A Love So Hard (Aces High MC - Charleston Book 2)

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A Love So Hard (Aces High MC - Charleston Book 2) Page 25

by Christine Michelle

  “Yeah, baby,” I agreed and then pulled her to me once more. “I love you, Luce. I love you so fuckin’ much. I love you so much more knowing how well you’ve taken care of our girl while I’ve been fuckin’ it all up.”

  “CJ,” her heartbroken whisper against my lips was the last of the words spoken between us that night. It had been a while and tonight we were going to be doing a little healing of our own.

  I wasn’t about moving fast either. I wanted to relish in my woman, because we hadn’t been right in a while and I knew that was all my own doing. I also knew that starting fresh, and being better needed to come from somewhere. That somewhere was right there, in our bedroom, showing my woman how much she meant to me. I started tugging at her clothing. She was wearing one of my club t-shirts and a pair of panties that, I’ll be honest, had seen better days. She hadn’t been expecting sex that much was certain. I ran my hands up her legs and had to choke back laughter.

  “Stop it!” She laughed out too. “I haven’t shaved in a while because I didn’t need to. It’s okay for me to be lazy about that, you know. You don’t even shave your face, so you don’t know what it’s like to have to…”

  “She didn’t get the rest of her rant out because I sealed her mouth with my own and showed her how much I didn’t care about stubbly legs, her completely unsexy period underwear when she obviously wasn’t on her period, or the fact that she hadn’t brushed her hair in a good bit and it showed. Nope. None of that mattered because my Lucy shined with a special kind of light from the inside and there was nothing better than seeing her when I made that glow come alive like in this moment. I pulled back to see her cheeks flushed, Her beautiful light blue eyes were nearly hidden away under lazy lids that had fallen because of a simple kiss from me. That right there, the look she wore for me, that was everything.

  I took my time pulling that t-shirt from her body, kissing across the skin that was revealed with each inch I pulled it up until her breasts were exposed and then I allowed it to drop and drape over her clavicle and neck while I took turns laving my tongue across each of her nipples, giving attention to one and then the other of her beautiful tits. She groaned beneath me and I knew that she wanted me to move on. My Lucy was an impatient lover, but she was going to have to wait for the good stuff because I had been too long without her in any meaningful way. Her body needed to be worshiped whether she realized that or not.

  “CJ,” she called out prompting me to move the shirt up just a bit more. I playfully nipped at the clavicles I’d exposed and she giggled. She had always been ticklish there when I did that and it never failed to amuse because my woman’s laugh was something to cherish. I inched the shirt up a little more and kissed the base of her throat before sliding the shirt completely off of her head and tossing it away to the floor. Then I took her mouth again.

  I leaned in and allowed my kutte to push and pull across her nipples, something I knew she enjoyed the feel of. Then I pulled back and ran my fingers down her body from her beautiful little chin to her throat, and further down memorizing every inch I touched as I went. She lay there letting me do as I wished. That alone let me know that she got how important this was right now. How imperative it was for us to reconnect like this again. When I trailed down far enough that I reached her belly button I stopped, and pulled my kutte from my body. I leaned over to drape it over the nightstand, right on top of where she had placed her book and her glasses. Then I reached back and snagged hold of my shirt, whipping it off my body in one fast-paced movement. Lucy’s appreciative grin was all I needed to know that had been the right thing to do.

  “I like when you do that,” she admitted.

  I just smiled down at her before leaning in and running my bearded face over her cheeks. I did this first to one side and then switched to the other. This too made her giggle. Then I made her moan as I sucked her earlobe gently into my mouth and trailed kisses from that spot to the sensitive little area behind her ear and then down further to that special place where her neck and shoulder met. I nipped there and moved to the other side, repeating my movements in reverse. All the while her greedy little hands were running up my arms, down my back, fingers digging into the muscles bunched there. Then she pulled those arms between us and ran her fingers across my abs, up my torso to my chest, and the little minx pinched the shit out of my nipples. She got both of them at the same time.

  “Ow, fuck!” I hissed as I moved away, sitting up and straddling her now. I put my hands over my nipples like you see women in cartoons or older shows do to hide from the peeping Tom who always manages to sneak a peek while they’re in the shower. “What did you do that for?”

  “You big baby,” she laughed out. “I like the slow. I like the beautiful way you’re enjoying my body, babe.” Okay, I still wasn’t seeing a problem then. “I also like to take my turn and do the same to you. I’ve missed your body too,” she admitted.

  Man, I was sunk!

  “Seein’ as how you only have panties on now,” I started to say while giving her a little hairy eyeball about the type of panties she was wearing. “And you want things to be even, I suppose I could let you remove my pants from this luscious body you want to worship.”

  She rolled her eyes at me, but her hands moved quick as lightning to my crotch where she immediately began yanking at the buttons and zipper of my jeans. It was my turn to laugh. “What? No finesse? No taking your time to get to the prize?”

  “Nah, that shit’s for pussies!” She flippantly said and I sat there with my mouth agape, because my Lucy almost never spoke like that. I glanced around the room like I was looking for something and her hands stilled.

  “What?” She asked looking up at me while chewing down on that bottom lip of hers.

  “Sorry, I was looking for my wife,” I informed her.

  “Ha! Ha!” She mock laughed as she went back to freeing me from my jeans by yanking the now unfastened clothing down and over my ass. My cock sprang out hard and ready, surprising her. I didn’t normally go commando, but I had every now and again free-balling it worked for me. It especially worked when I had been on my wife’s shit list and she had stopped doing my laundry with her own.

  “Oh! Goodie!” She managed to get out in a breathy, gleeful half-shout. “Less work to do before I get to the good stuff!” And since I was still straddling her, though I had straightened up on my knees to give her the ability to pull my jeans down my thighs my dick happened to be right at mouth level and my lovely Lucy wasted no time taking it in her mouth.

  “Jesus!” I cried the word out like I was really praying, because he hot mouth was all over my cock, warm, wet, and… “Fuck! Lucy, baby, you have to stop,” I ordered her barely able to catch my own breath in order to do so.

  “Why?” She asked this before running her tongue the entire way up my shaft before sucking the tip back into her mouth.

  “Baby, I’m gonna blow right down your pretty little throat if you keep that up, and that is not the place I want to do that right now.”

  “Then I guess you better start moving faster because I need you in a way that this teasing of yours is becoming torture.” She smiled up at me as she released my cock from her mouth after taking another deep suck. “We can do sweet and slow later. Right now, I just have this need that won’t wait.” She was pleading with her eyes, pumping me with her hand, and that was it. I lost all control. I reached down and ripped her ugly ass panties off of her body that was far too good to be displaying them, and then I dove right inside of her to the hilt. My jeans were still wrapped around my damn thighs making things a little difficult until I attempted to wiggle out of them. I did this while balls deep in my woman, and the wiggling I was doing must have been hitting her spot just right, because the next thing I knew she was the one quick on the trigger and her pussy was clenching me so tight I couldn’t move for fear I was going to tip over with her. I didn’t. I hung in there. I also managed to get my fucking jeans off my body while staying locked in my woman. No easy feat.
Then I fucked her senseless right after that, I fucked her slow. Then I fell asleep with my woman wrapped around me and my heart feeling fuller than it had in a ridiculous amount of time. I was glad to finally be awake in my own life again.

  It would take a couple of days before we could go in to have our tattoos done. Crow went first, and then I was up. I sat for nearly six and a half hours as she finished up Crow’s tat and then worked on my own.

  “How did it go?” Lucy asked the minute I walked through the door. I hadn’t missed seeing the curtains flowing back into place from where she’d been sitting vigil, watching for me and waiting to pounce.

  “Didn’t realize Deck and Ever were a thing,” I commented in answer. She shrugged her shoulders letting me know in her silent way that she was aware and it didn’t bother her. Fuck. I hated that my woman knew so much more about our daughter than I did even if it was my own damn fault it was like that. “He never came to ask for permission to date her. That’s how it’s supposed to go down when its club family.”

  “She’s not though,” Lucy stated as she turned to walk into the kitchen.

  “She’s not what? Of course she’s club family, I’m her fuckin’ dad. Toby’s her brother.”

  “Neither of you have behaved like family toward her in years. The club never accepted her like they did Toby and Anna.”

  “Yeah, well we’re working on that now,” I admitted.

  “Okay, well in the meantime, you have to understand that Deck wasn’t beholden to any answer you might give if he had asked, because you don’t know her, and the club has never treated her as family.”

  Yeah, what could I say to that? The shit hurt, but the truth often did. Lucy being Lucy changed the subject. “Does it hurt?”

  “Well, it don’t feel great, but it’s like any other tattoo I’ve had inked. Actually,” I told her as I glanced at the place on my body that was currently covered by my jacket. “She’s really fuckin’ good with that needle. I’ve had assholes that dig in and make it hurt just for shits and giggles. She has a light touch. Don’t know how that will translate with the ink, but I guess we’ll see.”

  Lucy’s eyes glimmered with humor then. “Wouldn’t it be funny if you guys all got tattoos and she was crap with the rig she uses? We all know she can draw her ass off, but that doesn’t always translate to being able to tattoo as well.” Lucy was flat out giggling then. “What if you have a tattoo of a pissed off stick figure biker and a little girl whose tears are bigger than her head?”

  “What the fuck, Luce?” I asked, ready to freak out. “You’ve never seen her tat work before?” She shook her head in the negative. I felt my eyes grow wide. “You shittin’ me right now?” She shook her head again, still giggling.

  “I kinda really want to see it now, just to know.”

  “Fuck me!” I hissed out.

  “I’m not showing it to you until you can stop laughing about fuckin’ stick figure tattoos.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s just…” she was doubled over by then, and I was just standing there gawking at her outburst. “Oh my Gosh!” She managed to pant out, nearly breathless. “I really almost hope that it’s bad. It’ll serve you assholes right.” More giggling. “I can’t. All I can see is stick figures now.”

  “Jesus!” I called out and then moved around my woman, who had clearly lost her damn mind, so that I could grab myself a beer. I needed something to calm the nerves she just stoked all over again. Then I opened the refrigerator and remembered where I was. I groaned. We didn’t have any beer in the house. “Fuck!” I called out.

  “There’s beer out in the garage, babe,” Lucy told me and I headed that direction. Thank fuck. We had a spare fridge out there we kept extra drinks in, especially during the summer. Apparently, Lucy wasn’t ready to have alcohol back in the house, but the garage was deemed okay. I shook my head. Sometimes, the shit women did was just unexplainable.

  Later that night, I took my shower and then Luce was there to help me apply the ointment to the fresh ink on my skin. I waited for her response. I couldn’t see the tattoo since it was on my back, but I was facing the mirror and so was she. The moment she rounded my shoulder and saw the ink on my back a mask shuttered down over her face. It was the strangest thing to see, watching my woman close herself off from me. Her fingers lightly traced around the space that had been inked without touching any of the ink itself. Her only tell was that the fingers tracing that skin shook like a leaf in the wind.

  “Well?” I finally asked.

  Her eyes met mine in the mirror. Her beautiful blond tresses were piled on top of her head and I wanted nothing more than to snatch the elastic band out of her hair and let it all fall lose around her shoulders. I loved her hair. With it up I could see her eyes better though, and there was a world emotion of spinning in them as our gazes locked. “I think,” she started and then stopped while continuing to trace a circle around the image. “I can’t tell you anything, but CJ, it’s beautifully done.”

  “No stick figures?” I asked trying to lighten the mood.

  She offered up a small smile. “No stick figures,” she whispered damn near reverently making me ever more curious about what my daughter inked on my back than before. Lucy finished fixing me up and then took my hand and brought me out to the bedroom. “I think I’m the one that needs you tonight,” she informed me before her lips came crashing down on mine.

  “I’m pretty sure you were the one who needed me last night, the way you attacked my dick,” I told her. Again, I was trying to lighten the mood that had deteriorated greatly since she saw the tattoo. It worked because she giggled.

  “Yeah, I guess I did, but tonight, I’m on board with starting off slow.” Then she leaned in and laved my nipple with her tongue, sucked the tiny nub into her mouth and teased the hardening bit with her teeth before letting go and trailing kisses over to the other side. Lucy made a move to push me onto the bed and I did what I could to oblige her. I even ignored the sting of the freshly inked skin meeting the comforter before I remembered some the ink and plasma might run out on it.

  “Better throw down a towel,” I managed to get out as she stood to remove her clothing. She gave me an odd look first.

  “Why? I’m not on my period.”

  “Shit, Luce,” I hissed. Yeah, we had sex on her period. It helped with her cramps and plus she was horny as fuck during her time of the month and I’m not a little bitch. Blood washes. “My tat,” I reminded her and she chuckled.

  “Oh! That’s not where I thought you were going with that. My next thought was you wanted some dirty butt sex,” she informed me as she moved back to the bathroom to get a towel.

  Nope. I wasn’t waiting after that. The minute she bent her naked, gorgeous ass over in front of me in order to grab a towel from the lower shelf I jumped out of bed and made my way to her. As she was coming up from the bend with the towel in her hand I caught her by surprise, grabbed hold of her hair with one hand, her hip with the other and slammed home into her hot, tight, wet pussy. “FUCK!” I growled out as I felt her muscles flex and release around me at the sudden intrusion.

  “Yes, CJ!” She hissed out and that was all I needed. I started pumping furiously into my woman, right there, bent over the damn cabinet in our bathroom. There was no more waiting.

  “We’ll do slow again later,” I told her. Again she giggled, only this time I felt it wrap around my dick the way her laughter moved her body. Yeah, we were definitely going to do slow later, and then maybe another around of take it any way we could get it before one of the kids or the club had another emergency we had to head out for.

  The other men had to get their tattoos as well, and then she gave them all time to heal up before Deck scheduled the day we would basically unveil our tattoos to the rest of the club. At first, we were just going to do a private thing, with those of us who had been inked and our personal families in attendance, but it quickly became clear that those of us who had to wear our shame and my daughter’s heartache on our sk
in needed to set an example for the rest of our members too so that our mistakes were never repeated in the future.

  After two weeks we borrowed some of our equipment from one of our clubs and set it up so that everyone could get a detailed view of the tattoos as they were revealed. We set one of the prospects up with the camera and he learned how to use it well before the day of the event. The event. It was more like counting down to D-Day. I knew that Lucy absently touched where I’d been inked when we were lying in bed together. She would trace the image and then get this lost look on her face that I wish I could erase with magic. I couldn’t though. I’d done this to her. To Ever. To our family. I’d broken us when in the very beginning, being broken was what I had been trying to avoid.

  Right before my dad checked out on us we had a talk that made me wonder if he didn’t realize his time was up. He’d said something to me that I never thought I would be able to understand until this point. “Live your life so that you never leave anyone else in it with regrets,” he’d said to me.

  “Pop, everyone has regrets,” I’d explained.

  “Yeah, but when you get to my point in life and look at the people surrounding you, it becomes pretty clear very fast that you either treated people in a way they’ll remember you fondly when you go or you treated them in a way they’ll regret the moment they met you. Maybe it won’t be that moment they regret. Could be they regret staying,” he’d mused and I noticed his gaze had slid to the one photo in our house of my parents the day they’d gotten hitched.


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