Logan's Story: A Sand & Clay Prequel

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Logan's Story: A Sand & Clay Prequel Page 6

by Sarah Robinson

  Laura turned to her husband and placed a hand on his forearm, patting him gently to comfort him. Logan’s jaw dropped and his hands fell to his lap. In his entire life, he had never once seen a tear in his father’s eye. Not even when his mother first had the car accident. He was always composed, a man of few words. He grumbled and cussed, but he didn’t yell or ever get emotional.

  Mickey rubbed his temples with his hands and stormed out of the room leaving Logan with his mother. Logan turned back to his mother with a stunned look on his face and yet she didn’t seem surprised at all, only sad. Logan sat back in his chair and exhaled slowly, looking up at his mother again for some sort of sign about what to do.

  “You said I needed you here, Logan. Well, that’s not what I really need right now.” Laura said softly to him, her voice a bit shaky.

  “What do you need, Mom? Anything.” He promised her, leaning forward again with his elbows on his knees.

  “I need my son to live his dreams. I need my husband to know that he is a wonderful father. I need my son to take one day out of his whole life, and do something for himself.

  I don’t want to be a burden. Your father doesn’t want to hold you back, he doesn’t want to have to depend on you. Even though we do, because there isn’t another option right now.” His mother coaxed him softly as he soaked in her words, wondering if maybe he had made his father feel powerless by accidentally usurping his role as head of the household.

  “Most of all, Logan, I want you to be happy. That’s what I need.” She concluded, her eyes pleading with him.

  “Mom, I am happy. I love being with you guys. Nothing makes me happier than being here with you.” Logan comforted her.

  “That’s not true and you know it. You’re not happy loading boxes in a warehouse and then coming home and taking care of me for the rest of your life. That look you get on your face when you play your music, its heaven. I need that. I need to see that look on your face. Logan, I need you to do this. For me?” She spoke with such conviction that Logan knew he couldn’t deny his mother this request, so he nodded simply and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek.

  “I’ll only be gone one day and then I am coming right back. You are not staying in this hospital room. God, it’s like a dusty old closet in here. There isn’t even a window. We are finding you that transplant.” Logan said to her.

  “Alright, son.” She just smiled at him, glad to have convinced him to go.

  “I’m going to go find Dad.” Logan said, standing up and heading toward the curtain enclosing the room.

  “Logan?” She called out to him suddenly.

  “Yeah?” He turned slightly to look at her.

  “He loves you so much.” It was such a simple statement, but it said everything to Logan that he had always wanted to hear.


  Logan exited his mother’s hospital room and headed down the hallway to the waiting room that he and Dylan had passed on their way in. He figured that Dylan had probably run into his father and they had gathered there. He felt a vibrating in his pocket and pulled out his phone, relief washing over him when he saw Gina’s name light up the screen. He missed her. The thought caught him completely off guard, but it wasn’t frightening anymore. It was exciting, he missed Gina.

  Hi, handsome. Coming over tonight?

  Mom’s sick. At Summit Memorial. Headed home to pack in a few.

  Is she okay? Do you need anything?

  Long story. I’m good.

  Logan, what do you need?

  Come to NY w me.

  Packing now.

  Logan grinned at his phone, feeling relieved that he would have her joining him on his trip. He loved that she could see right through his choppy messages and know that he needed something. In fact, he hadn’t even thought about taking someone with him to New York until she asked him a second time what he needed. It suddenly became very clear to him. He needed her.

  “How’s your mom, dude?” A familiar voice said as Logan rounded the corner into the waiting room and looked up from his phone. He stopped mid-stride and his jaw dropped for the second time that day.

  “You ok?” Charlie said again, the familiar voice identified. Logan pressed his lips together tightly and looked around the room. Charlie was standing next to him and Rock and Dylan were getting up out of their chairs and walking over to him. Logan didn’t know what to say, he was speechless and he hung his head, shaking it slightly.

  “Aw, we made the baby cry.” Rock teased with a small jab to his shoulder. Dylan burst out laughing and patted Logan on the shoulder.

  “Buck up, man. You can’t be puffy eyed for your big audition tomorrow.” Charlie jumped in on the banter.

  “I didn’t call them, man. I swear. Fucking small ass town, can’t keep nobody’s business quiet.” Dylan said putting his hands up.

  “See these boys all showing up for you and you’re not going to go to New York?” Mickey had suddenly appeared and gestured to Logan.

  “What the fuck did he just say?” Dylan cocked one eyebrow and looked at Logan, while pointing at Mickey.

  “Hell, if he isn’t going, I will drag his ass there myself!” Rock chimed in.

  “Have you lost your damn mind?” Now it was Charlie’s turn for a jaw dropping expression. All his friends were suddenly talking over one another, pushing and shoving quickly ensuing.

  “Guys, guys! Damn! I’m going. Okay? I’m going. Dad, I’m going to go. You’re right, I need to do this.” Logan looked his father square in the face, thanking him silently. Mickey grinned brightly at him.

  “Have fun, boy. Get out of here.” Mickey nodded toward the door and then walked back up the hallway toward Laura’s room. Logan turned back to look at his friends, all smiling at him with any problems from last week clearly behind them.

  “Guess I’m going to New York?” Logan said, teasing them but also bursting with excitement.

  “Hell yeah, New York watch the fuck out!” Dylan said, heading toward the exit with the rest of the men following him.

  “Logan Clay is going to be in lights, man!” Charlie said, eagerly.

  “You better get me fucking front row tickets when you play Madison fucking Square Garden!” Rock trumpeted, pumping his fist in the air.

  Holy shit, I’m going to New York. Logan smiled.


  “I came here once on a field trip in school, but all I remember is the zoo and Central Park. This place is insane.” Logan said, wide-eyed, as he and Gina walked down the New York City sidewalk together early the next morning.

  “It’s wonderful, isn’t it?” Gina smiled, dreamily.

  “You’ve been here before?” He asked, grabbing her hand in his and squeezing it gently as he smiled at her. He was absolutely intoxicated with the look of pure love on her face right now, he had never seen her look at anything the way she was looking at New York.

  “Oh yeah, I lived here for a long time. Grew up here. I only moved out by you for graduate school, but I always planned on coming back. This place is in my blood.” She hugged herself, pulling his arm along with her, as they stepped off the busy sidewalk and entered Strawberry Fields.

  Logan stopped walking for a moment and swiftly drew her into him, pressing her tightly against his chest as his arms wrapped around her. He leaned down and kissed her softly, but only for a moment. The taste of her lips and the feeling of her pressed against him built a hunger that almost overtook him and he deepened their kiss, crushing himself against her as she eagerly wrapped her arms around his neck. When Logan finally pulled away he had no idea how much time had just passed.

  “What was that for?” Gina grinned and winked at him as they started walking again, still holding hands.

  “That look on your face just then, you love this city.” Logan smiled at her.

  “Mmhm, I really do.” She sighed, the look crawling onto her face again.

  “And I love you and one day, you’re going to look at me like that.” Logan said nonchalantly
, as he continued to walk even though Gina had suddenly slowed down.

  “What?” She stared up at him, looking into his sparkling blue eyes to see if she had just heard what she thought she heard.

  “Do I need to repeat myself?” He turned to her and grinned.

  “Fuck yes, you need to repeat yourself.” She exclaimed, stomping her foot and pretending to look annoyed even though he could see the light dancing in her eyes.

  “Gina, I fucking love you. Happy?” He tilted his head and grinned as she rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hold back the huge smile now plastered on her face.

  “Damn it, Logan. We haven’t even talked about a relationship or anything like that. You’re just going to spring that on me?” She sputtered, a strong blush creeping up her face.

  “Tell me you don’t love me then.” Logan cocked his eyebrows up and stared at her defiantly, daring her to lie to him. She stood there biting her lip with one hand on her hip, glancing at him and then glancing away.

  “Tell me you don’t love me.” Logan said more slowly and definitively as he stepped forward, closing the gap between them. She glanced up at him again, her breath caught in her throat.

  “Damn it.” She stomped her foot and groaned then flung herself right at Logan, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him hard as he caught her and left her feet dangling above the ground. His grip tightened on her as he kissed her back, relishing in the smile on her face that she couldn’t hide.

  “Don’t you know by now that I never do what I’m told?” She whispered into his ear, kissing him again. He let out a loud laugh and squeezed her tighter. He then kissed her lips, the tip of her nose, both of her cheeks, and finally her forehead before he put her back down on the ground.

  “Come on, you’re going to make yourself late at the pace we are going.” Gina stalked forward, stomping slightly. Logan quickly matched her pace and grabbed her hand again, stealing a smile from her as they headed to the studio.


  “You ever been in a recording booth before, Logan?” Garrett asked him as he ushered him into the control room of the studio. Gina followed them in, trying to stay out of the way.

  “No, sir. Never.” Logan told him as he took in everything around him, the glass partition into the recording booth and the millions of buttons and levers all over that meant absolutely nothing to him.

  “Well, this isn’t anything fancy but I would like to think we have a decent set up. Why don’t you go on in there and get comfortable? Take a seat, find your guitar, and then when you are ready, we will record a song and see how it sounds.” Garrett instructed him and pointed toward the door to the soundproof room.

  “Yes, sir!” Logan was nervous, but Gina squeezed his hand and smiled at him giving him the extra boost he needed to charge in there. He immediately found his guitar, that had been brought there earlier, and gently brushed the sparkling red instrument with his fingertips, smiling at the memory of every performance at McGinny’s, every bedside song for his mother, and every garage band practice over the last many years.

  He sat on the stool in front of the microphone and pulled on the headphones hanging beside it. He perched the guitar on one knee and grabbed a guitar pick out of his pocket and tested it out, strumming a few chords. He stopped to tweak some knobs at the top, listening to make sure it was perfectly in tune. After a couple minutes perfecting the sound, he gave a thumbs-up to Garrett who was on the other side of the glass partition standing beside Gina. Garrett’s voice came over the intercom,

  “Alright, when you see the red light above the window go on, it means I’m recording. Got it?” Logan nodded that he understood and then looked at the light. A few seconds later, it flashed on and he smiled, playing the first few chords of his favorite song.

  Stole my heart just to throw it away,

  No explanation for the games you play.

  Am I just a Friday night to you,

  or are we going to see this through?

  “Gina, this man is good. He is going to be something.” Garrett mused, listening to Logan still singing.

  “He is so talented, Daddy. He really is wonderful.” Gina beamed and crossed her arms as if to hug herself.

  “You did good, I wasn’t sure if you would be able to land him when I sent you out there. I will admit when I’m wrong.” He glanced at Gina and nodded his head in approval. Her face lit up.

  Between our kisses, you said “forever”,

  but behind my back, you laughed “never”.

  So, I tossed the thief from my bed,

  but damn it all, she’s still in my head.

  Even if I lock up my whole heart,

  you pierce your way in like a dart,

  now your reign of power’s through,

  I’m not the one you’ll come home to,

  “I want you to close this, okay? Give him whatever he wants, but we need to sign him. He needs to come to New York and work on recording an album. This company needs him, Gina. Can you do that?” Garrett looked at his daughter.

  “I’ve got it completely covered.” Gina clasped her hands together, excitedly.

  “Good, looks like we have a new manager at New York New Music.” Garrett winked at her and she grinned back, radiating in happiness.

  Did you hear, girl, what I said?

  No more damn thieves in my bed.

  Did you hear, girl, what I said?

  Get the fuck out of my bed!

  “That was it! Perfect, Logan, just perfect.” Garrett clapped his hands together. He pressed the “talk” button on the pad in front of him, and spoke into the microphone, conveying his message to Logan who was still in the soundproof recording booth. Logan smiled and gave a thumbs up, then started to put down his guitar and pull off his head set.

  “Gina, you did perfect. The job is yours, sweetheart. You have proved yourself to me with this one, baby girl. You landed us a good one.” Garrett squeezed his daughter’s shoulder and then walked out of the room. Gina’s face lit up at the rare compliment from her father.

  “Thank you, Daddy! I won’t disappoint you.” She called after him, but he had already left. Still smiling, she turned back to look at Logan in the studio through the glass. He was standing there with a dumbfounded look on his face, completely frozen. Gina reached for the talk button to ask him what was wrong, only to see that the talk button was still on.

  Garrett had left it on.

  Logan had heard everything.

  He suddenly came to life and stormed toward the door to the booth, bursting into the recording room which was now empty except for Gina. His eyes were dark and angry, not even a hint of sparkling blue to them, as he glared at her and quickly closed the gap between them. Fear coursed through Gina’s body, she had no idea what to say.

  She knew he was angry, but he couldn’t leave her for this. She loved him, she had refused to say it but she knew she did. She needed him too, if he didn’t sign with her then she was out of a job and would have proved to her father that she couldn’t make it in the music business. She honestly couldn’t even tell herself which of those things were more important to her- Logan or her career.

  “What the fuck was that?” Logan seethed through his teeth.

  “It’s not what it sounds like, I swear. I told you I was going to graduate school and I wanted to work here, but my dad wouldn’t let me until I proved I could do the job.” Gina tried to explain, but it was coming out all wrong.

  “Not even two hours ago, I told you that I loved you. Now you are telling me I was just a damn job to you?” He was getting angrier by the second, his large frame towering over her menacingly. She scooted away to put a bit more distance between them.

  “No, Logan, I swear that’s not true. I mean, okay yes at first it was. My dad heard your record and sent me to scout you out before he came out. I went to like five of your shows before that night we met.” Gina was rambling now.

  “Holy shit, how could I have been so stupid?” Logan groaned and ran h
is fingers through his hair, walking toward the door.

  “Logan, don’t go! It started out that way, yes, but it’s real for me now. I care about you, I want to be with you.” She begged him but he already had one hand on the door.

  “Please, Logan, I love you.” She burst out, feeling the foreign words spill out of her mouth in a desperate attempt to keep him from leaving her. She had never said those words to anyone before. Logan paused and turned his head to the side, looking down at his shoulder, then slowly exhaling.

  “If you really meant that, you would have said it in the park. Not now. Not ever again.” He finished, choking out the last words, and closing the door between them.


  Logan stared at the bleak hospital wall as he sat next to his mother’s bed while she slept. He had sent his father home for a few hours to shower and change since he had spent every minute here with his wife for days. He hadn’t slept since before his trip to New York yesterday and his eyes were burning with exhaustion, begging them to close. His brain was playing a cruel trick and replaying his fight with Gina again and again, preventing him from anything even remotely close to restful.

  “Mr. Clay?” A tall, thin doctor with short blonde hair walked into the room carrying a metal clipboard and sporting a white doctor’s coat over his blue scrubs.

  “That’s me.” Logan turned around and stood up, raising his hand and walking toward the doctor.

  “Oh, I was looking for Mr. Mickey Clay?” The doctor looked surprised to see the younger version there instead.

  “That’s my father, he is just at home showering and picking up some stuff for Mom. How’s she doing? Any news?” Logan asked, his jaw tightened preparing for something negative.


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