Special Delivery: Father's Day: An Mpreg Romance Collection

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Special Delivery: Father's Day: An Mpreg Romance Collection Page 13

by Aria Grace

  I’d helped to put her to bed but had decided to stay a while and chat with Mom after Dad went to bed.

  “Huh? Sorry. Just thinking about work.” Yeah, right. I wished I could concentrate on work. It’s been two weeks since Rudy first called in sick, and with each day he didn’t show up, my anxiety levels ratcheted up to new heights. I’d stopped asking Larry for updates because I didn’t want him to get suspicious, but I had started randomly showing up at the garden center in the mornings to see if he was there. Dread has become the emotion that characterized most of my days.

  “Are you sure?”

  I looked into her eyes, full of concern, and could feel that she saw through me. Deep down, she knew, and she was worried, like any parent would be.

  She cut me off when I opened my mouth.

  “Is there someone? I mean, are you seeing an omega?” she asked softly.

  I looked down at my hands. There was no point in keeping it all bottled up inside, and I had no desire to talk feelings with my buddies. Moms were perfect for this kind of thing. So, I nodded slowly.

  “Really?” she asked, a bit more upbeat. “But things aren’t going well, I take it?”

  I let out a sigh. “Well, things aren’t going at all, to tell you the truth. We got together one night, and I’ve seen him a few times since then at work, but he’s expressed hesitation at continuing it and I don’t want to push it because, well…”

  I cringed at the thought of telling her the truth, and picturing her telling Dad nearly stopped my heart.

  “Well, what?” she asked, leaning forward in the armchair.

  “He’s an employee.” I shrugged. I swear I heard her gasp.

  “An employee? He works for you?” she asked, wide-eyed.

  “Yeah, he does. But I didn’t know that when I met him,” I added quickly.

  “Yeah, you never were into hanging out at the center,” she said with a chuckle.

  I buried my head in my hands, partly out of frustration. “I’m clueless and don’t know what to do. Maybe this is weird to talk about with you, but I can’t stop thinking about him.”

  “So, what are you waiting for?”

  I raised my eyes to meet hers. “What do you mean?”

  She offered a soft smile. “Go and tell him. You only live once.”

  “Don’t you think it’s too soon after Justin? What about Ellie?”

  “It’s been a year, hon. We were all heartbroken when he passed, but he would have wanted you to be happy. We all want you to be happy, including Ellie. And I trust your judgment, and if you think he’s right for you, and right for Ellie, then you must take the chance. No one will judge you, and frankly, what others think doesn’t even matter. Love overcomes all, take it from me.”

  Slowly, but surely, as her words sunk in, a weight lifted from my shoulders. She was right, I just had to hear it from someone.

  “Thanks, Mom!” I stood up and kissed her on the head as I passed her on the way to the front door.

  “Where are you going?” she called after me.

  I turned and smiled. “Following your advice. See you later.”

  I was already at my car by the time I heard the door close behind me. I hadn’t noticed that it had already gotten dark outside. A glance at my phone told me it was nine. That wasn’t too late to pay someone a visit, was it?

  I took a deep breath before I knocked on his door and waited. I pushed all self-doubt into the dark recesses of my consciousness as I heard footsteps on the other side.

  It was now or never. Every second that passed seemed like a lifetime. Finally, the door swung open.

  “Frank? Come in,” he said, looking a bit shocked.

  Seeing him again knocked the air out of me. He was so gorgeous that it almost hurt to look at him. A soft light emanated from the foyer behind him.

  “Hi, Rudy. Sorry to show up here like this, but…I had to see you.”

  “Sure, come in. Want something to eat or drink? I just finished dinner, but there’s plenty left…”

  He was obviously confused as to why I was there but seemed to do his best to play it cool.

  “That can wait. I need to talk to you before I lose my nerve.”

  Rudy sat on the couch, and I followed his lead.

  I looked around. His apartment was small but looked comfortable, neat and stylish. Focus, I told myself. You’re here for a reason.

  “Is something wrong? Is it that I’ve missed too much work? I’m so sorry.”

  I caught him wringing his hands and reached out to grab one of them.

  “No. Yes.” I shook my head. “I mean, I’ve missed you. This isn’t an HR visit and you’re not in trouble. Tell me if I’m overstepping but hear me out. We have a connection; you can’t deny it. And I’ve thought about what you said about being professional and all, but is that more important than our feelings for each other?”

  His hand was warm. How I wanted to feel it all over me…

  “Frank, do you really feel this way?”

  I gulped and nodded, squeezing his hand. “I do. In my heart, I’m already yours, and you’re mine. Who gives a shit about what anyone would say? Right? If you feel the same way, and I think you do, then there’s no reason to deny ourselves happiness. What do you say?”

  “I…I had no idea you felt this way. I thought I was just a fling to you.” He shrugged.

  “At first, I thought that’s what it was, too, but this thing between us is special, don’t you think? Those gardening sessions were like torture because all I wanted to do was reach out and grab you and take you behind the apricot trees.” I winked to lighten the mood.

  He offered a smile. Tentatively at first, but then he couldn’t contain himself.

  “Frank, I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. Just come closer.”

  I grabbed his upper arm and pulled him to me, landing a kiss on his lips. God, how I missed those lips, lush and tasty. And they seemed meant for me.

  He shifted closer on the couch and put his arms around my neck, pressing into me. The next half hour was a sweet blur. There were hands and tongues on every inch of our bodies and when I finally slipped my hard cock into him, I felt as if I had come home. I belonged with him, and he with me.

  His sweet scent brought me right back to that first night together, when I tasted his ecstasy for the first time.

  I pinched his nipple as he whimpered in pleasure, feeling my length stretch his ass. He was wet with slick, and I pounded away with abandon.

  When he splashed his sweet cream all over us, I finally came too, filling him to the brim with cum.

  “Oh God, here comes your knot,” he moaned.

  I chuckled as I gathered him into my arms.

  “You’re stuck with me for a long time, Omega, and you’re going to like it.”

  “No,” he said with a raised brow. “I’m going to love it.”



  When I woke up the next morning, I couldn’t decide whether the previous night had been a dream or reality. The spot next to me in bed was empty, but I heard some noise coming from the kitchen.

  I hadn’t told Frank that I was pregnant yet, and I’m not quite sure why. Maybe because I wanted to pretend that everything was normal for one last night? Whatever the case, today was Father’s Day, the perfect day to share my special news with him. Sure, he’d professed his love to me, but I was still nervous about telling him, because so many things would change. Not only for me, but for him and his daughter as well.

  I rolled out of bed with a bounce in my step and a smile on my face. I slipped into my robe, went to look for Frank, and found him in the kitchen working on a killer omelet. The table was already set and all that was missing from this glorious morning was a sweet kiss from my alpha.

  “How are you, sexy?” I snuck up from behind and wrapped my arms around him. Feeling his strong torso made me yearn for him all over again.

  “Much better now that I have yo
u,” he responded, turning around and kissing me deeply.

  “Hmmm.” I sighed when our lips separated. “Happy Father’s Day.”

  “Thank you. Go have a seat at the table. Breakfast’s almost ready.”

  “Sure, I’ll watch you from there. You’re a sight for sore eyes, you know that?”

  He chuckled modestly. I sat at the table in the small dining room just outside the kitchen. I had a perfect view of his profile as he toiled away at the stove, and an even better view of his ass every time he went to the fridge.

  “So, what are your plans for today?” I asked cheerily.

  He turned to me. “We’re planning to celebrate Father’s Day at my place, and I’d love it if you’d come, too.”

  I gulped. “Really? And your whole family will be there?”

  He nodded. “Is that okay with you? I promise they don’t bite.”

  His family sounded like lovely people from everything he’d told me, but it was intimidating to meet them all at once. And little Ellie would be there too, of course.

  “No, it’s not that. I’m sure they don’t. I’d love to come.”

  It was true. I wanted nothing more than to spend the day with him and finally meet Ellie, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t be nervous about it.

  “Don’t worry, they’ll love you and I hope you’ll love them. It’s us now. You’re a part of me. And I’m a part of you.”

  “You don’t know how true that is,” I blurted out. I watched for his reaction as he cracked an egg.

  “I’m glad you feel the same,” he said with a wink.

  Maybe I wasn’t direct enough. I got up and walked toward him, stopping at the kitchen entrance and leaning against the wall.

  “Frank, what I mean is…” I instinctively put a hand on my belly. “You’re really a part of me. I’m pregnant!”

  “Shit!” He jumped back as he dropped an egg, splattering it all over the floor.

  His eyes met mine and his expression slowly transformed from one of shock to one of unrepressed delight.

  “Pregnant! For real?”

  I nodded and he stepped closer and took me in his arms. I took a deep whiff of his scent. My strong, intelligent, kind alpha. I couldn’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

  I wiped my wet palms on my jeans as I sat on Frank’s couch. His mom had called to say they were on their way with Ellie in tow, while Frank’s brother was running late, which was apparently par for the course with him. He was a single alpha and apparently loved the single life.

  “Is there anything I can help you with?” I felt so useless sitting on his couch while he worked in the kitchen, chopping greens and veggies. He’d told me again and again to just rest, probably due to my pregnancy. It felt nice to be pampered, but I wanted to help. It must have been about the tenth time I’d asked when he finally gave in.

  “Well, if you insist. Here, you can slice these tomatoes. We’re going to grill some burgers.”

  “Mm, that sounds great.” I took the knife he handed me and got to work. “Does your family know I’m here?”

  “Yes. I wouldn’t put you in the position of being a surprise guest. Not that you’re a guest, but you get my point.”

  I nodded. “Okay, good. I didn’t want them to wonder who this random omega is in your home.”

  “There’s nothing random about you, that’s for sure.”

  I laughed. “But you didn’t tell them I’m pregnant, right?”

  “Of course not! We’ll talk about when to share that. I wouldn’t do it before knowing whether you were comfortable telling them.”

  “Thanks.” I appreciated his thoughtfulness. I’d just come into his life and didn’t want to drop all the bombs at once.

  “How do you feel?” Frank asked me during a quiet moment alone in the kitchen as we prepared coffee and tea for his family.

  “A little tired but I’m having fun. Ellie’s so adorable. And so well-behaved! Good job, Daddy,” I responded, giving him a quick peck.

  “Oh, don’t be fooled. That’s because you’re someone new to her. Just wait until she gets used to you.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  He winked. “By the way, they love you.”

  “Really? You sure?” I pushed a strand of hair out of my eyes. I had no reason to doubt him. Everyone had been perfectly nice to me, and most important of all, Ellie really seemed to take to me. After lunch, we’d played a game of catch and then hosed down some of the plants in the garden.

  “Positive. All right, let’s go out there. I hope you’re having fun.”

  “Of course, I am! They’re great. I have a feeling we’ll get along just fine. Better than fine.” I grabbed the sugar and cream while he carried the tray of cups.

  We exchanged a special glance before stepping out onto the patio.

  “Rudy! Rudy! I saw a butterfly!” Ellie yelled in her babyish voice as soon as she saw me. Her cherry motif hat protected her little head from the sunshine, but her smile shone brighter than the sun itself.

  “Really? Show me!” I left the sugar and cream on the patio table and followed Ellie to the back of the yard. I’d forgotten how fun it was to play with children. Their sense of energy and wonder was infectious, and she filled me with joy and delight.

  She pointed and laughed with glee when she spotted the butterfly again. “Let’s catch it, let’s catch it!” she squealed.

  “I think it’s going home!” I said as the butterfly fluttered over the fence to the neighbor’s yard.

  “No!” Ellie turned to me, pouting.

  I squatted to get down to her level and instinctively mirrored her expression.

  “Don’t worry, she’ll be back. But we don’t have to catch her. She’ll be happier if she’s free, and she’ll come back to play with you. You’ll see.”

  Her lips slowly turned up into a smile and she came right up to me.

  “Are you daddy’s friend?”

  I nodded. I could practically see the wheels turning in her head.

  “Are you going to be his best friend for a long time?” She reached out and put her tiny hand on my shoulder.

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “So, we could play together again soon, too?”

  “Yes, sure! I love playing with you.”

  She laughed. “Okay! Come!” She ran off toward the rest of the family with me not far behind.

  It was only mid-afternoon, but I was already feeling fatigued. I could only wonder how I’d handle it all when I’m further along.

  “Come, sweetie. Join us,” said Frank as I reached the table.

  I took a seat right beside him and across from his parents and brother. Conversation was in full swing around us, and I reached over and squeezed his hand under the table.

  Turning to him, I mouthed the words I wanted to repeat over and over again, until he got sick of them: “I love you.”

  He squeezed my hand back and leaned in to kiss me on my temple. “I love you, too, and always will,” he whispered into my ear.



  “There’s another one!” I gasped and grabbed Frank’s hand as he stood beside my hospital bed.

  “It’s okay, honey. Concentrate on your breathing. Look out the window. Everything will be okay, and we’ll go home with a gorgeous little boy soon. It’ll be over before you know it.”

  The contraction eased up and I let out a deep breath.

  “Thanks. You’re awesome. Good thing I didn’t hire a doula, you’re as good as the best of them!”

  Maybe I was being melodramatic, but I meant it. Over the past eight months, he’d been nothing but a wonderfully supportive mate. It probably helped that it wasn’t his first round in the rodeo, but a lot of it had to do with what an awesome and caring man he was.

  I remembered the late nights when he’d run out and get my favorite snacks. Not because I’d asked, but because he’d watched as I’d opened the snack cupboard and had found them gone. He’d prepared so many baths
that I’d lost count, and he was more than an equal partner at home, even though he’d started to put in more time at the garden center than ever before.

  When I felt the next contraction coming on, I looked out the window, full of intention. The fluffy snowflakes made hypnotic patterns as they slowly drifted down, and I found it strangely calming.

  After a few more contractions, which seemed to come with more intensity and higher frequency, the nurse came and checked me again, made a call to the OB on duty, and informed me I was ready to push. I looked into Frank’s eyes, and I must have looked scared as hell because Frank leaned down and kissed my sweaty forehead.

  “Honey, you’re doing great and everything’s going to be fine soon.”

  “Okay, I believe you. I believe you.”

  Everything happened so fast that I hardly had time to catch my breath before our baby was born.

  “Erin!” I called out in relief when I heard his screams.

  Frank looked at me, overjoyed and with glistening eyes. My own were watering.

  “Erin,” he said softly, following the nurse as she took the baby aside for the obligatory once-over.

  In no time, he was in my arms, and I melted right on the spot. He was so perfect, so sweet, so ours. His eyes were closed, but he’d stopped screaming and had the most serene expression imaginable. Suddenly, his thick little lips pursed, and he crinkled his nose.

  Frank sighed and when I glanced at him, I could tell he was already in love with our little boy.

  The next night, after we finished the awesome dinner that my mom had dropped off, the four of us settled in on the couch and I found a light comedy on Netflix.

  As the movie started, Frank held Erin while I sipped my tea and stretched out. Ellie cuddled up into my side and I put my arm around her.

  “You’re already an amazing big sister,” I whispered to her, eliciting a giggle.


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