Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1)

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Bad to the Bone (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 1) Page 7

by Crystal Dawn

  “I haven’t had my own room since I lived at home.” Twila admitted.

  “You have it now. Everything is going to be different from now on.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I know so. Don’t worry about a thing. I know it seems overwhelming right now, but it will all be fine.” Moe opened her arms and Twila fell into her hug. She held the trembling she-wolf until the tremors stopped. All she wanted to do was destroy those who had done this to her. The older one might be dead, but the son still pursued.

  Moe had heard about this kind of slavery, but she hadn’t been up close and personal with its results. Some of her cousins had been involved in freeing captured slaves and had said the affects were horrific. Those slaves probably hadn’t had over twenty years of confinement. Twila must be a strong person to have weathered it so well. Not that she was without emotional and mental damage. Tyne’s sister just managed to give the impression of normality.

  “Tell me what you want to do. We can shop for clothes, in a store or online if you prefer or we can see if we can get in at a beauty salon.”

  “To be honest, I feel confused. I just want to go hide somewhere and sleep until I feel strong again. Clothes are needed and I know I will feel better after going to get my hair done, but being out among others terrifies me.”

  “Do you want to hole up in here and watch TV? I can bring you food once you’re hungry again. This is all about you, Sweetie. It’s about whatever you want.”

  “Dear goddess, it’s been so long since what I wanted mattered.”

  “Just remember it matters now.” Moe counseled. She left Twila in the bedroom with a remote control. Once supper was ready, she would check on her again. Maybe she needed some time alone to get used to being around others.

  Moe went to the kitchen checking out the fridge first. Once she saw what was available, she went to work on supper. Once everything was cooking or ready, she went back to check on Twila. Knocking lightly on the door, when there was no response she peaked inside the room. Her new sister was out like a light her arms wrapped around the extra pillow. Her face looked innocent and childlike regardless of all that she’d been through.

  Shutting the door quietly, Moe went back to the kitchen pulling out a chilled bottle of wine, a wine glass, and a small cheese tray she’d fixed to share with Twila. No sense wasting a good opportunity to sit and brood. Sipping wine and snacking on cheese and crackers, she tried to formulate a plan to bring Twila back some sense of normality.

  It was a surprise when Tyne came through the door. “Are you home early?” She asked.

  “More like on time, Honey. Where’s Sis at and how is she doing?”

  “She wanted some alone time to get a grasp on things. I checked on her and she was completely out. Maybe she needs the rest. I decided to let her sleep.”

  “You’re probably right. I just don’t know how to act or what to do. We never thought we’d see her again. My parents are another problem. I know she wants them to care, but I’m not sure they do anymore.”

  “I hope you’re wrong because I can’t imagine loving parents turning on their child like that.” Moe thought about what she’d said. She was glad when Tyne didn’t mention her father who had walked out on his family and apparently never looked back. He was well aware of the situation, Ariel had even hired him to hunt down her missing brother. Of course he’d found him and he didn’t want to come back.

  Moe had to acknowledge sometimes people just let you down. Life was like that and people just had to make the best of it. She loved her dad, but she could never trust him again. That was all. It looked like both Tyne’s parents would fall into the same category. They had started over and left their two oldest children behind.

  She moved into Tyne’s arms and wrapped hers around him. “I love you so much.” She squeezed him as tight as she could without fear that it would hurt him. The male was too strong to be affected by anything she did.

  Tyne didn’t say anything, but she could see the emotion on his face and feel it in his grip as it tightened on her until she could barely breathe. This had brought back memories he’d tried to put away. He needed her, but the alpha in him had to look strong, even for her. It didn’t surprise her when he changed the subject.

  “Whatever you’re cooking smells super good. Should I wake Twila up, or do you need more time?”

  “Let me get it out of the oven so it can cool. It’s too hot to eat until it’s sat out a while.”

  “I’ll help.” Tyne offered so she accepted his help. They moved everything out of the oven and set it on the table opening the pans so it would cool.

  Tyne went to wake up his sister while Moe set the table. They came out a few minutes later. Twila was already looking better. Her face had picked up some color banishing the pale look she’d had earlier. She looked enough like Tyne that no one would doubt they were siblings, but the features that were masculine on him, were soft and pretty on her.

  Twila was painfully shy, or possibly her experience with her abductors had seriously fucked her up. That was more likely since Tyne had said she had started coming out of her shell in college. Now it looked like she had retreated back inside it. There was no reason to be surprised by that.

  Moe fixed Twila her plate. “Whoa. I can’t eat that much.” She protested.

  “Give it a shot.” Moe encouraged.

  Twila began to eat obviously enjoying her food. “You are such a good cook.” She enthused.

  “You’re just saying that because you’re hungry.” Moe teased.

  “I’m saying that because everything is so good.”

  Tyne didn’t speak, he just wolfed his food down. Moe enjoyed seeing him appreciate the food she cooked. Maybe having Twila stay with them would make Tyne back off on the mating issue. He was busy at the office too so that had helped. Tomorrow, Moe intended to take Twila to the office to see if she had any interest in the work there. Idle hands and minds just bred discontent and Twila seemed unhappy when she had nothing to do.

  Once they had eaten, Moe started on the cleanup while Tyne took Twila to the living room to watch TV and talk. Their relationship was a bit strained, but Moe was sure they would work through it. It would just take time and lots of love. Once everything was cleaned and leftovers were put away, she joined her mate and his sister watching TV. They sat far from each other and each seemed engrossed in the show.

  “How is everything going?” Moe asked the room in general. Tyne grunted and Twila looked up then back down quickly. The atmosphere seemed strained and neither had much to say.

  Moe entering the room didn’t make any difference either. Tyne stood up. “We’re going to turn in now, Twila. You can stay up as long as you like.”

  Tyne grabbed Moe’s hand and dragged her out of the room. “Good night, Twila.” She yelled over her shoulder. Once they reached the bedroom and the door was closed, she turned to Tyne. “What was that about?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” He smiled, sexy as sin. “Can’t I want to spend time with my sweet lovable female?” Tyne asked.

  “You need to work on your relationship with your sister.”

  Tyne sighed heavily. “She seems like a stranger to me. The female I once knew and loved is gone.”

  “She was abused, mistreated. You need to make the bigger effort, Tyne. You won’t regret it, trust me.”

  “I always trust you.” He said as he pulled her into his embrace. His mind didn’t seem to be on his sister as his lips claimed hers. “Take your clothes off.”

  Moe was only too happy to oblige. She shucked her clothing off sending it onto the floor. Her body felt hot just at the thought of him and her pussy began to water. Tyne hadn’t wasted any time either and he stood before her naked and gorgeous. He grabbed handfuls of her large ass and pulled her to him.

  “You are so perfect, Moe.” He whispered.

  She had a deep sense of belief in his words. The male had showed her many times how much he loved every part of her body exac

tly the way it was. She sent up a prayer that every female would find a mate that loved her exactly like she was regardless of the size of her parts. Moe included skinny ass women because they deserved love too.

  Her male picked her up like she was a feather and held her against the wall as her legs wrapped around him. He pushed his cock into her core in one strong thrust. Tyne groaned as he became fully seated and she moaned her pleasure. As he pressed her against the wall, he began to hammer the hell out of her pussy.

  Moe held on for all she was worth, but she worried about the house holding up, especially the wall he held her against. She kept her worries to herself because she recognized that Tyne’s wolf was feeling aggressive. Male wolves had a hard time expressing and dealing with their emotions. They were so use to just bossing everyone and everything around and sometimes it didn’t work.

  Her eyes crossed and she screamed when he hit a particularly pleasurable spot so he rolled his hips and hit it again. Pleasure shot through her and her release rolled over her. Clutching his cock with her channel, she squeezed his orgasm out of him too. Moe’s nails sunk into his shoulder blades marking him with deep scratches.

  Tyne thrust hard, making her feel so good. Her mouth bit into his shoulder to prevent the howl that tried to break free, but not hard enough to break the skin. He didn’t resist, he just lifted his head and howled for all he was worth. She could hear the message he was sending. I am wolf, strong and free. I have pleased my mate and taken pleasure for me.

  At least that was what her wolf was screaming on the inside. He just held her against the wall as they both tried to calm from the earthshattering experience they had just shared. Sweat slicked bodied tightly held together with heat between them, she knew she would shiver from the cold once he dropped her on the bed. Tyne was hot as hell at night and during sex. The wolf put off a great deal of heat.

  Now that they had calmed, he moved her to their giant bed. It was specially made because Tyne was tall and broad and she was no tiny miss herself. Once they were settled, he began a slow sensual exploration of her body starting with her toes. He kissed and licked his way up one of her legs making her writhe with need.

  Once he made it to her hip, he moved to the other side and worked his way down until he finished by kissing her instep. “Mm, I can scent a sweet she-wolf’s need floating on the air.” Tyne observed.

  “Take me.” Moe demanded. She knew she was wasting her breath. Tyne was an alpha and would do as he damn well pleased.

  “When you’re ready, Baby.” Tyne whispered as he worked his way up from her thigh to her breasts.

  Moe moaned knowing what would come next. One hand went to a breast while the other was sucked in by his mouth. Tyne worshipped her breasts with his hand and mouth until they were so sensitive that the whisper of a breath across them made her writhe. Now he moved down to her bellybutton.

  “I’d love it if you got this pierced, Moe.” He said as his tongue thrust in and out making her think of his big cock servicing her pussy.

  “I’m not the tatt and pierced type.”

  “You’d love it and if you ever did, I would get a piercing wherever you wanted it.” He offered not for the first time.

  Visions of his big cock with a bar on the head made her pussy weep a little more. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Smells like you are and you like it.” Tyne chuckled the vibration running over her.

  His head moved lower and she felt his heated breath hit her folds. A shiver ran over her and she parted her legs more instinctively. When his tongue slid along her nether lips, she jerked because she ached inside. Her hands moved to his head sliding through his hair. She fought the desire to pull him in tighter and hold him there.

  Tyne’s tongue was magical and could give so much pleasure. His cock was just as good and she couldn’t wait to get it inside her. His tongue sank into her channel and he thrust it in and out feverishly. He moved one hand up and replaced his tongue with a finger and moved his tongue to her needy little clit. Her legs tightened around his head and she arched up toward him.

  Tension spread over her and built up as Tyne added another finger and then a final one. It felt so good, Moe rode the edge of her orgasm wanting the pleasure to last, but needing the relief of her climax. It finally rushed over her like a tsunami. Tyne’s tongue lapped up her cream and he slid up her body to thrust his weeping cock into her center.

  Moe instantly felt full to the point of bursting. A slight pinched feeling slowly receded as he just stilled, kissing her passionately as she adjusted to him. After all this time he still stretched her and excited her. No one was like Tyne nor would anyone ever be. The feeling of oneness that came over her when they were joined told her he was her one and only.

  Only once her body accepted him fully, did he begin to move. It was slowly at first, but before long he hammered into her as she encouraged him to fuck the hell out of her. Her feet slid up and planted beside their asses so her knees were bent and she could get traction. There was no way she could lay still as he pounded into her.

  Her moans and his grunts echoed around the room as sweat poured off both of them. Moe’s hands grabbed at the sheets unable to stay still and unwilling to hold him in case it would slow him down. As her orgasm loomed, that changed. Her hands gripped his shoulder as she clawed his back marking him as hers. A monster climax ripped through her and her body arched up against his. Her channel gripped him like a vise and squeezed.

  She howled, unable to stop it and needing desperately to let it loose. Tyne jerked as she felt his hot seed pouring into her. For a moment she thought about them having a son that looked like Tyne, what a cute little pup he must have been. Then she remembered all the places she wanted to see and the things she wanted to do. That was when she was thankful for the spell that kept her heat away.

  When they stopped jerking and twitching from their shared release, Tyne rolled them over and she lay across his chest like a blanket. His scent, masculine and spicy, rolled over her and she sighed in satisfaction. Nothing in her life could compare to this, the sex and the afterglow. As she drifted off to sleep, her wolf suggested they mate him and enjoy this always.

  Moe smelled coffee and bacon. There were other scents but those two were the important ones. She got ready and dressed in minutes before she was out the door to the kitchen. Grabbing a piece of bacon off the plate earned her a growl from her mate. She just giggled as she moved to the coffee maker and poured herself a cup of Joe. Adding just enough cream to change the color and a packet of sweetener, she stirred it and took a sip. Today, she needed her coffee strong and sweet.

  “Mm, that’s good.”

  “Are you talking about last night?” Tyne asked with a chuckle.

  “No, that was fabulous.”

  “Too much information, lovebirds.” Twila noted.

  “Good morning, Twila. Are you ready for a busy day?” Moe asked.

  “I’m just going to the salon and to buy clothes, right?” She asked.

  “I thought since all that was in the afternoon, you could go to work with Tyne and I. You’ll meet some of our people and see if any of the jobs interest you. I’m not trying to push you into anything, but Tyne said you were always outgoing and independent.”

  Twila had a deer in the headlight look for a moment as she mulled over what Moe had said. “Maybe you’re right and I need to just jump in instead of trying to work out everything in my head first. That could take years at the rate it’s going.”

  Moe chuckled. “See you’re already making jokes.” At least Moe hoped it was a joke.

  Twila smiled. “It would be nice to meet some good people.”

  “Ours are the best.” Moe assured. She looked over at Tyne who concentrated on cooking. He’d not said anything, but maybe he was busy.

  The food was done and Moe helped Tyne put it on the table. Twila offered to help, but she told her they could handle it. “You can help me clean up before we leave. Tyne’s driving alone and we’ll foll
ow after him.”

  Twila picked at her food, but Moe wouldn’t let that get by. “Eat something, Twila. Tyne worked so hard to cook for you.” While it was true Tyne did cook before Twila had come to them, this wasn’t a morning she thought he would have cooked. After all she had worn him out last night. Moe giggled.

  “What so funny?’ Tyne asked.

  “Not funny, I just thought about last night and it made me feel good.” Moe admitted. A woman had to watch how they answered questions a guy might take things wrong.

  Tyne flushed slightly and Moe thought he was thinking of last night too. “Quit it you two.” Twila admonished looking embarrassed.

  “Sorry. Your brother is just too sexy.” Moe admitted not really sounding sorry at all.

  They’d been eating, but now it looked like they were all done. Tyne had cooked them a feast and they could finish it tonight for supper. Moe liked breakfast for any meal and she hoped Twila would too.

  “I’ve got to go now.” He leaned over and kissed Moe. “I’ll see you two in a little while?”

  Moe smiled brightly. “Real soon.” Tyne nodded and headed out as Moe got to work on the dishes. Twila tried to help, but in the end she just watched Moe so she would know where everything went next time. “Looks good and it didn’t take long at all.”

  “Only because you work fast and you have a dishwasher.” Twila observed as they headed out the door.

  “I would have to hire a maid if I didn’t have a dishwasher.”

  “Or kidnap one.”

  “Oh my God, Twila. I wasn’t thinking. Did they force you to work?”

  “Yes, I was there for drudge work. Me, with my college degree, working in a house with no technology. Scrubbing floors on my hands and knees and cooking in the fireplace.”

  “What was your degree in?”

  “I majored in business with a minor in history.”

  “You are just perfect.”

  “You’re scaring me.”

  “Why is that?”


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