Captured (Alien Space Pirates 1) (SciFi Romance)

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Captured (Alien Space Pirates 1) (SciFi Romance) Page 8

by Mara Frost

  “Okay, all done?” I ask, staring up at the light overhead.

  He doesn’t answer. I glance down at him and I see him working his way from my legs and up to my waist. Once he reaches my waist, my stomach tightens and I freeze.

  “All...done?” I repeat quietly.

  “Almost,” he says lowly, his eyes focused and his face hard like stone. “Sit on the edge of the table and bend your knees.”

  “What? Why?!” Panicking. Okay, now I’m panicking.

  “The diagnostics is reporting a discrepancy in the midsection of your body.”

  “Screw that! I’m not going to have some weird gyno exam because your computer doesn’t know the lady parts of humans! I assure you I’m fine! I’ve gone through enough medical exams before going to space to last me two life times!”

  This doesn’t seem to faze him. “Sit on the edge and bend your knees.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “If you don’t do it yourself, I can make you do it. It makes no difference to me,” he replies drily.

  The truth in his words came in loud and clear. I know he can. I know he can do just about anything he wants to me...and I guess the fact that he’s been generally respectful up until this point is the only thing he has going for him. Quickly realizing that I don’t have many options, I give him the angriest and dirtiest look that I can muster before lifting myself up and sliding to the edge of the table.

  “Just so you know, you’re an ass. This is not necessary.”

  “Noted. Lean back.”

  The desire to stab him with something is now almost overwhelming. I stare daggers at him while I lean back slowly and exhale nervously. My entire body feels like a tightly wound rubber-band. I bend my knees, but I keep them sealed shut – basically, just like a gyno exam.

  “Open your legs,” he orders lowly and then adds, “please.”

  “Oh since you said ‘please’,” I bite back sarcastically. “I didn’t think you had that word in your alien vocabulary.”

  Ignoring my obvious stalling tactic, he just looks at me evenly. I roll my eyes and try to calm my breath as I steel myself for what I’m about to do. I close my eyes tight as I feel my knees slowly separate. With my legs shaking, I spread my thighs open and hold my breath. Okay, let’s find this ‘discrepancy’ and get this over with.

  Just don’t look at him. Just don’t look at him. Look at anything but him. I repeat this over and over in my head. My jaw is clenching so hard it makes my ears ache. And of course my brain is a big fat traitor and I go and look at him. Big mistake.

  My breath hitches in my throat. He’s staring at the area between my legs wide-eyed, but with a very focused and stern look on his face. It looks like he’s about to pop a blood vessel. I clear my throat nervously, successfully snapping his attention back up to me as he meets my gaze.

  “Uhm...hi,” I say shakily. “What’s the...issue....down there exactly?”

  Big Blue steps towards me until he’s only inches away from my open legs. “The scanner is reporting that there is an inconsistency with your physical appearance.” He clears his throat, “It says that you are missing a body part.”

  My eyebrows shoot up. Well, that’s news to me. What in the Hell am I missing? And more importantly, why didn’t anyone tell me! For a second I’m so concerned about my ‘missing part’ that I’m not even concerned that Big Blue is moving towards my open legs, nor do I notice that his face is now level with my open pussy.

  “What’s missing ex-“

  Before I can finish, I’m interrupted by the feeling of his warm breath brushing against the bare skin of my thighs. I grip onto the edge of the table in surprise and try hard not to pull away, trying my best to ignore how it’s making my body feel.

  But when I feel his fingers graze against the outer lips of my pussy, I can’t keep my reaction inside anymore. I gasp aloud as I feel his fingers begin to touch and probe at my sex. Okay, so this happening, I say to myself as I try to prepare for whatever it is that’s about to happen.

  But despite how prepared I think I am, nothing really could prepare me for the feeling of his hard hands dancing along my soft and sensitive folds. His touch, while surprisingly gentle and curious was also purposeful and eager. And deep down inside, I know that I want him to explore and feel more of me.

  My stomach tightens as jolts of electricity from deep within my abdomen shoot all the way down to my core. It feels like there’s a storm inside of me, but I sit frozen. Until I decided to peek through one open eye and see what’s happening. I instantly regret my decision and become breathless.

  I see him – his large, scarred, blue face only about 2 cm away from my naked lady zone. The look on his face is a strange mix of intense focus and...and something else? Frustration? Anger? But why would he be angry?! He’s not the one getting an alien pap smear from a blue giant.

  “Wh-what is it?” I studder, almost afraid to hear what part it is that I’m missing.

  He breathes in slowly and steadily. Crap, it must be bad. How did the guys at NASA not notice that something was wrong with me? And why is the heat from his breath making me feel like I’m on fire?

  I feel my body tense again and my center starts to ache at the thought. And why in the Hell am I responding like this? Why is my body a big fat traitor? Hopefully, he won’t notice...

  “The diagnostic scan said that you are missing the outer epidermal follicle extensions in your genital area,” he says very seriously. My breath hitches again as I feel his large fingers move and explore around my pussy.

  “Ahem...okay,” I say unsteadily, trying to ignore the chaos that was brewing inside me with every small flick of his finger. “Outer epidermal follicle...” I repeat as I allow his words to sink in. Outer follicle...?

  Lightening immediately strikes.

  “I wax! I wax! You’re talking about my lack of hair down there? It’s okay! I wax!” I repeat as relief washes through me.

  His tense and dark as night violet eyes shoot up at me and I snap my mouth shut. Something about the look on his face makes me stop talking.

  “Yes, hair. You are missing hair,” he nods and then adds, “Why?”

  I wiggle a little uncomfortably and feel the muscles in my core still tightening. Now that we know what the root of the ‘discrepancy’ is, it seems a little odd that we’re still sitting in the same position and he’s still firmly planted between my legs. But he is showing no signs of moving.

  “I...uhm...some women of Earth choose to go hairless in this area. I-it’s...” I clear my throat again as I try to find the right words. The heat that’s bouncing off his body is hitting my openness and I swear it’s giving me heart palpitations, but I continue. “It’s perfectly safe. Not all women choose this, but I did because it’s more convenient while being And I’m too lazy”

  His eyes are now black. Why are they black? Aren’t they supposed to be violet? Is that bad?

  And then time seems to slow, as if in slow motion. His penetrative gaze moves from my face and returns back to my center – my now very achy center. With his hands still on my sex, I feel his fingers slowly spread open my heavy lips. A burning heat and an unexpected wetness immediately greets him.

  I gasp out loud and flinch, but I don’t pull away. I don’t know why, but I don’t pull away. Nothing is holding me in this position. I could just sit up and so easily pull away, but I don’t. I continue to sit there and feel the cool air of the ship mixed with the hotness of his breath hit my now completely exposed pussy.

  He breathes in my hot scent and he closes his eyes. I hope that doesn’t mean anything bad, I think nervously to myself. I stare down at him, open-mouthed and feeling surprisingly weak.

  And then without saying a word, he lowers his mouth onto my pussy and growls hungrily. I whimper and cry out from the shocking intrusion of his wet tongue slipping in between my heavy folds, but I don’t move. His powerful tongue immediately starts to sweep up and down my slit, tasting and lic
king what he can.

  I cry out loud and gasp with shock – shock from the fact that a freaking alien is licking my pussy and shock because a freaking alien is licking my pussy and it feels amazing.

  “” I moan as I try to string words together to form a sentence.

  He doesn’t answer. But I didn’t expect him to answer, his mouth is sort of busy. Honestly, I don’t think I really wanted him to answer anyway. It’s probably for the best if I don’t ask any more questions. Instead, I’ll just moan and hold tight onto the table.

  Without realizing it, I open my legs wider, trying to offer more of myself to the blue giant. And he greedily accepts. His large tongue explores my crevice, as if he’s trying to satisfy a deep hunger. I feel his lips and tongue lick and suck at my center as I grip hard onto the table. And then suddenly a bolt of almost painful electricity shoots through me – his tongue is on my swollen bud. My entire body jerks and I throw my head back in surprise.

  Well, he found the sweet spot, I think almost drunkenly to myself. Immediately noticing my reaction, his large tongue pauses for only a second...and then slowly glides back up my crevice until he lands on my very swollen, very achy bundle of nerves again.

  “Oh God, you...found...” I stutter out, but I’m immediately struck into silence the second his tongue starts to almost inquisitively brush against my clit. At first, he’s gentle and slow, trying to see what this new part does, but as my cries and moans grow louder and more powerful, his gentle touch becomes hungry and more deliberate. He starts to rhythmically lap at my swollen nub, slowly but surely coaxing more wetness - and eager moans - from me with each lick.

  Without realizing it, my body starts to move with his mouth. My hips start to gyrate so that my pussy moves with his mouth and tongue in perfect tandem. This only seems to encourage him.

  I moan more. I fight the urge to cry out, “Go, Big Blue, go!”. Right now that mouth and tongue deserve as much cheerleading as possible – he’s eating me like a champion.

  Without being able to stop myself, my hands let go of the table and I grab a hold of his thick dark mane and I hold on tight. As if in response, he grabs onto my ass and thighs with both hands and squeezes hard. It might have hurt if he did that any other time, but while being in the throes of passion, it only exaggerates the delicious feeling of pressure and pleasure that was building deep inside.

  “Oh God...” I moan into the open air as I throw my head back.

  He growls into my pussy as his licks become more hurried and eager, sending a series of powerful vibrations through my sex and rocking me to my very core. My body begins to shake and my thighs shiver uncontrollably as the building electricity in my center starts to spread through my entire body.

  Another hungry growl escapes past his mouth and sends tingling vibrations into my pussy. Mix that with the expert lashing his greedy tongue is giving my clit and I lose it completely.

  I throw my head back in shock and pure euphoria as the pressure in my center explodes. I swear I can see stars as wave after wave of electric ecstasy thrashes through me.

  My entire body spasms and jerks on the table, but his mouth stays firmly latched onto my pussy. His tongue continues to lap at my clit lazily while his mouth rhythmically sucks. With each gentle lick, almost painful jolts of electricity rush through me. I’m so sensitive that I try to pull away, but he growls and his fingers dig tighter into my thighs.

  I hiccup back another cry as I accept the fact that he’s just trying to kill me. Death by amazing orgasm? I suppose there are worse ways to go. I close my eyes and try to relax as I try to ride the waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

  After several seconds...maybe even heart starts to calm as my body relaxes and the painful spasming in my pussy starts to subside. As I control my breath and allow myself to swim in the afterglow of my orgasm, a tense and nervous laugh bursts out of my mouth. I couldn’t help it. It just came out. I mean, what else am I supposed to do? The big guy is still eagerly licking up his handiwork and if I’m not careful, it’s going to happen all over again.

  Laughing is just a natural consequence to a pretty crazy situation.

  With barely enough energy, I lift myself onto my elbows and I glance down at him. He pulls away slowly from me and meets my gaze, his eyes back to piercing violet. I freeze.

  So this is awkward.

  “Heh, so...” I say nervously. “I guess...everything’s good down...there?”

  As if waking from a dream, he blinks and then abruptly stands up, allowing him to once again tower over me. He looks down at me and then looks around the room, almost in an accusing way, as if someone drugged him or something. He then storms out the room without so much as a word or growl. But not without him having trouble with the controls for the wall/door first. He growls and mutters some weird word that I don’t understand, pounds at the control panel and then practically runs out the room.

  “Oooo....kay. Thanks?” I say to no one at all.

  I look around the room in sheer confusion. What just happened? And why in the Hell did the best oral sex that I’ve ever had have to come from an alien? I collapse back onto the table and let out a whimper-growl.

  “Life isn’t fair.”

  The hum of the room increases in what feels like a reassuring way, almost like Maxaya is agreeing with me.



  What the fuck was that? Why did I just lick that female? What came over me? All I know is that the second I saw her naked and on the table, I couldn’t think of anything else. I needed her. I needed to taste her.

  I walk through the corridor and without realizing it, I walk straight towards the sparring room. I take a deep breath in, trying to regain some semblance of control, and I’m immediately greeted with her scent on my lips. Another wave of primal need courses through me as images of her body under my mouth flash through my mind – her moans of pleasure, her body writhing under my tongue...

  I growl at the very apparent bulge in my pants as it reminds me of the effect the human had on me only a few short moments ago.

  Cursed humans. Why would anyone want to pay such a high price for them? They are nothing but trouble.

  Once I’m in the sparring room, I don’t waste a moment. I immediately punch the high impact gel we use for practice (and to release aggression). A small amount of relief washes through me, but it’s not nearly enough to allow me to forget how that female made me feel. The urges she made me feel. The way she tasted...

  “Maxaya!” I bark, my chest heaving as adrenaline starts to pour into my system.

  The reassuring sound of Maxaya’s loud pulse engages in acknowledgement. Normally, hearing her has an almost calming effect on me. Not today though. Right now I feel more tense than a Tryxack’s asshole.

  “Maxaya! I want a synth-image of Kaveth,” I growl.


  Kaveth immediately materializes in front of me, at least a synthetic projection of him. And his easy going, smartass smile is exactly what I needed to see right now.

  The synth-Kaveth laughs. “What has your thermal-linings in a bunch, Dakhar?”

  An evil grin sweeps across my face and Kaveth’s easy going smile slowly disappears. But before he has a chance to ask another question – or even prepare for what’s coming next – my fist meets his chin in a loud satisfying crunch.

  Fortunately, Kaveth can take a punch. He can take many punches. Just like me. He touches his chin in mild surprise and looks at me, excited and amused by the impending entertainment.

  He then quickly rounds his fist back for his own counter, but I quickly block it and send him reeling with an upper cut to the stomach. He snorts back the air that was punched out of his stomach, but still manages to let out a weak chuckle. He paces backwards to catch his breath and I watch patiently. I’m not one to punch someone while they’re down. I’m not an animal. Besides, there’s no honor or satisfaction in that.

  “What’s got
you upset, my friend? I haven’t seen you this upset in a long time,” he asks while straightening up from his hunched over position.

  “I’m not upset.”

  I punch. He blocks and head-butts me with full force.

  “I don’t believe that.”

  I ignore the jarring pain that his rock-like head produced and try to push through the dizziness that wants to follow.

  “Believe it.”

  He comes at me with a jab to the face and I manage to block it just barely in time and push him back. Once he is a few good feet away, I do a roundhouse kick to his face and it immediately sends him to the floor.

  Sprawled on the floor, Kaveth laughs through some strained breaths.

  “Oh yeah, you’re upset about something, my friend. You don’t roundhouse like that unless you’re on a special level of pissed. What is it? Joining the Empire again?”

  “Get up.”

  “No? Not the Empire? Lost a job?”

  “Move it.”

  “Lost the merchandise?”

  “Kaveth,” I growl, my patience clearly wearing thin, but Kaveth isn’t letting up. He stays on the floor and continues. Even his synth-image is a smartass. I need to make sure Maxaya doesn’t create such an accurate version next time.

  “A female?”

  Maybe one that doesn’t talk.

  I don’t say anything, but something about my general demeanor must have changed because Kaveth’s eyes light up as he hoists himself up onto his elbows.

  “That’s it? A female? You’re upset about a female?” Kaveth says excitedly as he throws his head back in laughter. “I never thought I’d see it!”

  I roll my eyes. “You haven’t seen it. You’re not real.”

  “That’s beside the point. You are upset about a female.”

  Kaveth springs back up, all smiles from ear to ear. I fight the urge to send another roundhouse in his direction.

  “So who is it? Do I know her? Is she that female from Del 3 Prime?”


  “Oh, that sexy merc we met in the Turran sector?”



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