Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1)

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Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1) Page 4

by Crystal Dawn

  Maybe her focus in life was meant to be him, his business, and their family? It was possible that what she was fighting against was what she had been made to embrace. How crazy would that be? Now that Tyne was giving in just a little bit, it made it easier for her to consider accepting what he’d offered her all along. Moe had just wanted to find her place in life and be accepted.

  If Tyne could do that, they might have a real chance at getting together and building a life as mates. The male meant that much to her and she wanted to believe she meant the same to him. She relaxed in his embrace.

  Rather than fall asleep with so much work to do, they got up and prepared for a busy day. Moe was good with the books, keeping up with assignments, and answering the main phone which always seemed to be ringing. When they hit the front door of Wolf Securities, the phone was ringing and no one was answering it.

  “Wolf Securities, how may I direct your call?” Moe asked.

  “I’d like to speak to Tyne.”

  “May I ask who is calling?”

  Sheila Godfrey.”

  “Just a moment.” Moe said and she looked up at Tyne. He held up two fingers. “He’s not in his office at the moment, but he’s due back anytime. You can either wait or call back in a couple of minutes.”

  “I’ll wait. It’s urgent.”

  “Very well. I’ll put you on hold and let you know as soon as he steps back in.” Moe put the lady on hold and looked up at Tyne who was headed for his office. She watched as he took his seat and propped his feet up on the desk. “I’m transferring your call now.” It was explained as she did just that.

  The day went on as it started, one meeting, call, and request after another. Moe didn’t mind the work, it just wasn’t fulfilling to her. Tyne only enjoyed the field work, the office work didn’t appeal to him either. Some of the clients were high maintenance requiring a lot of soothing and explaining above and beyond any work the company did for them. Those were often the high visibility clients and those of social standing.

  The job was hard mostly because she was doubled up since they were shorthanded, but she managed. Tyne was working hard too, but he also managed to get through more than one person should be capable of. Maybe it was easier working harder and longer now, since she knew they had a reward in their future. The destination wasn’t decided yet, but when she got off work regardless of how late, she would be looking at possibilities.

  Finally it was quitting time. The biggest problem was getting Tyne to quit and go home. “C’mon big boy. Let’s go by the sandwich shop and pick up supper before we head home.”

  “That sounds pretty good.” Tyne admitted as he put his papers up.

  Moe hoped his outlook towards work versus the rest of life was changing. The male needed balance and she aimed to see he got it. He stood up and stretched, his shirt riding up exposing a small part of his lower belly. The desire to lick the skin that peaked out rode her hard. The male made her feel so wanton.

  “I already called it in.”

  “You did? How did you know what I’d want?” He asked.

  “What do you want?”

  “A Reuben.”

  “That’s what I got you.” She declared. Moe didn’t tell him she had ordered them each two meals and all four meals were different. The other two could be eaten for breakfast or tomorrow for lunch. They might even get wiped out later tonight since they both had a wolf’s appetite.

  “I don’t know how you guessed.”

  “Well, a female has to have a few secrets.”

  “I suspect you have many.”

  “Mm, that’s entirely possible.”

  They headed to the sandwich shop where she hurried in and picked up the order and paid. She returned to Tyne’s truck and got in setting the food between them.

  “That smells really good.” Tyne commented. “There are several different sandwiches in there.”

  “I’m really hungry.”


  It looked like one secret was out. That was alright as long as he was still happy with her order. They pulled into their driveway and Tyne grabbed the food carrying it and once he opened the door, he set it on the table. Once he washed up, he sat down in a chair. Moe washed up, grabbed some plates, two bottles of beer, and pulled out some leftover potato salad. Setting a plate in front of Tyne, she got a serving spoon for the potato salad and joined him at the table.

  “This was a great idea. You know I love that potato salad of yours. If I’d known there was some leftover, I’d have finished it.” Tyne commented as he scooped out the biggest part of the potato salad.

  Moe just smiled as she got up and pulled out a second bowl of it. Her eyes ran over his body, easy to see in the skin tight shirt. His metabolism was unbelievable. She couldn’t complain either. Moe might never have the skinny look of a model, but she could eat all she wanted and never be any bigger than she was. Tyne loved her big hips and round ass which suited her just fine. When she was a youngster, she might have wanted a different shape. Now, she was used to the way her body looked and she loved the way Tyne worshiped it.

  Moe felt good in her skin and she no longer cared what anyone else thought about it. She knew she was beautiful in her own way. Curves weren’t bad, her wolf loved them and so did she. Her physical condition was the best. When she and Tyne went hiking she could keep up with him. Their wolves ran and she had no trouble pacing him. They made love, and his hands stroking her curves was delicious and made her feel so damn good.

  She was sure her eyes were glowing with her wolf near the surface, as she watched her male wolfing down his food and she thought about the way they played together. Moe finished her food while Tyne dug in the bag and got an extra sandwich making her glad she’d ordered it. That only left the extra she’d gotten for herself. He powered through his food and Moe cleaned everything up.

  “Are you done?” She asked.

  Tyne sat back rubbing his flat stomach. “Yes, I’m full. Why don’t we watch some TV?”

  “Okay, but I’ll be on the laptop too.” It was her intention to check out locations. There was a laptop setup in the living room for anyone to use.

  They moved to the living room where Tyne found a shoot ‘em up movie and turned up the volume. Moe looked at destinations, hot, cold, mountainous, beaches, and jungles. Excitement ran through her as she views exotic locations barely paying attention to the movie Tyne was watching intently. Looking at all these marvelous locations was making her horny. She could imagine her and Tyne making out in each location. In the water off the coast of Hawaii, it would be so warm and beautiful. In the snow in Alaska, he would chase her wolf into an igloo and they would morph and fall into each other’s arms. Or what about under a waterfall in a tropical jungle? The scent of exotic flowers in the air while the water hid them from the world.

  There were so many romantic locations, but none of them were anything without her male. Not that she hadn’t always realized how important Tyne was to her, but lately it seemed everything reinforced her feelings about him.

  She felt strong arms wrap around her. “Have you picked any favorites yet?”

  “You mean besides Hawaii?”

  Tyne chuckled. “Yeah, besides that.”

  “Alaska, Scotland, and everyplace that has ruins.”

  “How are you going to choose? Maybe draw a location out of a hat?”

  “I think it will just hit me.”

  “I hope it doesn’t hit hard.”

  Moe giggled. “Maybe just hard enough. I think it’s time for us to go to bed.”

  “I like the way you think.” Tyne said. He‘d taken off his boots earlier when he relaxed on the couch, but now he was pulling off his T-shirt. His jeans went next and he was just tossing his clothes on the floor.

  It didn’t bother Moe who started doing the same thing. Her eyes were drawn to his spectacular form and her mouth watered. In truth, she’d never seen a male who could fill out a pair of jeans the way Tyne did. Not one ounce of fat was visibl
e and his strength was obvious as his muscles were revealed.

  Once naked, she ran toward the bedroom, her bare feet slapping on the floor. Tyne was in pursuit, ready to ravish her as soon as he caught her. It wouldn’t be soon enough for her. Her core grew wet with longing as she jumped on the bed bouncing until his body landed on top of her stilling her movement. Face up, she looked into the glowing eyes of her lover, his wolf near the surface. His hard rod pressed against her from her thigh to the bottom of her stomach.

  Her hand slid down to squeeze his rock hard cock making him shiver with delight. “Keep that up, and you may get a special kind of lotion all over you.” Tyne chuckled.

  “I’ve heard that cum is the best kind of skin treatment. It makes it soft and gives it a healthy glow.”

  “You minx. I don’t believe you’ve heard any such thing.”

  Moe just giggled, but she really had heard that. It didn’t mean it was true or that it was false. Maybe she would check it out sometime, but right now she wanted it all inside her, wherever he chose to shoot it. The warmth that went into her whenever he filled her, gave her a pleasant feeling.

  “How do you want me, Honey?”

  “I want you so many ways, it’s hard to pick just one.” Tyne said as he leaned in to kiss her nibbling on her lips first before he claimed her mouth sinking his tongue inside her and sliding up and down her tongue with his.

  He stopped suddenly and she moaned in protest but his magical mouth began to work its way down her neck and then to her breasts. Her nipple hardened and stood at attention waiting for him to touch them. She whimpered when she felt his hot breath on one nipple as his fingers reached out to pinch the other. A wave of her honey dampened her thighs as she anticipated what would come next. A shiver ran over her as she watched him move in slow motion opening his hot, wet mouth and clamping onto her extended nipple. Moe made an animalistic sound as the heat and wet of his mouth and the slippery feel of his tongue combined with her extreme sensitivity, that Tyne had ramped up even more, almost made her cum.

  He strummed on her other nipple his fingers playing it like a musician would pluck guitar strings. The male knew what he was doing, always had. Now, he knew her body and what would send her over the edge. Tyne didn’t hold back as his mouth tugged on one nipple and his fingers began to pinch the other one.

  “Oh, God. Tyne no, I can’t bear it.”

  Tyne chuckled. He knew her limits and he was purposely pushing them. Her male wanted her to cum so he could ride out the last of her orgasm. That was why she fought against it so hard. Moe hated to be so consistent that her lover could play her like a game. The harder she fought to delay it, the stronger the climax would be once it finally hit. They both knew it was just a matter of time and he was enjoying it entirely too much to suit her.

  He switched nipples so quick that her head spun, well not literally, but she was dizzy. The change had the desired effect as her release began to roll over her. Tyne realized it as well and he slammed his big shaft into her well lubricated channel. She arched up against him and hung on as best she could. She felt like a surf board hit by a tsunami. Her male was the only thing grounding her right now. Every part of her body was lit up like the fourth of July as her release rolled over her wave after wave.

  Tyne pounded into her and it set off another wave of release as he groaned and she sensed his climax was almost on him. Hammering into her a half dozen more times sent him into an orgasm. She could feel streams of hot sticky cum coating her channel. He shot more and more inside her until there was no more left.

  “Oh goddess, you are amazing, Moe.” Tyne admitted. He held her to him and rolled them over so she was lying on top of his chest with her ear over his heart.

  “It’s the two of us together that is incredible.” Moe said with a smirk. “God, I am really tired.” She yawned unable to hold it back.

  “Hmm, I was hoping to do a little more of that.” Tyne suggested.

  Moe giggled like a school girl. It was the feeling that everything was right in the world along with the sexual daze she was in. If she wasn’t so tired, she probably would be going for seconds like Tyne had suggested. It must be the stress and the overtime that was affecting her this way. If it wasn’t for the fact that a witch had given her an artifact for birth control, she might worry that she was expecting. Tyne would be potent and fertile, of that she had no doubt and white wolves were fertile according to their nature.

  Cuddling up to her big bad to the bone wolf, she managed to fall asleep in seconds. She hoped he would follow her quickly, but once she was asleep, she had no idea of what he did. All she knew was when she woke up in the morning at her usual time, he was right where he’d been when she’d gone to sleep. Moe hopped out of bed and ran to the shower. Washing quickly, she dried and dressed.

  She could hear Tyne getting ready as she hurried to the kitchen starting the coffee and getting out the goods to make her male a good breakfast. Limited by what was available, she fixed biscuits and sausage gravy, cheesy scrambled eggs, and bacon. There wasn’t always time to fix a meal, but she knew Tyne loved it when she did it.

  “Do I smell breakfast?” Tyne asked.

  “Here big boy!” She handed him the big plate she’d just fixed for him. Her plate was significantly smaller, but plenty for her. Had she not felt like surprising him, she would have heated up a burrito and let him have the last sandwich.

  It looked like he would wipe out that last sandwich too. It seemed hot sex built up her male’s appetite. Moe was only too happy to feed him so he would do the same thing tonight. “That was very good.” Tyne announced after he finished off the last sandwich. Male wolves had enormous appetites in all things. Moe thought of last night with a smile and a slight blush.

  “Thank you.”

  “We’d best go now. Wouldn’t want to be late.”

  No, the guys would tease them, not that it was anything new. Moe looked around for a moment feeling like she was forgetting something, but she couldn’t think of a thing. She followed Tyne out the door, her eyes on his wonderful ass. It probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do since she would be at work all day thinking about him and what they could be doing instead. Bad Moe!

  They got in Tyne’s truck, it was his baby, one of two. There was nothing not to love about it. Slightly jacked up, it had lots of chrome and was four wheel drive. His other baby was candy apple red, it was a fifties ford in top condition. Tyne was always tinkering with both of them and adding things. This one could go anywhere and often took them places few vehicles could go. Moe loved it in the rare occasion that Tyne took them out in the mud, usually down by the river. Good times!

  They got to the office just moments before the rest of the team arrived. Moe had the coffee started because everyone in this office seemed to drink a lot of it. Trail was the worst, and no, that wasn’t his nickname. Paranormals liked names that reflected things from real life and yes, Trail had been born on a trail as his father attempted to get his mother to a doctor. They didn’t make it.

  Some of the ladies said that was why he never hung up his spurs at any of their homes. The male was always headed out on the next trip. They even joked about him being a bad habit, only heartache would be found with him. Moe agreed, it was unlikely that male would ever settle down unless he found his fated mate. It was amazing what a difference that would make. As of right now, that hadn’t happened and it was for the best. The company needed a few people willing to travel at the drop of a hat and a few was all they had right now. Trail was at the top of their list.

  “Is the coffee ready yet?” Trail asked in his husky voice.

  “Yes, it’s ready and fresh. Pour your own.”

  “Awe come on Moe. You pour Tyne’s coffee for him.” Trail whined.

  “That’s true, but you don’t know what he does for me at home, do you?”

  “Is it something I could do for you here?” Trail asked.

  “Only if you want to die.” Said a rough voice from the doorway

  “Hey, Tyne. I wasn’t meanin’ sex.” Trail insisted.

  “Just what the hell did you think she meant?”

  “Hell, I didn’t know. I thought takin’ out the trash or something like that.” Trail shot Tyne and innocent look, but he wasn’t buying it

  “Just keep your hands off my mate and you’ll keep breathing.” Tyne declared.

  Moe liked it when Tyne was a little jealous. It showed he cared. She didn’t want the crazy possessiveness some of the alpha wolves showed. Tyne wasn’t like that, he trusted her. He always said it was the other males he didn’t trust. Sometimes they liked to push him a little and that’s what she thought Trail had been doing. He’d known Tyne was there even if he pretended to be surprised.

  “I would never mess with your female, Tyne. You know I have too many to service as it is.” Trail observed his eyes lit with mischief. “She’s almost like a sister to the rest of us anyways.” Trail was gorgeous but had the personal habits of a dog. He was always sniffing for the next bitch in heat. Tall, he was about Tyne’s height, and built like him only more muscled up. Think professional body builder standards and you would be right on target.

  “See that you keep it that way.” Tyne directed. “And Trail?”

  “Yes, Boss?”

  “Get your own damn coffee. We don’t have anyone around here paid to wait on you.”

  “Sure Boss.” Trail said with a chuckle. He tried to act like a dumb hick, but it was all an act and no one who knew him well was taken in. He was a top notch tracker and an outdoorsman, but he had technical skills working with surveillance equipment that was unmatchable. “Where you want me today?”

  “We’ll get everyone together in the conference room and hand out assignments in a few minutes.” Tyne determined.


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