Chasing the Moon

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Chasing the Moon Page 34

by Soto, S. M.

Bishop sighs. “She’s already pregnant, man. Looking at her like that isn’t going to suddenly fill her up with another.”

  I chuckle, cracking a smile. “My wife is hot. What can I say?”

  Bishop grunts. “You’re not wrong.”

  I shoot him a glare. Even as she bears my child, wears my ring, and has taken my last name as hers, I’m still possessive of this woman. I’m positive I always will be.

  My gaze has been glued to Selene ever since I watched that blindfold come undone. I’ve soaked in every second of her reaction to seeing this place. We’ve been working on this for months. Since the night I asked her to marry me, as a matter of fact. We had plans for a big wedding after this little guy is here, but about two months after popping the question, she suggested eloping, and who the hell am I to say no to this woman? I’d take her in any form I could get her.

  We got married at the small Catholic church her parents got married in with only our close friends and family in attendance. The rest of Dunsmuir threw us a small reception at the barn. Julia and the guys took care of the decorations for the party and watching my wife’s reaction when she walked into the barn lit up with stars and lights strung from every corner was one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever witnessed.

  She was a vision. With her long, dark brown hair hanging down her back in a loose braid, it was a stark contrast to her creamy skin and white dress. Julia and Dalia added baby’s breath throughout the braid, and it was the cherry on top. She looked perfect. Like a goddamn angel. With her pale skin and dark hair, decked out in her all-white dress, she looked like the moon. Her dress was perfect. The way it clung to her curves, the satin material was like liquid pearl against her porcelain skin.

  That was hands down the greatest moment of my life, saying I do to this woman in front of our daughter. Watching the smile spread across Luna’s face was something I’ll never forget. I’ll love them for the rest of my life. That was my vow. I want to give them the world and then some.

  With another five months to go until she’s due to give birth, Selene’s baby bump is still relatively small. It doesn’t keep me from feeling that possessive warmth filter through my chest when she rests her hand there, though. She’s been following Julia and her mom around the store as both of them finish walking her through the list of inventory and all the new additions. She’s fucking beautiful.

  She’s always been gorgeous, but Jesus, now that she’s pregnant? She’s a goddamn vision. She is quite literally glowing. And I don’t think she’s ever been more beautiful than she is right now. She’s in her element. Happiness just wafts off her as she takes everything in.

  “I’m happy for you, man,” Landon says, clapping me on the back. His gaze is on Selene, too. It tightens my stomach. “Still can’t believe you managed to get her to marry your dumbass after all these years.”

  I shoot him a glare, and he laughs, purposely trying to tick me off. The bastard is just like Bishop. They know how to get a rise out of me.

  “How’s Beth-Ann?” I shoot back. It works, if the scowl on his face is any indication.

  There’s a sudden tugging on my jacket, and I glance down. “Daddy, can we get ice cream?”

  I stifle my laughter. It’s the dead of winter with snow sludge decorating the streets, and my daughter wants ice cream? Christ.

  “As soon as we’re done here.” She smiles victoriously and skips off, standing at Selene’s side. My wife looks down at our daughter with a soft smile on her face. The impact of it hits me square in the chest.

  I can’t wait to watch her stomach grow bigger until she’s begging me to help her walk. I can’t wait to experience all the things I missed out on the first time with this new baby. I want to watch Luna take on the role of big sister. I want it all.

  “You’ve never looked happier, son,” my dad says, clapping me on the shoulder. Our eyes are glued to Selene. She’s dressed in jeans and a knit black top with a jacket to ward off the cold weather. The outfit, in particular, isn’t anything special, but on her? She looks fucking beautiful. She’s deep in conversation with my mother and her mother, a slight flush on her cheeks and a wide grin on her face.

  “I’ve never been this happy,” I admit.

  “Selene is lucky to have you.”

  I shake my head, unable to look away from her. Waves tumble down her back. The chocolate strands pop out against the white jacket she’s wearing. The snow has come early this year, bringing the cold front with it. Luna screamed at the first sight of it. She was ecstatic that she lived where it snowed. The wonder of it all hasn’t faded for her yet, but I imagine it will soon enough.

  The love I have for my girls is fierce. It billows in my chest, a live wire surging through my body. I can’t imagine what life would be like without either of them. Without Selene and our little moon.

  “I’m the lucky one. I always have been.”

  And I mean every damn word.

  Ten Years Later

  “You sure you have everything handled? You don’t need my help?” I ask down the line. I can practically envision Julia’s eye roll.

  “Everything is fine. Jesus, woman. I can handle this. You’ve just given birth. Why don’t you lie down and breastfeed or something.”

  My eyes narrow. “Don’t tempt me. As you’ve said, I just had a baby.”

  “What number is this now anyway? Eighteen?” she teases, and I fight my smile. She knows damn well how many kids I have. Hell, she’s the godmother to most of them.

  “You’re such an ass. She’s number four.”

  Julia whistles. “End really took the term barefoot and pregnant to heart, didn’t he?”

  I laugh because she isn’t wrong. The man has no qualms about coming inside me. Not that he should, as he’s my husband, but you’d at least think after four kids he’d want to slow down.

  He doesn’t.

  “You’re horrible. You know that?”

  “That’s why you love me,” she singsongs. “Oh, I gotta go. We have customers.”

  “Okay, I’ll be in later to check on things once End gets back from work. He took Gavin with him, so I’m sure they’ll be back sometime soon. You know how that kid is. He’s the biggest complainer. A lot like you, actually.”

  Julia huffs, “Har, har, har. Goodbye, Selene. Kiss my sweet little baby Flora for me.”

  “I will.”

  Moonchild has been incredibly successful here in Dunsmuir. I took a risk bringing this baby to life in Pasadena, then again here, but it’s performed so much better than my wildest dreams. Tomorrow officially marks ten years that we’ve been open, and I still can’t wrap my head around it. It’s my dream come true, and I get to live it every single day.

  After hanging up with Julia, I check on Flora, our youngest. My sweet little girl is still fast asleep in her crib. So far, she’s been our calmest child, and for that, I’m all too thankful. There’s not a lot of downtime these days.

  I have Luna, who is now a sixteen-year-old and sassy as all hell, Gavin, a nine-year-old who seems to roughhouse with his six-year-old little brother, Zander, any chance he gets, and finally, our sweet Flora who is eight weeks old. On most nights, our house is filled with bickering children or their vivacious laughter, but I wouldn’t change it for the world, and I know Endymion wouldn’t either.

  It hasn’t been easy, raising a family while running Moonchild, but my mom and Julia are incredible at helping pick up the slack when I need it. After much consideration, my mom decided to stay in Dunsmuir. I think, despite the heavy memories of the past, she couldn’t bear the thought of being away from her grandchildren. With my father’s house officially in my name, I told my mom she could stay there as long as she needed. It was also in part because I couldn’t stomach the thought of letting the property go. It had Gavin Drake written all over it. It was the last piece of my father that I truly had.

  Endymion and the guys still own the construction company, though now, they’ve broadened their customer base. They don’t just lim
it themselves to work in the surrounding areas anymore. They’ve since expanded to all of northern California. End is great when it comes to traveling. If he feels like the job is too far, he makes arrangements for the guys and handles his blueprints from home.

  He’s all about family first, and when you see him with our kids, it shows. Endymion is an incredible father, and dare I say, an even better husband. He’s the very best thing that’s ever happened to me.

  I’m in the kitchen cleaning up the mess from lunch when I glance out the window, spotting Luna and her friends. They’re in the backyard, and a smile tugs at the corners of my lips when I spot the sunflowers. One summer End took it upon himself to plant over three dozen sunflowers in the backyard, all in varying sizes. Luna just about cried when she saw what her dad had done for her, and me? Well, I did cry, like a baby.

  I pause what I’m doing when I notice the look on my sweet girl’s face. Luna has always been the spitting image of her father, but she’s a lot like me in so many ways. My heart squeezes at the expression on her face. It’s one I know well.

  I follow the trajectory of her gaze, and my stomach dips.

  Oh, no.

  Aiden Saint.

  He must sense Luna’s gaze because he glances at her, his brows furrowing when she looks away. He does the same, going back to pretending she isn’t there, but I notice the way he watches her when no one else is looking. The way his jaw tightens with frustration when someone else sits and talks to her. It’s a trip back to my youth.

  Grabbing a handful of water bottles out of the fridge, I head outside. At the sound of the porch door opening, everyone looks my way.

  “If you guys get thirsty, here are some waters.” I leave them on the porch next to Luna, who looks like she’d rather be anywhere else than here.

  As I’m walking away, I hear the comment made by one of the boys, and my heart squeezes for my daughter.

  “Jesus Christ, Luna. Your mom is hot as hell.” It’s my niece Valeria’s boyfriend. Her boyfriend is best friends with Aiden, the one boy my daughter can’t seem to keep her eyes off. The same boy who can’t keep his eyes off her, too. “She’s hot, ain’t she, Saint?” Val’s boyfriend directs the question to Aiden. I hear his deep reply.


  Back in the kitchen, I press a hand to my sternum, rubbing away the sudden ache there as I take in the pain that’s written all over Luna’s face. His comment hurt her, for obvious reasons. I make a note to have a discussion with her later about how idiotic young boys can be.

  I drift back to the pain I felt whenever I’d see End with Holly. Even though she’s no longer an issue in our lives anymore, I still can’t help but sympathize with that young heartbroken girl who felt like she never quite compared. After hearing about our engagement and my pregnancy, Holly finally backed off, and it was a relief. Not because I worried End would fall for her ever again, but because we didn’t have the looming black cloud of her presence hovering above us.

  For a while, I constantly worried about Thomas, wondering if he’d ever come back to hurt me, but thanks to Landon and his father, I didn’t have to worry about Tommy anymore. They purposely kept it hush-hush, but Deacon, Landon’s father, found him hiding out a few counties over about eight months after the incident. It was a weight taken off my shoulders, one I hadn’t realized I was carrying around until I knew he was gone.

  Endymion’s truck pulls into the driveway not long after and out hops my little man, Zander, and End. They bypass Luna and her friends, stopping to give Valeria a hug. It doesn’t escape my notice the way End watches the boys through narrowed slits. Even though Valeria is his sister’s problem, I don’t think he enjoys the fact that our house has become somewhat of a hangout for the older kids. I’m not sure how I feel about it either. Luna is only a freshman, while Valeria and her boyfriend and Aiden are seniors.

  I turn at the sound of the front door closing, and I smile when I spot my boys. Zander presses a kiss to my cheek before he heads off to his room, and when End walks into the kitchen, he pulls me into his arms and kisses me deeply. His hand cups my ass, and he squeezes, making me moan against his lips.

  When we pull away, his gaze seeks out the window, and he frowns. I don’t even need to ask why.

  “Is it necessary for them all to hang out? Whatever happened to girls sticking with girls?”

  “They’re all friends. Stop it.”

  He glares. “They’re too young for boyfriends.”

  “You mean to tell me you didn’t have a girlfriend at fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen?” I quirk a brow.

  “I did, and that’s the problem. I know exactly what is going through those boys’ heads, and I don’t fucking like it.”

  I laugh at the seriousness in his tone. He really doesn’t like the idea of our daughter dating. Ever. He’s in for a rude awakening if what I suspect between Aiden and Luna to be true.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I press my body flush against his and toy with the back of his hair. He smells like hard work and everything I love about Endymion. The stubble on his jaw is growing thick. He hasn’t shaved for the past three days, and I find I like it. Especially when it chafes between my thighs.

  “Baby, Luna is smart. Give her some credit.”

  “It’s not her I’m worried about,” he grumbles. His thumb strokes my cheek, and I find myself falling into him, seeking his warmth. The anger is slowly seeping from his gaze as he stares down at me. “I missed you today.”

  I smile. “Me too.” Pushing onto the tips of my toes, I press my lips to his in a kiss that has heat stoking through my body. My tits suddenly feel heavy, and as if he can sense I’m growing horny, End’s grip around me tightens, and he groans into my mouth.

  “And this is why I have so many siblings,” Luna deadpans.

  I laugh against End’s lips, and he smirks when we pull away. “What can I help you with, Luna Bella?”

  “Can I go with Val to the movies?” she asks, gaze darting back and forth between her father and me. It’s then I notice the audience behind her. My cheeks heat at being caught lip-locking the way we were in front of her friends.

  “It’s up to your dad.”

  Luna shifts her gaze to End, giving him her puppy dog eyes. “Please, Dad. I’ll be home right after. I promise.”

  He sighs, raking a hand through his unruly hair. His gaze falls on the boys behind her, and his lips thin. “All right.”

  “I’ll meet you guys outside. I’m gonna change really quick.”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I shoot Endymion a playful smirk. “You’re such a sucker for her puppy dog eyes.”

  Somehow, his lips thin even more. “Fucking Christ, I know. Ten years and you’d think I’d at least learn how to say no.”

  I toss my head back and laugh. “Oh, baby. If only it were that easy.”

  When Luna steps back out from her bedroom, dressed in an off-the-shoulder sundress, I feel Endymion stiffen beside me. “A little dressed up for the movies,” he comments, an edge to his tone.

  Luna frowns, looking down at her outfit. “It’s a sundress and a pair of Vans, Dad. Nothing too special.”

  “A dress equates to boys with wandering eyes.”

  Luna rolls her eyes. “Believe me, Dad. They’re both too busy salivating over how hot Mom is.”

  Okay, so she’s still definitely angry over that comment. Duly noted.

  When Luna’s gone, Endymion turns to me, questions in his eyes. I relay the conversation I overheard earlier, telling him about the comments they made. He laughs. “The fact that someone in high school calling my wife a MILF can still make me possessive tells me I’m fucking insane.”

  I roll my eyes. “I never said they called me a MILF. And, I could’ve told you that, babe.”

  He swats my ass playfully, leaving me while he goes to shower the day off.

  True to her word, Luna came home right after the movie was over. Though, I expected her to be in a much better mood than she was. She was
quiet and kept her eyes downcast throughout dinner. As much as I wanted to ask her why, I figured calling her out in front of her brothers wasn’t the best way to do it.

  My boots wade through the long grass until I spot her slumped form in the distance, sitting by the creek. When Selene showed her this place years ago, she was drawn to it. Now, it’s one of the places she goes when she wants to talk to Gavin in private. Apparently, she doesn’t feel anything when she sits at his grave, but when she sits here? She says she can feel him.

  After dinner, she asked if she could go to the creek for a while. It was on the tip of my tongue to say no, but when Selene set her hand on top of my arm and nodded, I changed my mind. After I helped her clean up, she suggested I check on Luna to see what was wrong.

  At the sound of my footsteps, Luna turns, and my heart slams to a screeching halt when I see the tears glimmering in her eyes. There’s this inexplicable tightness in my chest when I take a seat next to her, careful not to crowd her.

  “Everything okay, Luna?”

  She nods. “Just came out here to talk to Grandpa and listen to the water.”

  “You miss him, don’t you, babe?”

  Luna sniffles, staring out at the creek. “I do.”

  “It’s hard. I know your mom misses him a lot, too. But that’s okay, means his memory is still alive.”

  She smiles at me through her tears, and it still feels like a physical punch to the chest. She’s grown up so much in the past few years, and now she’s looking more and more like her mother every day. She’s looking more like a woman and less like my little girl. We’re silent for a long beat, staring out at the rippling water.

  “When was the first time you really noticed Mom?” she asks suddenly, her brows pulled together as if she’s deep in thought.

  I grin at the memory. “The night I moved here and saw her at the Grab-N-Go.”

  Her frown deepens. “I thought you went years not noticing her?”

  “No, I noticed her. It was hard not to. Your mother isn’t someone who can be overlooked, no matter how much she believes she can. She’s a lot like you, actually.”


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