the curve of my back.

  I leant into his touch and hummed deep in my throat.

  “You’ve got no idea just how tempting you are, do you, legs?” His voice was low and raspy as he moved in near; he was so close I could feel the warmth of his breath on my skin.

  “Me?” I murmured, more focused on his lips than his words.

  “Tantalising…” he breathed.

  His lips made contact with my neck and I barely managed to hold back a groan of satisfaction.

  “Desirable.” His lips brushed my skin again, just below my ear.

  “Irresistible,” he muttered before drawing the lobe of my ear into his mouth and sucking it gently.

  “Parker…” I groaned. I didn’t know how much more I could take. He was building me into a frenzy with little more than a few whispered words and gentle touches – I was going to physically combust when he really got down to it.

  “Hold on around my neck,” he instructed, his voice a murmur against my skin.

  I did exactly as I was told – I gripped my hands around his neck and clung on.

  His rough hands grabbed hold of my thighs and hoisted me effortlessly into his arms, pressing my core against the very noticeable bulge that had formed beneath the fabric of his boxers.

  I bit down on my lip and ground myself against him – unable to hold back any longer.

  “That’s it, baby, just like that,” he moaned.

  He walked the few steps to the bed and bent down, lowering me onto the mattress.

  I lay back, looking up at him. “Take them off,” I ordered, gesturing to his underwear.

  His eyes never left mine as he slipped his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear and slid them down his legs.

  His dick stood hard and proud, pointing up towards his belly button. I’d be lying if I didn’t say the sight scared the shit out of me. I was a little woman – and there was no way in hell that third leg was going to fit inside me easily.

  He’s like a god damn tripod.

  “Now mine?” I told him, but I was so nervous, it came out like a question.

  He chuckled. “You asking or telling, babe?”

  I didn’t even know anymore, I just wanted him inside me – even if it was going to hurt like hell.

  He must have read my mind because he reached for my underwear and tugged them down roughly – throwing them over his shoulder.

  Right now, he looked exactly like the bad-boy the world thought he was.

  And it’s hot as hell.

  He could be my bad-boy any day of the week.

  He gripped my ankles and pushed my feet up towards my butt, so my knees were bent.

  He crawled into the space between my legs and my heart thumped in anticipation. I expected him to press his weight against me, but he didn’t – not yet. He stayed up, looking down at me with a look of pure appreciation on his face.

  I felt myself blush as he took his fill of my body.

  “I might have to change your nickname,” he mumbled as he pulled the cups of my bra down exposing my breasts.

  “Why?” I panted as his thumbs rolled over the hard peaks of my nipples.

  “I thought those sexy damn legs were my favourite… but after seeing these…”

  He lowered his head down and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth before releasing it with a pop.

  I whimpered from the pleasure that took a direct path to my core.

  “After seeing these beauties…” he carried on. “I might have to rethink how I address you from now on.” He chuckled.

  I might have been all but writhing under the heat of his touch, but I wasn’t about to let the idea of naming me after my rack slip by without comment.

  “Hell no...” I murmured as he began his sweet torture on my other breast. “There’s no way you’re calling me, boobs.” The words came out all breathy and unsure – not at all authoritative.

  He chuckled deep in his throat. “We’ll see.”

  He rolled me over slightly, unhooked the clasps of my bra and tugged it off over my arms before throwing it in the same direction my underwear had gone.

  “But the only thing I want to see right now, legs, is me buried so deep inside you, you can’t remember your own name.”

  Oh god yes.

  I lifted my hips off the bed and pressed against him – a not so subtle hint to take me.

  He gripped his hard length in his fist and gave it a few fast pumps before lining up to enter me.

  I sucked in a deep breath and waited for the burn.

  He froze. “Condom.” He shook his head at himself. “Sorry, babe.”

  I released the breath I was holding with an uneasy giggle.

  He leaned over me, his bulging bicep hovering right above my head as he reached for the top drawer of my bedside cabinet. He rummaged around until he came out with a box of condoms.

  “How’d you know where they were?” I asked in-between placing soft kisses to the skin on his arm.

  He chuckled as he nestled back in between my legs and ripped open the foil packet with his teeth. “Does anyone keep the rubbers anywhere other than the top drawer?”

  Valid point, well made, rock star.

  He slid the condom on and lined himself up again.

  I inhaled another sharp breath.

  “Relax, baby… this won’t work if you don’t relax.” He told me gently.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  He leant down so his weight was pressed against me. He kissed my lips tenderly at first and then more passionately until I was gasping for air.

  I felt him press against me before he pushed inside.

  It was a damn tight fit.

  God was it tight…

  I could feel him stretching me as he slowly pushed in further.

  It hurt like hell.

  He let out a hiss right as I was about to tell him to stop. “That’s it, baby, are you okay?”

  I nodded and bit down on my lip and tears prickled my eyes.

  “Charlotte?” he whispered.

  I looked up to meet his eyes.

  “We can stop…”

  I shook my head quickly. “Just give me a second.”

  The burn was fading now into a much less intense ache. “Can you move?” I asked timidly. “Slowly,” I added.

  He nodded and kissed me hastily on the lips before lifting his hips and slowly drawing out, before pushing slowly back in again.

  I let out a whimper. This was right on the cusp of pleasure and pain and I couldn’t even decide if I wanted him to stop or carry on.

  “You okay?” He repeated the movement again and this time it was definitely more pleasure than pain.

  I nodded. “Keep going.”

  He did.

  Parker dropped his head to my neck and nipped gently at my skin.

  “Mmmmm,” I moaned. That was the sweet spot.

  He lifted his hips again and this time I came up to meet him.

  “Legs,” he groane
d. “Damn, baby…”

  He moved in and out of me, me meeting each of his slow thrusts, until we both came totally undone, one after the other.

  I traced my fingertip lightly over the guitar he had tattooed on his upper arm. It was surrounded by a variety of other colourful images, but this one stood out the most to me – it had from day one.

  “I like this one,” I told him as I touched it again.

  He turned his head to glance at it. “You like all of them.” He smirked.

  One hundred percent.

  “I don’t know… I’m not overly fond of that skull you’ve got on the other arm,” I teased.

  “Oh, c’mon, it’s an old favourite.”

  I screwed up my nose in disapproval. “Doesn’t do it for me.”

  He laughed lightly. “You and I both know, legs, one look at my ink and you go all mushy inside.”

  I placed a kiss on the guitar. “What can I say? I’m a convert.”

  “I knew from the start I’d sway you to the dark side,” he replied, his voice cocky and sure.

  I lightly punched his arm. “You damn well did not!”

  He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. “Nah, you’re right. I had no clue… all I know is that I’ve never wanted anything as badly as I want you, legs.”

  Oh. My. God.

  “The moment I saw you, something broke inside of me, and I’ve got a pretty good idea that the only way I can be whole again… is if I’ve got you by my side.”

  “Parker…” I whispered. I was lost for words.

  There was a damn good reason this man had won awards for his songwriting talents – he was an absolute master with words.

  I didn’t know how I felt about his confession, or what I wanted moving forward, but I knew I was in no way able to resist him. The universe had plans for the two of us – that much was obvious… and whatever those plans might have been, I doubted I had the willpower, or the desire to stop them.

  It wasn’t fair really, Parker was beautiful, he could sing like an angel, he was sweet and an absolute god in the sack. The day the big man was handing out things, he got a bit heavy handed with Parker.

  He smiled and my heart fluttered.

  I knew what was happening here.

  I’m falling in love.

  “What the fuck is your deal today, man?” Jasper finally snapped as he roughly dropped a ten-thousand-dollar speaker to the floor.

  I scowled at him.

  Truthfully, I was surprised it’d taken this long for him to ask. He’d endured me acting like a prick all day.

  A whole ton of shit had been grating on me today; I couldn’t get a verse of a new song quite right… the media had been up my ass when I’d left home this morning… and then I’d been mobbed by a group of fans when I’d made the stupid decision to go and buy myself a coffee… but mainly, it was Charlotte that had me in this mood.

  That first week with her had been like a dream. I’d promised her I’d be there every night to do the dishes, since it was my fault. And I was. If scrubbing a few pots and pans gave me an excuse to see her, then it was worth it.

  By some small miracle, we’d both had clear schedules in the evenings, and we’d been free to eat, hang out and watch movies together. Well, actually it wasn’t entirely true… I never had a free schedule, but I’d lived up to the ‘bad-boy’ rep I’d unjustifiably earned, and skipped out on any prior commitments I had. I’d brought takeout a couple of times, and other nights Charlotte had cooked for us. She wasn’t as good as my Nona, but she certainly wasn’t bad.

  I’d relished the time I’d spent with her. It was the first time in the past five years that I’d felt somewhat normal. I was just a guy, courting a girl that he was interested in. We’d talked and talked, I’d made her blush on more than one occasion, and she’d kept me in line with her quick wit and smart mouth.

  I knew things about that girl that she didn’t even know about herself.

  We’d spent so much time together that I’d easily slipped into a routine that consisted of seeing Charlotte, talking to Charlotte, and thinking about when I could see Charlotte again.

  By Monday night I’d done my time with the dish brush and I couldn’t help but feel disappointed that I’d have to give her and Hannah some space.

  Tuesday I’d been fine – I was still high on seeing Charlotte.

  I could picture her perfect body sprawled out on the sheets beneath me, and even though I was dying to have her again, that memory alone could have lasted me a lifetime.

  I’d pumped out more lyrics for her song and perfected a section that had been sitting flat. That was the first day since I’d first laid eyes on her, that I hadn’t gotten to see her in person.

  Wednesday, I’d finished the song entirely and recorded an acoustic demo in the studio to give to her.

  It was still in my pocket.

  That was the real problem.

  Seeing Charlotte.

  Or lack thereof…

  We’d talked for hours on the phone Tuesday night and messaged most of the day Wednesday and Thursday, but I’d quickly realised it wasn’t enough.

  I’d spent those days in and out of meetings and interviews. Charlotte was working. I couldn’t find the time to see her, and she assured me that she didn’t have the time either. As much as I wanted to sulk, Jasper had given me the hard word – or as much of a hard word as he was capable of, and told me to get on with my work. So, we’d made dinner plans for the end of the week.

  Today was Friday and I’d been carrying around this damn USB stick for too long. It was burning a hole in my pocket, and the deep-seated desire I had to see her was overwhelming me more and more with each passing hour.

  I was dying to give this song to her. I wanted to see her face as she listened to the words. My plan had been to give it to her after I took her out tonight.

  But now I can’t.

  Charlotte and Hannah had been called in at the last minute to do a big shoot that they couldn’t turn down. It was three hours’ drive away and they’d had to drop everything and run. They wouldn’t be back until tomorrow afternoon and I had a sold-out gig here in town to play tomorrow night.

  That’s what was up my ass.

  I miss my girl.

  I couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment I’d started referring to her as ‘my girl’. I hadn’t said it out loud yet, and I certainly hadn’t earned the right to claim her... but I’d thought it. And we’d be having that talk… real soon.

  I growled at Jasper, but didn’t give him an answer.

  “You sound like a wolf when you do that.” He chuckled.

  I shot him a ‘don’t push me’ look.

  “Women trouble?” he offered.

  “Woman. Singular,” I corrected him.

  “Oh, man.” He whistled low. “She’s under your skin real good,” he stated, and for once his tone wasn’t mocking.

  “Yeah,” I grumbled as I messed around with the guitar in my lap.

  I felt Jasper sit down next to me but I still didn’t look up. I was embarrassed for snapping at him all day and I really didn’t appreciate feeling like a precious little pussy.

  “Is everything all good with you two?” he asked, seeming genuinely concerned. I knew he liked Charlotte, and I also knew he really didn’t want me to fuck this up.

  “Yeah…” I nodded. “No… fuck… I dunno, man.” I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. “I’m all messed up… this isn’t me, J. I don’t get all worked up over shit. I don’t care if I have to go three weeks without a woman, let alone three days.”

  “She’s not just any woman,” Jasper pointed out.

  “I don’t even know if we have something yet. We’ve only had one real fucking date, and I’m over here obsessing about her… dying to see her again… writing songs about her…”

  “Songs, as in plural?” he asked in surprise.

  I nodded. “Drafted three more. But none as good as that first one.”

  “Shit, Park.” He b
lew out a breath. “That’s some serious inspo.”

  He was right. There had never been anything in my life that had been as inspiring as Charlotte was proving to be.

  “You think I’ve lost it over this girl?” I blurted out without thinking. I wasn’t really one for heart to hearts, but here I was, growing a vagina and sharing my feelings…

  “Judging by that bottle of raspberry shampoo in your shower, I’d say yeah… maybe.”

  My head snapped up at his statement. “Jesus,” I muttered. “What the fuck has a guy gotta do to get some damn privacy around here?”

  Jasper shrugged, not in the least bit sorry; in fact, his gold eyes were amused. “My plumbing was out.”

  “Dude, you know I’ve got a guest bathroom, right?”

  He shrugged again, still not giving a single fuck. “Your shower has that big double jet.” He gave an appreciative moan.

  I mumbled a string of curse words that had him grinning like a loon.

  Jasper lived in the house next door. When we weren’t touring, we needed to be able to meet without the inconvenience of press, media and fans hounding us. We’d tried living together, but I needed the space. J had rented a place across town, but it was just a pain in the ass. In the end, I’d brought the house next to mine, and told him it was a perk of the job. It made it easier for security too. These days, Jasper was nearly as much of a hot commodity as I was. He had his own stream of loyal followers that were as bat-shit crazy and unpredictable as mine. Sammy lived downstairs in my house – I’d had it set up as a self-contained unit, and he was able to keep a pretty good eye on Jasper’s property too.

  Jasper wasn’t exactly known for his self-preservation skills, and he’d refused to have live-in security – so having Sammy close and monitoring his security system was the best I could do.

  Jasper had tried to buy his place from me numerous times, but I’d ignored him. It wasn’t that he couldn’t afford it; I just had more money than I could spend and he was the closest thing to a brother that I had; I didn’t want his money.

  We’d had a gate put in between the houses, and it was perfect – except when Jasper decided to use my shower.

  “So, do you jerk off with that shit or what?” he asked so casually you’d think he was asking about the weather.


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