Breath of Magic

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Breath of Magic Page 3

by Regina Carlysle

  “Yeah,” Will added. “It would take a miracle.”

  Sparkle finished off her Snickers and smacked her luscious lips. “Exactly and we’re pretty much in the miracle business, don’t you think? I mean, look at it like this, guys, it’s Christmas, the time of miracles and nothing could be more miraculous that a butt-load of snow in central Texas.”

  Both male elves grinned at Sparkle, who positively beamed at her own brilliance and almost simultaneously the three of them raced for their snow globes. They had some work to do. After all, messing around with the weather was a very big deal.

  Chapter Two

  Ty looked up from his desk at the sound of a car pulling into the front drive and he glanced at his watch, noting the time. Midafternoon. It had to be Liza because he’d cleared his schedule knowing she’d show up today. He was ready for her.

  Keep it cool. Keep it calm.

  Yeah, right. Tell yourself that, buddy.

  His heart pumped hard as anticipation flashed over his skin and through his bones. Behind the fly of his jeans, his cock stirred as memory dug deep. The first face-to-face in years with the woman he wanted more than life itself could do that to a man. It had been a little over ten years since a monumental misunderstanding had torn Liza right from his arms. But fate and circumstance was about to play its hand and he was ready for it.

  He stood and walked toward the wide windows and watched her sitting behind the wheel of a kick ass Porsche. Yep, the woman had great taste in cars as she did in everything else. Was she nervous about seeing him face to face? Most people saw Liza Woodward as a woman in command of her surroundings. Tough. But Tyler knew the other side of her, the more delicate side, the side that was all woman…tender and affectionate and sexy as hell. Watching her carefully, he saw her grip the steering wheel and rest her forehead on it. Yeah, she was nervous.

  A smile tugged at his lips. Poor baby.

  Hard to be tough when facing an old adversary. He wouldn’t be too tough on her. At least not yet. Nerves jumped in his belly as he watched her step from the safety of her car. Ty stilled, his hand resting on the window frame.

  Damn, she was pretty.

  Shoulder-length hair, the exact color of sunshine whipped in the breeze making his fingers practically itch to touch the shiny stuff. She shoved her fingers into it with a restless motion, pushing it back as she bent back into the car and grabbed a black leather purse that Tyler knew must’ve cost the Earth. She’d grown from a small town girl into the epitome of class and sophistication. Once she’d settled the purse strap on her shoulder, she turned wearing a determined look on her face and walked toward the house.

  The last time he’d seen her, she’d been dressed in mourning black and today was no different. Black wool slacks draped those lovely long legs and the matching silky sweater she wore cupped her full breasts like a lover’s hands. Despite the understated manner of dress, he knew that beneath the expensive threads she was soft and supple and warm. The pulse thrumming through his erection grew more insistent.

  As if sensing he watched, she turned that serious blue gaze toward him and stopped dead in her tracks. He saw a flash of uncertainty flicker in those sweet baby blues as she bit her bottom lip.

  Ty’s body clenched and he backed away from the window. He heard the click of her heels on the front porch steps as he made his way into the living room and opened the door. Her hand was lifted as if to press the doorbell. She scowled at him and he was suddenly overwhelmed by the urge to kiss that adorable frown right before bending her over his knee and spanking her until her bare ass squirmed beneath his hand.

  Instead of acting on the impulse, he grinned at her. “Hey, Liza Lou.”

  “Do not call me that.”

  The pet name had her bristling and he knew she was trying very hard to stay focused in the here and now. He shrugged unapologetically and stepped back to let her in. “You used to like it when I called you that.” The scent of her expensive perfume had him reeling. Just barely, he managed to appear unaffected.

  She turned to face him fully, her face a beautiful mask. “I used to like you. That was a long time ago and I’d prefer not to skip down memory lane, if you don’t mind.”

  “Okay. I’ll let that go. For now. Come on in.”

  Ty watched her carefully as she moved further into the living room. As she took in his space, he sent his gaze over the curve of her back. His libido kicked up a notch as he noted the curve of her fine ass beneath the tailored slacks. Was he drooling? Nope but it was a close thing. He’d always been an ass man and there was just something about Liza that brought out the beast in him. That pesky semi-woody he sported grew in dimensions, hardened in response.

  Finally she turned to face him, the queen bitch persona gone and she gave him a little smile. “This place is beautiful. You’ve done a lot with it.”

  He shrugged and looked around at the overstuffed furniture and the smattering of bulky antiques placed here and there. He’d wanted to remain true to the time period in this old Victorian and he’d hoped it had been achieved without making him seem some kind of pansy ass. Nope. No doilies or Tiffany lamps but he’d managed to give the place an elegant look with a little help from a decorator.

  “Thanks. Remember when we were in high school? Hell, I hardly noticed this old house but then, we didn’t pay attention to that kind of stuff back then.”

  Liza shook her head. “Uh-uh. Dragging main and parking out by the lake was what we were into then if I recall. This is seriously nice, Ty.” She glanced toward the front bedroom. “Your office is in here?”

  “Yeah, come on.”

  Ty came up behind her and placed his hand at the small of her back. What began as a courtesy instantly became something else. Just that slight touch at her back made him stop dead in his tracks. Jesus. A blast of longing and pure old-fashioned lust shook him. He looked down at her gasp, watched her eyes widen. “Ty. I—”

  He smiled at her. “Come on, honey. Let’s get this business out of the way.”

  He wasn’t about to take advantage of her when she looked so vulnerable. Above all, he wanted her on equal terms. “What do you think of my space?”

  Liza looked around the orderly office and nodded. “Nice. You always were a neat freak. I see that hasn’t changed.”

  He laughed and motioned to a heavy leather chair in front of his antique walnut desk. “Something we have in common. Of course, I’m sure this isn’t what you’re used to. You must have it pretty fancy in Dallas.”

  Ty sprawled into his chair and watched her. Her pouty little mouth firmed as she looked everywhere but at him. Silence fell for moment and he picked up a copy of the Woodward will. “Heard you were engaged, Liza. I’m surprised he isn’t here with you today. Didn’t see him at the funeral either. What’s up with that?”

  She flinched then seemed to compose herself before piercing him with her gaze. “That’s over. We’re done.”

  Hell yeah. Satisfaction roared through him. He wanted to pump his fist and shout. Instead, he leaned back in his chair and regarded her steadily. “Want me to drive up to Dallas and kick his pansy ass for you?”

  Liza laughed. A short burst of sound. “Ah, would you?”

  “In a minute.”

  She shook her head. “I was kidding myself. It never would’ve worked.”

  “Why not?”

  “Maybe we were both too ambitious. Both fighting for the same things.”

  Ty tapped a corner of the envelope against the blotter on his desk. “Hmm. Heard you were promoted to full partner at Wesley, Howard and Stowe. Guess buddy boy wasn’t?” When her cheeks flushed a healthy pink and she went still, he knew he’d hit the mark. Now he seriously wanted to head north and kick the crap out of the guy. What kind of man was he to throw away a magnificent woman like Liza over a job promotion? A complete shithead. “He obviously didn’t deserve you, Liza Lou. You’re well rid of the ass.”

  Suddenly she smiled a little. “I’d almost forgotten what a gentle
man you can be, Tyler Blackwell.”

  Hmm. A compliment. Coming from Liza, he’d take it. He’d take just about anything she threw his way and eat it up with a spoon. “I’ve been known to behave appropriately on occasion. Let’s get down to business.”

  He passed the will across his desk, watched her open the envelope and read. Pain lanced across her face before she got it under control. His heart broke for her. More than anything, he wanted to pull her against him and hold her but he knew that would be the wrong thing. She was a lady who liked her control and he’d let her have it, for now.

  In a no-nonsense manner, she nodded and replaced the paper in the envelope. “Probate shouldn’t be a problem. Leave it to Daddy to keep everything even and fair.”

  Liza didn’t look at him but she sniffed, blinked her eyes a couple of times.

  “Do you want me to handle the sale?”

  “No.” She fairly snapped the word, making eye contact. “Don’t assume things, Tyler.”

  “I don’t understand. Are you telling me you want to keep the ranch and move back to Melbourne?” A wild flash of hope burst to life in his chest but it was short-lived when she shook her head.

  “Not me. Or, I suspect, Jenna. But our Maddie is another kettle of fish.”

  “But what about her teaching job in San Antonio?”

  “Well, Miss Maddie Mae shocked me to death last night when she informed me she wanted to keep the ranch. She’s always loved it so I don’t know why I was so surprised.” Liza leaned forward and propped her arms on the desk. “Which leads me to another question. Why the hell is Zach Brennan running around the ranch as if he owns the place? His being there has Maddie’s back up. Big-time.”

  “Well, hell, Liza. After your parents…well…after everything, I couldn’t just leave the stock unattended. I had immediate power of attorney and Zach is definitely interested in buying you ladies out. He’s a cattleman to his bones and will take good care of the ranch.”

  “Why didn’t you call me and ask about this before you sent him out to act as if he already owns the place?”

  Ty snorted. “Like you’d have returned my calls, Liza! How many times over the years have I called your firm and you’ve refused me? Hmm? Get real, darlin’. I did what I had to do because you’re too damn bull-headed to listen to reason.”

  “Okay. That’s just it.” Liza jumped to her feet and sneered. Yeah, sneered. No one did it better. “Probate the damn will and we’ll figure out what to do about the ranch in the meantime. No biggie.”

  She spun toward the door, preparing to walk right out of his life again. A burst of anger and lust made him just a bit faster. Growling low, he reached out for her arm, turned her as clean as a whistle until her cute little ass was pressed against the edge of his desk. “Oh, no you don’t, darlin’,” he whispered, leaning in. His lips nearly touched hers but he wasn’t planning to move anywhere but closer. “You ran away from me once before without giving me a chance to explain. Running has become a habit with you, at least where I’m concerned. I’m done with it, Liza Lou. You hear me, honey? Done.”

  Ty couldn’t stand it a minute longer. He’d been waiting for years, damn it, to get another chance with her and he wasn’t about to let her stalk out of his life again. Though her eyes flashed blue fire, he ignored it and took her face in his hands and moved in. His mouth settled along hers and her answering gasp gave him entrance into the sweet, warm depths. He took the tasting deep, ghosting her cheeks, her tongue, tasting fully and it was like coming home.

  But it wasn’t enough.

  He pressed his cock, now thick and long behind the fly of his jeans and throbbing like a son of a bitch, right against her core. He heard her sharp intake of breath and raked his length over her heat.

  It was miraculous. The best damn feeling in the world.

  He rolled his pelvis, hitting her little sweet spot and felt victory explode through his veins as her eyes fluttered shut. She shivered against him, rocked as he rolled and made a crying sound against his lips. His tongue was planted deep in her mouth and when she sucked on it, he thought he’d go off like a rocket. Fast. Fast and hard.

  Unable to stop his plundering, he filled his hands with her breasts. Those sweet pink nipples he’d loved so many years ago hardened, stabbing against the palms of his hands. Tenderly, he squeezed and stroked, finally taking that pebbled flesh between his fingers. Plucking, pulling gently.

  Ty heard her sharp intake of breath. “Shit, Liza. You’re so fucking sweet,” he breathed against her lips. “Are you wet, honey?” To emphasize the query, he dragged his cock along her center, stroking, caressing. Her sweet, little pussy was so hot he felt it through layers of clothing. Releasing her nipples, he buried his face at the fragrant curve of her neck and took her plump ass cheeks in both hands. Squeezing, releasing, he envisioned bending her over his desk, stripping her bare and thrusting, thrusting, taking them both over the edge.

  Ty felt his balls draw up. Wicked fingers seemed to tease and tingle along his spine as his body heated to outrageous heights. He nipped her throat, then licked the spot as Liza’s shaky sigh broke free. “We shouldn’t. We’re over,” she whispered, her breathing panting out in short little puffs.

  “Uh-uh. We’ve never been over. Not gonna be over. Fuck, I missed you.”

  Suddenly, shockingly, it was as if something opened up inside her. Liza’s hands reached up to cup his head, hold him close. Her fingers speared through his hair. When she turned her head to look him dead in the eye, he saw the wild fire burning brightly in her luminous eyes.

  Ty thought his heart would stop at that look.

  “Ah, honey,” he breathed.

  When her eyes fluttered closed, it was all he needed. Desire lashed through his body and he had to look at her. Really look at her. Grabbing the hem of her sweater he whipped it over her head and flung it aside. Ty stilled. Focused.

  The black lacy bra covering her breasts was nearly transparent and the pale color of her nipples was barely visible beneath. His mouth went dry at the sight of the hard, little points thrusting against the fabric. Feeling savage, possessive, he bent his head and took one between his lips to suck knowing the brush of lace against her nipples would add to her pleasure. Liza’s cry was sharp as he raked his teeth across her sensitive flesh but it wasn’t enough. Not nearly. He transferred his attention to the other breast. Tormenting, teasing, driving himself crazy, he reached behind her and unsnapped the bra at the back just as her fingers sank deep into his hair, holding him to her. When the lacy bit of lingerie fell into his hands and he tossed that too, aside, he feasted his eyes.

  “God, it’s been so long,” he whispered, drinking in the sight of her bare breasts. She had the sweetest nipples he’d ever seen. Reaching out, he traced an areola with a fingertip and his mouth watered as her nipple puckered and hardened in response. “I want you.”

  “Yes. Yes, Ty. God.”

  This time it was bare, hot flesh he took in his mouth, tasted with his tongue. His hands whipped over her naked back then kneaded her ass. She was soft and sexy as hell. His cock throbbed behind the fly of his jeans and he fought to slow things down but it wasn’t working. Deep inside he fought the fear that she’d come to her senses and push away, run again like she had that night ten years ago. Ty knew he couldn’t let that happen. Holding the globes of her ass, he dragged his erection over her core yet again as he sucked and played at her breast. She was hot enough to melt and that’s just the way he wanted her. “I’m gonna take you, Liza.” He groaned the words against the softness of her breast. With his teeth, he grazed a tender nipple then flicked it with his tongue. Impatient hands came around to the fastening of her slacks and quickly, he unbuttoned. The zipper’s rasp sounded loud in the quiet of the room.

  Liza gasped as he pushed the expensive wool from her legs and settled his hand at the juncture of her thighs. Ty looked down. His hand looked big and rough against the silky black thong. The scrap of fabric was sopping wet, drenched with the ev
idence of her passion. Hunger consumed him. Clasping her slender waist he picked her up and settled her ass on his desk. Slowly, he took her knees and spread her open.

  The silky triangle of black that shielded her secrets couldn’t hide from him the fact she was soaking wet. The thong clung to her folds, molded by the damp heat of her body. Groaning, he looked his fill as he traced her labia with one finger. Liza jerked at the contact and his eyes whipped up to connect with hers. Feeling feral, savage, he reached out and swept everything from the top of his desk. Paper clips, pens and papers flew in every direction but he didn’t give a damn.

  Gently, he put his hands on her shoulders and laid her back on the desk. Her gasp of surprise didn’t faze him in the slightest but he pressed a kiss to her belly as if to reassure her. “Shh. Let me.”

  Ty straightened and looked down at her. She was spread across the top of his desk like a damn sacrificial virgin. His fingers itched to touch her giving flesh so he ran his hands over her breasts and down the slender lines of her ribs and belly. He rubbed the heel of his hand between her legs, loving her damp heat. Pressing there, rotating, he looked up at her when a tiny cry escaped her lips. Her eyes were closed, her throat was arched. Blonde hair spread like a vibrant fan across the dark wood of his desk.

  Today, he’d dressed for comfort but even the casual stuff was too much. He yanked the hem of his shirt from his jeans and made short work of the buttons. It joined Liza’s clothing on the floor. When he glanced at Liza, he saw she’d gone up on her elbows on the desk and was eyeing him hungrily. His body reacted violently when she slowly licked her bottom lip.

  “You’re a gorgeous man, Tyler. You’ve changed.”

  “I’m a man, Liza. A man who wants you. Who has always wanted you. Nothing has changed. Not even me.”

  Oh, he was sure as hell wrong about that. Everything had changed. Once a young guy had shared her bed and owned a piece of her heart but today a fully seasoned man stood before her, wanting her and she wanted him right back.


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