Wreck My World

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Wreck My World Page 6

by Victoria Ashley

  My heart stops.

  “Whoa.” I look up at my dad’s six-foot-six frame. He’s a huge bear compared to everyone else, but it doesn’t stop me from speaking my mind. “What is that supposed to mean? I thought you filled the position?”

  He laughs and walks back over to his desk to grab a stack of papers to staple them. “I did. It’s Easton’s for as long as he’s here in town. He’s a damn good mechanic and it’ll be a nice change to have someone that actually works around here instead of staring at my daughter all damn day.”

  I swallow and glance over at Easton, who’s standing with his arms crossed. Something about the look on his face tells me he doesn’t like the idea of the guys standing around staring at me either.

  “Don’t we have other qualified mechanics waiting in line for that opening though? That’s not fair to the applicants, and Easton probably hasn’t worked on a bike in years. I need someone who can keep up with me. Especially this morning.”

  My dad stops what he’s doing to turn and look at me. He looks confused by my disapproval and somewhat pissed. “Do you not remember that Easton is the one who taught you everything you know about working on bikes? It seems you have forgotten it wasn’t me. You should be thankful he agreed to help you.”

  Biting my tongue, I walk to the other side of the room and run my hands down my face, fighting to catch my breath. How the hell am I supposed to survive a road trip with Easton when I can barely handle being in the same room with him?

  “I told James you two would be heading out by six-thirty. He said he’d meet you at his ranch at eight. I suggest you hit the road.” He reaches for his jacket and slips into it, giving me a stern look. “I’m going back to bed. I’m trusting the two of you will act like adults and get the job done. Call me when it’s complete.”

  Closing my eyes, I slowly release a breath, giving myself a minute as Easton and my father exit the office together, discussing his new position.

  The last thing I wanted to be reminded of this morning is that Easton was the one who taught me everything I know. A huge part of who I am is because of him. Which is another reason it hurt so bad when he took off. Losing him felt like a part of me went missing, and with the loss of my sister on top of that, I was close to feeling like nothing was left of me.

  I’m trying so damn hard to push away the pain, to avoid the ache him being here brings, but it’s something I can’t control. My only hope of fighting this was to keep my distance from Easton. How the hell am I supposed to do that if he’s working here every day?

  Pretending is the only thing I have left; a façade shielding me from falling and getting hurt by him again.

  Taking another deep breath, I make my way out of the office and outside to the back where Easton’s huge, black truck is now parked next to my bike.

  Memories of the past instantly flash through my mind at just the sight, bringing me back to the days when everything felt right. Back when Quinn was still alive and leaving hadn’t even crossed Easton’s mind yet.

  Holding back my emotions before they can escape, I walk over to where Easton is leaning against the passenger side door.

  Swallowing hard, he pushes away from the truck and opens the door once I stop in front of him. “Get in. I’m driving.”

  I take a second to watch my father drive off before I place my foot on one of the steps and boost myself up and into the lifted truck. “It’s been a while since I’ve been in this thing. I’m surprised you still have it.” I reach for my seatbelt and buckle it, watching as Easton places his hand on the truck and lowers his head in thought.

  “I’ll never be able to get rid of this truck. I still remember the day you and Roman came with me to pick this thing out. You told me one day it would be yours.”

  I let out a small breath and nod, getting choked up at the memory, but I hold it back the best I can. “I did,” I whisper. “You have no idea how badly I wanted it. I was almost sixteen and it was the coolest thing to me at the time.”

  Feeling my emotions take over, I turn away from Easton for a moment and quickly change the subject. “Well… at least now there’s one person I want to choke more than you today.”

  Easton tilts his head up and smiles, nodding for me to continue once I look his direction. “Who’s that? You have no idea how badly I want to hear this.”

  “My father.”

  He laughs, pulling his lip ring between his teeth, catching my attention, before he releases it to speak. “It’ll be fine. You can sleep on the way there. Here…” Grabbing onto his truck for support, he pulls himself up, leaning over me to reach into the back seat. His firm chest smashes against my face, forcing me to inhale the familiar scent of his cologne as he digs around for something.

  It’s a smell I’ve missed a lot more than I’ll ever admit. I always knew when he was around because of that scent, and it never failed to comfort me. The only bad thing about it was that it seemed to be everywhere when he no longer was. It was a painful reminder that no matter how far away he was, I’d never be able to forget him. There would always be something to remind me of Easton Crews, whether it be a scent, an object or someone in my life. Nothing would or could ever erase Easton.

  “Do you mind?” I mouth against his pec muscle, trying my best to convince myself I’m not enjoying the closeness of his hard body when inside I’m secretly savoring every second.

  He stops digging for a moment and looks down at me with a grin spread wide, showing me he’s enjoying this more than he should be. “Not really.” Then, just like that, his chest smashes against my face again, his body halfway in my lap as he goes back to digging.

  I do the only thing I can think of that might get him out of my face so I can breathe again. Grabbing his waist, I bite his nipple, causing him to flex his chest muscles and growl out the sexiest damn sound I’ve ever heard. “I like it rough. And kinky shit might turn me on. So, I’d think twice before doing that again.”

  My whole body heats from his words, causing me to stiffen and release his waist. I’ve always wondered what Easton would be like in bed, and hearing that come out of his mouth has me imagining things I shouldn’t be.

  Clearing my throat, I push him away from me right as he’s pulling a blanket over the seat and throwing it over my lap.

  “There you go.” Looking me over, he winks, and closes the door, before walking over to hop into the driver seat as if he didn’t just tell me something sexual about himself.

  Does he have any clue how my body is reacting to that? God, I hope not.

  He starts the truck and begins backing out of the parking lot. There are so many things I want to say to him, to ask him, but I can’t bring myself to. Anything I say to him could be dangerous for both of us, so instead, I bite my tongue and hold it all in.

  “We’re still going to talk about the other night, but I’ll be nice and let you sleep first. I’ll wake you when we get there.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about… I made a mistake and you stopped me.”

  He doesn’t say anything else, so I lean back in the seat and close my eyes. Within minutes, I find myself snuggling into the warmth of his blanket and dozing off.

  It smells like him, and I’m pretty sure I sniffed it a few times before passing out, because the faint sound of Easton’s laughter filters through the cab, before everything goes black.

  I wake up with wide eyes, scared out of my mind as music blares all around me, making it impossible to think. Heart racing, I grab onto the dashboard with one hand and place the other one over my chest, fighting to catch my breath.

  I almost forgot where I was, until looking over to see Easton singing at the top of his lungs to Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon.

  He’s lucky he’s so damn cute when he sings or I’d punch him in the nuts for almost giving me a heart attack.

  Laughing, he turns the music down and stops the truck, his amber eyes looking me over with amusement as he kills the engine. “We’re here. As promised, I woke you up.”
  Sitting up straight, I toss the blanket at his face, laughing as it drapes over his head and hangs there. “I can’t believe you got me with that shit again.”

  “I can,” he says through the blanket, before grabbing it and tossing it into the back seat. “Works every time. I know you too well, Kota. Never forget that.”

  Fighting my smile, I jump out of the truck, waving to James as I shut the door behind me.

  He looks thankful to see us, and that alone is enough to cool my anger with my father for waking me up so early.

  We’ll only be here for about an hour and then it’s back on the road again, and closer to me getting away from Easton before I lose my mind and let him break down my walls.


  Watching Dakota work on the old Henderson Four makes me wish I had never taught her how to work on bikes all those years ago. Everything about the way she moves with such knowledge and confidence has me completely lost in her, making it difficult to finish my task.

  No wonder all the guys at the shop can’t seem to get any work done with her there. It’s impossible to turn away from her, which makes me hate the idea of her working with a shop full of dudes.

  “There.” She drops her tool and stands up. “Everything is done on my part. How’s it going on your side?”

  I smile and pull my eyes away from Dakota long enough to tighten the last bolt. “I think we’re good.” Standing up, I back away and give Dakota the honor of starting her up. “Go ahead. I know you want to.”

  The satisfied smile on her grease-streaked face as the engine roars to life has me grinning like a fool, completely lost in her world and sharing her happiness. I stare long and hard before she glances back with a small smile, until James comes into the garage, interrupting the moment.

  Dakota crosses her arms and quickly turns away like the moment never happened. As if she can’t show even one bit of happiness around me, and I hate it. I need to change that and fast because I can’t handle the fucking ache in my chest that it causes.

  “Shit, I’ve missed that beautiful sound.” James claps his hands together, before reaching out to shake my hand. “I knew you two would get the job done, and in a quick timeframe. Send my thanks to Kevin for setting this up, would ya?”

  “Sure thing.” I stand back with crossed arms as James approaches Dakota and hands her some cash. He says a few things to her, but all I can focus on is the curve of her lips as she smiles and hands the bike off to him.

  We both stand back and watch as he takes it for a test drive down the driveway, being extra careful with it.

  Dakota waits until James gives her a thumbs up from across the property before she wipes her hands off on her jeans and reaches into my front pocket.

  My dick jerks from the sudden invasion in its space. I grab her hand to stop her from digging for whatever it is she thinks she needs from me. “Whoa. Is there a reason you’re shoving your hand in my pants before you’ve even taken me out on date, Kota?”

  I lift a brow and watch as she pulls my keys from my pocket and dangles them in front of me. “Yeah. I’ve been wanting to drive this bad boy for almost nine years now. You coming, big guy?”

  She knows more than anyone that this truck is my damn baby. I’m the only one who’s been behind that wheel. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Does it look like I’m kidding?” Before I can stop her, she’s taking off toward my truck and reaching for the door handle.

  I hurry to catch up with her, grab her by the waist, and pull her down with force just as she’s about to sit her ass down where no other ass has been but mine since the day I purchased her. “Nope.”

  She turns around to face me, looking up at me with wide eyes. “Are you shitting me, Easton? With all the years you’ve had this thing you still haven’t let anyone else drive it? What’s the fun in that?”

  I slam the door shut and hold my hand against it. “I’ve put a lot of work into my baby. What can I say… I take care of what is mine. A lot of hard work and dedication go into the things I care about the most.”

  I catch sight of her throat as she swallows, and when my eyes return to hers, she holds the keys out and drops them in my hand with an annoyed expression. “I figured you wouldn’t let me have any fun. Gotta keep your eye on Roman’s little sister, right? Let’s just get out of here.”

  I hate it with everything in me when she says shit like that, but what I hate even more is how she said it. She has it all wrong right now. I’d love to let Dakota drive my powerful truck and have some fun, but honestly, I know it’ll only turn me on seeing her handle it like only she can, but it’ll make me want her even more than I already do.

  I’m having a hard enough time as it is not slamming her against my truck and placing my mouth in all the places I’ve wanted to for as long as I can remember. She means far more to me than this damn truck any day of the week, but she’ll never get that.

  “At least take me on a ride through the trails. Unless this new Easton has forgotten how to get dirty and have fun.”

  I lift her and place my hand around her waist, carrying her to the other side of my truck, before setting her back down. I smirk as I open the door, giving her a boost inside. “I think I already proved to you the other day that I still like to get dirty.” I slam the door shut. “I still like to have fun too.”

  When I jump into the truck Dakota is watching me with a smile, as if she’s challenging me. “Show me then.”

  “All right.” I shift the truck into drive and turn up the music. “Just remember, you asked for it. Buckle up, buttercup.”

  She gives me a little scowl from the nickname, but immediately reaches for the seatbelt in a hurry when I step on the gas and take off.

  I drive through the grass, smiling the whole time, until my wheels hit the mud. “Windows up or down? I’m telling you now that if you choose down…” I turn to face her, knowing she’s still watching me. “You’re going to help me give my baby a bath after. A nice thorough one too, so plan on spending the day with me.”

  She turns away as if she’s thinking it over. When she doesn’t make up her mind fast enough, I make it up for her.

  “All right, down it is.”

  Rolling down the windows, I blast the music and take off, wheels spinning in the mud, kicking up sludge.

  When I look over at Dakota, she’s splattered in mud, but she’s smiling and laughing as if she’s having the time of her life.

  I jerk the wheel hard, tires spinning for traction, the truck doing a one-eighty when I press on the gas and the emergency brake at the same time, causing mud to fly everywhere as my tires sink further in.

  It feels good to be having fun with Dakota again after so long. It’s been a while since I’ve allowed my truck to get this muddy and not give a shit, but she’s always had a way of making me forget and just let loose.

  I glance over in her direction when she turns the music down. “Let me try that and I promise I’ll never ask to drive your truck again,” she says when I take off, heading for the muddy hill. “You keep saying no and it only makes me want to be the only other driver even more. We both know this.”

  I laugh and reach over to wipe the mud from her eyelid. “I’m not moving out of this seat, Kota.”

  “Fine. You don’t have to then.” Catching me by surprise, she climbs over the armrest and begins putting her legs in between mine as if she thinks she’s taking over. “Scoot back.”

  I grip her waist with my free hand and look around her head, afraid I’ll end up crashing us into a tree or something. “What the hell are you doing?”

  She pushes my hand off the wheel and takes a seat between my legs, taking over the truck. “What does it look like, genius? Hold on tight.”

  Well damn. I should’ve known she’d find a way to drive this thing one way or another. I’m kind of turned on that she’s taking what she wants, regardless of what she’s told. I’ve always loved her give-no-shit attitude, even if I don’t admit it.

  “Dammit, Kota.” I unbuckle my seatbelt and struggle with wrapping it around both of us as she takes off through the mud, no care in the world that she’s not buckled in.

  She may not give a shit about her safety, but you better damn well believe I do. I care about it more than my own. Have since she was six and I let her ride on the back of my bike. The last thing I’ll ever do is let her get hurt on my watch and she knows it.

  She laughs and slams on the gas, before quickly turning the wheel, doing what I just did moments ago, sliding and spinning through the muddy trail.

  I scream out “fuck yeah” as the mud splatters into the truck, hitting us and getting us both even dirtier than we already are.

  It’s not until she slows down that I take notice of how nice it feels with her sitting on my lap. It seems natural for her to be sitting there. She fits so perfectly.

  Every time she bounces off the seat from the bumpy terrain, I imagine what it would feel like if we were both naked, her hot little body riding my dick… And me moaning into her ear as we make love right here in my truck, us both only wearing the mud we’re covered in.

  In ways, I always thought I’d be her first, and possibly even her only, but things don’t always work out how you want them to. That’s exactly why I left when I did. Some things are out of our hands, no matter how badly you wish you could take control.

  There’s a reason we never ended up together.

  Two reasons to be exact.

  I clench my jaw and fight back the thoughts of wanting to take her right here before I lose my last bit of restraint.

  But as soon as she goes to make a sharp turn, gravity jerks her back until the feel of her ass rubbing against my hard dick has me growling out and grabbing her hips, digging my fingers in.

  I know she can feel how badly I want her right now, but I can’t help myself from pulling her down farther into my lap anyway. It doesn’t matter how damn wrong it is for me to want her this way, because it’s more clear now that even my moral reasoning isn’t enough to make my dick and hands behave when it comes to her.


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