Ties That Bind: Ruthless Sinner’s MC

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Ties That Bind: Ruthless Sinner’s MC Page 13

by Wilder, L.

  “Fuck,” he groaned as he dug his fingers into my flesh. He turned onto his back, and without releasing his hold on me, pulled me up on top of him to straddle his hips. I looked down at his long, thick shaft, licking my lips as I took him in my hand, slowly stroking him up and down. I could feel him growing harder, and when I couldn’t stand it a moment longer, I positioned him at my entrance. With one swift thrust, he slammed deep inside me, giving me every inch of his rock-hard cock. I stilled for a moment, trying to adjust to him before I started to move my hips again. I started slow, relishing feeling him deep inside me, but with every shift of my hips, my body burned for more. Consumed with lust and emotion, I looked at him and with my voice trembling, I whispered, “I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you.”

  “You’ve got me, baby. I’m all yours.”

  The words had barely left his mouth when he shifted forward, finding that spot that made every nerve in my body tingle. As I looked down at his handsome face, a warmth rushed over me—not the kind of warmth that one might feel in the throes of passion, but the kind that was felt by being with someone special. There was no doubt that I was attracted to Zander. I had been from the first moment I saw him, but as I’d gotten to know him, I’d seen how kind and compassionate he could be, and the attraction I felt for him had grown stronger because of it. He placed his hands on my hips, guiding me back and forth in a slow, steady rhythm.

  Being in his arms made me feel so connected to him, so complete, and I didn’t want the moment to end. He continued to guide me in the relentless rhythm he’d set, and with each shift of his hips, I could feel my climax building, burning through my veins.

  “Oh, God!” I cried as I tightened around him.

  Knowing I was getting close, his movements became rough and demanding as he drove into me deeper and harder. A deep groan resonated through his chest as my orgasm crashed over me, causing my entire body to tense around him. He thrust into me one last time, finally giving in to his own release.

  After several minutes, I slowly eased off him and lowered myself to the bed, then pulled me over to him. I rested my head on his chest as I listened to the sounds of our ragged breaths echo throughout the room. Then, the room grew silent, and Zander looked down at me with emotion-filled eyes. “I don’t know what it is, but I just ... can’t seem to get enough of you.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  “No. It’s just something I didn’t expect.” He leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. “I never knew it could be like this.”

  I eased up on my elbow, looking down at him with a warm smile and whispered, “Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll tire of me soon enough.”

  “Not a chance.”

  He slipped his arm around me, pulling me close as he kissed me long and hard. Just as he was starting to get me all worked up for a second time, he released me and eased out of bed. “Hey, where are you going?”

  “Taking a shower.” As he started towards the bathroom, he looked over to me and smiled, “Day light’s a wasting.”

  “You’re gonna get me all worked up and just leave me hanging?”

  “Come get in the shower with me, and I’ll make it up to you.”

  Without any hesitation, I threw back the covers and followed him into the bathroom. Just as I’d hoped, Zander made good on his word. So good, in fact, the only thing that got us out of the shower was when the water turned cold. After we got dressed, I made a few sandwiches and packed them all up, then we headed down to his bike. After placing our lunch in one of the saddlebags, he offered me a helmet. “You ready?”


  He kicked his leg over the seat, and once he was settled, offered his hand and helped me climb on behind him. Even though I’d ridden with Zander before, I was still a little nervous, but I knew I’d be safe with him. I placed my hands on his waist and a minute later, we were out on the road. With the warmth of the sun my face and the cool breeze blowing in my hair, I quickly relaxed and was amazed at how free I felt. In fact, being on the back of his bike with his body so close to mine, I felt more like myself than I ever had. We’d been riding for about forty-five minutes or so when I realized we’d arrived at Radnor Lake State Park, and just as I remembered, the views were absolutely incredible. The trees were full of bright green leaves, and all the wildflowers were in bloom. We continued into the park, and it wasn’t long before Zander found a spot for us by the water. He pulled over and parked, then we grabbed our lunch and headed over to a small picnic table next to the lake.

  Zander smiled as he sat down. “This was a good idea.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” I glanced out at the water and was in complete awe as I watched the sunlight shimmer against the waves. “It’s really beautiful here.”

  “I could say something cheesy, like it’s not nearly as beautiful as you, but I’ll save us both from that embarrassment.”

  “I don’t know. I kind of like you being cheesy.” I giggled as I turned to look at him. “You’re usually such a hard-ass. It’s nice to know you’ve got a sweet side.”

  “There’s nothing about me that’s sweet, Delilah.”

  “Hmm … I think you’re wrong, but I’ll leave it at that.” I glanced back at the water, and out of the blue, I found myself thinking about the last time I’d been out at the lake. It was with my mother and Danny. Much like we were doing today, she’d taken us both out for a picnic, and we spent the entire afternoon playing around the water, skipping rocks, and laughing. The memory brought a sudden tightness my chest, making me miss Danny even more than I already had been. I knew it was doubtful that Zander would open up to me about what was going on with him, but that didn’t stop me from turning to him and asking, “How’s Danny doing?”

  “He’s hanging on.”

  “What exactly does that even mean, Zander?” I pushed. “You’re still beating him half-to-death for some stupid drug deal gone bad, but hey... he’s still breathing. Is that it? Is that what’s going on, or do you mean something else when you say ‘he’s hanging on’?”

  “We’ve gone over this, Delilah. I can’t talk about club business with you.” A strange expression crossed his face, making me think he might be trying to hide something as he continued, “I know it’s been hard, really hard, but you’re just going to have to trust me when I say everything is going to be okay.”

  It was difficult for me not to push for more, but I knew he’d already said more than he probably should. Besides, there was something in his voice that helped ease the tightness in my chest, so I decided I’d let it go, at least for the time being, and trust that he meant it when he said everything would be okay. I inhaled a deep breath and tried to redirect my thoughts but didn’t have much luck. No matter how hard I tried, my mind kept dwelling on Zander and his brothers, so after a few moments, I finally asked him, “How long have you been a member?”

  “Of the Sinners?” I nodded. “About thirteen years. Give or take.”

  “And you like it?”

  “Wouldn’t be a member if I didn’t.” His handsome face was void of expression as he told me, “The club life isn’t for everyone, Delilah, but for me ... it’s been everything. Like I’ve told you before, those men are my family.”

  “Those men are dealing drugs, torturing people, and God knows what else. How can you call them family?” When I saw his face twist into a scowl, I knew I’d hit a nerve, but it was difficult for me to understand why a man who’d been so good to me was involved with criminals. I held up my hand, trying to calm him down and said, “Don’t get mad. I’m just asking for you to explain it to me ... help me understand.”

  “I’m not sure there is a way for me to explain that would make you understand.”

  “Please try.”

  He turned to look out at the water, seemingly collecting his thoughts and then said, “Don’t go thinking I grew up in some broken home or anything. I had a good life. Had good folks, good friends, but I always felt like there was something I was missi
ng. I didn’t know what that was until I met the brothers.”

  “What exactly did you find with them?”

  He turned to me, his eyes full of emotion and said, “A sense of belonging ... a wholeness like I’d never felt before. I know it may be hard for you to understand, but the second I walked into the Sinners’ clubhouse, I knew it was where I was meant to be. It just felt right, and that feeling hasn’t ever changed.”

  “But if the club is so great, why can’t you talk about what goes on there?”

  “It’s our way of protecting one another, especially our women. The less you know, the safer you’ll be.” Zander reached out and took my hand in his. “I know you have your reasons for thinking what you do about my brothers and the club, but they’re good men. I wouldn’t be a member if they weren’t.”

  “I’m trying to comprehend it all, but it’s a lot to take in.”

  “It is, but maybe in time you’ll be able to see the club as I do—a place where you know someone will always have your back.” His eyes never left mine as he said, “You’re mine, so they’ll treat you like family and do whatever it takes to protect you. Hell, if it comes down to it, they’ll take a bullet for you.”


  Sensing I was still having doubts, he leaned in and kissed me softly on the forehead. “My brothers aren’t like your father, Delilah. They’d never sacrifice your life for their own selfish needs. They just don’t work that way. For us, it’s all about doing what’s best for the entire club, no matter what the circumstances.”

  It was like he’d read my mind. From the beginning, I was worried that I might be making the same mistakes my mother had made with my father. While I was still a bit skeptical, it gave me hope to hear him say there was a possibility the guys weren’t like my father. Zander could tell from my expression that he was finally getting through to me, so he pushed, “If you give them a chance, I guarantee, you won’t regret it.”

  “Okay. I’m not making any promises, but I’ll do my best to keep an open mind and give them a chance.”

  “That’s all I’m asking.” He reached for the bag of sandwiches and asked, “You hungry?”


  We pulled all the food out of the bag and started eating. I took the moment to think about everything Zander had told me about his brothers. It was clear by the way he spoke that he cared a great deal about them, and while I might not understand it all, I hoped in time I would be able to accept the life he’d chosen for himself—otherwise I might lose him. I didn’t like the thought of that happening, so I would at least try to give these men a chance. We were almost finished eating when Zander looked over to me and asked, “You never told me ... what made you decide to become a nurse?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I liked the idea of helping people.” I shrugged. “I always thought I’d end up working at one of the hospitals, but I really like it at the nursing home.”

  “They’re lucky to have you.”

  “I don’t know about that, but the residents seems to like me ... at least most days they do.”

  “McClanahan sure had good things to say about you.”

  “Oh really? I didn’t know he ever said anything nice.” I chuckled as I told him, “He’s usually pretty ornery, but he sure seemed to like you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him quite so happy.”

  “Did you know he used to be the president of the Dark Ravens?”

  “The Dark Ravens? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of them.”

  “They’re an older MC. Been around for years.” He finished off the last of his soda before saying, “I didn’t know who he was when I first walked in, but once I got him to talking, I knew right away. McClanahan was known for being a good leader. He kept his boys in line, and they thrived because of it.”

  “I had no idea.” I suddenly felt very sorry for the man. It couldn’t have been easy for him to have led that kind of life only to find himself sitting alone in a nursing home. “It definitely sheds a new light on why he’s been so unhappy.”

  “Yeah. It can’t be easy for him.” I couldn’t help but smile when Zander said, “I’ll plan on going by there again this week, and maybe I’ll bring one of my brothers along.”

  “I think he’d like that.”

  “Good deal.” Zander started to gather our things as he said, “You ready to get out of here? Ride for a bit before it gets dark?”


  As soon as we’d cleaned everything up from our lunch, we got back on Zander’s Harley, and a little jolt of excitement surged through me when the engine roared to life. He throttled the ignition, and a smile crossed my face as we drove out of the parking lot. It seemed strange to me that I got such a thrill out of being on his bike. I knew part of it was the fact that I was with Zander. He rode with such confidence and strength, like he was invincible, and I felt completely safe as I nestled up behind him. I’d been to the lake many times before, seen the same views and ridden on the same roads, but on the back of that bike, everything seemed so different—like I was a part of the nature around me. We started to pick up speed, and the warm wind whipped around us as we jetted around the deep curves of the road. It was amazing, so much so that I was disappointed when the sun started to set, and we headed back to my apartment. I wasn’t ready for my time with him to end. It seemed I always felt like that when I was with him, and I had a strong suspicion that wasn’t going to change any time soon.


  After weeks of busting our asses, the new strip club was up and running. Just as we’d hoped, opening night was a huge success. Hell, the place was busting at the seams with all kinds of people. Men and women were all gathered around the stage, drinking and carrying on as they watched our girls put on a show. The guys and I were feeling pretty good about the turnout as we sat in the back, drinking a few beers and enjoying the benefits of all our hard work. I was about to take another shot of tequila when Misty, one of the strippers, came over to the table. She wasn’t wearing much, just a miniskirt that barely covered her ass and a halter top that was less of a top and more of a sheer bra, revealing every inch her cleavage. All eyes were on her as she gave me a sexy smile and purred, “Can I get you boys anything?”

  “Another round of shots would be good. Just put it on the club’s tab.”

  “Sure thing.”

  She gave me a wink, then turned and sauntered over to the bar. Rafe nudged with his elbow and snickered. “Looks like our boy is gonna get laid tonight.”

  “Maybe so, but not by the likes of her.”

  “Why the hell not?” He huffed. “That chick is smoking hot.”

  “Not interested.”

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, brother? I’d let her ride my dick any time.”

  “Some chick has her hooks in our boy,” Axel poked.

  “Seriously?” Rafe looked over to me like I had three heads. “How the fuck did that happen?”

  Before I had a chance to respond, Misty strolled back over and placed our shots on the table, then glanced at me with another smile. “Here you go, boys. Can I get you anything else?”

  “That should do it.”

  “You sure?” She leaned closer, her tits just inches from my face as she whispered, “One of the rooms in the back just opened up. I’d be happy to give you a private lap-dance or anything else you might want.”

  A few weeks ago, I wouldn’t have thought twice about taking her up on that offer. Hell, I’d have given her the pounding of a lifetime, but at the moment, I couldn’t have been less interested—maybe it was the fact that I just wanted to enjoy some time with my brothers or maybe it was Delilah. Whatever the reason, I reached over and patted Rafe on the shoulder. “I’m good, but my brother is up for a go.”

  “Oh, really?” She turned her flirtatious smile towards him. “I’d be down for that.”

  Rafe grabbed a shot from the table, and once he tossed it back, he stood up and said, “I’m ready when you are.”

  He fol
lowed Misty towards the back, and when they disappeared into one of the rooms, I took another shot. As I lowered the empty glass to the table, Axel leaned over to me and asked, “So, what’s up with you and Danny’s sister? Y’all a thing now or what?”

  “Working on it.”

  “Really.” He studied me for a moment, then leaned back in his chair with a knowing smirk. “I gotta say, I didn’t see that one coming.”

  “You’re not the only one.”

  “You think she’ll be able to get past everything that went down with Danny?”

  “It might take some time, but yeah, she’ll get past it.”

  “Hope you’re right.” He motioned over to one of the waitresses and ordered a round of beers. “Otherwise, this thing between you two ended before it even got started.”


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