The REASON Series - the Complete Collection

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The REASON Series - the Complete Collection Page 38

by Zoey Derrick

  Vivienne doesn’t say anything, and Mikah is silent as she lets all that he’s just told her soak in.

  If it hadn’t been Vivienne, Mikah might not have pulled out of his business deal with Elton, but the fact is, it was her, and he never thought twice about it.

  Vivienne continues to stay quiet, unsure what to say to him, but she is quickly beginning to understand that she means more to Mikah that she could’ve ever imagined.

  “So what do we do now?” Mikah asks Red after a minute.

  “We need to go back into Elysium with what we know. I’m sure they’re already aware, but I think that we need to discuss what to do next. It is becoming clear that Riley is behind Rebecca’s death, and we need to plan our next move.” Red looks to both of them. Mikah and Vivienne’s confusion and concern are obvious to him, but he can also see in Mikah’s eyes that he understands what needs to be done.

  “Andrew picked up on some additional activity regarding search efforts for Vivienne, but before we can go after Riley, you need some training, Mikah.”

  “Training in what? I already know how to fight.”

  The statement surprises Vivienne, but she doesn’t say anything. She’s wrestling with a heavy sense of guilt. All of this is her fault, and she doesn’t even know how to stop it.

  “You do, and you fight well,” Red says. “But those that you’d be going up against will not fight in the traditional ways. Which is where Andrew, Celeste, Connor and myself come into play.”

  Red looks at Vivienne. “Perhaps it is time to tell him the rest and explain what you know.”


  Vivienne’s eyes meet Red’s. Hers are wary. She is worried Mikah might be upset that she hasn’t told him about the shifter yet. But Red gives her an encouraging nod, silently telling her that it’s alright.

  Vivienne nods and turns to Mikah, who is visibly irritated that once again something has been kept from him.

  “Yesterday morning, as I was getting ready to leave with Celeste, the phone in the condo downstairs rang. When I looked at the number it was yours.”

  “I didn’t call yesterday morning.”

  “I know you didn’t, but I didn’t know that at the time. When I picked up, no one was there, but when I turned around you were standing in the doorway.” Mikah’s face scrunches up, puzzled. “Only it wasn’t really you. That’s when Connor and Andrew appeared. And, within a matter of a few heartbeats, so did Red.” Vivienne watches as Mikah looks from her to Red and back again, no doubt wondering how Red could have been on the plane with him and in Vivienne’s condo at the same time. “When Red showed up, he protected me while Andrew and Connor took out the shifter.”

  “Shifter?” Mikah says.

  “In a minute,” Red replies.

  “Red then pulled me into Elysium, where he explained it all to me. However, I’d already had an idea what they – the guardians – were because Zirah had told me earlier that morning.” Vivienne begins fidgeting with her hands. “Red, Andrew, Connor and Celeste all have the ability to protect us in ways I’ve never imagined. Red was able to camouflage me so that the shifter couldn’t actually see me even though I was there.”

  Mikah looks to Red, confused. “Why am I only finding out about this now?”

  The irritation in his voice sends a shiver through Vivienne.

  “We wanted the time to be right.” Red’s voice is stern, but there is an underlying understanding that Mikah picks up on quickly. “You’ve had such a hard time adjusting to what you are that we felt it best not to inundate you. Vivienne’s introduction to what she is took place more subconsciously, and her overall attitude toward it has made it easier for her to understand. You like control, Mikah, and being an angel is something you can’t control.”

  Mikah knows that Red is right. He does like control, and finding it in himself to believe that he is an angel has been one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do.

  “I accepted being an angel because I felt that, somehow, I always knew. Or maybe my blind hope that there had to be something better for me had me believing that anything is possible.” Vivienne’s voice is soft and she continues to fidget with her fingers.

  Mikah reaches over and takes her hand in his. “Anything is possible,” he whispers to her. Still holding her hand, he turns back to Red. “Now what?”

  “I’ll go to Elysium, talk to Elizabeth, discuss it with them, decide what to do next. But now that we know the who, we just need to try and figure out the why and the where.”

  Mikah nods at Red. Red gives them both a half smile and departs the condo.

  As soon as Red is gone, Vivienne sags into Mikah’s embrace, deflated and defeated by the turn of events. She knew last night that it was Riley who killed her mother simply because it was something he would do, and it proves that no matter what, he is coming after her. That Mikah or Red, or any of them, might end up in harm’s way puts a lot of unwanted, but necessary, weight on her shoulders.

  “Mikah, I never meant to keep anything from you,” Vivienne says a moment later. His eyes meet hers and she knows that he’s not angry with her. “I just wasn’t sure how to tell you. Up until last night, neither one of us talked about anything angel-related.”

  He raises his hand to caress her cheek, and she leans into it. “I didn’t know you knew,” he says. She gives him a quizzical look. “I didn’t know you knew that you are an angel.”

  She smiles at him. “I guess we both had our secrets.”

  “I wouldn’t put it that way. I think it was more that both of us were waiting for the right time to talk about it.” He pulls his hand away from her cheek and rubs it along his thigh, contemplating something. Then he stands up. “Or maybe I wasn’t ready to face it.” His voice drops, becoming heavy with emotion. He runs his hand through his inky black hair. Vivienne watches him intently, trying to decipher his mood. “I’m pretty sure I still don’t understand it,” he says, running his hand over his face.

  “Mikah,” she says looking up at him. He’s standing a few feet in front of the couch, looking toward the door Red just left through. “I’m pretty sure that neither one of us had a choice in all of this. Maybe that’s why I’m having an easier time, but the bottom line is that we are who we are.” She takes a deep breath. “It doesn’t mean it has to change who we are. Besides...” She stands up and comes to stand in front of him. He looks down at her and their eyes meet. “I wouldn’t change it for anything.”

  Her arms snake around his waist and she pulls herself close to him, still looking into his eyes.

  “I’m scared,” he breathes.

  “Of what?”

  “Anything happening to you.” His eyes glass over. “I nearly lost you once, and I will never forget what that felt like. I will do anything and everything I can to never feel that kind of pain again.” He thinks but doesn’t say that he’s pretty sure the pain would be worse today than it was a month ago.

  Vivienne squeezes him tighter and he wraps his arms around her. She’s at a loss for words, unsure how to comfort him. It’s unclear what the future holds for anyone, she just wants to enjoy this moment, right here right now.


  Around nine the next morning, Red and Andrew come into the condo, and Mikah knows where they’re headed. He half expected Red to come for them last night, but he and Vivienne had been left alone to just be with one another for the evening.

  “Elizabeth wishes to see us all,” Red says as he comes to stand in the dining room.

  Vivienne and Mikah, who had just finished cleaning up from breakfast, stop what they’re doing and both nod. The four of them head for the hallway that leads to the condo’s foyer and there, at the end of the hallway, is a portal straight into Elysium.

  “No smoke and mirrors this time?” Mikah teases Red.

  “No, there’s no need. Portals can be opened anywhere.”

  “Huh,” Mikah huffs as they all step through, back into Elysium.

  Nothing has changed in the white
room since Saturday night except that Elizabeth, Zirah, Seraphina, Connor and Celeste are all already in the room.

  When they come in Elizabeth gestures toward the couch, indicating that Mikah and Vivienne should take a seat. “Listen, I know a lot has transpired over the last couple of days, however, we now know that a trap was laid out for you by Riley. He killed your mother in an attempt to bring you to the funeral home.”

  Mikah’s heart rate rises quickly, and Vivienne can feel the tension in his embrace. She looks to him, hoping to comfort him.

  “Riley went to great lengths not only to kill Rebecca, but also in his attempt at laying a trap for Vivienne. He’s yet to discover that Vivienne is with anyone. At least from what we can tell. Riley figured that if Rebecca was dead, Vivienne would run straight to the rehab center and she would go alone, therefore giving him the opportunity to complete his task.”

  “Which is what exactly?” Mikah asks the question everyone is thinking.

  “At this point, from what information we’ve received, we believe he intended to kidnap her and take her back to the devil.”

  “So what are we supposed to do about him?” Mikah asks. “Can we call the cops and have—”

  The look on Elizabeth’s face says it all: The police can’t stop Riley.

  “We need to...” Mikah doesn’t finish the sentence. He doesn’t have to. His heart beats even faster.

  “Yes, this is a matter for the guardians to handle.”

  Vivienne is overcome with guilt; if it hadn’t been for her meeting Riley in the first place, they wouldn’t be here today.

  Mikah can feel her worry and the pain she is feeling in his wings; they begin to burn.

  “Vivienne, do not blame yourself, this is not your fault. You see, your daughter— Have you thought of a name yet?”

  Vivienne responds by shaking her head.

  Elizabeth half smiles but continues. “Your daughter will have the power to overthrow the devil, and the devil knows that. He is so blind to the truth that he will stop at nothing to ensure his survival.”

  “What do you mean ‘the truth’?” Vivienne asks.

  Elizabeth starts to pace again. “The battle between good and evil will never end. It can’t end.”

  Everyone in the room looks to each other, confusion written all over their faces.

  “There are two reasons for this,” Elizabeth says. “One being that the devil, like Dia, can appoint an heir. So even if we overthrew Link, his heir would take over.”

  “Does Link have an heir?” Mikah asks.

  “No, though if he fails to capture Vivienne, he will seek one as quickly as possible.”

  “Why would capturing me be to his advantage?” Vivienne asks. The question that has been bugging her since Elizabeth first mentioned it.

  All eyes are on Vivienne, and it seems to her that the others already know the answer.

  Zirah steps forward to answer. “Capturing you means that your daughter, though of the purest angelic blood, would be raised by the devil himself, therefore giving him the weapon he would need to overthrow Dia. You see, the path an angel takes is based on how they’re raised and the choices they make. If your daughter were to be raised by Link, he would have control over her and she would learn no other way but his.”

  Everyone is silent for a moment.

  Vivienne can’t think of anything to say. She knows that no one in this room would ever let that happen, including herself and Mikah, which means that Link will have to find his own heir. She guesses Link wouldn’t be the type to settle for second best; he’d want one of his own. He’d just need the right woman to help him along in that scenario.

  One name runs through Vivienne’s head, a name she hasn’t thought about since that dream in the hospital. “Nyssa,” she whispers.


  “Whoa, who?” Mikah says.

  “When I was in the hospital, right before we left—” She glances at Mikah. “—I had a dream. A dream where I was in a dark cave. I couldn’t see anything or anyone, but I heard voices. Riley was there, though based on what I heard, he was either dead or unconscious. And someone, I’m assuming it was the devil, was talking to a girl who said her name was Nyssa.”

  Mikah recognizes the name but doesn’t understand the significance behind Vivienne’s realization.

  “Do we know who Nyssa is?” Elizabeth asks Vivienne.

  “No, I never saw her face, but I know a Nyssa from the diner I used to work at.”

  Elizabeth stops in her tracks and turns toward Vivienne.

  “Do you think they are one and the same?” Elizabeth asks.

  “I can’t say for certain, and I’m not sure I want to find out. But I’m also not sure when in time this happened. Or will happen. In the dream I was pregnant, further along than I am now, so I’m guessing it hasn’t happened yet.”

  Ideas begin turning in Elizabeth’s head, and she turns to Red. “Can we figure out who this person is?”

  Red takes a step in Elizabeth’s direction. “We will do whatever we can to try and find out. Though I’m not convinced she’s significant.”

  “Good point, but I’d rather try and figure it out before Link does.”

  Elizabeth goes back to pacing. “As far as Riley is concerned, we’re aware that he is not acting alone. Though Link has a lot of confidence in Riley’s ability to complete the task he’s been sent to do, he doesn’t trust Riley enough to send him out on his own. Which is why I believe that Riley is meant to kidnap Vivienne and bring her back to Link. But again, it’s speculation.”

  Vivienne takes a deep breath and places her head in her hands. Exhaustion begins to overwhelm her. “How do I stop him?” she mumbles.

  “You, my dear? No, you don’t stop him. We stop him.” Red says, and Andrew, Celeste and Connor step forward.

  “You cannot do it with the four of you. You will need Mikah too,” Elizabeth says, her voice a whisper that resonates throughout the room as if shouted through a megaphone.

  Vivienne begins to sob. She understands what the potential consequences of Mikah helping are, and she can’t even begin to process the idea. “There has to be another way,” Vivienne cries.

  Elizabeth kneels down in front of her. “Vivienne, believe me, I wouldn’t send him to fight if there was any other way. I don’t know what kind of fight this will be, but I can assure you that we have the advantage.”

  All eyes immediately turn to Elizabeth, and Vivienne raises her head to look at her.

  “What do you mean?” Mikah says hesitantly.

  Elizabeth smiles slightly. “Well, for one, we’ve taken away their element of surprise. With the level of protection that is in place around both of you, Riley cannot find you until we’re ready for him to do so. That is why he tried to get you to the rehab center.”

  Mikah stands and takes a few steps away, trying to figure out where his mother is going with all of this.

  “Mikah, I suggest you both plan to stay in your apartment, versus the one downstairs, for the foreseeable future. Though both are protected, your penthouse has more layers of protection, along with fewer access points.”

  “Alright, but please tell me that’s not all we have in our arsenal. I don’t know if that will be enough.” Mikah’s pessimism drives a valid point.

  Andrew chimes in for the first time. “Do you honestly think that whoever was sent with him will leave Riley alone, unsupervised?”

  “No, Andrew, I don’t think they will leave him alone, at least not intentionally. And no, the penthouse is not your only weapon, though that may be the wrong word for it.” As Elizabeth speaks, Zirah and Seraphina move to stand alongside her.

  “Please stop with all the vagueness.” Mikah’s patience is wearing very thin.

  “I cannot tell you how your battle will end because we do not know. I can only give you some strategic help. With any luck, that will be everything you need to survive. Our first advantage is being able to control when and where Riley sees Vivienne. We wil
l know they are coming and we will set them up, luring them into a trap of our own. Vivienne herself is the second advantage.”


  “Wait, I don’t understand. How am I the second best thing we have to beat these guys?” Vivienne stands and walks toward Elizabeth. “I’m nobody, I haven’t got a clue how to fight and wouldn’t even consider it.”

  “Though you will need to be the one to lure Riley out and into the trap, you will not need to fight. Your talent lies elsewhere. Over the course of the last month or so, have you ever wondered how you were able to heal so quickly from your injuries?”

  A flood of images runs through Mikah’s mind: Vivienne nearly dead in her apartment; her lying in that hospital bed; her body healed, almost as if the attack hadn’t happened at all.

  Though Vivienne was unconscious through the entire ordeal, she recalls that, other than exhaustion, she felt no pain. She was unable even to determine the level of injury she incurred during Riley’s last attack, so much so that she had to ask Dr. Alston whether Riley had raped her.

  “Yes, I’ve thought about it, but what does that have to do with us trapping Riley?”

  Zirah joins the conversation. “Everything, Vivienne. It means that no matter what happens during the fight, or whatever happens with Riley, you can save your guardians. Your extraordinary ability to heal doesn’t stop with you.”

  Mikah remembers Seraphina telling him that he helped Vivienne heal. But if she’s the one with the healing ability, she didn’t really need him, did she?

  Yes, she did. She needed your strength, your encouragement, and your need for her in order to pull herself through. Seraphina’s voice rings clearly inside Mikah’s mind and he understands. You gave her hope.

  “How?” Vivienne breathes. She hadn’t healed herself consciously; how was she supposed to heal anybody else?

  “We will teach you,” Seraphina says aloud to Vivienne. “Just like we will teach Mikah what he needs to know. Though Andrew and Connor are pretty deadly, so there may not be much he needs to do.”


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