Riding Curves

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Riding Curves Page 2

by Christa Wick

  He turned the head set on. "Ready?"

  Was I ready? Yeah -- ready to pass out from his touching me, and the damn engine wasn't even on.

  "Jerk," I whispered and hugged him tight.


  Exhaustion numbed my legs by the time we reached the lake. I wobbled as I slid from the bike. Aiden wrapped an arm around my waist, his hip against me as a further brace. When he was sure I could stand without falling, he removed my helmet.

  "You boiling yet?" His hands went for my neck and then he started unzipping the jacket. The slide caught a few inches down and he lowered his hand, his thumb under the leather and pressing against my breast as he tugged the pull a little harder.

  The motion pulled me closer. Fisting his t-shirt, I rested my head against his chest, obscuring his hands as they worked between us. The zipper gave up the fight and he pulled the jacket from me, his hands skimming down my arms.

  He has performed similar acts hundreds of times since he entered my life, handling me like I was a doll or a helpless dolt. Each time felt more intimate, first like the big brother he pretended to be then, later, almost like a lover. But I knew the latter sense of intimacy was just my imagination.

  With the jacket off, I tightened my muscles, not only to make me smaller but to fight the tremor running through my body. The effort was beyond me. I was too worn out to control anything. Everything ached -- my thighs, my back, my arms. More than anything, my clit was sore and overly sensitive from the bike's vibrations.

  "Boat's not in the slip." Aiden drew back and stared over my shoulder at the lake. His gaze and voice seemed far away. His jaw was tight and a fresh flush of pink colored his cheeks. "They must have taken it out."

  "Good." I didn't mean to blurt it, but I did. The last thing I needed was Mom seeing me right then. She always knows when something is off with me. I just hoped Aiden was clueless, but the color rising on his face worried me.

  "Brat." His jaw relaxed and his eyes dipped down to meet mine. With a rumbling chuckle, he sidestepped me and swatted my ass. Taking the saddle bag from the bike, he plopped it on my shoulder. "Your finery, milady."

  "You're the brat." I pushed the bag back at him and started for the house.

  Aiden followed close on my heels. "You're just begging for another swat, Cece."

  Opening the door, I called out to make sure Dad wasn't out solo on the boat. "Mom!"

  No answer. We were alone. I headed for the kitchen, pulled a glass from the cupboard and filled it with tap water while I looked out at the lake. Aiden came into the room. Somewhere along the way, he stored the bag. Grabbing a second glass, he hip bumped me out of the way and started filling it.

  Once he shut the water off, I hip bumped him back so I could continue looking out at the lake. I desperately needed to study its placid surface. My body remained riled up from the long ride pressed against Aiden's firm flesh and his removal of the jacket, no matter how platonic his intentions had been.

  "Seriously begging for another swat, baby girl." He moved until he stood behind me, his free hand along my side as he sipped his drink and stared out the window.

  I tried to ignore him, particularly the threat of having his hand on my bottom and how close he stood. If I moved just an inch back, our bodies would have touched.

  "You're not hiding a second phone, are you?" He spoke the question directly in my ear, his voice just above a whisper. His breath curled against my skin, its gentle heat forcing my eyes shut. "Well, are you?"

  Trying to cover my body's reaction, I snorted. "Where the hell do you think I'm hiding it?"

  I know I carry extra weight, but it wasn't like my fat had secret compartments or anything.

  "In your car, maybe." He shrugged, his shoulder rubbing against the back of mine. "You have to have a second phone, there were no texts that looked like they were from guys on the other one, unless Joe's a dude who lets you paint his nails. He's not, right?"

  "You said you weren't reading!" I tried to turn but there wasn't enough room between the sink and his body.

  "Only because there wasn't anything to read, Miss Communications Major." He opened up a space, just a little, for me to face him. Taking my glass, he placed it on the counter and studied me. "Unless coordinating a time for study group and agreeing to pick up hot pink lacquer finish is some kind of nerd code for a sex-filled keg party."

  Ignoring the tease about my degree, I poked a finger at his chest, the spot too muscled for me to have any hope of denting it. "No, I don't have another phone. And it's not like anyone is going to invite me to a keg party."

  Realizing I had just fucked up, I glanced away. My whole body started to flush with embarrassment. Aiden would never admit it, but he had to know college boys -- not even the grad students -- weren't interested in girls like me. That I would turn them all down anyway because I was obsessed with Aiden would hopefully remain my little secret until I grew out of it.

  "Will you shut up now?" I pushed at his chest again, but he wouldn't budge.

  He put his other hand down on the counter, trapping me between his arms. Frowning, he nudged my forehead with his chin until I met his gaze. "What do you mean no invitations?'

  I was not going to spell it out for him. He had no sexual interest in me and had known me for so long that maybe he really was indifferent to the round cheeks, overblown hips and every other generous curve and dip in my body. That still didn't mean I could confide to him about the rude cat calls that every dumb jock on campus offered up. Hell, knowing Aiden, he would have followed me back to campus and knocked a few skulls.

  Scowling, I pushed at his chest. "I'm a nerd, remember?"

  "It doesn't matter how nerdy a woman is if she's beautiful, flutterby." He shook his head and I could see his brain working overtime on how to pry the information from me. "So, you're either a lesbian or sleeping with a married man who won't let you c--"

  "Neither! You--"

  Laughing, he crowded me closer to the sink using his hips. His voice dropped to a dangerously low level, one that made a shiver race across my skin. "Then who are the panties for, baby girl?"

  "For me. They're pretty and girls like pretty things, you idiot." I tried once more to push against his body but he was just as unyielding. He had me trapped and seemed intent on teasing me mercilessly. Same old Aiden and I adored him even when he was being like that. "You ever stop to think not every college student is out to fuck? Maybe I'm completely asexual!"

  "Not with the way you were breathing over the head set, baby girl."

  "I..." My brain froze. He heard that?

  "You?" He teased and pressed a little closer to me. "Can't say I've ever had a girl get worked up like that on the back of my bike before. Usually they save it for the bedroom."

  I reached for my glass, hoping if I ignored him he would stop making fun of me. He isn't mean -- he would take the hint and lay off.

  At least that's what he normally would have done.

  He grabbed my hand, stopping me before my fingers could curl around the glass.

  "And that little whimper, Cece, coming off Slauson Hill, when that gravity dip hit..." He ran his cheek along my ear, the rough stubble of his unshaven face making me melt a little closer. "It was almost enough to make you come. Why is that? You didn't enroll at some school where half the guys are hot for each other and the other half only fuck sheep, did you?"

  Cheeks flushing, I elbowed him. "Stop being cruel."

  "Cruel?" The disbelief in his voice sounded genuine. "You don't know what cruel is. That was the longest hour of my whole damn life, baby."

  My brain shut down at "baby" as I waited for the inevitable "girl" that would follow. He never called me just "baby," not in all the many years I had known him.

  Flutterby, baby girl, little girl, Cece -- all four were reserved exclusively for me. At least I had never heard him use the first three on anyone else. "Baby," however, was for the women he dated just long enough to fuck a few times before he seemed
to grow bored and moved on.

  I waited, heart pounding in my chest, for him to finish the phrase.

  He didn't.

  "You were riding my ass, baby." His hand slid down the front of my jeans. Cupping my mound with a rough grip, he tugged me closer. "Thighs squeezing and those needy little pants coming over the headset. It's a miracle I didn't spill the bike."

  I made a little noise and he groaned, his voice raw with a need I never would have expected -- not when it was directed at me.

  "That's exactly the sound I'm talking about, Cece." His lips brushed along my jaw line, following the curve up to my ear lobe. He sucked the dangle of flesh into his mouth. "I promised myself you were off limits. Pete..."

  My dad meant the world to Aiden and the feeling was pretty mutual. Their first encounter hadn't gone over so well. At fourteen, Aiden's older brother Frankie had duped him into standing look out while Frankie broke into dad's shop. Aiden had been a lanky slip of trouble back then, his mom only home when she was between boyfriends.

  Dad had seen something more lurking in Aiden's dark brown eyes.

  I nodded and tried hard to put my dad's feelings first. I almost made it, too, until Aiden's mouth tracked right and brushed against my lips. Moaning, I opened to him.

  His free hand cupped the side of my face. "Baby, tell me to stop."

  I tried. My whole body trembled with the effort of trying to get the words out or to just push him away. I lifted my hands to his chest, my fingers clutching at the fabric of his white tee. His tongue trailed along my top lip. My grip on his shirt tightening, I pulled him closer.

  "He doesn't have to know," I whispered.

  "I'd know, Cece."

  I could hear the guilt in his voice but his hands continued to cradle me -- one along my face, holding my mouth centered to meet his, the other molded against my pussy, squeezing the flesh each time my muscles involuntarily contracted.

  I gasped at the last squeeze. My hips jerked forward as a climax threatened. Aiden gripped me tighter, pulling me closer as he started to devour my lips. His tongue invaded with a hard swipe along my upper palate and then he pushed forward with his chest and hips until I was flush against the counter's edge.

  His fingers working between our bodies, Aiden thumbed the button of my jeans open. Easing the pressure of his hips against mine, he undid the zipper with a slow, teasing efficiency. Releasing his hold on my head, he untucked my t-shirt. One hand slid under it and up my torso as the other slid beneath the top band of my panties. Plunging lower, his middle finger parted my labia. Under my shirt, he freed my breast from the bra and gave my nipple a slow tug.

  "I don't know how you managed not to soak my seat, baby. Or burn a hole through it. You're pussy's so hot and wet."

  My hips moved without instruction from my brain. Aiden rewarded me with a strangled moan. He cinched me closer and his mouth fastened on my throat. Sucking at my flesh, he fingered short strokes along my clit.

  "Have you thought about us, Cece, before right now?"

  I managed a small nod and a gurgle that sounded like yes. It was all the self-control I could muster as I ground small circles against his fingertip.

  He took another slow tug on my nipple. "Were you thinking about me on the bike?"

  "Mmm-hmm." My hips surged and I felt a pulse of cream leave me. Breathing hard, I rocked up onto my tip toes as he continued rubbing the spine of my pussy.

  "And before that?" He squeezed my mound, lifting and rocking me so that my toes only occasionally touched the floor. With my answer stuck in my chest, he lightly nipped my throat. "How long?"

  How long?

  Far too fucking long -- that was the answer.

  I could only begin to guess. He started working at the shop after dad caught him and Frankie. I was four to his fourteen. Five years later, he left for engineering school in Wisconsin, my parents footing most of the tuition. I was working in my dad's shop after school and through the summer when Aiden returned home. From then on, I saw him every weekend, dinner several more nights each week and during school vacation.

  The memories of those long ago summers sighed through me as fresh as the day they were made.

  I had absolutely lived for summer, still do. My favorites were the weekends at the lake when Aiden went around clad in nothing more than swimming trunks and deck shoes. A perpetual tan covered his sculpted body. Dark areolas, each about the size of a quarter, and small rounded nipples topped two hard plates of muscle on his hairless chest. The six pack abs rolled in hills and valleys down to his navel. Below that, a flat lower stomach with a broad fan of closely trimmed, black hair disappeared beneath the trunks.

  He was every bit as sexy at 34 as he was at 24. Correction – he was even sexier with the extra years on him.

  I could still remember when my longstanding case of puppy love for Aiden cemented into something far more enduring. It was the first summer weekend at the cabin before I started my sophomore year in college. Back then, I always had the cabin's second bedroom to myself. Aiden, when he spent the weekend with us, would sleep on the pullout in the main room. Then the pullout lost its last surviving coil and Mom bought a regular sofa, decreeing I was old enough to share the bedroom.

  Fuck if I managed to sleep after that. I'd wake early just to watch him sleeping in the bed tucked along the opposite wall. Some mornings the covers would be pushed down low or completely off him. Those were the mornings I could see the thick bulge of his erect cock and fantasize that he was dreaming about me.

  I spent half of that summer in the bathroom, quietly and urgently fingering myself while I fought to keep his name from twisting past my lips.

  Aiden nuzzled my throat, reminding me of his question. "Answer me."

  "Seems like forever," I confessed with a moan.

  He groaned and then he bit me again, much harder than that first gentle nip. He squeezed my pussy, his middle finger curling up between my lips to trace the wet circle of my cunt. "Baby, I'm going to take you -- take every last, luscious inch of your body."

  "Yes." I moaned again, straining to move with him. Deep throbs pulsed through my sheath, contractions squeezed at my uterus. I was close to coming, but he wouldn't let me.

  Shifting his head, he trailed his mouth along the other side of my neck. His hand left my breast to grab my hair and twist my head so that my mouth pressed against his. He chewed and sucked at my bottom lip, his strong hand and nimble fingers expertly working my pussy. Stroking, rimming, he took shallow dips inside me.

  I tensed, wondering if Aiden would be able to tell that I was a virgin. He had already expressed a reluctance to touch me because I was his best friend's daughter. If he realized I had never been touched down there, he would stop immediately.

  His touch slowed and he purred tranquilly against my ear. The flat pads of his fingertips circled my hole. I could feel the callouses on his work-roughened hands as he spread my cream along my lower lips. The dips inside me restarted feather light. One finger became two, only daring to plunge tip deep. His tongue invaded my mouth again. There he ventured hard and rough, marauding against my lips and teeth, sucking at my tongue as he thumbed my clit.

  "Before I claim you, I'm going to eat this hot, sweet, soaking wet pussy. Take my time driving you crazy, baby."

  "Yes." It was the only word left in my vocabulary. Yes, I wanted him to fuck me. Yes, I wanted him to eat me. Yes, I wanted him to do anything and everything to me that twisted through his mind.

  Still holding me by the hair, he lowered my feet to the floor and turned me until I was bent over the sink. One-handed, he pushed my jeans and panties lower down my thighs and then he pressed his hips against my ass. The hard seam at the front of his jeans rubbed roughly against my nether hole as he wedged his hand between our bodies and drove my pussy wild with his touch.

  His thumb moved to the gate of my cunt. Hooking me, he pressed his palm along the curve of my mound, his fingers stroking and pinching my clit. He thumped hard and rhythmically again
st me, the thick denim seam grinding against my ass while his hand worked my pussy. I tightened against him, fearful that he would penetrate too deep or thick and my innocence would be prematurely revealed.

  When I lost it, I wanted his cock in me, wanted my sheath milking and rolling around the thick shaft I could feel pressed tight against my bottom.

  Aiden kept squeezing, stroking, over and over. My climax slammed into me and I rose up on my toes again, my ass pushed against his lower stomach as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through me with no plateau in sight.

  Aiden pulled back, his hand sliding along my pussy. His thumb left my cunt to be replaced by a thick triangle of fingers pressed just inside the rim of muscle. I froze, the walls of my vagina tightening to bar him.

  He refocused his attack. I felt the hard push of his thumb against my ass and then it thickly slid inside.

  "Aiden...oh...fuck...yes..." He could penetrate me there, hard and deep, plunging, his thrusts rough and dominating.

  He released the handful of my hair he held to rein me in place. He rested the newly freed hand across my bottom, one thumb teasing the edges of my asshole while the other thumb took me over and over, in and out, the fingers along the rim of my pussy ensuring I held myself lifted and tight.

  I bounced along the counter, climaxing long and hard, hips hitting against the sink's edge as I tried to push and squeeze at him. That was when he stuck his other thumb inside me. I stilled. My eyes rolled back inside their sockets as my entire body slowly squeezed tighter and tighter around him. Tugging and stroking at both sides, he stretched me before burying his thumbs all the way inside and letting me ride them to the end of my climax.

  When the last moan left my lips, he pulled out. Tugging my jeans up, he spun me around. His gaze was liquid fire as it scanned my expression for a few seconds. Seeing complete surrender reflected across my face, he offered me a chaste kiss and then walked from the room.

  Right before he crossed the threshold, he glanced back, a broad grin breaking across his features. "Boat's been in the slip a full two minutes, baby girl. Might want to button up."


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